How to identify 2 of the same type camera gphoto2 - libgphoto2

Suppose I have 2 of the exact same type of camera, how would I properly use one as opposed to the other if I don't know which port they're plugged into?
I know you can select a camera by name, but they both have the same name. I know you can select by drive, but I can't know with certainty which port the user plugged the camera(s) into.
That means I have to iterate over the cameras and select the right one based on the summary. Unfortunately, I can't tell that there is a static uniquely identifying property for a camera if it is of the same type as the other connected camera.
If I type gphoto2 --camera-summary I get:
Camera summary:
Manufacturer: Canon Inc.
Model: Canon EOS Rebel T6i
Version: 3-1.0.0
Vendor Extension ID: 0xb (1.0)
Capture Formats: JPEG
Display Formats: Association/Directory, Script, DPOF, MS AVI, MS Wave, JPEG, CRW, Unknown(b103), Unknown(bf02), Defined Type, Unknown(b104), Unknown(b105), Unknown(b982)
Device Capabilities:
File Download, File Deletion, File Upload
No Image Capture, No Open Capture, Canon EOS Capture, Canon EOS Shutter Button
Canon Wifi support
Storage Devices Summary:
StorageDescription: SD
VolumeLabel: None
Storage Type: Removable RAM (memory card)
Filesystemtype: Digital Camera Layout (DCIM)
Access Capability: Read-Write
Maximum Capability: 31902400512 (30424 MB)
Free Space (Bytes): 21192966144 (20211 MB)
Free Space (Images): -1
Device Property Summary:
Model ID(0xd049):(read only) (type=0x6) 2147484563
Property 0xd402:(read only) (type=0xffff) 'Canon EOS Rebel T6i'
Property 0xd407:(read only) (type=0x6) 1
Property 0xd406:(readwrite) (type=0xffff) 'Unknown Initiator'
Property 0xd303:(read only) (type=0x2) 1
Battery Level(0x5001):(read only) (type=0x2) Enumeration [100,0,75,0,50] value: 100% (100)
Which doesn't include a property like Serial Number.
I'd also tried gphoto2 --get-config serialnumber but got an odd result:
Label: Serial Number
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Any help would be awesome, thanks for reading!

As for general with external devices: maybe
lsusb -v
will show you some differences.
Another way would be to compare the output of
udevadm --env
when plugging in the cameras.
A quite simple camera specific solution is to set different owner names with
gphoto2 --set-config ownername=cameraX
and reading it with
gphoto2 --get-config ownername
This possibility depends on the camera model, likely all Canon EOS will support to change 'ownername', cameras from other manufacturers may provide similar individual settings.
If no individual setting aside of iso, shutterspeed etc. is possible, a workaround is to create a folder in the internal memory of the camera. Remove your SD-card and create a folder:
It then can be seen with:
gphoto2 --list-folders

gphoto2 --auto-detect
Helps you to show list all Camera models and ports they are connected to. Then you can iterate over them using command such as:
gphoto2 --camera=Canon\ EOS\ 1100D --port=usb:001,018 --capture-image
Which sends command --capture-image only to camera connected to usb:001,018
Or more general representation:
gphoto2 --camera=$CAMERA --port=$PORT $COMMAND
where $CAMERA and $PORT can be specified from gphoto2 --auto-detect. I've managed to control little under 50 cameras from my PC that way.
You ask how to iterate if you don't know port? You can parse command gphoto2 --auto-detect.


Is it possible in Erlang to use open_port in Windows?

I was given a task for college to implement an elevator's source code for an Arduino UNO with a user interface shield that contains: a 7-Segment display and a total of 8 buttons, one for each floor plus two to control the doors. The floor buttons also have an LED.
The hardware is only for human user input, but the brains is made entirely within Erlang. Before we got to implement this project in hardware, we used a simulation that uses wxWidgets to display the following UI: a window that displays the elevator doors, 6 more windows for each floor, and a window for the internal button array of the elevator. This button array is what I'm trying to implement within an Arduino.
Some code:
Our teacher gave us some confusing notes about the use of erlang:open_port/2 that I can't understand yet. The testing code we're using is the following:
-export([start/1, order/2, loop/1, exit/2]).
start(Port_alias) ->
Port = open_port(Port_alias, []),
Pid = spawn(proUSB, loop, [Port]),
port_connect(Port, Pid),
order(Port,Value) ->
loop(P) ->
{P,{data,A}} ->
io:format("Received: ~p~n", [A]),
{'EXIT',P,_Reason} ->
io:format("Unexpected finalization~n",[]);
exit ->
io:format("Proces finalization~n",[]);
Other -> io:format("Fi ~p~n",[Other])
exit(Pid, Port) ->
As I've understood and successfully tested in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with the code mentioned above, all I have to execute in the Erlang shell is
> {Port, Pid} = proUSB:start("/dev/ttyS6").
This will open the port. I can now send orders to the Arduino USART in the protocol we've designed. To light up the number three in the 7-segment display, we write
> proUSB:order(Port,"D3").
Now, if we press the floor button 1, you can see in the terminal
Received: "B1\n"
Received: "\n"
Received: "B1\n"
Received: "\n"
My question:
If I want to use Windows Powershell to do the same connection to the serial port, my teacher told us to write "COM6" instead of "/dev/ttyS6", but as I have tested, I can't get a connection but I get this error
> {Port, Pid} = proUSB:start("COM6").
** exception exit: einval
What am I missing? If WSL works with "/dev/ttyS6", why shouldn't it work with Windows when I can use the serial port with "RealTerm: Serial Capture Program"?

How can I to transmit at least a "couple of bytes" on the local network (UEFI DXE)

I need to write driver (DXE), that can transmit "couple of bytes" from virtual machine (QEMU) to the host system (OS - Ubuntu). I've read the UEFI_Spec and Guide for developers, but I still don't understand, how to write the code and what protocol should I use (tried to use TCPv4 but can't even LocateHandleBuffer).
EFI_STATUS Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer(ByProtocol, &gEfiTcp4ProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer);
I get:
If somebody can explain me or can show examples of the code, I'll be very grateful. Thanks.
For most network related protocols you first have to use the corresponding "Service Binding Protocol" to get a handle which contains the protocol you are looking for.
Use this steps to access the Tcp4Protocol:
gBS->LocateHandleBuffer(ByProtovol,gEfiTcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleBuffer);
// Loop over the HandleBuffer Array and pick the one you need
gBS->HandleProtocol(HandleBuffer[YourIndex], &gEfiTcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, &Tcp4SBProtocol);
Tcp4SBProtocol->CreateChild(Tcp4SBProtocol, &Tcp4Handle);
gBS->HandleProtocol(Tcp4Handle, &gEfiTcp4ProtocolGuid, &Tcp4Protocol);
To check if a NIC is available you can use:
// This should return EFI_SUCCESS
gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiSimpleNetworkProtocolGuid, NULL, &SimpleNetworkProtocol);
There is a complete code sample for the HttpProtocol inside the Uefi specification (starting at page 1548), the Tcp4Protocol is not very different.

Reboot and stop image booting with C-Kermit

I'm currently using c-kermit with a serial connector to my ARM-Board. So, if I type reboot into the c-kermit connected terminal, the Board reboots. Okay, then I type Space, while it boots, to get into U-Boot. This works fine.
But I want to write a script for it. So, if I execute this script I'm already in the U-boot terminal.
My currently used .kermrc is the following:
set line /dev/ttyUSB3
set speed 115200
set carrier-watch off
set handshake none
set flow-control none
set file type bin
set file name lit
set rec pack 1000
set send pack 1000
set window 5
input "reboot"
input " "
input " "
output instead of input also doesn't work.
Please check, if the below link helps you some how.

Read USB to Serial port Info in Xojo

I am writing a simple code to find the USB to serial port in Windows platform, if the port is what I want (can be filt by VID/PID number), then the program will open the port.
I use MonkeyBread plugin, WinUSBDeviceMBS, with property of VendorID and ProductID, I can select specific USB port. sample code as following.
Dim devices() As WinUSBDeviceMBS = WinUSBDeviceMBS.devices
For Each d As WinUSBDeviceMBS in devices
msgbox d.vendor+"-" + str(Hex(d.VendorID),"0000") + " " +d.product+"-" + str(Hex(d.ProductID),"0000")+d.serialnumber
'this will give you a message box with "FTDI-0403 FT232R USB UART-6001 A60251HV"
Also, with help of Serial.serialport.Name, I can get the COM port name for serial device.
dim i, count as Integer
count = System.SerialPortCount
for i = 0 to count - 1
Msgbox System.SerialPort( i ).Name
'this will popup msgbox with "COM1" or "COM3"... all the valid port number, but no vendor info or product info
But I can't find a method to match those two together. Any ideas?
Assuming you are only using Windows you will need to use the registry to get this information.
You can get a list of all COM ports on the system here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM. Values will be listed according to their type, so a real serial port will show up with a name \Device\Serialn and data COMxx, other devices might be different. If you look here you can find a name you can use to filter which type of device a COM port belongs to, then simply list these in your application.
You can do this in Xojo by using the Declare statement to hook into the API of the Windows DLLs:
Here is a document on the Registry API functions, they will be used as described here, but using the Declare statement mentioned above:

Serial port access in vxworks not working

I am in a need to send data thru serial port in vxworks. I am using the following code. But
it is not working.can anyone point out what went wrong?
int f;
printf("Error opening serial port.");
return 1;
after running this code, no data is comming thru serial port but instead it comes thru
terminal(Tornado shell). The system has two serial devices /tyCo/1 and /tyCo/0. I tried them both, but the problem persists.
Thanks in adavnce
Have you set the baud rate?
if (iocl(m_fd, FIOBAUDRATE, rate )) == ERROR )
//throw error
It is possible that you are using the wrong name for the device, and that Tornado Shell is set to your default device. From
If a matching device name cannot be found, then the I/O function is directed
at a default device. You can set this default device to be any device in the
system, including no device at all, in which case failure to match a device
name returns an error. You can obtain the current default path by using
ioDefPathGet( ). You can set the default path by using ioDefPathSet( ).
The 3rd parameter of "open" command is, if I am not wrong, the mode. I do not really understand what it is needed for in vxworks, except for code comparability with UNIX. In short -try to give some value like 0644 or 0666. I think this will help.
