Create responsive div element - css

I don't know if the title is quite correct, but what I want basically is to create a div element that stays proportional to the resolution of the screen. For example, if the width is 1900px I want that the div have:
width: 1115px;
height: 775px;
But if the width of the page is 1050px I want:
width: 620px;
height: 430px;
What should be my CSS to allow this?
So I want that the width is a percentage of the screen, let's say, and the height is based on the width.

There are two solutions to make the element proportional to the screen, one which depends on your setup.
You can use percentage
width: 20%;
But this only defines a percentage of the parent element, and does not make both your width and height proportional
You can also use viewport units. This defines a percentage of the viewport. If you use viewport width vw you can get a height which is dependent on the width.
height: 10vw; /*10% of viewport width*/
width: 10vw;
You do have to be aware that this is relatively new, so do not forget to check "known issues" on
You can also setup media queries to handle smaller or bigger screens.
#media (max-width: 300px) {/*10% of 300px is very small, so we change it to 90%*/
.selector {
width: 90vw;

Here is the solution, simply you should calculate the desired aspect ratio, i.e. width/height:
Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

You can use CSS media queries, like this:
.selector {
width: 1115px;
heigth: 775px;
#media (max-width: 1050px) {
.selector {
width: 620px;
height: 430px;


Adjust height of image to 100% width without altering aspect ratio

I'm currently working on a project where we use a slider with images. This slider is displayed with width 100%, and currently we're adjusting the height to make the slider responsive, in case the user resizes the browser window or visits the website using their phone.
However, the website is for an artist who obviously does not want the image to be altered in any way, especially not altering with the aspect ratio. So what we're looking into is having height: auto to adjust the image height correctly according to the width: 100%, without altering the image (aspect ratio) itself.
This does not work like intended however, using the following code:
#media (min-width:1600px) {
width: 100%;
min-height: 630px;
background-size: 100% auto;
#slidershadow {
height: 630px;
We need to have some min-height, otherwise we cannot display the slider controls correctly. Here is a picture of our current situation (first image) and the expected behaviour (second picture).
Is there a way to resize our slider responsive, but keeping the following in mind:
The aspect ratio of the image cannot be altered;
We cannot crop images too much (only slightly);
There is a minimum height to keep in mind;
If it helps, all images in the slider have the same size.
You have to give a max-width:100% to your img.
Plus background-size only works when you are working with background-images.
Since you are applying max-width to your img there is no need to apply max-width to its parent #header
Last, but not least try not use min-height and height:auto at same time in the same selector.
Below is a working snippet according to the above comments:
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto
#media (min-width: 1280px) {
#header {
min-height: 500px;
#media (min-width: 1600px) {
#header {
min-height: 630px;
<div id="header">
<img src="" />

Configuring max-height based on percent of screen

I'm using the following CSS to adjust the height of a scroll box:
//max-height: 750px;
max-height: 400px;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
I would like to use 750px, but this is too tall for screens with smaller resolution. 400px works with smaller resolutions, but looks bad on larger screens. Is there a way to specify something like this by percentage? When I try 100%, it breaks my scroll box and uses the entire screen.
One solution would be to use CSS media queries:
#media(max-width:767px){ /* change the max-width to suit your needs */
.scroll {
max-height: 400px;
#media(min-width:768px){ /* change the min-width to suit your needs */
.scroll {
max-height: 750px;
I think you should use JS or create two CSS files - one for PC and second to another small devices.

How to? Min-width, width and max-width (css)

I had my main div set with
However, when the content is not long enough that div will resize to the length of the content. Which makes sense.
So Instead I declared:
But now the div won't resize down when you resizing the window. I tried setting the min-width:
But it still won't resize down passed 600px (on window resize);
So what am I missing? Can I use all 3 width settings together? (min-width,width,max-width)?
If so, how? I am trying to understand the logic.
I want the content to stretch up to 600px, but also resize down on windows resize.
I think you want
width: 600px;
max-width: 100%;
This way, the element will attempt to have a width of 600px. But if the parent isn't wide enough, it will be less.
Just take out the "width: 600px" The div will be 600 px if the browser window is large enough, otherwise it will adjust down to your min width if the browser window is smaller than 600px.
You could use media queries to apply a width for certain screen sizes
.div {
width: 600px;
#media screen and (max-width 600px) {
.div {
width: 100%;

Avoid stretch on image css

I am rendering an image into a div. I want to avoid stretching of my image.
div {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
img {
min-width: 300px;
min-height: 300px;
max-height: 300px;
My problem is that my image's width stretches. I want it to have the regular width even though parts of the image will be missing.
div {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
img {
height: 300px
max-width: none;
min-width: 300px;
You can achieve this with simply adding object-fit: cover;. An example might be like -
img {
height: 300px
width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
I would forget setting the min-height and the max-height. Just set the height to be 300 pixels and put an overflow hidden on the div tag. That way no matter what the image size it will always stay in proportion and never go outside the boundaries of your div tag.
div { height: 300px; width: 300px; overflow: hidden; }
img { height: 300px; }
Put the image as the div background if you want to avoid stretching the easiest way (yet maintain the original width).
To make it more flexible as just using 300px use:
img {
width: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
Height is automatically adjusted
just specify max-width 100% and height :auto
Use max-width instead of min-width, and just set height to 300px (or only use max-height).
You can use overflow:hidden to hide any portion of the image outside of the width of the div.
div {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
img {
/*min-width: 300px;*/
height: 300px;
==>If you are gonna have fixed height and don't want width stretched
div {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
img {
height: 300px
==>If you are gonna have fixed width and don't want height stretched
div {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
img {
width: 300px
After giving the image a fixed height and width, I added object-fit as below:
img {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
object-fit: contain;
To avoid the image from resizing use:
object-fit: none;
More about object-fit
The CSS object-fit property is used to specify how an or
should be resized to fit its container.
This property tells the content to fill the container in a variety of
ways; such as "preserve that aspect ratio" or "stretch up and take up
as much space as possible".
Object-fit Values
fill: this is default. The image is resized to fill the given
dimension. If necessary, the image will be stretched or squished to
contain: the image keeps its aspect ratio, but is resized to fit within the given dimension
cover: the image keeps its aspect ratio and fills the given dimension. The image will be clipped to fit
none: the image is not resized scale-down - the image is scaled down to the smallest version of none or contain.
More info and examples
I'm adding this to expand on the answers given since some of the answers given like adding width:100% height:auto" etc., will still technically stretch Images and/or make them blurry at times. Let me explain.
I work on a lot of eCommerce websites adding products etc and image stretching/blurring is always a problem. Most times, an image scaling down isn't that much of a issue, so the answers given as far as width:100%; height: auto; etc., work just fine. But there are problems when scaling up if the image's container width is larger than the image's native/normal width.
So for example, if you have an image whose width is 100px, and a div container whose width is 200px, if you add a width:100% and height: auto; to your image randomly, this won't technically "stretch" an image, but it will make it look blurry because you are stretching your image past its normal width.
To fix this, one thing i normally do is something like this, assuming on the desktop, that you have an image that you want to show at its 100% native width with no scaling/stretching/blurring whatsoever, I do something like:
margin:0px auto;
width: initial;
height: auto;
which keeps my images at their native width with no scaling whatsoever. But then, when an image is going to be seen on a smaller device, I add the same rule block into a media query and do something like:
#media all and (max-width: 1200px){
What this is effectively saying is "Hey Image, make my image responsive from point A to point B(mobile devices), but once you go from point B to point C (small laptops to desktops where the image fits normally and doesn't need to stretch), make the width equal to its default native width".
Hope this helps. Happy coding everyone.

How can I have flexible css image sizing with max height and width while preserving image aspect ratio, without javascript?

I really thought this would be elsewhere on stack overflow, but I searched fruitlessly for length of time. Forgive me if I missed it.
I have a set of images who need to be made as large as possible (width: 100% to container elem) as long as the container does not grow too wide or the image too tall because of the container width. Aspect ratio needs to be preserved.
I thought I could do this with
img { width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 500px; max-height: 250px; }
The idea was that if the image hit either the max-width or the max-height given the width and the aspect ratio, it would no longer grow. In reality, this causes the image width to size as wide as possible, but breaks the aspect ratio (squishing the image to max-height) when it is too tall, instead of preventing the image from growing wider.
Is there a better way to go about this? I would like to avoid javascript if possible. My tests are in Firefox 9.
A bit old but using top or bottom padding will keep your aspect ratio. Divide height/width and apply that percentage to the padding top or bottom. It can get tricky sometimes but it works.
Here is a good article about it:
You can use media queries to create a stairstep of fixed image sizes, and then go like this:
#media screen and (min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 900px) {
img {
width: 800px;
height: auto;
#media screen and (min-width: 901px) and (max-width: 1100px) {
img {
width: 1000px;
height: auto;
Not very pretty, but it works.
