NHibernate Query slows other queries - asp.net

i'm writing a program in which i use two database queries using NHibernate. First query is a large one - select with two joins (the big SELECT query) whose result is about 50000 records. Query takes about 30 secs. Next step in the program is iterating through these 50000 record and invoking query on each of this records. This query is pretty small COUNT method.
There are two interesting things tough:
If i run the small COUNT query before the big SELECT, the COUNT query takes about 10ms, but if i ran it after the big SELECT query it takes 8-9 seconds. Furthermore, if i reduce the complexity of the big SELECT query i also reduce the time of the COUNT query execution afterwards.
If i ran the the big SELECT query on sql server management studio it takes 1 sec, but from ASP.NET application it takes 30 secs.
SO there are two main questions. Why is the query taking so long to execute in code when its so fast in ssms? Why is the big SELECT query affecting the small COUNT queries afterwards.
I know there are many possible answers to this problem but i have googled a lot and this is what i have tried:
Setting the SET parameters of asp.net application and ssms so they are the same to avoid different query plans
Clearing the ssms cache so the good ssms result is not caused by ssms caching - same 1 second result after the cache clear
The big SELECT query:
var subjects = Query
.FetchMany(x => x.Registrations)
.FetchMany(x => x.Aliases)
.Where(x => x.InvalidationDate == null)
The small COUNT query:
Query.Count(x => debtorIRNs.Contains(x.DebtorIRN.CodIRN) && x.CurrentAmount > 0 && !x.ArchivationDate.HasValue && x.InvalidationDate == null);

As it turned out the above mentioned FatchMany's were inevitable for the program so i couldn't just skip. The first significant improvement i achieved was turning off the loggs of the application (as i mentioned the above code is just a fragment). Performance without logs were about a half faster. But still it took considerable amount of time. SO i decided to avoid using NHibernate for this query and wrote plain sqlQuery to data reader, which i than parsed into my object's. I was able to reduce the execution time from 2.5 days (50000 * 4 sec -> number of small queries * former execution time of one small query) to 8 minutes.


Why does adding this line to a Select slow down SQL drastically?

I have a fairly complicated query that uses a bunch of tables. It usually takes ~17 seconds to return all records (though it is usually filtered). One of the fields it returns is CAT.OLD_CODE. When I replace that field with NVL(CAT.OLD_CODE,(CASE WHEN ISS.WHDEF_CODE = 'SCRAP' THEN 'SCRAP' ELSE 'QH/PH/CUST' END)) the query takes forever (I haven't let sql developer run it long enough to get just the first 50 rows yet). ISS.WHDEF_CODE is already in the select statement, and both CAT and ISS are outer joined to the main body of the query. I'm using the command in a crystal report, and currently doing the filtering there, but I'm just curious why the CASE statement takes so long (just using NVL has no appreciable impact on performance). I've noticed this before when using string operations in select statements, but this seems to just be a simple comparison.

MongoTemplate Limit query issue

I am using MongoTemplate to execute my Mongo queries.
I wanted to know if count works with limit set?
Also why find query searches full collection (according to query) although limit is set?
For e.g. the query i wrote might result in having 10000 records, but i want only 100 records and for that i have set limit to 100 and then fired find query. But still query goes on to search full 10000 records.
List<logs> logResultsTemp = mongoTemplate1.find(dataQuery, logs.class);
Is their any limitations in using limit command?
Limit works fine (at least on spring data version 1.2.1 that I use). Perhaps it was a problem on your your version?
About count, there is a specific method to get your collection count, so you don't need to care about the amount of data that your system will fetch:
mongoTemplate.count(new Query(), MyCollection.class)
Btw, if you try this directly on your mongodb console: db.myCollection.limit(1).count() you will get the actual total of documents in your collection, not only one. An so it is for the mongoTemplate.count method, so:
mongoTemplate.count(new Query().limit(1), MyCollection.class)
will work the same way.

How Optimize sql query make it faster

I have a very simple small database, 2 of tables are:
Node (Node_ID, Node_name, Node_Date) : Node_ID is primary key
Citation (Origin_Id, Target_Id) : PRIMARY KEY (Origin_Id, Target_Id) each is FK in Node
Now I write a query that first find all citations that their Origin_Id has a specific date and then I want to know what are the target dates of these records.
I'm using sqlite in python the Node table has 3000 record and Citation has 9000 records,
and my query is like this in a function:
def cited_years_list(self, date):
c.execute("""select n.Node_Date,count(*) from Node n INNER JOIN
(select c.Origin_Id AS Origin_Id, c.Target_Id AS Target_Id, n.Node_Date AS
Date from CITATION c INNER JOIN NODE n ON c.Origin_Id=n.Node_Id where
CAST(n.Node_Date as INT)={0}) VW ON VW.Target_Id=n.Node_Id
GROUP BY n.Node_Date;""".format(date))
print('Cited Years are : \n ',str(cited_years))
except Exception as e:
print('Cited Years retrival failed ',e)
return cited_years
Then I call this function for some specific years, But it's crazy slowwwwwwwww :( (around 1 min for a specific year)
Although my query works fine, it is slow. would you please give me a suggestion to make it faster? I'd appreciate any idea about optimizing this query :)
I also should mention that I have indices on Origin_Id and Target_Id, so the inner join should be pretty fast, but it's not!!!
If this script runs over a period of time, you may consider loading the database into memory. Since you seem to be coding in python, there is a connection function called connection.backup that can backup an entire database into memory. Since memory is much faster than disk, this should increase speed. Of course, this doesn''t do anything to optimize the statement itself, since I don't have enough of the code to evaluate what it is you are doing with the code.
Instead of COUNT(*) use MAX(n.Node_Date)
SQLite doesn't keep a counter on number of tables like mysql does but instead it scans all your rows everytime you call COUNT meaning extremely slow.. yet you can use MAX() to fix that problem.

Why does this query timeout? V2

This question is a followup to This Question
The solution, clearing the execution plan cache seemed to work at the time, but i've been running into the same problem over and over again, and clearing the cache no longer seems to help. There must be a deeper problem here.
I've discovered that if I remove the .Distinct() from the query, it returns rows (with duplicates) in about 2 seconds. However, with the .Distinct() it takes upwards of 4 minutes to complete. There are a lot of rows in the tables, and some of the where clause fields do not have indexes. However, the number of records returned is fairly small (a few dozen at most).
The confusing part about it is that if I get the SQL generated by the Linq query, via Linqpad, then execute that code as SQL or in SQL Management Studio (including the DISTINCT) it executes in about 3 seconds.
What is the difference between the Linq query and the executed SQL?
I have a short term workaround, and that's to return the set without .Distinct() as a List, then using .Distinct on the list, this takes about 2 seconds. However, I don't like doing SQL Server work on the web server.
I want to understand WHY the Distinct is 2 orders of magnitude slower in Linq, but not SQL.
When executing the code via Linq, the sql profiler shows this code, which is basically identical query.
sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT [t5].[AccountGroupID], [t5].[AccountGroup]
AS [AccountGroup1]
FROM [dbo].[TransmittalDetail] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[TransmittalHeader] AS [t1] ON [t1].[TransmittalHeaderID] =
INNER JOIN [dbo].[LineItem] AS [t2] ON [t2].[LineItemID] = [t0].[LineItemID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountType] AS [t3] ON [t3].[AccountTypeID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountCategory] AS [t4] ON [t4].[AccountCategoryID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountGroup] AS [t5] ON [t5].[AccountGroupID] =
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[AccountSummary] AS [t6] ON [t6].[AccountSummaryID] =
WHERE ([t1].[TransmittalEntityID] = #p0) AND ([t1].[DateRangeBeginTimeID] = #p1) AND
([t1].[ScenarioID] = #p2) AND ([t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3)',N'#p0 int,#p1 int,
#p2 int,#p3 int',#p0=196,#p1=20100101,#p2=2,#p3=0
The only difference between the queries is that Linq executes it with sp_executesql and SSMS does not, otherwise the query is identical.
I have tried various Transaction Isolation levels to no avail. I've also set ARITHABORT to try to force a recompile when it executes, and no difference.
The bad plan is most likely the result of parameter sniffing: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/queryoptteam/archive/2006/03/31/565991.aspx
Unfortunately there is not really any good universal way (that I know of) to avoid that with L2S. context.ExecuteCommand("sp_recompile ...") would be an ugly but possible workaround if the query is not executed very frequently.
Changing the query around slightly to force a recompile might be another one.
Moving parts (or all) of the query into a view*, function*, or stored procedure* DB-side would be yet another workaround.
 * = where you can use local params (func/proc) or optimizer hints (all three) to force a 'good' plan
Btw, have you tried to update statistics for the tables involved? SQL Server's auto update statistics doesn't always do the job, so unless you have a scheduled job to do that it might be worth considering scripting and scheduling update statistics... ...tweaking up and down the sample size as needed can also help.
There may be ways to solve the issue by adding* (or dropping*) the right indexes on the tables involved, but without knowing the underlying db schema, table size, data distribution etc that is a bit difficult to give any more specific advice on...
 * = Missing and/or overlapping/redundant indexes can both lead to bad execution plans.
The SQL that Linqpad gives you may not be exactly what is being sent to the DB.
Here's what I would suggest:
Run SQL Profiler against the DB while you execute the query. Find the statement which corresponds to your query
Paste the whole statment into SSMS, and enable the "Show Actual Execution Plan" option.
Post the resulting plan here for people to dissect.
Key things to look for:
Table Scans, which usually imply that an index is missing
Wide arrows in the graphical plan, indicating lots of intermediary rows being processed.
If you're using SQL 2008, viewing the plan will often tell you if there are any indexes missing which should be added to speed up the query.
Also, are you executing against a DB which is under load from other users?
At first glance there's a lot of joins, but I can only see one thing to reduce the number right away w/out having the schema in front of me...it doesn't look like you need AccountSummary.
[t6].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
could be
[t5].[AccountSummaryID] = #p3
Return values are from the [t5] table. [t6] is only used filter on that one parameter which looks like it is the Foreign Key from t5 to t6, so it is present in [t5]. Therefore, you can remove the join to [t6] altogether. Or am I missing something?
Are you sure you want to use LEFT OUTER JOIN here? This query looks like it should probably be using INNER JOINs, especially because you are taking the columns that are potentially NULL and then doing a distinct on it.
Check that you have the same Transaction Isolation level between your SSMS session and your application. That's the biggest culprit I've seen for large performance discrepancies between identical queries.
Also, there are different connection properties in use when you work through SSMS than when executing the query from your application or from LinqPad. Do some checks into the Connection properties of your SSMS connection and the connection from your application and you should see the differences. All other things being equal, that could be the difference. Keep in mind that you are executing the query through two different applications that can have two different configurations and could even be using two different database drivers. If the queries are the same then that would be only differences I can see.
On a side note if you are hand-crafting the SQL, you may try moving the conditions from the WHERE clause into the appropriate JOIN clauses. This actually changes how SQL Server executes the query and can produce a more efficient execution plan. I've seen cases where moving the filters from the WHERE clause into the JOINs caused SQL Server to filter the table earlier in the execution plan and significantly changed the execution time.

The question about the basics of LINQ to SQL

I just started learning LINQ to SQL, and so far I'm impressed with the easy of use and good performance.
I used to think that when doing LINQ queries like
from Customer in DB.Customers where Customer.Age > 30 select Customer
LINQ gets all customers from the database ("SELECT * FROM Customers"), moves them to the Customers array and then makes a search in that Array using .NET methods. This is very inefficient, what if there are hundreds of thousands of customers in the database? Making such big SELECT queries would kill the web application.
Now after experiencing how actually fast LINQ to SQL is, I start to suspect that when doing that query I just wrote, LINQ somehow converts it to a SQL Query string
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Age > 30
And only when necessary it will run the query.
So my question is: am I right? And when is the query actually run?
The reason why I'm asking is not only because I want to understand how it works in order to build good optimized applications, but because I came across the following problem.
I have 2 tables, one of them is Books, the other has information on how many books were sold on certain days. My goal is to select books that had at least 50 sales/day in past 10 days. It's done with this simple query:
from Book in DB.Books where (from Sale in DB.Sales where Sale.SalesAmount >= 50 && Sale.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) select Sale.BookID).Contains(Book.ID) select Book
The point is, I have to use the checking part in several queries and I decided to create an array with IDs of all popular books:
var popularBooksIDs = from Sale in DB.Sales where Sale.SalesAmount >= 50 && Sale.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10) select Sale.BookID;
BUT when I try to do the query now:
from Book in DB.Books where popularBooksIDs.Contains(Book.ID) select Book
It doesn't work! That's why I think that we can't use thins kinds of shortcuts in LINQ to SQL queries, like we can't use them in real SQL. We have to create straightforward queries, am I right?
You are correct. LINQ to SQL does create the actual SQL to retrieve your results.
As for your shortcuts, there are ways to work around the limitations:
var popularBooksIds = DB.Sales
.Where(s => s.SalesAmount >= 50
&& s.DateOfSale >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10))
.Select(s => s.Id)
// Actually should work.
// Forces the table into memory and then uses LINQ to Objects for the query
var popularBooksSelect = DB.Books
.Where(b => popularBooksIds.Contains(b.Id));
Yes, query gets translated to a SQL string, and the underlying SQL can be different depending on what you are trying to do... so you have to be careful in that regard. Checkout a tool called linqpad, you can try your query in it and see the executing SQL.
Also, it runs when iterating through the collection or calling a method on it like ToList().
Entity framework or linq queries can be tricky sometimes. Sometimes you are surprised at the efficiency of the sql query generated and sometimes the query is so complicated and inefficient that you would smack your forehead.
Best idea is that if you have any suspicions about a query, run an sql profiler at the backend that would monitor all the queries coming in. That way you know exactly what is being passed on to the sql server and correct any inefficiencies if need be.
This will help you to see what and when queries are being run. Also, Damiens blog is full of other linq to sql goodness.
You can generate an EXISTS clause by using the .Any method. I have had more success that way than trying to generate IN clauses, because it likes to retrieve all the data and pass it all back in as parameters to a query
In linq to sql, IQueryable expression fragments can be combined to create a single query, it will try to keep everything as an IQueryable for as long as it can, before you do something that cannot be expressed in SQL. When you call ToList you are directly asking it to resolve that query into an IEnumerable stored in memory.
In most cases you are better off not selecting the book ids in advance. Keep the fragment for popular books in a single place in the code and use it when necessary, to build on another query. An IQueryable is just an expression tree, which is resolved into SQL at some other point.
If you think your application will perform better by storing the popular books elsewhere (memcache or whatever), then you may consider pulling them out before hand, and checking against that later. This will mean each book id will be passed in as a sproc parameter and used in an IN clause.
