WooCommerce - Apply coupon of discounts of a given payment method - woocommerce

I'm integrating a solution with WooCommerce where a coupon of discount is given depending on the payment method that customer chooses. So, to do it, the coupon needs to be created/applyed in checkout page, when customer is selecting the payment method he wants.
Is it possible? How should I do this?

There are 2 free plugins that allow you to set discount codes based on payment methods:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-auto-added-coupons/ - With over 5K+ active installs, this one seems to be the right choice.
https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-payment-discounts/ - Although this one has 3K+ active installs, it is specifically meant to give discounts based on payment methods. So this does exactly what you are looking for.
Try out both plugins, preferrably 2nd one first.


WooCommerce updating the shipping method depending on the shipping choice field changes

In my online store, there are sevral shipping methods. I added a plugin for distance delivery (Boxtal Connect)
I would like to be able to autorefresh total amount when a new shipping method is chose on the checkout page.
I think the selector is name=shipping_method[0] and the trigger is jQuery('body').trigger('update_checkout',
I would like to find an code to add on my child function.php to do it.
In fact it works well on the cart page and I think it is a native woocommerce function.
Thanks for you help

How do I get order information from the woocommerce payment screen?

Hi i want to woocommerce checkout page get woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table.
How do I get all the information for that order? The important thing is to be sensitive to situations such as VAT, cargo. I just need information.
You can get all the details of the products you've added into cart on checkout page. Please check if you've added tax(VAT) and shipping (CARGO) class to each product from your WP admin.
Here you can refer WC tax rate docs and you can see here to assign products a tax classes.
Similarly, you supposed to create and assign shipping zones and it's rates as well. You can find docs for creating shipping zone from here
You can find many tutorials to set shipping for your desire requirements however, here is the one for quick reference. WooCommerce Shipping Methods
Hope this may help you in your requirements!
Be noted you can't get order information before you placed order successfully. I answer you based on understanding that your need information of tax, shipping cost on checkout page.

How can I ensure that only one instance of any product in woocommerce is sold?

I've been looking for an answer to this. Client has a woocommerce shop that will only ever have one of each product. What I need to accomplish is that when a product is added to their cart, the item is unavailable for anyone else to add the same product to a cart. I've tried the old plugin but it breaks portions of the front end, I've tried using several similar solutions I've found here, but nothing seems to do the trick. The plugin also made inventory management on the backend a total nightmare.
So, to walk you through, user A adds product A to cart. User B tries to add this product to cart but woocommerce says its sold out currently to user B. User A can checkout with product A or if user A closes the browser, woocommerce waits one minute and then puts product A back in stock so person B can then add product A to their cart.
I've been searching for this and have come up with nothing from here and some company claiming they can but it's done case by case and they want to handcode it aka very expensive to do.
Please, help!
Just an opinion here so maybe I am wrong, but woo commerce uses stock counts in the backend, so if this is set to 1, then there can only ever be one that can go through the checkout process unless cancelled.
The functionality to reduce that stock count to 0 whilst a user has that item in their basket (or just viewing the checkout page) is not feasible as they have not purchased, at that stage it is just showing intent to purchase.
As you mentioned, that functionality is possible, it wouldn't be pretty, but possible and not something that is available by default in the plugin. Development of such functionality would be needed, and you're right probably quite expensive for development time.

WooCommerce add delivery date as hidden product in checkout (Third party payment gateway)

Im developing an e-commerce site with wordpress and woocommerce 2.1. Im using a third party payment gateway (Klarna Checkout) which doesn't offer the customer to specify a delivery date/time. I need to make this feature available but the problem is that the gateway only sends the order-meta from their form, which doesn't offer a date field, when the order is completed. In other words, the standard checkout fields in woocommerce won't be passed to the final order.
My idea of solution is to add a hidden free product called Time, with variations for different time spans, on the checkout page and automatically add this product(with selected variation) to the cart when a customer selects a variation. The specified time would then show as a ordered product when viewing the order in wordpress. How could i do this?
If anyone has a better idea of how to solve this problem feel free to contribute :)
Try this free plugin that adds a delivery date on the checkout page: http://wordpress.org/plugins/order-delivery-date-for-woocommerce/

Add option to add extra fees to Ubercart checkout?

I have a Drupal website with the UBERCART module to accept donations in the form of adopting a book in my library. I need to add an option in the cart page before the checkout to add an entry to the cart with the value of 3% of the total order to cover the payment transaction fees.
It could be a check box that says..
[_] I wish to add 3% to cover the online transfer fees.
Any Ideas of how to implement this? Thanks
I'm not sure how to set up an optional fee, but for required fees, this module will do it:
Unfortunately there seems to be no version for Drupal 7 yet.
Also, it's a little quirky in some ways...for example, if you want to create a fee to be applied to all products of a particular class, by default that fee gets applied at the cart level, meaning that that a long as the cart contains at least one product of the type you specified when creating the conditional action, the fee will be applied to the other products in the cart as well. If the fee only should be applied once per order then you can just set Max Applications to zero, otherwise...
The process to apply a fee to each product in the cart of a particular class is as follows:
Create a fee at Store administration > Fees with a price of zero
Click the "conditions" link next to the fee (again, from Store administration > Fees) and say the cart needs to contain at least one product of your desired class
Go to Store administration > Products > Manage classes, click "edit" for your desired class, go to the Fees tab and override the price to be whatever the fee should be.
Create products of that class. If your products are already created, it appears you need to edit each already-existing product and override the fee there (on the Fees tab); unfortunately the product-class override only appears to apply to products created after the setting was changed.
I realise it's a long time since this question was posted, but it came up in search when I was trying to solve a similar problem. Since it hasn't been satisfactorily answered after all this time, I thought I'd share the solution I found for my own problem.
There is some sample module code here:
I created my own module with this code to allow customers to specify if they live in a rural area. If they check the box, a $5 rural delivery fee is added to the cost of their order. The label on the checkbox and the value of the fee can be set by changing the code in the module.
The scenario asked here would need some additional coding to calculate the 3% fee based on the value of the order, which shouldn't be too hard to achieve.
if you are using drupal 6 then visit these link in your site
Administer -> Store administration -> Configuration -> Shipping quote settings
then visit the "quote method" where you can define your shipping quote setting
once you understand the method for creating shipping charges, you can apply whatever shipping rate you want to charge.
