I am having difficulty trying to get labels on my parcoord() plot. If I do :
parcoord(cbind(data1,data2), col=1, lty=1)
axis(2, at=c(6,9,10), labels=c("this","should","bealabel"))
I do not get labels the left hand side of the plot. How do I fix this?
Because y-axis has been rescaled to [0,1]. Simply try axis(2) to see what the default axis is. Therefore, when you do at = c(6, 9, 10), that is beyond the range hence not displayed. Here is a solution:
y <- c(6, 9, 10)
pos <- (y - min(y)) / diff(range(y)) ## rescaling
parcoord(cbind(data1,data2), col=1, lty=1)
axis(2, at=pos, labels=c("this","should","bealabel"))
I'm trying to reproduce the plot of the image using this code in R:
N = 1:100
r = 1
K = 1
r1 = list(r*N*(1 - (N/K)))
plot(N, r1[[1]])
but negative values appear on the graph. What am I doing wrong or how can I graph the image?
Thanks in advance
You could use the curve function, which is designed for drawing function curves. In this way, you avoid the detour of generating values in advance.
For the basic curve you just need to code your varying variable N as x:
curve(expr=r*x*(1 - (x/K)), from=1, to=100)
To completely reproduce the plot, we open the R graphics toolbox a little further.
op <- par(mar=c(4, 8, 2, 5)) ## set margins
curve(r*x*(1 - (x/K)), 1, 100,
xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
axes=FALSE, xaxs="i", yaxs="i",
ylim=c(-8e3, 3e3), lwd=2)
axis(2, labels=FALSE, lwd.ticks=0)
text(max(N), -5e3*1.05, "N", font=8, xpd=TRUE)
mtext("r", 2, .5, at=0, las=1, font=8)
mtext("Growth rate", 2, .5, at=2e3, las=1, font=6, cex=1.5)
## for the "K" tick and label in the plot, we need to solve the equation
## to get the intersect with our abitrary x axis at -5e3
f <- function(x, y) r*x*(1 - (x/K)) - y
x.val <- uniroot(f, y=-5e3, lower=0, upper=1000)$root
## and insert the solution as x.value
axis(1, x.val, labels=FALSE, pos=-5e3)
text(x.val, -5e3*1.1, "K", font=8, xpd=TRUE)
par(op) ## reset margins
If you have a look at r1, you'll see that the data are plotted correctly. The values begin at zero and decrease.
If you simply wanted to shift the data for a quick visualization, you can add a scale factor:
#add a scale factor - all values positive
plot(N, r2)
#add a scale factor - span y = 0
plot(N, r3)
Add annotation to the plot:
abline(h=0, col="black") #add line at zero
text(65, -600, "K", cex=1.5, col="black") #add text
I'm trying to use R to do a barplot. Values I'm plotting range from 0 to 5.0, but are decimal values (such as 4.87) so I don't want to just use the default Y axis, because it just goes up in increments of 1.
I've created a custom Y axis, which works, but if I set the maximum value greater than about 4.5, it cuts off the tickmark at the top of the axis. This looks untidy so I want a way to ensure this tickmark will always appear, but I don't want to shorten my axis as it looks stupid if I do this.
My R code is as follows:
# Bar plot of mean SUS question scores
main="Mean SUS Question Scores",
#names=c("q1", "q2", "q3","q4","q5","q6","q7","q8","q9","q10"),
axis(2, cex.axis="0.8", at=seq(0, 5, 0.5)) # Create custom Y axis
mtext(text="Mean Score", side=2, line=2, cex=0.8)
mtext(text="Question", side=1, line=2, cex=0.8)
The bar plot that this produces looks like this:
As you can see from the picture, the top tickmark is missing.
How can I get this top tickmark to appear?
barplot generates the image height based on the data. The range of your manual y-axis is considerably larger than the plot area and is thus cut off.
The easiest way to solve the issue in your specific case is to add an yaxp = c(0, 5, 11) to barplot instead of yaxt = "n" and axis.
A self-contained example:
# Bad
x <- 1:5
barplot(x, yaxt = "n") #, add = TRUE)
axis(2, at = seq(0, 6, 2)) # Create custom Y axis
# Good
barplot(x, yaxp = c(0, 6, 2))
I have two variables, x and y
x = runif(8, 0, runif(1, 1, 5))
y = x^2
that I want to plot. Note that the range of x (and hence y=x^2) is not always the same.
So, the command
plot(x, y, pch=19, col='red')
However, I don't want the borders around the graph, so I use the bty='n' parameter for plot:
plot(x, y, pch=19, col='red', bty='n')
which produces
This is a bit unfortunate, imho, since I'd like the y-axis to go all the way up to 4 and the x-axis all the way to 2.
So, I ue the xaxp and yaxp parameters in the plot command:
plot(x, y, pch=19, col='red', bty='n',
floor (min(x)),
floor (min(y)),
which produces
This is a bit better, but it still doesn't show the full range. Also, I thought it nice that the default axis labaling uses steps that were like 1,2,3,4 or 0.5,1,1.5,2, not just some arbitrary fractions.
I guess R has some parameter or mechanism to plot the full range in the axis in a "humanly" fashion (0.5,1,1.5 ...) but I didn't find it. So, what could I try?
plot(x, y, pch=19, col='red', bty='n', xlim=c(min(x),max(x)),
ylim=c(min(y),max(y)), axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=seq(floor(min(x)), ceiling(max(x)), 0.5))
axis(2, at=seq(floor(min(y)), ceiling(max(y)), 0.5))
Or if you'd prefer to hard-code those axis ranges:
axis(1, at=seq(0, 2, 0.5))
axis(2, at=seq(0, 4, 0.5))
Is that what you were after?
I would like to make a plot with 4 axes in R so that it looks similar to this plot:
I've looked at the Quick-R website for advice and modified one of their examples (called A Silly Axis Example):
# specify the data
x <- c(1:5); y <- x/2;
w <- c(2:4)
z <- c(1:5)
# create extra margin room on the right for an axis
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 8) + 0.1)
# plot x vs. y
plot(x, y,type="b", pch=21, col="red",
yaxt="n", lty=3, xlab="", ylab="")
# add x vs. 1/x
lines(x, z, type="b", pch=22, col="blue", lty=2)
# draw an axis on the left
axis(2, at=x,labels=x, col.axis="red", las=2)
# draw an axis on the right, with smaller text and ticks
axis(4, at=w,labels=round(w,digits=2),
col.axis="blue", las=2, cex.axis=0.7, tck=-.01)
# draw an axis on the top
axis(3, at=z,labels=round(z,digits=2),
col.axis="blue", las=2, cex.axis=0.7, tck=-.01)
# add a title for the right axis
mtext("L", side=3, line=3, cex.lab=1,las=2, col="blue")
# add a title for the right axis
mtext("OSR", side=4, line=3, cex.lab=1,las=2, col="red")
# add a main title and bottom and left axis labels
title("", xlab="GSI", ylab="FSI")
This code produces the following plot:
I'm having difficulty figuring out how different axes can have different scales. For example, I want the top axis L, to go from 5 - 13, but if I set z <-c(5:13) it will not set the axis to these values. However, I can overwrite what the labels are:
axis(3, at=z,labels=round(c(9:13),digits=2), col.axis="blue",
las=2, cex.axis=0.7, tck=-.01)
but then if I want to plot a point with these four parameters, the point will not show up in the correct place. How should I do this?
One (perhaps cumbersome) option would be to write conversion functions that transform values between your two scales. Assuming you know the data ranges for both the top and bottom axes ahead of time, you could write a function like this:
convertScaleToBottom <- function(x,botRange,topRange){
temp <- (x - topRange[1]) / (topRange[2] - topRange[1])
return(botRange[1] + (temp * (botRange[2] - botRange[1])))
that takes a set of values, x, in the top axis scale and converts them to the bottom axis scale. Then you can plot the converted values and retain the originals as the labels:
z1 <- 5:13
z1Adj <- convertScaleToBottom(z1,range(x),range(z1))
# draw an axis on the top
axis(3, at=z1Adj,labels=round(z1,digits=2),
col.axis="blue", las=2, cex.axis=0.7, tck=-.01)
This method is easily modified to reverse the order of the top axis:
convertScaleToBottomRev <- function(x,botRange,topRange){
temp <- (x - topRange[1]) / (topRange[2] - topRange[1])
return(botRange[2] - (temp * (botRange[2] - botRange[1])))
I'm trying to add some text to the right hand side of a horizontal barplot at the same heights as each bar, however, both text() and axis() don't seem to plot this at the heights corresponding to each bar.
Here's a similar barplot
x <- runif(10, 0,1)
y <- matrix(c(x, 1-x), nrow=2, ncol=10, byrow=TRUE)
barplot(y, horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, names.arg=seq(1,10,1), las=1, xlim=c(0, 1.2))
Neither of these two options align properly, how does the scaling work here?
axis(4, at=seq(1,10,1), labels=seq(1,10,1))
text(1.1, seq(1,10,1), labels=seq(1, 10, 1))
By chacking the documentation of barplot, you can see that it has an invisible return value: the midpoints of the bars. You can use those to add additional information to the plot.
x <- runif(10, 0,1)
y <- matrix(c(x, 1-x), nrow=2, ncol=10, byrow=TRUE)
bp <- barplot(y, horiz=TRUE, beside=FALSE, names.arg=seq(1,10,1), las=1,
xlim=c(0, 1.2))
text(x, bp, signif(x,2), pos=4)