for example:
name 'my_nagios'
version '2.0.7'
depends 'nagios', '~> 7.2.6'
depends 'nrpe', '~> 1.5.2'
recommends 'python', '~> 1.4.6'
now, I did a little change to my_nagios cookbook and I only want to update itself without dependencies such as nagios, nrpe, python, etc. as I am sure that I don't need upgrade dependency cookbook's version.
the following command will return "Resolving cookbook dependencies...", and there is no changes to berksfiel.lock. If I remove the parameters "-o my_nagios", it will update berksfile.lock with all its dependencies.
berks update my_nagios -o my_nagios
In summary, how to berks update [cookbook] without updating its dependencies?
Any help will be much appreciated.
p.s. I used Google, but can't find the answer.
You can lock your dependencies to specific versions:
depends 'nagios', '7.2.6'
depends 'nrpe', '1.5.2'
recommends 'python', '1.4.6'
It isn't best idea, unless upstream cookbooks doesn't follow semver. ~> means, only bug fix releases should be applied (if maintainer follows semver).
I tried to upgrade from Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6 to 4.0.0 final version for my Rails 5 project, I'm sure the v4.0.0 gem has been installed (I also uninstalled the alpha version gem), but when I run my project (dev mode), I found the generated Bootstrap CSS files are still based on the Alpha version.
gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.0.0'
Other than uninstalling the old gem and install the new bootstrap gem, do I need to do anything else for the upgrade? Download the physical v4.0.0 files and replace the old files in my project?
You can have look at this article:
How to update a single gem conservatively
Option 1
This will work if all dependencies for the update are already satisfied.
Find out the version you want to update to
Change it directly in Gemfile.lock
Run bundle install and see if that worked
Option 2
This will work if the gem has no shared dependencies with other gems.
Find out the version you want to update to.
Add that version explicitly to the Gemfile with , '=1.2.3'
Run bundle install
Remove the explicit version number again
Run bundle install once more
Option 3
This should always work.
Run bundle update GEMNAME
Run git diff Gemfile.lock and notice all the updates you didn't want
Revert the unwanted changes to Gemfile.lock you don't want (manually or by staging changed lines one-by-one), leaving only the desired updates.
Run bundle install and see if that worked
Option 4
There are persistent rumors that you can update a single gem by calling bundle update --source GEMNAME. However no one seems to know how and why this works, it's not a documented feature of Bundler. It might be an unintended side effect of something else.
I believe this command will try to update GEMNAME and GEMNAME only. If this leads to unmatched dependencies to other locked gems, it will fail.
If you use this option, be sure to git diff your Gemfile.lock to see if the changes are what you expected.
Option 5
Bundler >= 1.14 has a --conservative flag. Using the conservative flag allows bundle update GEM to update the version of GEM, but prevents Bundler from updating the versions of any of the gems that GEM depends on.
Credits To Author: Henning Koch
Try to keep Ruby dependencies in your Gemfile and JS/CSS ones elsewhere. Node+Yarn is a good way to do that.
If not already there
brew install yarn
Then in config/initializers/assets.rb
Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('node_modules')
Now you can do this in your console:
yarn add bootstrap
It should have create a node-modules directory if not already there.
Then just add bootstrap to your JS/SCSS files
//= require bootstrap/js/src/index
#import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
I'm developing a Meteor app that isn't yet in production, so I can afford to move quickly when adopting new package versions (useraccounts had a significant version bump a few hours after I'd integrated it, for instance.) This was what I thought meteor update was meant to accomplish. Yet when I run:
meteor update
from my project, I'm told that packages were updated but .meteor/versions remains unchanged.
I can upgrade the package by running meteor add someone:package#whatever, but this just shuffles the version dependency from .meteor/versions to .meteor/packages even though it seems to do the upgrade. I'm happy to lock versions down when I go to production, but it seems like in development I should be able to use the update command, especially as meteor list indicates that as a next step.
I've managed to upgrade all my packages by removing .meteor/versions and .meteor/local and running meteor update, but this seems messy.
I also found this issue but it was closed. Should it be reopened or should I open a new issue? I understand how semver works, but I think the issue is that Meteor isn't writing its constraint solver results to .meteor/versions so doesn't realize that package updates have been applied. Is that accurate or am I just misunderstanding something?
now u can simply do
meteor update --all-packages
Expanding on previous answers, you can update all packages with this:
grep -ve '^#' .meteor/packages | xargs meteor update
For the time being it looks like that you have 2 options for packages which have updates you wish to use:
remove and add the package of concern via meteor remove provider:package_name and meteor add provider:package_name
update packages with their specific version manually via meteor add provider:package_name#X.X.X
Meteor won't update packages unless you remove and add them #2500
You can also use meteor update provider:package_name
Easiest way is to delete the contents of .meteor/versions and then save. Next time you run meteor it will update all packages to the latest version.
Just tiny addition to #Meteorpoly answer:
You can also edit package version in .meteor/versions file manually and meteor will pick it up on next/current run
From Meteor docs: meteor update --packages-only
This command will update all the packages which are not built locally, has an update available and is also compatible with the meteor version you are using.
It seems that now
meteor update
is enough to update all packages
lets assume you wish to keep your meteor at your current release then issue
meteor --release foo update --all-packages
where foo indicates your current meteor release ... you can identify your release by looking at file
cat .meteor/release
which for me has content of
so my current meteor release is 1.10.2 ... to leave alone my current meteor release yet upgrade all packages to match my release 1.10.2 then command is
meteor --release 1.10.2 update --all-packages
alternatively if you wish to fully upgrade to both latest meteor release AND that release's package upgrades then issue
meteor update --all-packages
I used packagecheck. It analyzed the project, showed me available updates and assisted the general update.
$ npm install -g packagecheck
$ packagecheck
How do I find out what is holding my app up from updating? I keep getting the 'This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your current package constraints.' message.
Here is the output from the update command:
Refreshing package metadata. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
Figuring out the best package versions to use. This may take a moment.
This project is at the latest release which is compatible with your
current package constraints.
My packages.js looks like so:
# Meteor packages used by this project, one per line.
# 'meteor add' and 'meteor remove' will edit this file for you,
# but you can also edit it by hand.
I have migrated all the ch-* and dash-* packages to the new format. Those are local, in app, packages. Those cannot be in public repositories.
Try replacing
in your packages file.
I'm think it may be because not all your packages are compatible with Meteor 0.9.0
If you want to check what packages are currently compatible enter this code:
meteor search (Package Name)
By default meteor will only return compatible packages, so you can find which packages aren't working by searching each one. If you can't find the package, then its probably not compatible and you aren't going to be able to run the latest version of Meteor unless you remove it.
Don't worry though! While Meteor 0.9.0 is quite buggy, they are working hard to update all the packages and patch the bugs. Just give it a few weeks to sort itself out if that doesn't work :)
Best Of Luck! Hope This Helped!
Meteor search is included in the latest release. Docs:
Try running this command and you should be able to access meteor search
meteor update
Also, the update should tell you if there's a package update available, although I had to run update (packagename) on each starred package for it to update
meteor update aldeed:collection2
I found that I had to remove my ~/.npm directory and run meteor again to resolve some npm dependencies I had. Perhaps you have some npm dependencies as well?
I've been trying to install Sass on Gentoo, but it hasn't been going too well. Unfortunately, the latest version of Sass in portage is 3.1.21.
What I want to use Sass for requires at least Sass 3.2, which is available through rubygems.
What I've tried:
emerge dev-ruby/sass (installs an old version)
gem install sass
The second command appears to install the Sass gem. However, I do not use Rails or Ruby in any other aspect apart from Sass, so the gem appears useless to me. In addition, I do not know where gems are installed to or how to use them (I'm a ruby noob.) All I want to do is call sass from the command line.
Are there any ways to obtain an up-to-date version of Sass which I can just use from the command line?
On Gentoo, user-installed gems are not in your PATH by default. I have created a bug report because while user-installed gems work much better than they used to, this problem really needs to be rectified. You can help by voicing your opinion in the report and linking back to this page. To get things working, you can either deploy the script I uploaded to the report or use RVM instead, which will give you much more consistent behaviour across distros.
I'm wondering but all the answers looks weird for me. One of the biggest gentoo advantage is ebuild writing which is easy as pie so every user can contribute whatever he needs.
Add local overlay
fork upstream ebuild to your local overlay
bump version
attach tested ebuild to bug report, maybe also contact someone on #gentoo-dev-help
Trust me, using gem (or cabal, or whatever) instead of your package manager if way to mess your system.
Some might find useful to know that under Gentoo you can install sass using emerge which will solve the PATH problem some people are encountering.
# emerge -av sass
after which you should be able to use sass without problem.
Another solution would be to use rvm which could make things more portable and uniform across environments.
edit: in case someone's asking: to install rvm just follow the instructions found at: and install the stable version.
I don't see a down side to using the gem version of Sass. I'm also not a Ruby/RoR developer (I use Haskell/PHP), and I just use the gem. I know just enough about gems to install/uninstall them, and that seems good enough for using Sass.
Installing and upgrading Sass is done with the same command:
sudo gem install sass
Installing Sass via gems gives you the ability to use it via command line, just like it shows on the official website:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Other command line options can be found via --help or on their docs:
sass --help
Consider using compass it will accepts command lines like: compass [YOUR-FILE].sass and can also compass watch [SASS FOLDER] and 'compile' css to it.
To install using a gem
gem update --system
gem install compass
When i try to run Ruby on Rails application.... i facing the following error
symbol lookup error: /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-preview3/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.0/lib/sqlite3/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_initialize
I don't know whats the error exactly. can any one please help me out this......
I had the same issue this morning after upgrading sqlite3-ruby to 1.3.0. A quick fix is to uninstall 1.3.0 and ensure 1.2.5 is installed:
gem uninstall sqlite3-ruby --version 1.3.0
gem install sqlite3-ruby --version 1.2.5
The better option is to set your gem config to ignore 1.3.0. For Rails 2.x, in config/environment.rb:
config.gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :lib => 'sqlite3', :version => '!= 1.3.0'
or if you want it play it really safe, explicitly pull in 1.2.5:
config.gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :lib => 'sqlite3', :version => '1.2.5'
If you lock your gemfile to sqlite3-ruby you will have problems starting your application on recent Rails versions since Rails wants to have the gem named "sqlite3". The real solution to this problem is to ensure that the .bundle file that the gem creates indeed links to the right sqlite3 libraries.
By default, sqlite3 gem will link to a nonexisting library in your /usr/lib. This is NOT right. What you need to do is set the compliation options straight for your system and reinstall the sqlite3 gem, and you can easily do this using
$bundle config
Their manpage specifies what it does, but this is the command that I needed to do (I have a roll-your-own SQLite install from their site, not via brew or macports).
$bundle config build.sqlite3 --with-sqlite3-include=/usr/local/include --with-sqlite3-lib=/usr/local/lib
This will always feed the right options to the gem when you try to "bundle install" it and your gem will build properly.
Note that this problem is kinda sneaky in that it will not occur on Ruby 1.9 - apparently rbconfig there has been updated and does better library lookup. But when you are going for 1.8 compatibility - use this bundle configuration and you will be all set.
I'm had the same issue on my Dreamhost server:
> bundle exec rails c
ruby: symbol lookup error: /home/user/settings/installs/rubygems/gems/gems/sqlite3-ruby-1.3.0/lib/sqlite3/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_initialize
I downloaded and installed SQLite3 manually in my home directory, and added LD_LIBRARY_PATH to my .bashrc. This fixed the Rails console issue.
However, I still haven't gotten the app to launch in passenger yet, I'm still working on it.
Ruby Enterprise Edition installs the sqlite3 gem automatically, and 1.3.0 seems to be the problem.
If your Rails app doesn't need sqlite3, try uninstalling the gem and restarting your app.
sudo gem uninstall sqlite3