R add to a list in a loop, using conditions - r

I have a data.frame dim = (200,500)
I want to do a shaprio.test on each column of my dataframe and append to a list. This is what I'm trying:
colstoremove <- list();
for (i in range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2])) {
x <- shapiro.test(I.df.nocov[1:200,i])
colstoremove[[i]] <- x[2]
However this is failing. Some pointers? (background is mainly python, not much of an R user)

Consider lapply() as any data frame passed into it runs operations on columns and the returned list will be equal to number of columns:
colstoremove <- lapply(I.df.noconv, function(col) shapiro.test(col)[2])

Here is what happens in
for (i in range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2]))
For the sake of example, I assume that I.df.nocov contains 100 rows and 5 columns.
dim(I.df.nocov) is the vector of I.df.nocov dimensions, i.e. c(100, 5)
dim(I.df.nocov)[2] is the 2nd dimension of I.df.nocov, i.e. 5
range(x)is a 2-element vector which contains minimal and maximal values of x. For example, range(c(4,10,1)) is c(1,10). So range(dim(I.df.nocov)[2]) is c(5,5).
Therefore, the loop iterate twice: first time with i=5, and second time also with i=5. Not surprising that it fails!
The problem is that R's function range and Python's function with the same name do completely different things. The equivalent of Python's range is called seq. For example, seq(5)=c(1,2,3,4,5), while seq(3,5)=c(3,4,5), and seq(1,10,2)=c(1,3,5,7,9). You may also write 1:n, it is the same as seq(n), and m:n is same as seq(m,n) (but the priority of ':' is very high, so 1:2*x is interpreted as (1:2)*x.
Generally, if something does not work in R, you should print the subexpressions from the innerwise to the outerwise. If some subexpression is too big to be printed, use str(x) (str means "structure"). And never assume that functions in Python and R are same! If there is a function with same name, it usually does a different thing.
On a side note, instead of dim(I.df.nocov)[2] you could just write ncol(I.df.nocov) (there is also a function nrow).


R: Logical from 2 vectors on pattern match

Trying to clean up some dirty data (for work), my data frame has a column for customer information (for our example lets say store and product) in a long weird string, as well as a column for store and a column for product. I can parse the store and the product from the string. Here is where I arrive at my problem.
let's say (consider these vectors part of a larger dataframe, appended with data$ if that helps, I was just working with them as vectors thinking it may speed up the code not having to pull the whole dataframe):
WeirdString <- c("fname: john; lname:smith; store:Amazon Inc.; product:Echo", "fname: cindy; lname:smith; store:BestBuy; product:Ps-4","fname: jon; lname:smith; store:WALMART; product:Pants")
so I parse this to be:
WS_Store <- c("Amazon Inc.", "BestBuy", "WALMART")
WS_Prod <- c("Echo", "Ps-4", "Pants")
What's in the tables (i.e. the non-parsed columns) is:
DB_Store <- c("Amazon", "BEST BUY", "Other")
DB_Prod <- c("ECHO", "PS4", "Jeans")
I currently am using a for loop to loop through i to grepl the "true" string from the parsed string. This takes forever, and I know R was designed to use vectorized code, So my question is, how do I eliminate the loop and use something like lapply (which I tried, and failed at, because I'm not savvy enough with lapply), or some other vectorized thing?
My current code:
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){ # could be i in length(DB_prod) or whatever, all vectors are the same length)
Diff_Store[i] <- !grepl(DB_Store[i], WS_Store[i], ignore.case=T)
Diff_Prod[i] <- !grepl(DB_Prod[i] , WS_Prod[i] , ignore.case=T)
I intend to append those columns back into the dataframe, as the true goal is to diagnose why the database has this problem.
If there's a better way than this, rather than trying to vectorize it, I'm open to it. The data in the DB_Store is restricted to a specific number of "stores" (in the table it comes from) but in the string, it seems to be open, which is why I use the DB as the pattern, not the x. Product is similar, but not as restricted, this is why some have dashes and some don't. I would love to match "close things" like Ps-4 vs. PS4, but I will probably just build a table of matches once I see how weird the string gets. To be true though, the string may not match, which is represented by the Pants/Jeans thing. The dataset is 2.5 million records, and there are many different "stores" and "products", and I do want to make sure they match on the same line, not "is it in the database" (which is what previous questions seem to ask, can I see if a string is in a list of strings, rather than a 1:1 comparison, and the last question did end in a loop, which takes minutes and hours to run)
Please check if this works for you:
check <- function(vec_a, vec_b){
mat <- cbind(vec_a, vec_b)
diff <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) !grepl(pattern = x[1], x = x[2], ignore.case = TRUE))
Use your different vectors for stores (or products) in the arguments vec_a and vec_b, respectively (example: diff_stores <- check(DB_Store, WS_Store) ). This function will return a logical vector with TRUE values referring to items that weren't a match in the two original vectors. Is this what you wanted?

Binding data to a dataframe in each 'for' run under different columns each time to compute average of each column finally

I am trying to do 10-fold-cross-validation in R. In each for run a new row with several columns will be generated, each column will have an appropriate name, I want the results of each 'for' to go under the appropriate column, so that at end I will be able to compute the average value for each column. In each 'for' run results that are generated belong to different columns than the previous for, therefore the names of the columns should also be checked. Is it possible to do it anyway? Or maybe it would be better to just compute the averages for the columns on the spot?
for(i in seq(from=1, to=8200, by=820)){
fold <- df_vector[i:i+819,]
y_fold_vector <- df_vector[!(rownames(df_vector) %in% rownames(folding)),]
alpha_coefficient <- solve(K_training, y_fold_vector)
test_points <- df_matrix[rownames(df_matrix) %in% rownames(K_training), colnames(df_matrix) %in% rownames(folding)]
predictions <- rbind(predictions, crossprod(alpha_coefficient,test_points))
You are having problems with the operator precedence of dyadic operators in R should be:
fold <- df_vector[ i:(i+819), ]
> i=1
> i:i+189
[1] 190
Lack of a simple example (or any comments on what your code is supposed to be doing) prevents any testing of the rest of the code, but you can find the precedence of operators at ?Syntax. Unary "=" is higher, but binary "+" is lower than ":".
(It's also unclear what the folding vector is supposed to be. You only defined a fold value and it wasn't a vector since you addressed it as you would a dataframe.)

R: How to create a loop for, for a range of data in a function?

I have this parameter:
L_inf <- seq(17,20,by=0.1)
and this function:
fun <- function(x){
I would to apply this function for a range of value of L_inf.
I tried with loop for, like this:
A <- matrix() # maybe 10 col and 31 row or vice versa
for (i in L_inf){
A[i] <- fun(1:10)
Bur R respond: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length.
My expected output is a matrix (or data frame, or list maybe) with 10 result (fun(1:10)) for each value of the vector L_inf (lenght=31).
How can to do it?
You are trying to put a vector of 10 elements into one of the matrix cell. You want to assign it to the matrix row instead (you can access the ith row with A[i,]).
But using a for loop in this case is inefficient and it is quite straightforward to use one of the "apply" function. Apply functions typically return a list (which is the most versatile container since there is basically no constraint).
Here sapply is an apply function which tries to Simplify its result to a convenient data structure. In this case, since all results have the same length (10), sapply will simplify the result to a matrix.
Note that I modified your function to make it explicitly depend on L_inf. Otherwise it will not do what you think it should do (see keyword "closures" if you want more info).
L_inf_range <- seq(17,20,by=0.1)
B <- 1
fun <- function(x, L_inf) {
sapply(L_inf_range, function(L) fun(1:10, L_inf=L))

Efficient function to return varying length vector from lookup table

I have three data sources:
the numbers in the "types" vector tell me what 'type' a given observation is. The vectors in the places list tell me which places the observation can be found in (some observations are found in only one place, others in all places). By definition there is one entry in types and one list in places for each observation. Lookup.counts tells me how many observations of each type are located in each place (generated from another data source).
I want to randomly assign each observation to a place based on a probability generated from lookup.counts. Using for loops it looks something like"
for (i in 1:length(types)){
this.obs<-lookup.counts[row,columns] #the counts of this type in each place
this.obs<-this.obs/total #the share of observations of this type in these places
#the following should really be a 'while' loop, but regardless it needs help
for(j in 1:length(this.obs[])){
if(this.obs[j] > pick){
#pick is less than this county so assign
pick<- 100 #just a way of making sure an observation doesn't get assigned twice
#pick is greater, move to the next category
pick<- pick-this.obs[j]
I have been trying to vectorize this somehow, but am getting hung up on the variable length of 'places' and of 'this.obs'
In practice, of course, the lookup.counts table is quite a bit bigger (500 x 40) and I have some 900K observations with places lists of length 1 through length 39.
To vectorize the inner loop, you can use sample or sample.int to choose from several alternaives with prescribed probabilities. Unless I read your code incorrectly, you want something like this:
assigned.places[i] <- sample(colnames(this.obs), 1, prob = this.obs)
I'm a bit surprised that you're using colnames(lookup.counts) instead. Shouldn't this be subset by columns as well? It seems that either I missed something, or there is a bug in your code.
the different lengths of your lists are a severe obstacle to vectorizing your outer loops. Perhaps you could use the Matrix package to store that information as sparse matrices. Then you could simply multiply probabilities by that vector to exclude those columns which are not in the places list of a given observation. But as you'd probably still use apply for the above sampling code, you might as well keep the list and use some form of apply to iterate over that.
The overall result might look somewhat like this:
assigned.places <- colnames(lookup.counts)[
apply(cbind(types, places), 1, function(x) {
sample(x[[2]], 1, prob=lookup.counts[x[[1]],x[[2]]])
The use of cbind and apply isn't particularly beautiful, but seems to work. Each x is a list of two items, x[[1]] being the type and x[[2]] being the corresponding places. We use these to index lookup.counts just as you did. Then we use the found counts as relative probabilities when choosing the index of one of the columns we used in the subscript. Only after all these numbers have been assembled into a single vector by apply will the indices be turned into names based on colnames.
You can check whether things are faster if you don't cbindstuff together, but instead iterate over the indices only:
assigned.places <- colnames(lookup.counts)[
sapply(1:length(types), function(i) {
sample(places[[i]], 1, prob=lookup.counts[types[i],places[[i]]])
This appears to work as well:
# More convenient if lookup.counts is a matrix.
# A function that does what the for loop does for each i
test<-function(i) {
# Applies the function for all i

nrow(matrix) function

I have assignment using R and have a little problem. In the assignment several matrices have to be generated with random number of rows and later used for various calculations. Everything works perfect, unless number of rows is 1.
In the calculations I use nrow(matrix) in different ways, for example if (i <= nrow(matrix) ) {action} and also statements like matrix[,4] and so on.
So in case number of rows is 1 (I know it is actually vector) R give errors, definitely because nrow(1-dimensional matrix)=NULL. Is there simple way to deal with this? Otherwise probably whole code have to be rewritten, but I'm very short in time :(
It is not that single-row/col matrices in R have ncol/nrow set to NULL -- in R everything is a 1D vector which can behave like matrix (i.e. show as a matrix, accept matrix indexing, etc.) when it has a dim attribute set. It seems otherwise because simple indexing a matrix to a single row or column drops dim and leaves the data in its default (1D vector) state.
Thus you can accomplish your goal either by directly recreating dim attribute of a vector (say it is called x):
x #Now a single column matrix
x #Now a single row matrix
OR by preventing [] operator from dropping dim by adding drop=FALSE argument:
x #OK, matrix
x[,3] #Boo, vector
x[,3,drop=FALSE] #Matrixicity saved!
Let's call your vector x. Try using matrix(x) or t(matrix(x)) to convert it into a proper (2D) matrix.
