How can I use SonarQube web service API for reporting purpose - unix

I want to create a custom report. Response format for sonarqube web service API /api/issues/search is JSON or XML. How can I use that response to create a html or CSV file using "unix shell without using command line tools" so that I can use it as a Report. Or is there any other better way to achieve this?

you can generate a html file if you run an analysis in the preview mode

It looks as if the SonarQube team has been working hard to not allow people to do this. They appear to want people to purchase an Enterprise Subscription in order to export reports.
An old version of sonar-runner (now called sonar-scanner) had an option to allow local report output. But that feature is "no more supported".
ERROR: The preview mode, along with the 'sonar.analysis.mode' parameter, is no more supported. You should stop using this parameter.
Looks like version 2.4 of Sonar Runner does what you want. If you can find it. Of course they only have 2.5RC1 available on the site now.
Using the following command should work on version 2.4:
sonar-runner -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true

There at least two open-source projects that query the SQ API to generate reports in various formats. (Java) (JavaScript/Node)
At the time of writing both are active.


Get API response under the Network Tab of Browser using Karate [duplicate]

I am writing UI automation script using karate DSL. In this at certain point I need to get value from network call in chrome. I want to interact with one of the webservice call in chrome devtools network tab and get the json response of that webservice.
I need this because I have to extract the value from that particular call and pass it on to the next step in my automation script.
I have seen the question related to sessionStorage(Is there a way of getting a sessionStorage using Karate DSL?) but I wonder how to do the same for network call using script command or any other way?
The first thing I would recommend is don't forget that Karate is an API testing tool at its core. Maybe all you need to do is manually make that call and get the response. You should be able to scrape the HTML and get the host and parameters needed.
That said - there's a new feature (only for Chrome) which is documented here: - and is available in 0.9.6.RC2
It may not directly solve for what you want, but in a Karate mock, you should be able to set a value for use later e.g. by using a Java singleton or writing to a temp-file.
If there is something oddly more specific you need, please contribute code to Karate. Finally, there is an experimental way in which you can actually make raw requests to the Chrome DevTools session: - it is for advanced users, but maybe you are one :)

How to upload a report to SonarQube properly using SonarQube API

I want to upload a json report made in R using lintr package to my SonarQube server. I'm making a POST taking advantage of the api/ce/submit command (You can find it in To do this i'm using Postman with this params:
projectKey: XX
projectName: XXname
report: lintr_out.json
projectBranch: testing-1.0
This command create the Project in Sonar but it's not able to show the information of the report.
Anybody knows how can i see the results of the report in Sonar properly? Thanks for all!
The WS api/ce is for internal use (as marked). It is not an API and the report it expect may change its format anytime.
To submit issues based on a third party linter, I advice you look at the generic issue import feature. You simply have to convert your JSON file to the format we expect.

Sonar 5.3 force issues report generation on publish analysis mode

I've been working with Sonar 4.5, although I would like to migrate to version 5.3. During the tests I've noticed that Issues Report is not getting generated when analysis type is publish (it needs to be preview), although it's a need for us to store the analysis to the DB on each Sonar run.
My question is, is there a way to force it to generate the issues report even running on publish mode (I suspect this limitation is related to the fact that publish mode takes longer to finish).
PS: I need the Issues Report in order to extract metrics from it and publish it on TeamCity.
This is not possible anymore. If you want to retrieve some information from SonarQube, you should use the standard public WS to achieve this.
Once the analysis has been sent to the server, you can check <work_dir>/report-task.txt to know which URL to call in order to know when the report is processed (URL is given by the ceTaskUrl property in this file)
Once the call to this WS returns the SUCCESS status, you can query the /api/resources WS (using the key of the project given by the projectKey property) to get any information you want on your project that has just been analysed.

PHPUnit Code coverage analysis for code called over HTTP

I am trying to find a reasonable approach to getting a code coverage report for code that is called from within a test via HTTP. Basically I am testing my own API the way it is supposed to be called but because of that PHPUnit/Xdebug are unaware of the execution of the code within the same codebase.
Basically what I want to achieve is already done using the PHPUnit Selenium extension but I don't run Selenium, I call the code through an OAuth2 Client which in turn uses curl.
Is it be possible to call my API with a GET-parameter that triggers a code coverage report and to have PHPUnit read that report and merge it with the other code coverage? Is there a project that already does that or do I have to resort to writing my own PHPUnit extension?
OP says the problem is that Xdebug-based code coverage collection, won't/can't collect coverage data because Xdebug isn't enabled in all (PHP) processes that execute the code.
There would seem to only be two ways out of this.
1) Find a way to enable Xdebug in all processes invoked. I don't know how to do this, but I would expect there to be some configuration parameter for the PHP interpreter to cause this. I also can't speak to whether separate Xdebug-based coverage reports can be merged into one. One the face of it, the raw coverage data is abstractly just a set of "this location got executed" signals, so merging should just be a set union. How these sets are collected and encoded may make this more problematic.
2) Find a coverage solution that doesn't involve Xdebug, so whether Xdebug is enabled or not is irrelevant. My company's (see bio) PHP Test Coverage Tool does not use Xdebug, so it can collect the test coverage data you want without an issue. You can download it and try it; there's a built in-example of test coverage collection triggered exactly by HTTP requests. The tool has a built-in ability to merge separate test-coverage runs into an integrated result. (I'd provide a direct link, but some SO people are virulently against this).

Tridion: Binary components do not get deployed when published in bulk

I am using Tridion 5.3.
I have webpage that has over 100 pdf links attached to it. When I publish that page not all pdf get published even though I get a URL for each pdf like "/pdf/xyzpdfname_tcm8-912.pdf". When I click on those links I get a 404 error. For the same pdf components for which I get the error, if I publish them by attaching 5 to 10 pdf at a time they get published and there is no 404 error and everything works fine. But that's not the functionality I need. Does any one know why Tridion is not able to deploy the binary contents if I publish them in bulk?
I am using engine.PublishingContext.RenderedItem.AddBinary(pdfComponent).Url to get the pdf url.
Could this be to do with the naming of your PDF?
Tridion has a mechanism in place to prevent you from accidentally overwriting a binary file, with a different binary file that is named the same.
I can see the Binary you are trying to deploy has the ID:
and you are naming it as follows:
Using the Variant Id:
is it possible you are also publishing the same binary from a different template? Perhaps with the same filename, but with a different Variant Id?
If so Tridion assumes you are trying to publish two 'Variants' of the same binary (for example a resized image, obviously not relavent for PDFs)
The deployer is therefore throwing an error to prevent you from accidentally overwriting the binary that is published first.
You can get round this in 2 ways:
1> Use the same variant ID for publishing both binaries
2> If you do want to publish a variant, change the filename to something different.
I hope this helps!
Have a look at the log files for your transport service and deployer. If those don't provide clarity, set Cleanup to false in cd_transport_conf.xml, restart the transport service and publish again. Then check if all PDFs ended up in your transport package.
engine.PublishingContext.RenderedItem.AddBinary(pdfComponent).Url gives you the URL of an item as it will be published in case of success, not a guarantee that it will publish.
Pretty sure you're just hitting a maximum size limit on your transport package.
PS - Check the status of your transaction in the publishing queue, might give you a hint
After you updated the question:
There's something terribly wrong with the template and/or your environment. The Published URL says "tcm8-7*6*5.pdf" but the Item Uri is "tcm:8-7*5*5".
Can you double check what's happening in here?
