Simple Button using DRAW GUI in GameMaker - game-maker

This is my button under DRAW GUI.
if point_in_rectangle(window_mouse_get_x(),window_mouse_get_y(),790,317,943,385)
{ var hover=1; } else { var hover=0; }
if (distance_to_point(mouse_x,mouse_y)<=0)
if mouse_check_button(mb_left)
draw_text(865,350,"New Game");
Fairly simple. It draws a rectangle and the text "New Game" on it.
When the mouse hovers over it, it lights up. When you click it, the graphic changes. It's a good button.
The problem occurs when I enter the area of the button while HOLDING the mouse button.
See how it behaves? Instead of lighting up, it gets pressed.
All because I am holding the mouse button as I come in. Any way to avoid this and have it light up instead?

You need use mouse_check_button_pressed() instead mouse_check_button().
Something like this:
Create event:
button_pressed = false;
mouse_over = false;
button_x = 865;
button_y = 350;
button_width = 153;
button_height = 68;
button_left = button_x - button_width div 2;
button_right = button_left + button_width - 1;
button_top = button_y - button_height div 2;
button_bottom = button_top + button_height - 1;
Step end event:
mouse_over = point_in_rectangle(device_mouse_x_to_gui(0), device_mouse_y_to_gui(0), button_left, button_top, button_right, button_bottom);
if !mouse_over
button_pressed = false;
if mouse_check_button_pressed(mb_left)
button_pressed = true;
else if mouse_check_button_released(mb_left) and button_pressed
// action
Draw GUI event:
if button_pressed
draw_sprite(sprite_index, 0, button_x, button_y);
else if mouse_over
draw_sprite(sprite_index, 1, button_x, button_y);
draw_sprite(sprite_index, 2, button_x, button_y);


GameMaker Studio: How to ignore global left button when dealing with virtual keys?

I have the following problem:
When I press the pause button my characters jumps at the same time, the pause button being a VIRTUAL KEY and the jump button is keyboard_mouse_button_check(mb_left) .
I am trying to:
be able to press the pause button without making the character jump at the same time.
Create Event
global.pause = 0;
Step Event
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space) and !global.death and !global.stop
global.pause = !global.pause
Create Event
// Initialize Variables
global.stop = 0;
previously_paused = false;
global.bigscore = 0;
global.col = true;
global.cartof = 0;
grav = 0.2;
hsp = 0;
vsp = 0;
jumpspeed = 4;
movespeed = 4;
antigrav = true;
jumps = 0;
jumpsmax = 2;
delay = 3;
alarm[3] = delay;
Step Event
if (global.pause) or (global.death) exit; // Pause
// Get the player's input
key_jump = mouse_check_button(mb_left);
// React to inputs
hsp = 0;
if vsp < 10
vsp += grav;
if place_meeting(x, y + 1, obj_wall)
jumps = jumpsmax;
// Double jump
if (key_jump) && (jumps > 0) && (!previously_paused)
jumps -= 1;
vsp = -jumpspeed;
previously_paused = global.pause;
// Fly
else if (jumps == 0)
key_jump = mouse_check_button(mb_left);
if key_jump
vsp -= 0.4
if global.col
// Horizontal Collision
if (place_meeting(x+hsp, y, obj_wall))
while (!place_meeting(x + sign(hsp), y, obj_wall))
x += sign(hsp);
hsp = 0;
x += hsp;
// Vertical Collision
if (place_meeting(x, y + vsp, obj_wall))
while (!place_meeting(x, y + sign(vsp), obj_wall))
y += sign(vsp);
vsp = 0;
y += vsp;
// Exit the game or restart
if keyboard_check(ord("P"))
if keyboard_check(vk_space)
alarm[1] = room_speed;
// Score
if background_hspeed[0] < 0
global.cartof += 10;
I have tried:
Check if I press the pause button don't do the jump To change key_jump to be equal 0 when I click on the pause button. When mouse is over the pause button to dezactivate the mouse ArchbishopDave Method
I am using:
GM:S 1.4
GameMaker Language (GML) or Drag and Drop (DnD)
Did you read event order? Step events will be runned before Keyboard and Mouse events (and virtual buttons too). So if you checked jump button in Step event, and only after it will be pressed virtual key, then your character always will jump.
You need change order of checks. For example, you can manually check, is pressed virtual key or not, before jump (check, is mouse inside coords of virtual key or not), something like this:
key_jump = mouse_check_button(mb_left);
if point_in_rectangle(device_mouse_x_to_gui(0), device_mouse_y_to_gui(0), virt_left, virt_top, virt_right, virt_bottom)
key_jump = false;
where virt_left, virt_top, virt_right, virt_bottom is coords of your virtual button.
There are many ways for improve it, but all depend on your code/architecture (depth of objects, creation order of instances, etc), so I can't give a finihsed perfect solution. If you will have a problem with fix, just share your project and I'll help.

Mouse Button click wont register

var note : String = "blah"
function OnGUI()
if (IsPaused)
GUI.Box (Rect (580,20,100,210), "Pause");
if (GUI.Button (Rect (590,130,80,20), "Info"))
Debug.Log("I pressed it");
GUI.Button (Rect (450, 200, Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2), info);
else if (GUI.Button (Rect (590,160,80,20), "Quit"))
else if(GUI.Button (Rect(590,190,80,35), "Back"))
IsPaused = false;
GetComponent(LookAtMouse).enabled = true;
This is my function for my GUI, as you can see, i have three buttons within it. The quit and back buttons work fine but when i click the info button, nothing will register.
I put GUI.Button (Rect (450, 200, Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2), info); This line of code outside the if statement to check if it works and it will but when its inside the statement i get nothing.
Can anyone tell me why?
var displayInfo : boolean = false;
if (IsPaused)
GUI.Box (Rect (580,20,100,210), "Pause");
displayInfo = GUI.Toggle(Rect (590,130,80,20), displayInfo, "Info");
GUI.Button (Rect (450, 200, Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2), info);
#rutter thanks for the idea, i used the boolean idea you had and created a toggle to check, if the info is displayed, create the instance of the textfield when it was toggled on

XNA button hovering

I have a button in my game. and I want to make it to change to other button image when mouse hover on it and change back when the mouse not in the button.
the problem is when the mouse went out from the button rectangle area, it not change back to the first image
my code like this :
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
MouseState mouseState;
mouseDiBack = false;
mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) &&
(new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle)))
mouseDiBack = true;
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Draw(ScoreBG, ScoreBGRectangle, Color.White);
spriteBatch.Draw(backButton, backButtonRectangle, Color.White);
any idea how I to do it...?
Fairly simple solution, you didn't set the image back on the case where the mouse is not hovering.
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
backButton = originalImage; //whatever your Texture2D object may be called
Don't expect the machine to know that you want to switch back! Machines are stupid! ..Ok, it's actually because you overwrote the value of the variable and didn't reset it.
You are not setting your backButton back to what it used to be when the mouse moves out of the scope area. Take a look at the code below, and notice the added ELSE statement in your Update function.
defaultBackButton = backButton; //Save the default back button somewhere outside your update function
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
MouseState mouseState;
mouseDiBack = false;
mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
if (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1,1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle))
backButton = backButtonHilite;
backButton = defaultBackButton;
if ((mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (new Rectangle(mouseState.X, mouseState.Y, 1, 1).Intersects(backButtonRectangle)))
mouseDiBack = true;
As mentioned by Jon you need to set your original texture back when the mouse has left the rectangle.
bool mouseOverBackButton =
mouseX >= buttonRectangle.Left && mouseX <= buttonRectangle.Right &&
mouseY >= buttonRectangle.Top && mouseY <= buttonRectangle.Bottom;
backgroundTexture = mouseOverBackButton ? mouseOverTexture: mouseAwayTexture;
mouseDiBack = mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && mouseOverBackButton;

actionscript 2 functions for detecting when no keys are pressed

I would like to know how to detect when no buttons are pressed on a movieclip,
such as
if (no keys are pressed){
Firstly if you expand your question as you expand your purpose of what you achieve, maybe I can present a more in depth solllution ... ;) I can not imagine why you need a no buttons pressed event. Anyway you can use this code snippet.
//This belongs to no button pressed event.
var def = 0;
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
def = 1;
keyListener.onKeyUp = function() {
def = 0;
//First Part for the whole movie clip
_root.onEnterFrame = function (){
if(def == 1){

Flex 4.5 mobile Resize textarea with animation on soft keyboard activate event?

I'm using Flex 4.5.1 with AIR 2.7 (and Flash Builder 4.5.1) to build an app for the Blackberry Playbook.
The app has a large textarea that needs to be resized when the soft keyboard shows up. I am able to hook into the soft keyboard events and do things there.
Now, I want to resize the textarea to fit the remaining part of the screen when the keyboard shows up. I know the current and destination size and want to use a smooth animation to show the textarea resizing. (I can't already set the height and can see the textarea being correctly resized in the keyboard_activating event - but I want to do it through an animation). I've tried using the Animate class, the spark.effects.Move class and none of them seem to work in this case. They seem to run the animation but the screen does not get refreshed!
I don't want to use the built-in resizeAppForKeyboard property on the ViewNavigatorApplication. I have set to 'none' in the app descriptor so that part of it is fine.
Any ideas / thoughts? Is my approach correct at all? How would one go about resizing the textarea using an animation in the keyboard activating event? My code looks like:
In the main view (onCreationComplete event): (txNote is the textarea in question)
txNote.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, function(e:SoftKeyboardEvent):void {
txNote.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, function(e:SoftKeyboardEvent):void {
private function toggleEditMode(keyboardActivated:Boolean):void {
trace("toggle edit: " + editMode + ", kb activating: " + keyboardActivated + ", txNote height = " + txNote.height);
editMode = keyboardActivated;
//we handle resize manually, because we want a nice animation happening and we want to resize only the text area - nothing else.
var y:Number = editMode ? -38 : 0;
var height:Number = editMode ? 218 : 455;
txNote.moveAndSize(y, height);
The code in txNote.moveAndSize:
public function moveAndSize(newY:Number, newHeight:Number):void {
//parent group uses BasicLayout
//(this.parent as Group).autoLayout = false;
//resizePath.valueFrom = this.height;
//resizePath.valueTo = newHeight;
//movePath.valueFrom = this.y;
//movePath.valueTo = newY;
//resizeEffect.heightFrom = this.height;
//resizeEffect.heightTo = height; = newY;
moveEffect.xFrom = this.x;
moveEffect.xTo = this.x;
moveEffect.yFrom = this.y;
moveEffect.yTo = newY;
moveEffect.end();[ this ]);
//this.move(x, newY);
//[ this ]);
//this.height = height;
//this.y = y;
//setLayoutBoundsSize(width, height);
//setLayoutBoundsPosition(x, y);
The moveEffect / movePath / animate various things I tried are set up in the txNote constructor as follows:
public class NotesArea extends TextArea {
// private var animate:Animate;
// private var movePath:SimpleMotionPath;
// private var resizePath:SimpleMotionPath;
private var moveEffect:Move;
// private var resizeEffect:Resize;
public function NotesArea() {
// animate = new Animate();
// var paths:Vector.<MotionPath> = new Vector.<MotionPath>();
// movePath = new SimpleMotionPath("top");
// resizePath = new SimpleMotionPath("height");
// paths.push(movePath);
// animate.duration = 300;
// animate.motionPaths = paths;
// animate.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_UPDATE, function(e:EffectEvent):void {
// trace("y = " + y);
// invalidateDisplayList();
// });
// animate.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, function(e:EffectEvent):void {
// trace("EFFECT ended: y = " + y);
// });
moveEffect = new Move();
moveEffect.duration = 250;
moveEffect.repeatCount = 1;
moveEffect.addEventListener(EffectEvent.EFFECT_END, function (e:EffectEvent):void {
//(this.parent as Group).autoLayout = true;
trace("move effect ran. y = " + y + ", top = " + top);
//this.setStyle("moveEffect", moveEffect);
// resizeEffect = new Resize();
// resizeEffect.duration = 250;
// this.setStyle("resizeEffect", resizeEffect);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEACTIVATE, onActivating);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATING, onActivating);
yourTextField.addEventListener(SoftKeyboardEvent.SOFT_KEYBOARD_ACTIVATE, onActivating);
// in the event listener to the textField IE :
private function onActivating(event:SoftKeyboardEvent):void
//listen to the event; make your move here.
