Packaged Electron App cannot find module sqlite3 - sqlite

Within an Electron app, sqlite3 doesn't work right after npm install --save. I got it working after doing some web research, by:
(1) downgrading my node version (via n) to match Electron's node version; and
(2) rebuilding sqlite with the right module name/targets with this package.json script:
"rebuild-sqlite3": "cd node_modules/sqlite3 && npm run prepublish && node-gyp configure --module_name=node_sqlite3 --module_path=../lib/binding/electron-v1.2-darwin-x64 && node-gyp rebuild --target=1.2.6 --arch=x64 --target_platform=darwin --dist-url= --module_name=node_sqlite3 --module_path=../lib/binding/electron-v1.2-darwin-x64"
After that, Sqlite3 works in development (i.e. when I run electron . in the project dir).
I package the app with electron-packager: "./node_modules/.bin/webpack -p && ./node_modules/electron-packager/cli.js ./ --out ./bin --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=1.2.6 --overwrite --ignore=\"ignore|bin|node_modules\""
When I open the app by double-clicking the created (appName).app, the console complains: `Uncaught Error: Cannot find module
How can I get sqlite3 to be found in the final packaged product? Even "hacks" or workarounds are welcome, as I tried various fixes to no avail.

I leave this answer for someone who has the same problem and is wasting their time to figure out.
npm install sqlite3
electron .
I expected to work fine. but I had an error 'cannot find node module sqlite3'
npm install electron-rebuild --save-dev
electron-rebuild -f -w sqlite3
electron .
it worked.
but if you used 'electron-packager' to package and make executable file, It didn't work. the same error occured.
"electron-packager . electron-tutorial-app --overwrite --asar --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --icon=assets/icons/win/icon.ico --prune=true --out=new --version-string.CompanyName=CE --version-string.FileDescription=CE --version-string.ProductName=\"Electron Test\"",
I spent pretty much time to figure out. At the end, I figured out. the solution was using electron-packager API and integrating afterCopy with electron-rebuild.
# build.js
const packager = require('electron-packager');
const rebuild = require('electron-rebuild');
dir: '../dir',
overwrite: true,
asar: true,
platform: 'win32',
arch: 'ia32',
icon: 'assets/icons/win/icon.ico',
prune: true,
out: 'hello',
executableName: 'hello',
afterCopy: [(buildPath, electronVersion, platform, arch, callback) => {
rebuild.rebuild({ buildPath, electronVersion, arch })
.then(() => callback())
.catch((error) => callback(error));
node build.js
electron-rebuild manual 'How can I integrate this into Electron packager?'
electron-packager API doc

Doesn't the --ignore=\"ignore|bin|node_modules\" you pass to electron-packager ignore everything in the node_modules dir, the very place where the sqlite3 module is installed?


Strapi: Middleware "strapi::body": Cannot destructure property 'config' of 'strapi.plugin(...)' as it is undefined

I am trying to install a fresh Strapi app on my mac, by running the
npx create-strapi-app#latest my-project --quickstart
commnand. It installs the Strapi app fine, but when I try to run "npm run develop", I get this error:
"Strapi: Middleware "strapi::body": Cannot destructure property 'config' of 'strapi.plugin(...)' as it is undefined."
And the app doesn't start. full error text is as follows:
Middleware "strapi::body": Cannot destructure property 'config' of 'strapi.plugin(...)' as it is undefined.
Error: Middleware "strapi::body": Cannot destructure property 'config' of 'strapi.plugin(...)' as it is undefined.
at instantiateMiddleware (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/middleware.js:12:11)
at resolveMiddlewares (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/middleware.js:56:18)
at registerApplicationMiddlewares (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/register-middlewares.js:66:29)
at async Object.initMiddlewares (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/services/server/index.js:99:7)
at async Strapi.bootstrap (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:445:5)
at async Strapi.load (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:457:5)
at async Strapi.start (/Users/davit/Github/my-project/node_modules/#strapi/strapi/lib/Strapi.js:198:9)
Would appreciate any help regarding this issue.
Got the same exception when yarn develop.
Make sure you have right version range for node
node -v if not use nvm use 14.19.1 (or above)
Go to package.json and change strapi version.
from "#strapi/strapi": "^4.3.5" to "#strapi/strapi": "^4.3.6"
Remove package-lock.json and yarn.lock
Run npm install or/and yarn install
I had also posted this question in Strapi forums and it turns out that the problem was with Strapi 4.3.5. They advised updating to 4.3.6 as this issue had been hotfixed. I can confirm that this issue no longer exists on Strapi 4.3.6.

dotnet restore failed when using nix-build, but works when under nix-shell --pure

I'm trying to use nix for building dotnet (sdk 5) projects.
The configuration is something like
stdenv.mkDerivation {
# builder = "${bash}/bin/bash";
# args = [ ./ ];
name = "mypackage";
src = ./.;
HOME = "/tmp/test-home";
nativeBuildInputs = [ nodejs ];
buildInputs = [ dotnet openssl cacert ];
configurePhase = ''
export HOME=$PWD/home
runHook preConfigure
dotnet nuget list source
dotnet nuget locals all --list
dotnet restore
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = ''
${dotnet}/bin/dotnet publish ProjectDirectory --self-contained -r linux-x64 -c Release
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/
The HOME attribute in argument for stdenv.mkDerivation is for nix-shell only. Since nix-shell will inherit normal $HOME, I need to set $HOME to another empty directory to mimic behavior of build phase.
When using nix-shell and run dotnet restore manually, it works fine.
When using nix-build, build failed with following error when running dotnet restore
Registered Sources: [Enabled]
http-cache: /build/PROJECTNAME/home/.local/share/NuGet/v3-cache
global-packages: /build/PROJECTNAME/home/.nuget/packages/
temp: /build/NuGetScratch
plugins-cache: /build/PROJECTNAME/home/.local/share/NuGet/plugins-cache
Determining projects to restore...
/nix/store/fvfyn01fjmawvyn7vlhhrgkzyy6321wl-dotnet-sdk-5.0.202/sdk/5.0.202/NuGet.targets(131,5): error : Unable to load the service index for source [/build/PROJECTNAME/PET-CT-machine-service.sln]
/nix/store/fvfyn01fjmawvyn7vlhhrgkzyy6321wl-dotnet-sdk-5.0.202/sdk/5.0.202/NuGet.targets(131,5): error : Name or service not known ( [/build/PROJECTNAME/PET-CT-machine-service.sln]
/nix/store/fvfyn01fjmawvyn7vlhhrgkzyy6321wl-dotnet-sdk-5.0.202/sdk/5.0.202/NuGet.targets(131,5): error : Name or service not known [/build/tomopioneer/PET-CT-machine-service.sln]
What's the difference between nix-build and nix-shell --pure when HOME is manually set?
By reading code from github NixOS/nixpkgs repository, it seems several dotnet packages were using nuget manually and using dotnet restore with local source. Is that necessary?
I've make more tests about
running curl -v, I got:
works fine when directly run under terminal of nixos
works fine in nix-shell --pure
error in nix-build, curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
nix-shell has network access which is not allowed in the sandbox that nix-build uses without a fixed output derivation.
By reading code from github NixOS/nixpkgs repository, it seems several dotnet packages were using nuget manually and using dotnet restore with local source. Is that necessary?
With sandbox enabled yes.

Vague error in Vercel deployment (exit with code 1)

So normally Vercel gives me decent error messages, but this one seems to have no detail. Just
"failed with exit code 1".
For context, I just started this project w the basic NextJS template, made a few modifications, and this is my first deploy.
Failed once and I assumed it was because NextJS has strict type checking on by default, so I modified the next.config.js file as follows (per here):
module.exports = {
typescript: {
// !! WARN !!
// Dangerously allow production builds to successfully complete even if
// your project has type errors.
// !! WARN !!
ignoreBuildErrors: true,
But still failed. Here is the full log:
10:23:27.575 Cloning (Branch: main, Commit: 8f97554)
10:23:28.589 Cloning completed: 1.014s
10:23:28.614 Analyzing source code...
10:23:29.739 Installing build runtime...
10:23:31.612 Build runtime installed: 1.873s
10:23:34.043 Looking up build cache...
10:23:34.164 Build cache found. Downloading...
10:23:35.100 Build cache downloaded [21.48 MB]: 936.007ms
10:23:36.250 Installing dependencies...
10:23:36.489 yarn install v1.22.11
10:23:36.547 [1/4] Resolving packages...
10:23:36.734 success Already up-to-date.
10:23:36.743 Done in 0.26s.
10:23:36.754 Detected Next.js version: 11.1.2
10:23:36.755 Running "yarn run build"
10:23:37.021 yarn run v1.22.11
10:23:37.047 $ next build
10:23:37.820 info - Using webpack 5. Reason: Enabled by default
10:23:37.976 info - Skipping validation of types...
10:23:40.439 error Command failed with exit code 1.
10:23:40.439 info Visit for documentation about this command.
10:23:40.456 Error: Command "yarn run build" exited with 1
Still not sure what the issue was but eventually figured out how to get past this - ignored ESLint during build by adding the following to next.config.js:
eslint: {
ignoreDuringBuilds: true,
(I don't advise doing this but this was quick low-stakes experiment)
I received the same vague message after making eslint alterations. Locally linting and deployment was successful, however deploying to vercel failed like yours.
Although "ignoreDuringBuilds": "true" in my .eslint.json did band-aid fix the issue, I was able to rollback each eslint change and found that my "linebreak-style": ["error", "windows"] was the underlying issue.
It passed linting locally, but failed on vercel deployment. I've fixed my line-breaks and all works great now without having to ignore during builds.

error using moment.js with serverless-bundle

how can I add moment.js locale file to serverless bundle?
Thanks for any help :)
I tried the following:
git clone
cd serverless-nodejs-starter
npm i moment
then in file handler.js add
import moment from "moment";
and update hello with just call to moment(); (to avoid lint error)
when running local run:
serverless invoke local --function hello
the error received:
Error: Cannot find module './locale'
There seems to be an issue with the latest version of momentjs as you can see in this Github Issue. You can try the following:
npm install --save moment#2.24.0
Add a resolutions block in your package.json file as such:
"resolutions": {
"moment": "2.24.0"

Cannot publish core/angular project. Can't resolve app.server.module.ngfactory?

Used the VS2017 angular template and created an app. Then tried to publish it. I also upgraded to Angular 5.
Any idea with this error about ngfactory is about ???
ERROR in ./ClientApp/boot.server.ts
Module not found : error : Can't resolve './../$$_gendir/ClientApp/app/app.server.module.ngfacto
ry' in 'C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveytemp\ibewsurveytemp\ClientApp' [C:\Users\Matt_Her
# ./ClientApp/boot.server.ts 8:0-94
EXEC : ERROR in error : Please update #angular/cli. Angular 5+ requires at least Angular CLI 1.5
+ [C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveytemp\ibewsurveytemp\IbewSurveyTemp.csproj]
at throwNotSupportedError (C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveytemp\ibewsurveytemp\
at Function.NgTools_InternalApi_NG_2.codeGen (C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveyt
at _donePromise.Promise.resolve.then (C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveytemp\ibew
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:684:11)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:191:16)
at bootstrap_node.js:613:3
C:\Users\Matt_Herb\downloads\ibewsurveytemp\ibewsurveytemp\IbewSurveyTemp.csproj(48,5): error MS
B3073: The command "node node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js" exited with code 2.
ok ... it looks like a problem with your dependencies and so on ..try this:
1 - update your angular cli with : npm install -g #angular/cli
2 - delete your node_modules in your project (maybe with rimraf)
3 - delete your package-lock.json file (if you've one)
4 - try to run in a different folder ng new testProject --skip-install=true (so it generate WITHOUT install packages a new angular project ..)
5 - go in that project and copy the #angular and other dependencies in package.json file and paste in your project .. save the updated package.json
file of your project
6 - run a npm install --f in your project
7 - try to run a ng serve .. and check if the project load
Hope it helps you
Angular 5 needs to use a different compiler plugin to Angular 4,
Try search/replace 'AotPlugin' with 'AngularCompilerPlugin' in webpack.config.js
The next problem I ran into was that test files fail to compile when publishing,
The 'exclude' properties on webpack rules and on AngularCompilerPlugin constructor do not seem to work, so I've resorted to excluding these in tsconfig.json:
"exclude": [ "bin", "node_modules", "**/*.spec.ts" ],
