Broken CSS on old https pages - wordpress

Hi i have a question about importing a site to a new self hosting wordpress site.
After completing the website i still have the old https links in search results showing broken css pages: example here.
The new website does not use an SSL certificate and adding one does not solve the problem, anyhow we don't need SSL. This is the non-SSL website example:
Question is why are the old https links showing these broken CSS pages instead of unsecured connection pages, and how do I remove them from search results? help much appreciated.

All your resources are linked using http:// URLs, which result in mixed content which is normally blocked by browsers.
Make sure your resources are loaded using https and your site will work.
For this you could use the protocol agnostic URL style: "//"


Wordpress configuration Https causes website typography confusion

After setting up the Wordpress blog, the editor configured his own domain name to the Wordpress blog he set up. When configuring Nginx at that time, he found that when configuring HTTP, the website could be accessed normally and the layout would not be messy.However, when I matched it with Https protocol, I found that the website was accessible, but the whole layout of the website was messy. When I used F12 to check the status, I found that many js files could not be loaded successfully, which led to the typographical disorder.Want to ask everybody who has encountered this kind of problem, and how to solve?Thank you!
Your browser is blocking mixed content, i.e. content served from HTTP sources to a HTTPS website. Most modern browsers do this by default for security purposes.
Here is an explanation from the Mozilla docs: "If your website delivers HTTPS pages, all active mixed content delivered via HTTP on this pages will be blocked by default."
To fix the error, just make sure all of the css and javascript files you are including from external domains are using the HTTPS protocol in the src attribute.

Mixed Content Error on wordpress causing site unsecured

I am experiencing difficulties with having facebook login working on my website. I suspect it is caused by my site not being fully secure as per results from whynopadlock.
The site is wordpress based. The only error I am left with is "A file with an insecure url of "" was loaded on line: 76 of"
Any idea how to deal with it? Many thanks
Hi I will recommend to use a plugin which will send your all requests as https instead of http
you are able to map URL's you want specifically to map with their https source as well.
For more info please read its instructions, you can easily figure out its usage.

A page of our website appear HTTPS and not HTTP on Google research ( under only one keyword )

I have a really strange issue with the WordPress website with I'm working with
Under this research:
Best Barber Shop in Stillorgan
Our website appears with this link
The problem is that we don't use HTTPS but HTTP....
I tried to redirect in .htacces but is not working, how can I do?
The problem is probably not with your site, but with how Google sees your site. Most likely, there are one or more websites out there that link to your website using a url prefixed with https. You can verify this using google's webmaster tools:
My first suggestion would be to just get an ssl cert for your site. But if you are committed to not using ssl, then you should find the sites that are linking to you using https and request that they use http instead. It won't change the links that Google uses right away, but eventually the https links to your site will sink in the ratings.

Why WordPress image link in not appearing after activating SSL?

I've successfully added SSL on my WordPress website and it's every URL is working well with https URL but there seems all images is missing. In dashboard, all images URL is converted to https URL but in front-end they are not showing any URL it just seems like
Please anyone could help me to solve this issue?
This is likely because the URLs to the images are now http, and may be being blocked by browser security settings. There's a handy plugin I often use to help sort out issues like this called Really Simple SSL:
This plugin manages the URLs to include the correct protocol, etc. You may need to change any hard-coded URLs in your theme that do not use https however.

Wordpress on subfolder of website

I want my website domain subfolder to point to my website on, and keep the website address in the url bar the same.
For instance, the website is, the blog is, and my wordpress site is I want to point to, but not change the url in the url bar.
The website is built on Is this possible?
Uhhhhhh, generally, no.
10 years ago, when frames were acceptable you'd have a <frameset> page on your website and you'd load your wordpress blog into a frame and your visitors wouldn't see the domain name in the address bar - but frames are terrible and break things like bookmarking and site navigation, which is why they were removed from XHTML and HTML5 (their replacement, XFrames, is DoA).
Setting up a simple redirection in IIS would sort-of work, but wouldn't preserve your domain name in the address bar because your visitors need to connect to Wordpress directly.
The only solution, therefore, is to set up a proxy service on your website that proxies requests to your website over to Wordpress. This is no easy undertaking, but it is doable. You only need to proxy the HTML (things like images and other assets can be linked fine). You'd do this with a IHttpHandler in IIS that forges a new request to Wordpress and then uses a library like HtmlAgilityPack to replace appropriate URIs in the HTML with those to your proxy service.
Things like POSTable forms and Ajax requests might break - personally I don't think it's worth the hassle. I'd pay for a premium subdomain, or have a local Wordpress installation.
