Internet Explorer Compatibility issue with web page -

I am developing a .NET application for my clients. One of my pages I have included a RadDatePicker and several other input methods. When I run my project it occurs an error only in Internet Explorer web browser (IE version 11.0.9600.18282).
When I access to the web page from the local host it displays the page as the top part of the image below which is correct.But if I access my localhost from another computer that is connected to the same network, it displays the web page as in the second part of the image with some errors in the style.
I already checked the versions of both web browsers and rendering models and compatibility view settings and still I have no idea where it went wrong.
Can you please help me with that.


Why do my local debug websites always open in Internet Explorer?

I have two entirely separate web apps that display the same behavior on Windows 10. One is an Angular 8/nodejs 16 app that I can serve locally with ng serve. The 2nd is an older ASP.NET site that I build/run locally via Visual Studio. The behavior is this:
If I try to access the local website via localhost in Chrome or Edge, the site is immediately opened instead in Internet Explorer. Attempting to open in Firefox, however, is successful.
I recently upgraded computers and am only experiencing this on the new machine. I have been unable to identify what could be causing this. Windows default browser is set to Chrome.
In your computer, change your default web browser as:
settings-->default apps-->web browser
Figured it's an IT policy that has the respective browsers always open specific URLs in IE--in this case, localhost. I was able identify this by videoing the screen and noticing a message that popped up for only a few milliseconds:
Your system administrator has configured Google Chrome to open Internet Explorer to access localhost.
With that error, I found this question on SO with the answer.

Cannot Display Web Application in iframe On Chrome or Edge

I am working on adding a very old web application to a site. We have to display the web application in an iframe on the site. When using Internet Explorer 11, the web application will display in the iframe without an issue. It should be noted that this is an old web app
Chrome and Edge on the other hand will display an error in the developer console: Refused to display '{APPLICATION_URL}' in a frame because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors {SERVER_NAME}".
One thing to note is that this will not always happen in Chrome and Edge. I'd say about 80% of the time I will receive the error, but 20% of the time the application will load fine in the iframe and have no issues. This makes me think that maybe the issue is specific to a group of servers on our farm, but am unable to prove that.
I have very limited visibility over our servers here, but I can get someone else get me more information if that is needed.
I found the solution for this. One thing to note: Internet Explorer does NOT support the Content-Security-Policy header. That is why this worked in IE 100% of the time. IE was unable to do anything with that header, so it just loaded the app like it thought it was supposed to.
I was able to work with some people who have access to the servers that the web application is hosted on. I found the problem was caused by an IIS setting for the default site that the applications on this one server belong to.
There are two servers that host the application, and a load balancer will direct you to a server depending on traffic. One of the servers added an HTTP header for the content security policy to all outbound traffic for the applications on the server. This explained why sometimes the app would load fine, and other times it would fail.

Stylesheet fails to load on first request after deployment

After a new version of the site is deployed, the first time every user opens the site, none of the site's stylesheets are downloaded or load. Refreshing the page downloads and loads the stylesheets and then the site looks fine until the next time we do a deployment.
The site is a .NET 4 MVC website deployed to Windows Server 2008 R2 running IIS 7. The site is deployed using a publish package created through VS10 and imported into IIS.
Most users access the site using IE10 or 11 and some earlier IE users. None of the pcs available to test on have Firefox or Chrome, so I haven't been able to test whether the site's styles show up on first load in other browsers. Locally, the site displays correctly regardless of the browser and version used. There are no server errors or browser errors reported.
The styles are Bootstrap, and a custom site stylesheet.
Is the CSS reference rendering into the page source correctly? We have had similar issues with our .Net 4.0 CMS where dynamically populated references failed to populate under load because the response was getting flushed before update. Unfortunately we had to revert to static reference in master pages due to time constraints.

Style sheet issues in Load Balanced SharePoint 2010 Application

I have researched quite a bit and found no answer so I decided to make a post on this.
I have a fully working SharePoint 2010 Site Collection with some CSS and JavaScript resources to customize the look and feel of the site.
Everything is checked in and published and the site was working fine until we load balanced the two Frontend Servers.*
The problem is that, if - and only if - the site is opened through the load balancer, everyone gets some disrupted design issues AFTER clicking Internet Explorer (8) refresh button.
Moreover, SharePoint Designer does not work while using the LB as well:
"An error occurred accessing your Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site files. Authors - if you are authoring against a Web server, please contact the Webmaster for this server's Web site. WebMasters - please see the server's application event log for more details."
So this situation is not a problem on the following situations:
Open the site inside any of the servers or using a direct hosts entry to one of the servers (not using the Load Balancer)
IE10+ or another browser is used
Ctrl+F5 on IE8 using the LB
Similar (unanswered questions):
Fiddler does not show any relevant output, apart for some suspicious 401s that also appear when the site works
ULS Logs do not show any relevant authentication, permissions or other entries when the issue happens
As any medium/large company with intranet restrictions, we really need to support IE8. Also, SharePoint Designer does not work even if IE10 is installed.
the frontend servers were behind an F5 load balancer.
for some reason, sites rendered through the LB were displaying with IE7 rendering.
the solution was to add IE7 support to the branding solution, although it could work with a local browser tweak (unchecking "show intranet sites in compatibility mode").
I now tend to ask that LB caches are cleared whenever I have FE specific design problems

How to configure the web page of a web application to be browsed maximized?

I have developed a web project using PowerBuilder V12.0 and it is published in web file formats (*.aspx).
I have hosted my web project on a web server machine with operating system (Windows Server 2003 - Enterprise Edition) and IIS V6.0 as Web Server Hosting Application.
I would like to make the home page (Default.aspx) opened maximized so that no internet toolbars appears in the Internet Explorere or any other internet browser like Firefox and so on.
It seems this is a web server configuration and setting as now I host the same web application in two development web servers and it opens maximized in one of them and opens normal in the other so No changes are needed in the web project files.
I do not know exactly what is this option or configuration,, Is there a property like window size or width and height in web configuration files like web.config and machine.config ? I guess there is a property like WindowSize:Maximized.
If you had experience with that before please let me know the options and configurations needed to do that.
Thanks for your help.
You can use JavaScript to resize the browser window but I think it's generally bad form and not always supported. Some browsers won't do it at all, some will block it, etc.
Pretty sure you can't control any other aspects of window display, such as toolbar visibility, etc. Well - you can when opening new browser windows but you can't enforce this on the first load of the page.
Tried it in Chrome, no worky, tried it in IE, you get "IE has restricted this webpage from running scripts..."
I can see why you would want to enforce how your web app is displayed but that's something that's really left to the client.
