How to use console as input and output for Guile Scheme? - console

I understand that Scheme uses ports to perform Input and Output. While trying to learn how to get console input and output, I have come across MIT-Scheme's console-i/o-port variable.
But, the guile interpreter says it is an Unbound Variable. I would like to know how we can use ports to get input from and output to the console (Terminal in Unix) in a Guile Scheme Script. I am still a rookie in Scheme and Linux, a clear step-by-step is appreciated.
Also, how does (display <object>) work? Does it use ports inherently or is there another way.
P.S. If there is another way without using ports please let me know how to use that too.

If you want to read and write SExps, in guile you have (read), (write), (display) etc., if you want to read characters only use (read-char) and (write-char) -- they all use the input/output ports resp. you picked, by default they are stdin and stdout. Everything is rather straightforward (
You might also be interested in guile-ncurses (
Of some more goodies check out pretty-print module from ice-9 (on very long sexps it's slow but outputs them really nicely formatted, great for e.g. code generation):
(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
(pretty-print `(super cool stuff (+ 2 3) => ,(+ 2 3)))
And if you need your own parser, check out the lalr module (system base lalr).
edit a small example which reads a number, multiplies by itself and prints out the result:
#!/usr/bin/guile -s
(let ((x (read)))
(display (* x x))
(remember to chmod +x this script).
edit changed the expression to let form as Chris suggested, indeed the fewer parentheses the better

In guile you have 2 functions: current-input-port and current-output-port (the docs)
to read and put text into string (if you don't want to read s-expressions) you can use this function:
(define (read-port port)
(let iter ((result '()) (chr (read-char port)))
(if (eof-object? chr)
(list->string result)
(iter (append result (list chr)) (read-char port)))))
reading from stdin will be:
(read-port (current-input-port))
to write to stdout you can use display it also accept second argument which is port relevant docs


Capture output of cl-async:spawn

I was hoping to experiment with cl-async to run a series of external programs with a large combinations of command line arguments. However, I can't figure out how to read the stdout of the processes launched with as:spawn.
I would typically use uiop which makes it easy to capture the process output:
(let ((p (uiop:launch-program ... :output :stream)))
(format t "~a~%" (read-line (uiop:process-info-output p))))
I've tried both :output :pipe and :output :stream options to as:spawn and executing (as:process-output process-object) in my exit-callback shows the appropriate pipe or async-stream objects but I can't figure out how to read from them.
Can anyone with experience with this library tell how to accomplish this?
So you go to your repl and type:
CL-USER> (documentation 'as:spawn 'function)
And you read whatever comes out (or put your point on the symbol and hit C-c C-d f). If you read it you’ll see that the format for the :input, etc arguments is either :pipe, (:pipe args...), :stream, or (:stream args...) (or some other options). And that :stream behaves similarly to :pipe but gives output of a different type and that for details of args one should look at PIPE-CONNECT so you go and look up the documentation for that. Well it tells you what the options are but it isn’t very useful. What’s the documentation/description of PIPE or STREAM? Well it turns out that pipe is a class and a subclass of STREAMISH. What about PROCESS that’s a class too and it has slots (and accessors) for things like PROCESS-OUTPUT. So what is a good plan for how to figure out what to do next? Here’s a suggestion:
Spawn a long running process (like cat foo.txt -) with :output :stream :input :pipe say
Inspect the result (C-c C-v TAB)
Hopefully it’s an instance of PROCESS. What is it’s output? Inspect that
Hopefully the output is a Gray stream (ASYNC-STREAM). Get it into your repl and see what happens if you try to read from it?
And what about the input? See what type that has and what you can do with it
The above is all speculation. I’ve not tried running any of this but you should. Alternatively go look at the source code for the library. It’s already on your computer and if you can’t find it it’s on GitHub. There are only about half a dozen source files and they’re all small. Just read them and see what you can learn. Or go to the symbol you want to know about and hit M-. to jump straight to its definition. Then read the code. Then see if you can figure out what to do.
I found the answer in the test suite. The output stream can only be processed asynchronously via a read call-back. The following is simple example for posterity
(lambda ()
(let ((bytes (make-array 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(as:spawn "./" '()
:exit-cb (lambda (proc exit-status term-signal)
(declare (ignore proc exit-status term-signal))
(format t "proc output:~%~a"
(babel:octets-to-string bytes)))
:output (list :stream
:read-cb (lambda (pipe stream)
(declare (ignore pipe))
(let ((buf (make-array 128 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(loop for n = (read-sequence buf stream)
while (plusp n) do
(setf bytes
(concatenate '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))
(subseq buf 0 n)))))))))))
$ cat
echo "Process $$ will sleep for $sleep_time"
sleep $sleep_time
echo "Process $$ exiting"
yields the expected output

Common Lisp: What does #+nil?

The other day (perhaps yesterday) I was quite perplexed about this #+nil read-time conditional found in
After some deep thinking I came to the conclusion that this is very lispy way of commenting out code. Can someone confirm this?
Perhaps my assumptions are completely wrong. Anyway, thanks in advance.
Yes, it is a lispy way of commenting code, but you shouldn't leave this out in production code.
A better alternative is #+(or).
It only takes one more character, it takes the same key presses if you use Emacs paredit or some other mode that automatically inserts the closing parenthesis, and it's not subject to the existence of the symbol :nil in *features*.
See CLHS Sharpsign Plus
To conditionalize reading expressions from input, Common Lisp uses feature expressions.
In this case it has been used to comment out a form.
It's a part of the reader. #+ looks if the next item, usually as a keyword symbol with the same name, is a member of the list *features*. If yes, the then next item is read as normal, if not, it is skipped.. Usually :NIL is not a member of that list, so the item is skipped. Thus it hides the expression from Lisp. There might have been a Lisp implementation, where this would not work : NIL, New Implementation of Lisp. It might have had the symbol :NIL on the *features* list, to indicate the name of the implementation.
Features like NIL are by default read in the keyword package:
#+NIL -> looks for :NIL in cl:*features*
#+CL:NIL -> looks for CL:NIL in cl:*features*
(let ((string1 "#+nil foo bar")) ; string to read from
(print (read-from-string string1)) ; read from the string
(let ((*features* (cons :nil *features*))) ; add :NIL to *features*
(print (read-from-string string1))) ; read from the string
(values)) ; return no values
It prints:
Note that Common Lisp has other ways to comment out forms:
; (sin 3) should we use that?
#| (sin 3) should we use that?
(cos 3) or this? |#

How do I memory map tmpfs files in sbcl?

Exactly as the question says. I want to use shared memory to communicate between two lisp processes. Any pointers on how to do that?
I can see some tutorials on doing this in clozure at :-
Can someone point me to a similar library to do this with sbcl?
For a portable implementation, you might want to use the osicat library, which provides a CFFI wrapper for many POSIX calls in the osicat-posix package.
There is a very nice and short article with code for using it at (by Nicolas Martyanoff).
To preserve that, I mostly cite from there:
Mapping a file is done by opening it with osicat-posix:open, reading its size with fstat, then calling mmap. Once the file has been mapped we can close the file descriptor, it’s not needed anymore.
(defun mmap-file (path)
(let ((fd (osicat-posix:open path (logior osicat-posix:o-rdonly))))
(let* ((size (osicat-posix:stat-size (osicat-posix:fstat fd)))
(addr (osicat-posix:mmap (cffi:null-pointer) size
(logior osicat-posix:prot-read)
(logior osicat-posix:map-private)
fd 0)))
(values addr size))
(osicat-posix:close fd))))
The mmap-file function returns two values: the address of the memory mapping and its size.
Unmapping this chunk of memory is done with osicat-posix:munmap.
Let’s add a macro to safely map and unmap files:
(defmacro with-mmapped-file ((file addr size) &body body)
(let ((original-addr (gensym "ADDR-"))
(original-size (gensym "SIZE-")))
`(multiple-value-bind (,addr ,size)
(mmap-file ,file)
(let ((,original-addr ,addr)
(,original-size ,size))
(progn ,#body)
(osicat-posix:munmap ,original-addr ,original-size))))))
This macro mmaps the given file and binds the two given variables to its address and and size. You can then calculate address pointers with cffi:inc-pointer and access the file contents with cffi:mem-aref. You might want to build your own wrappers around this to represent the format of your file (e. g. plain text in UTF-8).
(In comparison to the posting linked above, I removed the wrapping of osicat-posix:munmap into another function of exactly the same signature and effect, because it seemed superfluous to me.)
There is low-level mmap function bundled with sbcl:
CL-USER> (apropos "MMAP")
SB-POSIX:MMAP (fbound)
; No value
CL-USER> (describe 'sb-posix:mmap)
MMAP names a compiled function:
Derived type: (FUNCTION (T T T T T T)
Inline proclamation: INLINE (inline expansion available)
; No value
You have to use explicit address arithmetics to use it, as in C.

Issue an HTTP GET from REPL in Racket

I feel like I'm missing something, but after perusing the docs for net/url and poking around in general, I was unable to figure out a way to issue a GET request from the interactive prompt. Basically, I want to imitate my python workflow for poking around a website:
response = urlopen("")
is this feasible in Racket?
Using call/input-url has a few advantages:
You don't need to close the port yourself.
The port is closed even if there's an exception.
Its third argument is (input-port? -> any/c) -- that is, a function that takes an input-port and returns anything. In addition to a function you write yourself, this could be an already-defined function like port->string, read-html-as-xml, and so on.
For example:
(call/input-url (string->url "")
Note: As I was typing this answer, I notice that Óscar edited his to do redirects. My similar edit would be:
(call/input-url (string->url "")
(curry get-pure-port #:redirections 4)
Of course, either way is still fairly verbose to type frequently at the REPL. So Óscar's suggestion to define your own url-open function is a good one. Implementing it using call/input-url would be preferable, I think.
Try this:
(require net/url)
(define input (get-pure-port (string->url "")))
(define response (port->string input))
(close-input-port input)
Now the response variable will contain the http response from the server. Even better, pack the above in a procedure, also notice that I added a maximum number of redirections allowed:
(define (urlopen url)
(let* ((input (get-pure-port (string->url url) #:redirections 5))
(response (port->string input)))
(close-input-port input)
(urlopen "") ; this will return the response
Following #GregHendershott's excellent advice (see his answer for details), here's another, more robust way to implement the desired functionality:
(define (urlopen url)
(string->url url)
(curry get-pure-port #:redirections 5)

translate-pathname behaves strange

Following this question: Strange symbols in filespec when calling load I tried my luck with pathnames, but, as you see, failed. Below is an example of the error, which I cannot explain:
This code does not work:
(defun test-process-imgae-raw ()
(test #P"digit-recognition:digit-7.png")
(process-image-raw test)))
Neither does this:
(defun test-process-imgae-raw ()
(test "digit-recognition:digit-7.png")
(process-image-raw test)))
But this code does:
(defun test-process-imgae-raw ()
(test (translate-logical-pathname "digit-recognition:digit-7.png"))
(process-image-raw test)))
And so does this:
(defun test-process-imgae-raw ()
(test (translate-logical-pathname #P"digit-recognition:digit-7.png"))
(process-image-raw test)))
Here's the "translator":
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "DIGIT-RECOGNITION")
`(("**;*.*" "/home/wvxvw/Projects/digit-recognition/**/*.*")))
And here's the error I'm getting:
Pathname components from SOURCE and FROM args to TRANSLATE-PATHNAME
did not match:
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
0: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
1: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
2: [ABORT] Abort thread (#<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {1003800113}>)
2: (TRANSLATE-PATHNAME #P"DIGIT-RECOGNITION:DIGIT-7.PNG.NEWEST" #P"DIGIT-RECOGNITION:**;*.*" #P"/home/wvxvw/Projects/digit-recognition/**/*.*")
6: (CREATE-IMAGE-FROM-FILE #<unavailable argument> NIL)
I'm trying to read the Hyperspec section on translate-pathname, but I can make absolutely no sense of what it says, neither from the examples it shows. Let alone it, I can't even understand how there can possibly be an error if you transform a string by whatever rules you put in place, so far it's only one way transformation...
I'm trying to read SBCL sources for this function, but they are really lengthy, and trying to figure out the problem this way is taking huge amounts of time.
tl;dr How is it even possible that translate-logical-pathname called from user's code will produce something different to what is produced from that function if called from system code? This is not only non-portable, this is just outright broken.
Adding one more asterisk to the pattern on the left side, but not on the right solved this. But the purpose or logic of why is this necessary is beyond me.
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "DIGIT-RECOGNITION")
`(("**;*.*.*" "/home/wvxvw/Projects/digit-recognition/**/*.*")))
This allows pathnames like to succeed, just like but why is that asterisk a requirement flies beyond me. Also, why is the system function feels entitled to change the pathname to something else of what it was given?.. But just not to get you confused, with-image-from-file will only work with the path already expanded by translate-logical-pathname, it won't work otherwise.
OK, it seems like this is the problem with cl-gd, instead of trying to expand the file name, it takes it literally. This code taken from create-image-from-file probably best answers my question:
(when (pathnamep file-name)
(setq file-name
#+:cmu (ext:unix-namestring file-name)
#-:cmu (namestring file-name)))
(with-foreign-object (err :int)
(with-cstring (c-file-name file-name)
(let ((image (ecase %type
((:jpg :jpeg)
(gd-image-create-from-jpeg-file c-file-name err))
I.e. instead of doing (namestring file-name) it has to do (namestring (trnaslate-logical-pathname file-name)). Duh...
Another way is to use TRUENAME, which returns the real file name. Normally this would not make a difference.
Image a file system with file versions (like the file systems of VMS, ...). If you have a logical pathname foo:bar;baz.png.newest, then it might translate to, say, /myfiles/images/baz.png~newest (again, just assume that it has version numbers). This still is not a real physical file. If such a Lisp system tries to open the file, it has to look into the file system to actually determine the newest file. That might be /myfiles/images/baz.png~42.
So, if you want to pass real physical filenames to external tools (like a C library), it might not be sufficient to expand the logical pathname, but it might be necessary to compute the truename - the real physical file.
The ability to deal with file versions comes from a time when file versions where quite common (see Versioning file system) with operating systems like ITS, VMS or the various Lisp Machine operating systems.
The main practical problem for this is that there is no common test suite for pathname operations for the various CL implementations and thus implementations differ in a lot of subtle details (especially when you need to deal with different file systems from different operating systems). Plus real file systems have complications - for example file names in Mac OS X use a special unicode encoding when dealing with Umlauts.
