Why is there 2 Eucalyptus command sets? - eucalyptus

Does anyone know why there is two command sets for working with EE Cloud - their syntaxes are:
euform-command-subcommand ?
The have partially the same commands, so I suppose there are different use cases for them ?
Thank you

euca-* commands generally relate to the EC2 service.
There are other prefixes for other AWS (compatible) services:
euare-* : identity and access management
euform-* : cloudformation
eulb-* : elastic load balancing
euscale-* : auto scaling
euwatch-* : cloudwatch
Euca2ools documentation:


Is it supported to create an integrated notebookVM when the workspace is configured to be in a VNET?

Trying to follow doc at secure your experiments but after configuring default workspace storage for VNET access, attempts to create integrated notebook VM fails with what looks like a storage access error.
Create Failed:
Failed to clone samples. Error details: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
We are working on adding virtual network support to NotebookVM.

Approach to securing test data for public repositories

We have setup nightly testing for an open source project (MERN stack). The Selenium tests require test data which we do not want to not make public. Initially we tried to keep test data as environment variables in the build server (CircleCI) but this approach is not scalable. We do not own any infrastructure - so any database or storage bucket based solutions will need additional cost which will not be feasible based on the org's current budget.Is there a smart solution to keep the test data files secure at no additional cost?
As you know, the challenge is that you need somewhere to put that data. If you're trying to do this without paying any providers, the best I can suggest is Amazon's free tier for either S3 storage or a database. https://aws.amazon.com/free/
Those could be securely accessed from CircleCI by just storing the API keys as project variables.
CircleCI's AWS S3 orb encapsulates the install and setup of AWS CLI to simplify this.
version: 2.1
aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3#1.0.2
- image: 'circleci/node:10'
- checkout
- aws-s3/copy:
from: 's3://your-s3-bucket-name/test_data/somefile.ext'
to: test_data.ext
- run: # your test code here

Openstack CLI does not honour project scope

Is it possible to scope Openstack CLI output for listing networks only for a single project. I have tried multiple options like --os-project-id, --os-project-name etc but it seems to list down all networks across multiple projects/tenants.
Currently, the command I am using is:
openstack network list --os-username XXX --os-password YYY --os-project-id ZZZ
Note: The credentials that I am using here are of an 'admin' account
Parameters set in the environment are :
May be your networks are shared by all tenants. If you only have a few networks you can verify with neutron net-show Network-Name and review the shared attribute
BTW I use the env variable OS_PROJECT_NAME to switch between projects
Without any explicit filter specified in the parameters, Neutron's network API returns all networks that the user accessing the API has privileges to list. The recommended way to scope down the list of networks to a specific project is to explicitly specify that filter.
Via CLI, you can scope the list to a specific project "demo" using the following example:
openstack network list --project demo
You can see more filtering options via the help text:
openstack help network list
Issues were caused by an older version of Openstack CLI v3.7.0
Using Openstack CLI version v3.13.0, I was able to solve my requirement. By default, with the domain admin account, the CLI still dumped the entire network list but with the --long flag, the 'project' field this time was populated and I could filter out the results for the specific project.
This was not the case with the previous CLI versions. Usage of '--long' flag had all the values of 'Project' as none.

Provision 2 node-type Service Fabric ARM

I've been trying to provision a 2-node-type service fabric cluster using ARM. The secondary node type (backend) should not be exposed to the internet. For that I've created a loadbalancer with an internal IP-Address.
Everything gets provisioned correctly but I cannot get the nodes added to the cluster. From the Azure portal when I open the cluster it says it has no nodes in it even though it has the node types configured.
I have even tried downloading the template produced by the azure portal after creating a service fabric cluster. I have also executed one of the templates provided on github and I cannot still see any nodes in the cluster.
Any suggestion what I could be missing?
Glad to hear you got that sorted. Regarding your follow-up question on deploying to the backend node-types, that's where you'd use placement constraints. When you create clusters in Azure through ARM, it automatically sets up a placement property on each node using the node type name you defined. So on your back-end nodes, assuming your node type is called "backendnode" you'll have the following placement policy defined:
NodeTypeName: backendnode
When you deploy your services, just use that as your placement constraint:
New-ServiceFabricService -ApplicationName "fabric:/myapp" -ServiceName "fabric:/myapp/myservice" -ServiceTypeName "myservicetype" -Stateful -MinReplicaSetSize 2 -TargetReplicaSetSize 3 -PartitionSchemeSingleton -PlacementConstraint "NodeTypeName == backendnode"

AWS API Create instance in non default VPC

I am using .NET SDK for AWS and and trying to create a service that can create/mange instances. As part of this I want to create an EC2 instance in a specific VPC (non-default). There may have more then one VPC in a zone and I want to programatically be able to create/manage instances in any of the VPC rather than just the default VPC.
Is this possible? If yes how? I looked through the API docs and could not find a way to specify the VPC at the time of creation of EC2 isntance.
The VPC appears to be implied by the subnet-id that you specify. If this doesn't get you there, it might at least get you an error message explaining what you've missed.
From the underlying REST API:
[EC2-VPC] The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into.
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
