SilverStripe static error page - silverstripe

Is it possible to set a static 404 error page without the need to create this page in the CMS SiteTree?
I tried setting an in the Layout folder with the error text in there. It only works when the error page is created in the SiteTree.

The 404 error page in the site tree outputs the page html to /assets/error-404.html for use in the case the site tree 404 page is not found.
In our main .htaccess should be the following line that sets where the server should look for the static 404 error page:
ErrorDocument 404 /assets/error-404.html
If we unpublish our 404 error page in the site tree the server will use this static html page. We can then edit the /assets/error-404.html file to control the static 404 error page.


How can I disable the Netlify error page and use a custom error page instead with NextJS?

We have a NextJS app hosted on Netlify. We implemented custom error pages using the NextJS _error.js file but when a 404 or 500 error occurs, instead of showing the NextJS error page, we get the Netlify error page.
Is there something in the netlify.toml that we have to disable so that we get our own NextJS error page instead? Or is there another solution
To use a custom 404 error page, you'll want to use the custom 404 page at pages/404.js instead of pages/_error.js, since the 404 page will be statically generated. _error.js appears to be mainly for 500 or other server errors. See this tutorial for more information, or the Next.js docs.
To use your new static 404 page with Netlify, you can create a custom 404 redirect with Netlify, which will be shown instead of the default 404 page.
To configure a 404 redirect with the netlify.toml syntax:
from = "/*"
to = "/404"
status = 404

Model View Controller is breaking my stylesheet links

I'm trying to create a website using Bootstrap Studio and I'm using a Model View Controller with a RESTful API as middleware. When I test my HTML file for the frontend locally, in its folder, it loads as expected. However when I save it into the XAmpp folder and try to load the page as a view through the Index page, it breaks and I get this error in the console: "GET http://localhost/assets/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)"
I have tried to move the assets folder into my view folder, I've tried changing the file path in my HTML when loading the CSS files. I've also added 'type = "text/css"' as that was causing a different issue. I've tried looking to look up an answer for myself, and read that because of the middleware, it's trying to authorise the CSS on a page that's also trying to get authorization? However, the thread didn't offer a solution or a workaround...
.htmacces file
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/? index.php?url=$1 [L,QSA]
Example of the CSS call
<link rel="stylesheet" type = "text/css" href="../assets/fonts/font-awesome.min.css">
Everything works as expected until I try and load the page through the MVC model which redirects all requests to my index page, then loads a view depending on what URL is attached.

WordPress: Unknown 404 error in console

While its not affecting the site it bugs me that I can't get rid of this 404 error in the console. When I view the page I get this message: 404 (Not Found)
And when I click to see what it refers to it points to the same line as my doctype declaration, which is a standard . I run a few php variables before this but I tried to swap them out and I still get the message.
I've set up my WP site so that it defaults to a page and this page runs on the default page.php template. Any ideas?

Blank screen on custom error 404 page

In IIS 8.5, I have a default web site with a custom page that handles 404 errors.
This custom page is default.asp, which is also the site's default document.
When a 404 error occurs and the default.asp happens to have any other error (for instance, a SQL query timeout), IIS shows only a blank page and not the actual error.
If default.asp is accessed explicitly (no 404 error), the error is correctly shown.
Steps to reproduce this problem:
Configure a web site with a 404 error document pointing to default.asp
Create a default.asp with a divide by zero error: <%=1/0%>
Access /notexists.htm in your site. A blank screen is shown.
Access /default.asp. A divide by zero error is shown, which was also expected in step 3.
Any clues?
Errors will return a status of 500-100, internal server error. So you might want to seperate out the 404 file not found, and 500-100 error pages.

How to change the default 404 error page with custom page from pages app

I am new to Magnolia.
I have created an Error page in Pages App. Now I would like to change the Default 404 error page with my error page. How do I do this?
Since magnolia 3.5 (magnolia internal error page)
Please open your web.xml file and update error-page tag like the following code,
Here /website-country/error-page is the custom page which is available in Pages App.
