Chrome Android instantaneous button feedback - css

I am creating a simple mobile app with Cordova. For good user experience I would like there to be instant feedback whenever a user presses a button. This should be accomplished with the :active pseudoclass. It mostly works, but it's not quite 'instant'.
See the jsbin here.
With desktop Chrome, clicking the button produces absolutely instant feedback, no question.
With Chrome for Android, tapping the button quickly feels pretty quick, but a slow tap or holding on the button causes a delay (it might be hard to notice, but it is there and it's bugging me).
I think this is something to do with scrolling. If you go to the Android settings, there is a scrolling list of options. These options seem to highlight with a similar delay. However, any native Android buttons which are not within a scrolling list are absolutely instant (for example, the back button in the top right, or save/cancel on a popup dialog).
Is there some way I can convince Chrome that these buttons are not on any kind of scrolling pane and should just be highlighted instantly?
This is probably unrelated, but I have also noticed that holding on an html button highlights it, but then moving your finger (still within the button) causes the highlight to disappear. This does not match the behaviour of native Android buttons, which would stay highlighted so long as you stay within the button.
Edit: I should add that -webkit-tap-highlight-color (which only works with cursor: pointer) is a bit faster than :active, but it's not an acceptable solution, for a few reasons:
The highlight disappears if you hold on the button for more than one second
It clashes with :active - to get sensible results with -webkit-tap-highlight-color you would have to remove :active, which makes no sense
There is no way to control the size/shape of the highlight, which might not match the actual button (sometimes it bleeds around the edge, or has mismatching rounded corners)
The correct HTML way of solving this is :active, and I would like to use that if at all possible.

It seems the best way to solve this is to listen for touch events and set a class:
$('button').on('touchstart', function(e){
$('button').on('touchend', function(e){
To keep this as closely related to the :active pseudoclass, I opted to use a class of active and add styles for both like this:
button:active, {
// active style
For more information, see:


Remove flashing shadow when pressing buttons on mobile device

I'm creating this toggle component but as you can see in the gif whenever I press it on a mobile device there's this flashing shadow behind it, which is probably some native behaviour to indicate the button is being pressed.
I'm trying to get rid of it as it makes the component look kinda clunky and not very smooth. I tried several combinations of props like changing the background color, shadow, transitions, pseudo selectors like :active and others, even changing the element from <button> to <div>, nothing really works and I couldn't find a solution for this anywhere.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Detect :hover:active:focus state

I have a button which is styled for various states. Particularly, pressed (:hover:active) and focussed (:focus).
But if the button was focussed and is pressed, it changes to :hover in Google Chrome / Safari or :hover:active in Firefox. Neither go to :hover:active:focus as expected.
HTML test case:
button{background:#000000;color:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #000000;padding:10px}
And here it is in a simple test fiddle: Note that after focussing the button using the keyboard (so it goes blue), pressing it makes it go red in Chrome, or yellow in Firefox (instead of white).
My question is: how can I detect a pressed, focussed element (like :hover:active:focus), or at a minimum get Chrome to use the :active:hover state as Firefox does?
I believe that focus, generally as an event, is not fired at all when you click on a button. It is fired when you keep pressing Tab until you reach desired element.
Text input's and textarea's are exceptions, since they're focused when clicked.
I couldn't find clear explanation in events documentation but HERE you can see Focus Event Types documentation. One chapter down there is completely separate chapter Mouse Event Types which suggests that mouse behaviours are not related to focus events.
I read your question carefully once again and now I think I finally understand your problem.
When it comes to a button, there is no such state as :active:hover:focus. If a button is focused it becomes blur immediately after you clik on it (to be precise - after you just mousedown on it). So there's no way to put button both in active and focus states together.
According to the red color on Chrome/Safari when you click on a focused button, I guess this is a bug. If you bind a simple handler to the button click like here you'll see that clicking on a focused button works. I don't know why :active is not triggered.

hover state disappears in ie8

I have a bit of a IE8 problem (sound familiar?)
I have a button. when you hover over the button the hover state produces a larger box that has html inside. in this particular case, it's a small music player.
so it goes like this, when you hover over the button it produces a small music player with clickable links and some text. you can move your mouse anywhere inside this box, but as soon as you leave the box/music player, the hover state goes away again.
sorry but I don't know how else to explain it.
this all works a treat except for IE8.
in IE8, the hover state disappears as soon as the mouse leaves the original small button. so navigating around the music player becomes impossible.
now I have noticed that when there is no html in the hover box, it works fine, but when there is html (in this case an iframe) it loses the hover as soon as I touch any html inside the hovering box. so it looks like the problem is not the hover box, but the code inside the box that makes it lose focus
what I would like to know is, is this a known issue in IE8, or could it just be bad coding from my side. in which case i can post the css.
I've had problems with :HOVER states in IE8 too and I noticed that the same CSS (even pointing to the same external CSS file) worked on some pages but not others. The solution for me was to consistently add a DOCTYPE to the top of all pages (above the starting HTML tag).
It seems obvious now, but sometimes (especially when editing old sites) the DOCTYPE is not always specified.
I hope this helps!
Your problem doesn't seem to lie in hover itself. Firstly you assume some window height and your project just look weird if the height is different. Assuming you did some very exact calculations on such assumptions your problem is probably the box model problem. box-sizing:border-box might help, but you would have to recalculate everything.
Also you can use timeout before the elements gets hidden/drop down so that micro mouse movements don't shake elements and maybe allow to "catch" them.
Having both things in mind all hovering problems should be fixable.
EDIT: For iframe hover have a look at: Iframe hover not working in IE (all versions).

How to disable hover state of button on mobile?

I have a "follow" button that has "Follow" which when clicked, changes a class and the text visible is "Following". On hover this changes to "Unfollow".
Works just fine. On mobile (phone), clicking it seems to lock it into the "hover" state. As a result, it completely bypasses "Following" and shows "Unfollow". If I tap somewhere else on the screen, it "fixes" itself.
Is there any way to make this happen automatically? $('body').click() did nothing for me...
You can use the touchstart/touchend events in jquery. If you are using only CSS, I don't know of a solution, but what you can either bind your normal functions to touchstart/touchend events in addition to hover events or do something like the following.
This just make your "hoverClass" change the button as you need to via CSS. I hope that is clear enough. Basically, touchstart/touchend are similar to hover, but as far as I know not accessible via CSS exclusively.

Chrome won't apply css hover style when left mouse button is held down

In Google Chrome, the CSS hover state isn't being triggered when the left mouse button is held down, as shown here:
a:hover {
color: red;
This issue doesn't occur in either FF8 or IE9. It's problematic because I'm implementing a drag-and-drop action and using CSS to highlight the drop target. I could do this pretty trivially in JavaScript, but that seems heavy-handed for what is essentially a CSS problem. Are there any workarounds to this?
From a little playing around, it seems that Chrome 30.0.1599.69 m on windows7 doesn't generate a mouseenter event if the left button is held when moving over an element. As such, relying on the onmouseenter event gives the same result as using css - perhaps this (non-triggered) event is used to signal the css engine that something needs to change.
Anyhow, you can just add code to handle mousemove and mouseout events. I simply set the text colour with the js, though something that toggled a class would probably be a better option. At least the js will be using the time that the css should have been using, so it won't all be overhead, although it does suck redoing it all anytime the mouse moves.
Perhaps you could use removeEventListener from inside the handler you're trying to remove. If so, you could attach the js to handle the events with addEventListener, attaching to both events on page load. When the onmousemove event was triggered, you could change the style and then remove the handler. Then, when the mouseout event fired, you could restore the style and re-attach the onmove handler. I wouldn't be surprised if trying to remove a handler from an event, from within the handler itself would fail, but one can only try. It would only add a few bytes to the js, but would improve efficiency (in terms of the link, not the whole page) tremendously - from potentially very poor if the mouse was moved over the link a lot to 100% - i.e the style is set exactly once and cleared exactly once per enter/leave cycle.
Works for me - Note: only tested with chrome in win7.
I checked in Safari and Opera as well and they behave just like IE9 and Firefox. It seems Chrome is the only browser that behaves this way. The only way I was able to get the desired behavior was using Javascript. The suggestions with the :active pseudo class definitely don't work, I think they misunderstand the problem. Strangely, :hover in Chrome works when the right mouse button is being held down and not when the left button is. Go figure.
The link turns red when I mouseover it using Chrome 17.0.948.0 (Developer Build 111321) Ubuntu 10.04, so you might want to update your Chrome.
On a related note, the :hover pseudo-class applies to an element being HOVERED by a mouse pointer. For a style to apply while the mouse button is held down while clicking the link, use the :active pseudo-class. I'm not sure why FF and IE behave differently.
When you're left mouse button is down, isn't the element supposed to be in the active state? The difference here is that Firefox and IE are allowing the active state to be inherited from the hover state, and Chrome is not. In CSS, the active state can be controlled using the :active pseudo-class. You need to explicitly set the style for the active state to ensure consistency between browsers.
Nowadays (2018), while the bug still persists in Chrome, you can work around it using HTML5 drag&drop's dragenter and dragleave events. If you have a nested dom-element you can apply a counter to mitigate the dragleave events that occur when the mouse gets over a child element.
var h1 = document.querySelector('h1')
var counter = 0
h1.ondragenter = _=> ++counter && h1.classList.add('dragover')
h1.ondragleave = _=> --counter || h1.classList.remove('dragover')
span { font-style:italic }
h1:hover { color:red }
h1.dragover { color:blue }
<h1>hover over me<span>, and me</span></h1>
<h2 draggable=true>drag me</h2>
You're looking for the :active pseudo-class. :hover will only activate when the node is being hovered over by the mouse. :active will only trigger when the node has been selected or clicked on.
Here's the jsFiddle:
