How to use R studio on a remote server - r

Currently, i use R studio on my desktop, with all analysis run using my desktop machine
Performance for this is really poor, so i'm getting an external server that is more powerful dedicated for R jobs
I really like the Rstudio IDE, Is there a way I can connect Rstudio on my desktop to run R on the external server?
I want to be able to use it in the same way as I use my desktop version of R, so i can view my graphs etc

RStudio Server is what you need. You can download it here:
Install it on your external server; then from your desktop (or from any other machine!) you can connect to the server in a web browser and use RStudio inside the web browser. RStudio Server shares a great deal of code with the desktop version so the interface will be nearly identical to what you're accustomed to.

Yes, if you sign up with Amazon AWS you can use Rstudio Server and control it from your desktop pretty easily. Give this site a read and see what you can do!
If you have your own server at work or the university, you can install the server there and use a vm window to log in from anywhere.


Put RShiny app in docker for Windows based local computers

I have an RShiny based application developed on Windows 10 using R (4.0.4), RStudio and RShiny. I want to share this application with my colleagues (who also use Windows 10) for them to use but they don't have R or RStudio installed. I want them to be able to use this app without installing R and RStudio since we don't have admin rights on our laptops and getting them requires raising tickets. One possible option would be to host the app on a server and use shiny-server, then share the link to the app. But we don't have a server budget currently.
My primary question is, if there is a way to share the app with my colleagues without them having to go through the hassle of installing R and RStudio.
From my preliminary research, I have found that Dockers (or Rockers by RStudio Inc.) can be used to achieve this by making the app into a "docker image" (whatever this means!). But all the articles I found were about dockerising the RShiny app for Linux based systems and servers. Hence, my secondary question is, if anybody knows this Docker/Rocker can be used on Windows based systems to help me in my scenario explained in first paragraph.

Shiny as Stand-Alone Program

I wrote a Shiny app, and now I need to turn it into a Stand-Alone Program. The reasoning behind this is that I need to share the app but can't do this with or a server as I need the app to be able to access user's folders.
So far, I found these 2 tutorials: deploying-desktop-apps and packaging-your-shiny-app. Both of them (supposedly) work on Windows, but I have a Mac, and I want to app to be available for users of all systems, or at least Mac and Linux. Any thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated!
I actually tried to follow the tutorial mentioned above, and can't even install R-portable for my Mac. So I'm looking for something different.
Running a Virtual Machine to follow Windows tutorial is an option, but in this case, the app will be Windows-specific, and I don't want this.
This thread is really old I know, but I'm also trying to find answers on creating a standalone version of R for Mac.
This would support for
which supports Windows

Shiny app on Server: not publish it, only make it run

I am working on an Shiny app in R. My goal is to put in on a server, not on my local pc.
EDIT: my goal is not to publish it on the web, but only make it run on the server locally.
I have installed R on the server, added all the libraries I need, lastly I tried to launch my app that it is quite long, the schema is more or less this:
data preprocessing (with RODBC)
some custom functions
server<- etc.
ui<- etc.
Well in my local pc everything is fine, but on the server I cannot have a result, it is impossible to reach the address.
I decided to do something like this, create the two files called server and ui, and launching them with:
Having the idea to use the option of runApp.
Well it is arriving this
ERROR: Error sourcing C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmp8YeSOV\file22281c0c2f6d
First of all, this procedure is going to help me?
If so, could you tell me what that error mean?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure, but I think it's not possible to reach a shiny app running in a local computer (or server). For that purpose you can use the Shiny Sever, which allow you to put your Shiny apps accessible online.
It seems that your server is a Windows computer, so your options are:
Build Shiny Server from its source code, (maybe a little difficult).
Use a virtual machine like VMware Player (free for non-commercial use) and install Ubuntu or other Linux distribution to use the pre-built binary of Shiny Server. With this option you can restrict the access to only your local network and maybe faster access to your DB's.
Use a DigitalOcean virtual server (for a very reasonable price), in this case you apps will be on the cloud and accesible everywhere.
For option 2 and 3 you can follow the very useful and well written tutorial of Dean Attali about installing and setting up a Shiny Sever. It is for DigitalOcean but is pretty much the same if you decide to use a virtual machine with Linux.
The answer is quite simple, I was using IE as browser: if you use Chrome specifying it on the runApp statement, everything works fine.

How to run automated GUI tests on a remote headless ESXi Virtual Machine?

I'm trying to setup automated GUI tests in ESXi Virtual Machines using TestComplete. The problem, as I understand it, is that when no remote desktop connection is made to the ESXi virtual machine, then it is impossible for TestComplete to perform screen captures and therefore automate the GUI testing. As far as I understand it, this is due to the fact that Windows does not generate any user interface when nobody is viewing it.
I'm sure other have experienced this problem. How did you solve it ? Are you using a third party computer which automatically launch remote desktop connections prior to running the tests ?
Would it be possible to launch a remote desktop from a head-less virtual machine to another to fake somebody viewing ?
Any other smarter solutions I haven't thought about ?
You should be able to log in to Windows on the VM's console using the vSphere client, then close vSphere, and Windows will still believe the user is viewing the console. Simple as that. :)
So there shouldn't be a need to involve remote desktop in the mix.
As long as your tests then run as that logged-in Windows user, you should be fine.
This technique has always worked like a charm for me with certain Watir, Selenium, and MS UI Automation tests that depend on having an interactive desktop.
If you need to reboot the VM automatically before/during the test, instead of logging in manually in the vSphere client, you can make Windows log in as an arbitrary user automatically - check the "control userpasswords2" command, or you can use the Sysinternals app "Autologin":
Only catch with this technique is that you need to be able to launch your tests while not viewing the console on the VM, but it sounds like you've already taken care of that?
If you need a solution for launching your tests remotely, I highly recommend using Jenkins or Hudson to kick off tests/collect results from the VM. Jenkins has changed my life in this regard.
You may consider using the Network Suites functionality of TestComplete:
It can open Remote Desktop connections on its own, control tests on remote PCs, and pull the logs back to the "master" project. This feature is designed to be used for distributed tests, and looks like it's just what you need.
As for opening RDP to a head-less VM, it should not be a problem - it's up to Windows to "think" about this. You just open RDP and it works even if there is no monitor attached to the remote PC/VM.
I hope this helps,
You can always use VNC with checking the option "Do nothing" when disconnecting viewer. This way you'll trick windows to generate the image.

OpenCL development platform?

I am developing OpenCL code on a linux cluster through SSH -
are there any tools that would make this process easier, i.e.
something like NVIDIA Parallel Nsight for OpenCL ?
No there is no such tool, though you might try developing your code using ordinary computer and post production versions there..
If the computer where you perform development is also running Linux, you can easily mount a remote folder as local. In a Gnome environment, open Nautilus (the file manager), click File => Connect to server, chose SSH, fill the required parameters, and you have a remote folder as local.
You can then use any IDE you want to develop code, and maybe perform simple runs, tests and debugs if the OpenCL tools (compiler, debugger) you're using remotely are also installed locally. However, To compile and properly run the code on the cluster, you need to use the ssh client on the command line.
