How can I tell the "current age" of a cached page? - http

I'm wondering how the browser determines whether a cached resource has expired or not.
Assume that I have set the max-age header to 300. I made a request at 14:00, 3 minutes later I made another request to the same resource. So how can the browser tell the resource haven't expired (the current age which is 180 is less than the max-age)? Does the browser hold a "expiry date" or "current age" for every requested resource? If so how can I inspect the "current age" at the time I made the request?

Check what browsers store in their cache
To have a better understanding on how the browser cache works, check what the browsers actually store in their cache:
Firefox: Navigate to about:cache.
Chrome: Navigate to chrome://cache.
Note that there's a key for each cache entry (requested URL). Associated with the key, you will find the whole response details (status codes, headers and content). With those details, the browser is able to determine the age of a requested resource and whether it's expired or not.
The reference for HTTP caching
The RFC 7234, the current reference for caching in HTTP/1.1, tells you a good part of the story about how cache is supposed to work:
2. Overview of Cache Operation
Proper cache operation preserves the semantics of HTTP transfers
while eliminating the transfer of information already
held in the cache. Although caching is an entirely OPTIONAL feature
of HTTP, it can be assumed that reusing a cached response is
desirable and that such reuse is the default behavior when no
requirement or local configuration prevents it. [...]
Each cache entry consists of a cache key and one or more HTTP
responses corresponding to prior requests that used the same key.
The most common form of cache entry is a successful result of a
retrieval request: i.e., a 200 (OK) response to a GET request, which
contains a representation of the resource identified by the request
target. However, it is also possible to
cache permanent redirects, negative results (e.g., 404 (Not Found)),
incomplete results (e.g., 206 (Partial Content)), and responses to
methods other than GET if the method's definition allows such caching
and defines something suitable for use as a cache key.
The primary cache key consists of the request method and target URI.
However, since HTTP caches in common use today are typically limited
to caching responses to GET, many caches simply decline other methods
and use only the URI as the primary cache key. [...]
Some rules are defined regarding storing responses in caches:
3. Storing Responses in Caches
A cache MUST NOT store a response to any request, unless:
The request method is understood by the cache and defined as being
cacheable, and
the response status code is understood by the cache, and
the no-store cache directive does not appear
in request or response header fields, and
the private response directive does not
appear in the response, if the cache is shared, and
the Authorization header field does
not appear in the request, if the cache is shared, unless the
response explicitly allows it, and
the response either:
contains an Expires header field, or
contains a max-age response directive, or
contains a s-maxage response directive
and the cache is shared, or
contains a Cache Control Extension that
allows it to be cached, or
has a status code that is defined as cacheable by default, or
contains a public response directive.
Note that any of the requirements listed above can be overridden by a cache-control extension. [...]

Usually (but not always) the server providing the resource will provide a Date header, indicating the time at which that resource was requested. Caching entities can use that Date and the current time to find the resource's age. If the Date response header does not appear, that the caching entity will probably mark the resource's request time in other metadata, and use that metadata for computing the age. Another possibly helpful response header to look for is the Last-Modified response header.
So first, you should check if the cached resource has the Date header for your own age calculation. If not present, it will then depend on which specific browser you are using, and how that browser handles caching for Date-less resources. More information on HTTP caching and the various factors involved, can be found in this caching tutorial.
Hope this helps!


Does the browser cache evict existing entries after a successful PUT/POST/DELETE?

If I send a GET xhr from the browser and the response comes with the correct headers, then the resource is stored in the cache. But I was wondering what would happen if I then send a PUT to the same url. Is the browser smart enough to know that this method will change the resource and so evict the entry from the cache?
I found this in the rfc:
A cache MUST invalidate the effective Request URI (Section 5.5 of
[RFC7230]) as well as the URI(s) in the Location and Content-Location
response header fields (if present) when a non-error status code is
received in response to an unsafe request method.
The unsafe methods include PUT/POST/DELETE, so browsers should evict the entries after requests with these methods are successful (status code 2xx or 3xx).
Though one should be aware that a resource can change even if no requests that modify it are made.

If the browser can cache PATCH requests

If you fetch an image to display a second or n+1 times, or fetch some JSON likewise, and nothing has changed, then the browser shouldn't actually download/fetch the content. This is how GET requests work with caching.
But I'm wondering, hypothetically, if instead of using GET you use PATCH to fetch the image or JSON. Wondering if the browser can still use its cached version if nothing has changed, or what needs to be done to make PATCH work like a GET so that it doesn't fetch cached content.
It's important to understand that PATCH is not for fetching anything. You're making a change on the server and the response may have information about how the change was applied.
HTTP requests other than GET sometimes can be cacheable. To find out if PATCH is, you can read the RFC's. The RFC has this to say:
A response to this method is only cacheable if it contains explicit freshness information (such as an Expires header or
"Cache-Control: max-age" directive) as well as the Content-Location
header matching the Request-URI, indicating that the PATCH response
body is a resource representation. A cached PATCH response can only
be used to respond to subsequent GET and HEAD requests; it MUST NOT
be used to respond to other methods (in particular, PATCH).
This already suggest 'no', doing a PATCH request twice will not result in the second to be skipped.
A second thing to look out for with HTTP methods is if they are idempotent or safe. PATCH is neither.
RFC7231 has this to say about cacheable methods:
In general, safe methods that
do not depend on a current or authoritative response are defined as
cacheable; this specification defines GET, HEAD, and POST as
cacheable, although the overwhelming majority of cache
implementations only support GET and HEAD.
Both of these suggest that 'no', PATCH is not cacheable, and there's no set of HTTP headers that will make it so.

Checking if HTTP resource has changed after maximum cache time has expired

I'm trying to work out a new caching policy for the static resources on a website. A common problem is whenever javascript, CSS etc. is updated, many users hold onto stale versions because currently there are no caching specific HTTP headers included in the file responses.
This becomes a serious problem when, for example, the javascript updates are linked to server-side updates, and the stale javascript chokes on the new server responses.
Eliminating browser caching completely with a cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache seems like overkill, since I'd still like to take some pressure off the server by letting browsers cache temporarily. So, setting the cache policy to a maximum of one hour seems alright, like cache-control: max-age=3600, no-cache.
My understanding is that this will always fetch a new copy of the resource if the cached copy is older than one hour. I'd specifically like to know if it's possible to set a HTTP header or combination of headers that will instruct browsers to only fetch a new copy if the resource was last checked more than one hour ago AND if the resource has changed.
I'm just trying to avoid browsers blindly fetching new copies just because the cached resource is older than one hour, so I'd also like to add the condition that the resource has been changed.
Just to illustrate further what I'm asking:
New user arrives at site and gets fresh copy of script.js
User stays on site for 45 mins, browser uses cached copy of script.js all the time
User comes back to site 2 hours later, and browser asks the server if script.js has changed
If it has, then it gets a fresh copy and the process repeats
If it has not changed, then it uses the cached copy for the next hour, after which it will check again
Have I misunderstood things? Is what I'm asking how it actually works, or do I have to do something different?
Have I misunderstood things? Is what I'm asking how it actually works,
or do I have to do something different?
You have some serious misconceptions about what the various cache control directives do and why cache behaves as it does.
Eliminating browser caching completely with a cache-control:
max-age=0, no-cache seems like overkill, since I'd still like to take
some pressure off the server by letting browsers cache temporarily ...
The no-cache option is wrong too. Including it means the browser will always
check with the server for modifications to the file every time.
That isn't what the no-cache means or what it is intended for - it means that a client MUST NOT used a cached copy to satisfy a subsequent request without successful revalidation - it does not and has never meant "do not cache" - that is what the no-store directive is for
Also the max-age directive is just the primary means for caches to calculate the freshness lifetime and expiration time of cached entries. The Expires header (minus the value of the Date header can also be used) - as can a heuristic based on the current UTC time and any Last-Modified header value.
Really if your goal is to retain the cached copy of a resource for as long as it is meaningful - whilst minimising requests and responses you have a number of options.
The Etag (Entity Tag) header - this is supplied by the server in response to a request in either a "strong" or "weak" form. It is usually a hash based on the resource in question. When a client re-requests a resource it can pass the stored value of the Etag with the If-None-Match request header. If the resource has not changed then the server will respond with 304 Not Modified.
You can think Etags as fingerprints for resources. They can be used to massively reduce the amount of information sent over the wire - as only fresh data is served - but they do not have any bearing on the number of times or frequency of requests.
The last-modified header - this is supplied by the server in response to a request in HTTPdate format - it tells the client the last time the resource was modified.
When a client re-requests a resource it can pass the stored value of the last-modified header with the If-Modified-Since request header. If the resource has not changed since the time it was last modified then the server will respond with 304 Not Modified.
You can think of last modified as a weaker form of entity checking than Etags. It addresses the same problem (bandwidth/redundancy) it in a less robust way and again it has no bearing at all on the actual number of requests made.
Revving - a technique that use a combination of the Expires header and the name (URN) of a resource. (see stevesouders blog post)
Here one basically sets a far forward Expires header - say 5 years from now - to ensure the static resource is cached for a long time.
You then have have two options for updating - either by appending a versioning query string to the requests URL - e.g. "/mystyles.css?v=1.1" - and updating the version number as and when the resource changes. Or better - versioning the file name itself e.g. "/mystyles.v1.1.css" so that each version is cached for as long as possible.
This way not only do you reduce the amount of bandwidth - you will as eliminate all checks to see if the resource has changed until you rename it.
I suppose the main point here is none of the catch control directives you mention max-age, public, etc have any bearing at all on if a 304 response is generated or not. For that use either Etag / If-None-Match or last-modified / If-Modified-Since or a combination of them (with If-Modified-Since as a fallback mechanism to If-None-Match).
It seems that I have misunderstood how it works, because some testing in Chrome has revealed exactly the behavior that I was looking for in the 5 steps I mentioned.
It doesn't blindly grab a fresh copy from the server when the max-age has expired. It does a GET, and if the response is 304 (Not Modified), it continues using the cached copy until the next hour has expired, at which point it checks for changes again etc.
The no-cache option is wrong too. Including it means the browser will always check with the server for modifications to the file every time. So what I was really looking for is:
Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600

What determines request equivalence for HTTP caching?

I feel like this has to be easy to Google, but I can't find it: from the perspective of an HTTP cache, what determines if two requests are equivalent?
I imagine one ingredient is that that their URLs need to be identical; for example, rearranging (but not changing) query string parameters seems to cause a cache miss. Presumably they need to have the same Accept header. What else determines if a request can be served from cache?
This is mostly described in this RFC:
The method
The full uri
Caching-related headers in response influence whether something got stored.
Any request headers that appeared in the list of the Vary response header.
It also matters whether you are caching for a specific user (for example a browser), or many users (for example a proxy).
I also struggled with this. Changing my google search to use "http cache key" generated better results. Using the URL seems to be the most common. Query strings are also generally included. describes what the default is for cloudflare and a discussion on the impact of using different keys.
Another parameter that could be useful is to identifying the type of assets that you want to cache. Or leave it open (no filtering)
"Authorization" header is specifically mentioned in the HTTP spec ( and needs to be handled.
Upon further reading, I noticed the section on "Secondary keys" in the standard ( and the use of "Vary" header in a response. Headers presented in the "Vary" response header have to match in both the original and the new request for the cache to declare it as a match.
And as for the primary key, standard says "The primary cache key consists of the request method and target URI." in
There are all the conditional requests for cache control like If-match, If-unmodified-since, If-none-match and If-modified-since. For example If-modified-since works this way: suppose you have already requested a page and now you want to reload it. If the header is present then a new page will be sent back from the server ONLY if it was modified since the date indicated as a value for If-modified-since, otherwise 304(not-modified) status will be returned.
Accept and Accept-* instead are necessary for Content-Negotiation, like in which language the page should be returned.
More on conditional requests here:

Do browsers vary cached content by protocol?

For example, if I have a .js file, will browsers have a seperate cached copy of:
Or will they only cache a single copy?
If the URL is different, different resources are assumed. And this fact does also need to be reflected by the cache. So the two URLs in your example will result in two cache entities.
Besides the URL, caches do also take further information of the request and response into account: with the Vary response header field the server can indicate “the set of request-header fields that fully determines […] whether a cache is permitted to use the response to reply to a subsequent request without revalidation.” So it is possible that there are even more than just two cached entities.
