Branch Deep Linking not working in Google Analytics hitCallback - google-analytics

I'm using both Google Analytics and in this website.
The website is designed for mobile.
The problem is that when clicking the banner with text "OPEN", the app cannot be opened.
Here is the code for the click:
$scope.openApp = () => {
let appOpened = false;
const open = () => {
if (!appOpened) {
appOpened = true;
$timeout(open, 1000);
ga('send', 'event', 'homepage', 'download', {
hitCallback() {
If I get rid of the GA code, it works fine:
$scope.openApp = () => {
let appOpened = false;
const open = () => {
if (!appOpened) {
appOpened = true;
$timeout(open, 1000);
The reason I put open() in hitCallback is to make sure GA sends out the hit because open() will redirect to another page.
Can you help me?

Alex from here:
The Branch deepviewCta() function works on iOS 9+ by triggering an automatic redirect to a Universal Link URL (which opens the app) and then going to a fallback URL if that fails. But Apple is very specific about the situations in which a Universal Link is allowed to launch the app (including things like how long of a pause is allowed before redirection). Of course these restrictions are not public, so all we can do is guess. My suspicion is that putting the deepviewCta() function inside a GA callback is falling outside of Apple’s rules, so the app never opens and you are instead being sent to the fallback URL.
I can think of two options here:
You can build some way to trigger the GA and Branch functions separately so that they don’t conflict with Apple’s requirements.
We actually have a brand new, one-click integration with Google Analytics, which you can read about here and here. If you set that up, you’ll get all Branch-related events automatically instead of needing to manually collect link click data.
Hopefully that helps!


Deep Link doesn't open the app instead does a google search

I have been using Expo to develop a react-native app, The functionality I am currently trying to implement is to share a link with friends on platforms such as fb messenger/whatapp or even normal texts and when they click this link it will launch my app to a specific page using the parameters.
After extensive research online - I’ve come to a blocker, following expo’s documentation I defined a scheme for my app - when I press share everything works correctly a message is created and I’m able to share content but only as string.
I am using react-natives Share library to share to an app and I’m using Expo to provide me with the link.
Ideally my first goal is to get the app opening using the Expo Link before I explore further into adding more functionality to the link.
message: "Click Here to View More! " + Linking.makeUrl( ' ' , { postkey : "7a5d6w2x9d6s3a28d8d});
url: Linking.makeUrl( ' ' , { pkey : gkey });
title: 'This post is amazing',
.then((result) =>{
if(result === 'dismissedAction'){
.catch((error) => console.log(error))
In the root of my app I have also defined the event handlers: App.js
_handleRedirect=(event)=> {
let {path,queryParams} = Linking.parse(event);
Alert.alert(`queryparams : ${event} path : ${path} `)
componentDidMount() {
let scheme = 'nxet'
.then(url => {
console.log("App.js getInitialURL Triggered")
// this.handleOpenURL({ url });
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Linking.addEventListener('url', ({url}) => this._handleRedirect(url));;
componentWillUnmount() {
Linking.removeEventListener('url', this.handleOpenURL);
When I share the link to Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger or even just messages or notes it appears as myapplink://, I try to enter this into the browser and instead of asking me to open my app - it does a google search.
Please note I am attempting to have this working on Android Device and facing this issue
Is there something I am doing incorrectly?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
You can not open external links, means other than http, https on Android. But you can on iOS. In order to be able to open your expo links, you need proper anchor tags on android. You can create html mails and give it a try, you will see it is gonna work on Android as well.

How to customize styles for browser push notification

I am creating an app using Angular 4, that should receive push notifications from time to time. I have managed to make the notification appear, but I wasn't able to customize its styles and its content.
What I am looking for is a way to change the background color of my notifications so that I can make them blink to call the user's attention.
Here is my code:
public showNotification(title: string, text: string): Notification {
// Check if notifications are supported
const notificationOptions = {
body: `<div style="color:red"><p>${text}</p></div>`,
icon: 'assets/img/logo_onyo-simples.png',
badge: 'assets/img/logo_onyo-simples.png',
vibrate: [200, 100, 200]
try {
// Throws an exception if the browser doesn't support a notification.
const notification = new Notification(title, notificationOptions);
notification.onclick = (e: any) => {
return notification;
catch (e) {
if ( === 'TypeError') {
message: 'This browser does not support notifications',
level: 'warning',
category: 'notification'
else {
throw e;
I've tried to add a test HTML tag to the notification body, but that didn't work. Is there a way to do this?
Note: the reason because I am not using Toastr notifications is because I want the user to receive my notifications even if the browser is minimized or behind another application.
Note 2: here is an example of the type of notification that I am using:
I believe that what you're trying to do is not possible, at least according to the spec. There are no properties nor methods for passing / setting of visual presentation.
I'm speculating here, but it could be because browser vendors want to prevent exactly the type of behavior you're trying to create. Maybe you can style a notification with good taste and design. However, this would also open the door to people creating bad, annoying and straight up predatory notifications. It would open the door to dark patterns.
Although, it's possible that this kind of stylistic flexibility will be added in the future. I just don't think so.

Social shares tracking in GA

This is pretty much covered topic for original FB/Twitter buttons. But what if I have my own "share on fb" button? Like this:
<div id="fb_share"><a target="_blank" href="">Share on FB</a></div>
so I've come up with the folloing solution:
var FBbtn = document.getElementById("fb_share");
FBbtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
ga('send', 'social', {
'socialNetwork': 'facebook',
'socialAction': 'share',
'socialTarget': window.location
That is placed AFTER the Google Analytics code.
Despite the fact it wont catch FB callback - it is supposed to do the trick but for some reason I still cannot see any results in Analytics so the question is this: will the solution actually work? In fact it could be even like this I believe:
Your 'share on Facebook' links causes the page to navigate (and not open a new window/tab). When this navigation happens, most mainstream browsers cancel all pending HTTP requests for the current page and then navigates to the new page (
In this scenario, one of the pending HTTP requests will be the GA event tracking call which will therefore never complete and never be received by the GA servers.
What you need to use is the GA hit callback functionality, this essentially cancels the native navigation (to FB), sends the tracking call and waits enough time for it to complete and then does a JavaScript redirection to the next page.
You should read the google docs here
In your case your event tracking function should be similar to this:
var FBbtn = document.getElementById("fb_share");
FBbtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
ga('send', 'social', {
'socialNetwork': 'facebook',
'socialAction': 'share',
'socialTarget': window.location,
'hitCallback': function(){
window.location = this.href;
return false;
So I've made the following changes:
Added the hitCallback property to the event tracking call. this is an anonymous function that is called once the GA servers have sent their response to the event tracking.
added a 'return false' statement which cancels the native functionality and then relies on the hitCallback function to do the navigating.

Why do Google's JS Client SDK function callbacks fail?

I'm currently in the learning phase for how the Google JS Client SDK works, since my boss needs me to learn how to integrate a Sign In button to his site to enable people to Authenticate via Google. I am testing the code for the custom Sign In button, with a touch of added functionality (like a Sign Out button), and in the process I've practically copy/pasted the code from their website. Let me show you the code first and then explain the issue, so that you can understand where the code is failing:
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var clientId = '{my client id here}'; // for web
var apiKey = '{my api key here}';
var scopes = 'profile email';
function SignOut() {
// I know, sloppy, but the signOut method from Google doesn't work.
window.location = '';
// Additional code if necessary.
function makeApiCall() {
gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function () {
var request ={ 'userId': 'me' });
request.execute(function (response) {
var heading = document.createElement('h4');
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.src = response.image.url;
alert('User logged in. makeApiCall() has executed.');
function init() {
window.setTimeout(checkAuth, 1);
console.log('Up and ready to go.');
function checkAuth() {
// Triggers when the page and the SDK loads.
gapi.auth.authorize({ client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true }, handleAuthResult);
function handleAuthClick(event) {
// Triggers after a user click event to ensure no popup blockers interfere.
gapi.auth.authorize({ client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: false }, handleAuthResult);
return false;
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('SignInBtn');
var signoutButton = document.getElementById('SignOutBtn');
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
var V = JSON.stringify(authResult);
localStorage.setItem('GoogleAuthResult', V);
console.log(V); // Just for testing...
var authTimeout = (authResult.expires_in - 5 * 60) * 1000; setTimeout(checkAuth, authTimeout); // As recommended by a Google employee in a video, so that the token refreshes. = 'none'; // Switching between Sign In and Out buttons. = 'inline-block';
} else {
// Immediate:true failed so user is NOT signed in.
// Make the Sign In button the one visible and prep it
// so that it executes the Immediate:false after user click: = 'inline-block';
authorizeButton.onclick = handleAuthClick; = 'none';
The handleAuthClick function does run on the button click, but after taking the user to the Google Sign In page, when that page brings me back, the browser kinda flickers and the handleAuthResult function does not execute. Therefore, nothing changes in the page after the successful sign in; the button displayed is the Sign In button (Sign Out button not visible) and no information is displayed on the 'name' textNode. This happens on Internet Explorer (11), Firefox (39) and Chrome (44). Also, it happens at home on my laptop (straight connection to the web via Cable broadband) and at work (on Windows 8.1 behind an Active Directory).
I began wondering so I started refreshing the browser page and after a couple of refreshes, since the script runs from the beginning, the immediate:true fires again and voilá: user is connected and API call triggers.
So, on my laptop, I changed the function being called back, in the immediate:false line's callback parameter, to the init() function and that fixed the problem: everything runs smoothly from beginning to end. Yet, this is not the way it is supposed to work. I still don't know what is going on with that line.
This morning, on my computer at work (behind Active Directory), that fix didn't work. I have to refresh the page a couple of times so that the script runs from the beginning and the immediate:true triggers recognizing the user's Signed In state and displaying the proper button on screen.
Any ideas on why does this callback fail?
You need to define your apiKey in the first section of your code
var clientId = '{my client id here}'; // for web
var apiKey = '{my api key here}'
Maybe thats the problem.
Google ApiKeys

Framework7 starter page "pageInit" NOT WORKING

anyone using framework7 to create mobile website? I found it was great and tried to learn it by myself, now I meet this problem, after I create my App, I want to do something on the starter page initialization, here, my starter page is index.html, and I set data-page="index", now I write this below:
$$(document).on('pageInit', function (e) {
var page =;
// in my browser console, no "index page" logged
if ( === 'index') {
console.log("index page");
// but I changed to any other page other than index, it works
// my browser logged "another page"
if( === 'login') {
console.log('another page');
Anyone can help? Thank you so much.
I have also encountered with the same problem before.
PageInit event doesn't work for initial page, only for pages that you navigate to, it will only work for index page if you navigate to some other page and then go back to index page.
So I see two options here:
Just not use pageInit event for index page - make its initialization just once (just make sure you put this javascript after all its html is ready, or e.g. use jquery's on document ready event)
Leave index page empty initially and load it dynamically via Framework7's mainView.loadContent method, then pageInit event would work for it (that was a good option for me as I had different index page each time, and I already loaded all other pages dynamically from underscore templates)
I am facing same issue and tried all solutions in various forums.. nothing actually worked. But after lot of RnD i stumbled upon following solution ...
var $$ = Dom7;
$$(document).on('page:init', function (e) {
if( === "index"){
//do whatever.. remember "page" is now
$$('#latest').html("my html here..");
var me = new Framework7({material: true});
var mainview = me.addView('.view-main', {});
.... and whatever else JS here..
this works perfectly..
surprisingly you can use "me" before initializing it..
for using for first page u better use document ready event. and for reloading page event you better use Reinit event.
if jquery has used.
$(document).on('ready', function (e) {
// ... = "index"
$(document).on('pageReinit', function (e) {
//... this event occur on reloading anypage.
