How can i get the r_contactinfo from linkedin - linkedin

Hi i have done the basic app which can get the company page details of the user. Now i have to get the email ids of the user who..? liked the page and post of the particular company page, is there any API to get this details. Also how to get the r_contactinfo from the linkedin if i use this in my API call its shows error.
In linkedin they have mentioned tat we have to get permission for this, how to do that.
Even i have tried the below url to get user details. It returns error.,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,industry,positions:(id,title,summary,start-date,end-date,is-current,company:(id,name,type,size,industry,ticker)),educations:(id,school-name,field-of-study,start-date,end-date,degree,activities,notes)),num-results)?first-name=parameter&last-name=parameter

You can get all the company followers by segment. Refer
For getting user's who liked a specific update from the company, check
r_contactinfo is only available through "Apply with LinkedIn" partner programs. You cannot access this otherwise. Check partner programs registration and apply for the relevant one based on your application.


Is there an API that allows a candidate search query?

We're looking into integrating with LinkedIn so that we can feed our users with lists of job candidates, and then send our users back to LinkedIn in order to view relevant profiles. I'm not seeing any relevant API docs regarding this. Is this something that is possible to do via your API today or in the near future?
Right now, LinkedIn gives only the scope of r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress to Retrieve authenticated member's name, headline, photo, and member's primary email address.
To get the relevant candidate for the job, you may need to check skills, projects, etc, for that you need the permission of r_fullprofile,
LinkedIn API has restricted such information as per their documentation:
As per their documentation, to access the information of skills, address, etc, your app needs to request r_fullprofile. But they have closed it now and no alternate is given. The more detail about the current permissions from LinkedIn can be seen here:
Right now there are currently in development mode. They are working on developing their APIs. What and when they will release such information is not available to document right now.

Users can sign-up on our portal using linkedin but we are unable to access their linkedin ID. How do track the linkedin ID with email address?

We are a platform that facilitates companies to hire analytics talent on demand. We only allow users to login to our platform with their Linkedin IDs so that we can validate their profile details and score them. Currently, the Linkedin API doesnot give us even the Linkedin-id of the user to help us manually check the profile. How can we correct this?
Ask for the r_liteprofile and r_emailaddress scopes as part of the OAuth flow. Then make GET calls to and*(handle~))
to gather this information. See the documentation for more details.
However, please read LinkedIn's API Terms of Use to ensure your application is an acceptable use case. Also, the profile data you can receive is quite limits, so it may not give you the fields you want.

How can I get linkedin contacts through API and send messages to them?

I had created app that used to get authenticated by users for their contacts, sending messages to those contacts etc. When linked in changed their API access system in May, suddenly our application stopped working.
In the doc there is nothing clearly written about these kind of permissions now or with what kind of membership program I can get access to these again. There is one section where contacts info can be fetched when we apply for partnership program with Apply with LinkedIn button. But I am not sure its of my use.
Access to r_contactinfo permission:
As per the Linkedin website,
The r_contactinfo member permission will now be associated exclusively
with Apply with LinkedIn. As a result, you will only be able to
request this member permission if your application has been approved
by LinkedIn for this particular use.
What you need to do:
Apply for partner status with LinkedIn (Apply with Linkedin), explaining what your integration is and how it works. If it meets their criteria, then you will get access to the above endpoint.
Check this link for further details.

LinkedIn API feeds

I'm looking into an issue where a clients LinkedIn feeds on their website have stopped showing. Debugging the problem I've found that I get a 403 error shown below:
Member xxxxxx does not have permission to get company xxxxx
As the LinkedIn authentication process can be quite difficult to comprehend, I had a look online to see if others have had the same problem, and managed to find this. It suggests there have been recent changes to the LinkedIn API and users are now required to be the administrator of the company. What exactly does this mean?
From the very beginning we have simply been accessed the feeds by generating a url like this:
This has worked in the past. Do we need to regenerate the Secret and API keys?
Looking at the announced changes here:
It suggests that the following endpoint will still work (which is exactly what I have):
So I'm not sure what I'm missing.
is the access token generated by a account witch is Admin of that company page?
If not hen you will get 403.
The requester needs to be admin of that comapny page in order to get company updates.

How to get three-current-positions & three-past-positions?

I want to find out profile's previous employment details. I have tried as per the LinkedIn's API given below.{id}:(id,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,public-profile-url,industry,three-current-positions,three-past-positions,positions)?format=json&oauth2_access_token={tokenvalue}"
Here in above request, "id" is 1st degree connection. Then also I am never returns with the desired information after tried many times.
Can any one guide me what should I do?
Dharmesh Solanki
LinkedIn says here that it only supports retrieving the r_basicprofile fields from an application.
For members other than the ones using your application, you may only
retrieve the profile fields available with the r_basicprofile member
Since three-current-positions and three-past-positions is part of the Full Profile (r_fullprofile), I don't think it's currently possible to get those fields for a user using the Profile API.
Unless it's for the current requesting user, ie:,first-name,last-name,headline,picture-url,public-profile-url,industry,three-current-positions,three-past-positions,positions
