Using by in parallel in R - r

I am a noob R programmer. I have written a code that needs to apply a function to a data frame split by factors. The data frame in itself contains about 1 million 324961 observations with 64376 factors in the variable that we use to slice the dataframe.
The code is as follows:
# Reading the Stata Data file into R
bod_fb <- read.dta13("BoD_nonmissing_fb.dta")
gen_fuzzy_blau <- function(bod_sample){
# Here we drop the Variables that are not required in creating the Fuzzy-Blau index
bod_sample <-
bod_sample$tot_occur <- as.numeric(bod_sample$tot_occur)
bod_sample$caste1_occ <- as.numeric(bod_sample$caste1_occ)
bod_sample$caste2_occ <- as.numeric(bod_sample$caste2_occ)
bod_sample$caste3_occ <- as.numeric(bod_sample$caste3_occ)
bod_sample$caste4_occ <- as.numeric(bod_sample$caste4_occ)
# Calculating the Probabilites of a director belonging to a caste
bod_sample$caste1_occ <- (bod_sample$caste1_occ)/(bod_sample$tot_occur)
bod_sample$caste2_occ <- (bod_sample$caste2_occ)/(bod_sample$tot_occur)
bod_sample$caste3_occ <- (bod_sample$caste3_occ)/(bod_sample$tot_occur)
bod_sample$caste4_occ <- (bod_sample$caste4_occ)/(bod_sample$tot_occur)
#Dropping the Total Occurances column, as we do not need it anymore
bod_sample$tot_occur<- NULL
# Here we replace all the blanks with NA
bod_sample <- apply(bod_sample, 2, function(x) gsub("^$|^ $", NA, x))
bod_sample <-
# Here we push all the NAs in the caste names and caste probabilities to the end of the row
# So if there are only two castes against a name, then they become caste1 and caste2
caste_list =,1, function(x) { return(c(x[!],x[]) )} )))
caste_list_prob =,1, function(x) { return(c(x[!],x[]) )} )))
# Here we write two functions: 1. gen_castelist
# 2. gen_caste_prob
# gen_castelist: This function takes the row number (serial number of the direcor)
# and returns the names of all the castes for which he has a non-zero
# probability.
# gen_caste_prob: This function takes the row number (serial number of the director)
# and returns the probability with which he belongs to the caste
gen_castelist <- function(x){
y <- caste_list[x,]
y <- as.vector(y[!])
gen_caste_prob <- function(x){
z <- caste_list_prob[x,]
z <- z[!]
z <- as.numeric(z)
caste_ls <-list()
caste_prob_ls <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(bod_sample))
caste_ls[[i]]<- gen_castelist(i)
caste_prob_ls[[i]]<- gen_caste_prob(i)
gridcaste <- expand.grid(caste_ls)
gridcaste <- data.frame(lapply(gridcaste, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
gridcasteprob <- expand.grid(caste_prob_ls)
# Generating the Joint Probability
gridcasteprob$JP <- apply(gridcasteprob,1,prod)
# Generating the Similarity Index
gen_sim_index <- function(x){
x <- t(x)
a <-
sim_index <- sum(a$Freq^2)/(sum(a$Freq))^2
gridcaste$sim_index <- apply(gridcaste,1,gen_sim_index)
# Generating fuzzyblau
gridcaste$fb <- gridcaste$sim_index * gridcasteprob$JP
fuzzy_blau_index <- sum(gridcaste$fb)
remove_list <- c("gridcaste","")
fuzzy_blau_output <- by(bod_fb,bod_fb$code_year,gen_fuzzy_blau)
# Saving the output as a dataframe with two columns
# Column 1 is the fuzzy blau index
# Column 2 is the code_year
code_year <- names(fuzzy_blau_output)
fuzzy_blau <-
names(fuzzy_blau) <- c("fuzzy_blau_index")
fuzzy_blau$code_year <- code_year
bod_fb <- merge(bod_fb,fuzzy_blau,by = "code_year")
If the code is tl;dr, the summary is as follows:
I have a dataframe bod_fb. I need to apply the apply the gen_fuzzy_blau function on this dataframe by slicing the dataframe with factors of bod_fb$code_year.
Since the function is very huge sequential processing is taking more than a day and ends up in running out of memory. The function gen_fuzzy_blau returns a numeric variable fuzzy_blau_index for each code_year of the dataframe. I use by to apply the function on each slice. I wanted to know if there is a way to parallelly implement this code so that multiple instances of the function run at once on different slices of the dataframe. I did not find a by implementation for parallel package and I did not know how to pass the dataframes as iterators while using foreach and doParallel packages.
I have a AMD A8 laptop with 4GB RAM and windows 7 sp1 home basic. I have given 20GB as page file memory (this was after I got the memory error).
Thank you
EDIT 1: #milkmotel I have eliminated the redundancy in the code and removed the for loops, but a huge amount of time is being wasted in gen_sim_index in the function, I am using the proc.time()function to gauge the time that each part of the code is taking.
The function is supposed to the following to a row:
if we have a row (not a vector) say: a a b c the similarity index will be (2/4)^2 + (1/4)^2 + (1/4)^2 ie, summation of (no of occurences of each unique element of each row/total no of elements in the row)^2
I am unable to use the apply function directly on the row because each element in a row because each element in the row has different factors and table() does not output the frequencies properly.
What is an efficient way to code the gen_sim_index function?

You're saving your data 6 times over in 6 different variables. Try not doing that.
and it takes a day because you're running character indexing on a ridiculous amount of data with gsub().
Take your code out of your gen_fuzzy_blau function as it provides no value to wrap it up into one function rather than running it all independently. Then run it all one line at a time. If it takes too long to run, reconsider your method. Your code is incredibly inefficient.


Using "sample" within mclapply in R not working properly

I'm trying to run multiple iterations of a function using a different subset of of my dataframe each time. In reality the function takes a very long time, so I want to split the iterations across multiple cores using mclapply. For each iteration I'm using sample to randomly select a subset of the dataframe, and this is inside the function I have written to give to mclapply. However, the results of each of the iterations in the output list are identical, suggesting that mclapply is not re-running the sample lines each time. This must be something to do with how I have written the code, any ideas where I have gone wrong?
Here is a reproducible example of a small dataset that runs quickly. You will notice that the 10 iterations in the d.val.all output list are identical, which is not what I am after.
# create dummy data
# set up the function
funct.resample.d <- function(i) {
RedSites <- row.names(ecto.matrix1)[ecto.matrix1$Species.mix.90=="R"]
MountainSites <- row.names(ecto.matrix1)[ecto.matrix1$Species.mix.90=="M"]
randomSilverSites <- sample(row.names(ecto.matrix1)[ecto.matrix1$Species.mix.90=="S"],8,replace=F)
randomBlackSites <- sample(row.names(ecto.matrix1)[ecto.matrix1$Species.mix.90=="B"],8,replace=F)
resampledSites <- c(RedSites,MountainSites,randomSilverSites,randomBlackSites) # make vector of the site names
matrix=ecto.matrix1[resampledSites,] # select only those rows from the resampled row names
matrix1 = matrix[,colSums(matrix[,-c(ncol(matrix))]) > 0] # drop cols that sum to 0
for (col in 1:ncol(matrix2)){
colnames(matrix2)[col] <- sub(".sum", "", colnames(matrix2)[col]) # remove the sum bit from the col names
row.names(matrix2)<-matrix2$Species.mix.90 # make row names
matrix2=subset(matrix2, select=-c(Species.mix.90)) # drop host col
d.val <- dfun(matrix2)$dprime
# run mclapply
d.val.all <- mclapply(reps, funct.resample.d, mc.cores = 10)
In case anyone else is having similar issues, I figured out that the problem was with the summaryBy function rather than sample. I replaced summaryBy with aggregate, and the randomization worked fine.
matrix2=aggregate(. ~ Species.mix.90, matrix1, sum)

Convert R apply statement to lapply for parallel processing

I have the following R "apply" statement:
for(i in 1:NROW(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation))
apply(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
So, I have the following data structures:
simulation_results: A matrix with column names that identify every possible piece of desired simulation lookup data for 2000 simulations (rows).
dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation: Contains, among other items, fields whose values match the column names in the simulation_results data structure.
matrix_of_sums: When function is run, a 2000 row x 250,000 column (# of simulations x items being simulated) structure meant to hold simulation results.
So, the apply function is looking up the dataframe columns values for each row in a 250,000 data set, computing the sum, and storing it in the matrix_of_sums data structure.
Unfortunately, this processing takes a very long time. I have explored the use of rowsums as an alternative, and it has cut the processing time in half, but I would like to try multi-core processing to see if that cuts processing time even more. Can someone help me convert the code above to "lapply" from "apply"?
With base R parallel, try
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
matrix_of_sums <- parLapply(cl, 1:nrow(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation), function(i)
rowSums(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
ans <- Reduce("cbind", matrix_of_sums)
You could also try foreach %dopar%
library(doParallel) # will load parallel, foreach, and iterators
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
matrix_of_sums <- foreach(i = 1:NROW(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation)) %dopar% {
rowSums(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
ans <- Reduce("cbind", matrix_of_sums)
I wasn't quite sure how you wanted your output at the end, but it looks like you're doing a cbind of each result. Let me know if you're expecting something else however.
without really having any applicable or sample data to go off of... the process would look like this:
Create a holding matrix(matrix_of_sums)
loop by row through variable table(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation)
find matching indices within the simulation model(simulation_results)
bind the rowSums into the holding matrix(matrix of sums)
I recreated a sample set which is meaningless and produces identical results but should work for your data
# Holding matrix which will be our end-goal
msums <- matrix(nrow = 2000,ncol = 0)
# Loop
parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(ts_df), function(i){
# Store the row to its own variable for ease
d <- ts_df[i,]
# cbind the results using the global assignment operator `<<-`
msums <<- cbind(
sim_df[,which(colnames(sim_df) %in% colnames(d))]
}, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(), mc.allow.recursive = TRUE)

Turn Multiple Uneven Nested Lists Into A DataFrame in R

I am trying to get to grips with R and as an experiment I thought that I would try to play around with some cricket data. In its rawest format it is a yaml file, which I used the yaml R package to turn into an R object.
However, I now have a number of nested lists of uneven length that I want to try and turn into a data frame in R. I have tried a few methods such as writing some loops to parse the data and some of the functions in the tidyr package. However, I can't seem to get it to work nicely.
I wondered if people knew of the best way to tackle this? Replicating the data structure would be difficult here, because the complexity comes in the multiple nested lists and the unevenness of their length (which would make for a very long code block. However, you can find the raw yaml data here: (I was using the ODI internationals).
Thanks in advance!
I have tried this:
1)Using tidyr - seperate
d <- unnest(balls)
Name <- c("Batsman","Bowler","NonStriker","RunsBatsman","RunsExtras","RunsTotal","WicketFielder","WicketKind","PlayerOut")
a <- separate(d, x, Name, sep = ",",extra = "drop")
Which basically uses the tidyr package returns a single column dataframe that I then try to separate. However, the problem here is that in the middle there is sometimes extras variables that appear in some rows and not others, thereby throwing off the separation.
2) Creating vectors
ballsVector <- unlist(balls[[2]],use.names = FALSE)
names_vector <- c("Batsman","Bowler","NonStriker","RunsBatsman","RunsExtras","RunsTotal")
names(ballsVector) <- c(names_vector)
ballsMatrix <- matrix(ballsVector, nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(ballsMatrix) <- names_vector
The problem here is that the resulting vectors are uneven in length and therefore cant be combined into a data frame. It will also suffer from the issue that there are sporadic variables in the middle of the dataset (as above).
Caveat: not complete answer; attempt to arrange the innings data
plyr::rbind.fill may offer a solution to binding rows with a different number of columns.
I dont use tidyr but below is some rough code to get the innings data into a data.frame. You could then loop this through all the yaml files in the directory.
# Download and unzip data
download.file("", temp<- tempfile())
tmp <- unzip(temp)
# Create lists - use first game
raw_dat <- yaml.load_file(tmp[[2]])
# Function to process list into dataframe
p_fun <- function(X) {
team = X[[1]][["team"]]
# function to process each list subelement that represents each throw
fn <- function(...) {
tmp = unlist(...)
tmp = data.frame(ball=gsub("[^0-9]", "", names(tmp))[1], t(tmp))
colnames(tmp) = gsub("[0-9]", "", colnames(tmp))
# loop over all throws
lst = lapply(X[[1]][["deliveries"]], fn )
cbind(team, plyr:::rbind.fill(lst))
# Loop over each innings
dat <- plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(raw_dat$innings, p_fun))
Some explanation
The list structure and subsetting it. To get an idea of the structure of the list use
str(raw_dat) # but this gives a really long list of data
You can truncate this, to make it a bit more useful
str(raw_dat, 3)
So there are three main list elements - meta, info, and innings. You can also see this with
To access the meta data, you can use
#or using `[[1]]` to access the first element of the list (see ?'[[')
#and get sub-elements by either
raw_dat[[1]][[1]] # you can also use the names of the list elements eg [[`data_version`]]
The main data is in the inningselement.
str(raw_dat$innings, 3)
Look at the names in the list element
lapply(raw_dat$innings, names)
lapply(raw_dat$innings[[1]], names)
There are two list elements, each with sub-elements. You can access these as
raw_dat$innings[[1]][[1]][["team"]] # raw_dat$innings[[1]][["1st innings"]][["team"]]
raw_dat$innings[[2]][[1]][["team"]] # raw_dat$innings[[2]][["2nd innings"]][["team"]]
The above function parsed the deliveries data in raw_dat$innings. To see what it does, work through it from the inside.
Use one record to see how it works
(note the lapply, with p_fun, looped over raw_dat$innings[[1]] and raw_dat$innings[[2]] ; so this is the outer loop, and the lapply, with fn, loops through the deliveries, within an innings ; the inner loop)
X <- raw_dat$innings[[1]]
tmp <- X[[1]][["deliveries"]][[1]]
#create a named vector
tmp <- unlist(tmp)
# 0.1.batsman 0.1.bowler 0.1.non_striker 0.1.runs.batsman 0.1.runs.extras
# "IR Bell" "DW Steyn" "MJ Prior" "0" "0" "0"
To use rbind.fill, the elements to bind together need to be data.frames. We also want to remove the leading numbers /
deliveries from the names, as otherwise we will have lots of uniquely names columns
# this regex removes all non-numeric characters from the string
# you could then split this number into over and delivery
gsub("[^0-9]", "", names(tmp))
# this regex removes all numeric characters from the string -
# allowing consistent names across all the balls / deliveries
# (if i was better at regex I would have also removed the leading dots)
gsub("[0-9]", "", names(tmp))
So for the first delivery in the first innings we have
tmp = data.frame(ball=gsub("[^0-9]", "", names(tmp))[1], t(tmp))
colnames(tmp) = gsub("[0-9]", "", colnames(tmp))
# ball X..batsman X..bowler X..non_striker X..runs.batsman X..runs.extras
# 1 01 IR Bell DW Steyn MJ Prior 0 0 0
To see how the lapply works, use the first three deliveries (you will need to run the function fn in your workspace)
lst = lapply(X[[1]][["deliveries"]][1:3], fn )
# [[1]]
# ball X..batsman X..bowler X..non_striker X..runs.batsman X..runs.extras
# 1 01 IR Bell DW Steyn MJ Prior 0 0 0
# [[2]]
# ball X..batsman X..bowler X..non_striker X..runs.batsman X..runs.extras
# 1 02 IR Bell DW Steyn MJ Prior 0 0 0
# [[3]]
# ball X..batsman X..bowler X..non_striker X..runs.batsman X..runs.extras
# 1 03 IR Bell DW Steyn MJ Prior 3 0 3
So we end up with a list element for every delivery within an innings. We then use rbind.fill to create one data.frame.
If I was going to try and parse every yaml file I would use a loop.
Use the first three records as an example, and also add the match date.
tmp <- unzip(temp)[2:4]
all_raw_dat <- vector("list", length=length(tmp))
for(i in seq_along(tmp)) {
d = yaml.load_file(tmp[i])
all_raw_dat[[i]] <- cbind(date=d$info$date, plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(d$innings, p_fun)))
Then use rbind.fill.
Q1. from comments
A small example with rbind.fill
a <- data.frame(x=1, y=2)
b <- data.frame(x=2, z=1)
rbind(a,b) # error as names dont match
plyr::rbind.fill(a, b)
rbind.fill doesnt go back and add/update rows with the extra columns, where needed (a still doesnt have column z), Think of it as creating an empty dataframe with the number of columns equal to the number of unique columns found in the list of dataframes - unique(c(names(a), names(b))). The values are then filled in each row where possible, and left missing (NA) otherwise..

Avoiding nested loops in R

I have this set of sequences with 2 variables for a 3rd variable(device). Now i want to break the sequence for each device into sets of 300. dsl is a data frame that contains d being the device id and s being the number of sequences of length 300.
First, I am labelling (column Sid) all the sequences rep(1,300) followed by rep(2,300) and so on till rep(s,300). Whatever remains unlabelled i.e. with initialized labels(=0) needs to be ignored. The actual labelling happens with seqid vector though.
I had to do this as I want to stack the sets of 300 data points and then transpose it. This would form one row of my predata data.frame. For each predata data frame i am doing a k-means to generate 5 clusters that I am storing in final data.
Essentially for every device I will have 5 clusters that I can then pull by referencing the row number in final data (mapped to device id).
#subset processed data by device
for (ds in 1:387){
d <- dsl[ds,1]
s <- dsl[ds,3] <- subset(data,data$Device==d)$Sid <- 0[1:(s*300),4] <- rep(1:300,s) <- subset(,$Sid!="0")
seqid <- NA
for (j in 1:s){ seqid[(300*(j-1)+1):(300*j)] <- j }$Sid <- seqid
predata <-,s,600))
for(k in 1:s){
temp.data2 <- subset([,c(1,2)],$Sid==k)
predata[k,] <- t(stack(temp.data2)[,1])
ob <- kmeans(predata,5,iter.max=10,algorithm="Hartigan-Wong")
finaldata <- rbind(finaldata,(unique(fitted(ob,method="centers"))))
Being a noob to R, I ended up with 3 nested loops (the function did work for the outermost loop being one value). This has taken 5h and running. Need a faster way to go about this.
Any help will be appreciated.
Ok, I am going to suggest a radical simplification of your code within the loop. However, it is hard to verify that I in fact did assume the right thing without having sample data. So please ensure that my predata in fact equals yours.
First the code:
for (ds in 1:387){
d <- dsl[ds,1]
s <- dsl[ds,3] <- subset(data,data$Device==d) <-[1:(s*300),]
predata <- cbind(matrix([,1], byrow=T, ncol=300), matrix([,2], byrow=T, ncol=300))
ob <- kmeans(predata,5,iter.max=10,algorithm="Hartigan-Wong")
finaldata <- rbind(finaldata,(unique(fitted(ob,method="centers"))))
What I understand you are doing: Take the first 300*s elements from your subset(data, data$Devide == d. This might easily be done using the command <-[1:(s*300),]
Afterwards, you collect a matrix that has the first row c([1:300, 1],[1:300, 2]), and so on for all further rows. I do this using the matrix command as above.
I assume that your outer loop could be transformed in a call to tapply or something similar, but therefore, we would need more context.

How to create a loop for generate a list of random samples in R?

I'm trying to create a loop that creates a series of objects that contains a random sample, like this:
sample <- ceiling(runif(9, min=0, max=20))
(This is an example for a rounded uniform, but it can be replaced by a normal, poisson or whatever you want).
So, I built a loop for generate automatically various of those generators, with the objective of include them in a data frame. Then, the loop I designed was this:
for (i in 1:N){
dep[count] <- ceiling(runif(9, min=0, max=20))
But it didn't work! For each dep[i] I have only a number, not a list of nine.
How I should do it? And if I want to include every dep[i] in a data frame?
Thanks so much, I hope you understand what i want.
It's because you've made dep a vector (these are 1D by default), but you're trying to store a 2-dimensional object in it.
You can dep off as NULL and rbind (row-bind) to it in the loop.Also, note that instead of using count in your loop you can just use i:
dep <- NULL
for (i in 1:N){
dep <- rbind(dep, ceiling(runif(9, min=0, max=20)))
# if you look at dep now it's a 2D matrix.
# We'll convert to data frame
dep <-
However, there's a simpler way to do this. You don't have to generate dep row-by-row, you can generate it up front, by making a vector containing 9*N of your rounded uniform distribution numbers:
dep <- ceiling(runif(9*N,min=0,max=20))
Now, dep is currently a vector of length 9*N. Let's make it into a Nx9 matrix:
dep <- matrix(dep,nrow=N)
So you can do all your code above in one line:
dep <- matrix( ceiling(runif(9*N,min=0,max=20)), nrow=N )
If you want you can call data.frame on dep (after it's been put into its 2D matrix form) to get a data frame.
As explained. But also, it seems in your case for runif, you can use sample instead. And actually is more reliable. ...And about 3x faster than using runif here):
N <- 1000000
system.time( dep <- matrix(, 9*N, replace=TRUE), N) ) # 0.16 secs
range(dep) # 1 20
system.time( dep <- matrix(ceiling(runif(9*N, min=0, max=20)), N) ) # 0.45 secs
range(dep) # 1 20
