How to collect statistics from firebase dynamic links created manually? - firebase

I've created dynamic link manually and I would like to collect statistics for it in firebase console.
Is it possible?
Link that I've created contains:
link, apn, utm_source ,utm_medium

I believe you need to shorten the Dynamic Links, for the Firebase console to track clicks for you. From this page:
To help you gauge the effectiveness of your promotions and campaigns, the following Analytics events are automatically logged when you open a short Dynamic Link in your app. You can create short Dynamic Links in the Firebase console.
For your existing manually created dynamic link, go to the Console, click on Dynamic Links, then New Dynamic Link. Select Shorten an Existing Dynamic Link, then paste your existing link there, then click the Create Link button.


tracking unique clicks with firebase dynamic links

I'm trying to create a function in my app where the user can share a link that redirects to either my website or the App Store. The user is rewarded if 5 friends click the link. So it requires that the unique link I create with the REST API for that user be able to track and display the amount of unique clicks.
Google docs snippet
The doc states that it can track 'clicks' but not unique clicks which is no good for me.
Is this even possible or should I be looking at a different solution? Doing research, I've found apps that have this feature and in their T&C's it states that they use firebase dynamic links.

Google Forms - Add custom button "more info" in items using Google Apps Script

I am trying to add a custom button in a "Google Forms" form.
I have widely looked in AddOns and Google Apps Script documentation but with no luck.
I would like to have a button (let's say the "i" of information) to click in case of need of more info about the question.
I don't want to expose always the long description for all the questions.
My idea was, at the event of click on the button (the info image), set the description.
Any other ideas?
Example of image with
Create the instruction for Question 1 in a Google Doc. Write whatever you want in the DOC. Share it publicly with view rights.
Copy the url of the doc
Paste the url in to shorten the url. Copy the url.
Edit your form
In the Question 1, in the "Description" field write
"Please click for instructions"
Now the user can click the above link to read the instructions in another tab.
I use it all the time.

A Google Form creates an Event in Google Calendar (without using responses)

This is more of a simple yes or no question with the hope that someone could point me in the right direction.
My company has Google Calendar and Google Forms. What we want to do is create a Registration Form using Google Forms, once the Registration Form is created then it will automatically create an event within our Google Calendar with the Registration Form Link.
We do not want to use the responses to create an event, we want to use the form to create the event. The responses are set up within the form to be emailed to the a specific person where they can tally and confirm all the registries.
Our company also has a wordpress site, so maybe there is a plugin for wordpress that creates the form and automatically creates an event on our Google Calendar.
Is this possible?
From the Google Form editor you could create a bounded script project and add to it an script that creates a Google Calendar event, so yes, it's possible.

How to show count of any jstree in google analytics

I am using google tag manager to fire tags for my website, I created custom javascript variable which returns count of my jstree selection (i.e how many users selected how many items) and i placed a trigger on this count, just wanna know if there is any way that i can see this count on my google analytics page so as to analyse how many users are selecting how many items?
Found answer myself, Hope it will help others too.
To show count of any custom variable that you created on your google tag manager on your Google Analytics page is possible by creating custom dimensions on Google Analytics. Steps for doing this are below :-
Go to your google Analytics account, open admin section.
-Then go under property-->custom definations and select custom dimensions
click on new custom dimension add name and select scope "session" and click on create (Note :- please note your dimension index).
Go to google tag manager, Create a new tag, click on more settings under "configure tag" and add custom dimension, place index number and dimension value(custom variable that you created) here.
set your firing rule and save it.
Now, you can see it under report by setting secondary dimensions as custom dimensions. Also if you want to further analysis on this data you can also use Biq Query plugin for GA.
You are ready to go!!

Extract user data from a facebook link

I am creating a website that allows users to post a picture to their wall that is linked to an interactive version of that post (the wall post/picture is basically a screen capture of this interactive content) in a unique URL. I want to be able to gather profile data from any user that clicks the link in Facebook and interacts with the content.
Is there a way to do this?
No, without user authorization you canĀ“t get ANY data of users who click on a link on Facebook. Check out the Facebook docs for information about authorization/login:
