I'm trying to use ReactivePoll to update a data frame. The check function is supposed to return different values when a) new rows are added to database tables and b) input$type changes.
# checks to see if input$type has changed or the table corresponding to input$type has grown
check.data <- function() {
row.count <- 0
if (data.connection$source == "pg") {
pg.connection$connection <- dbConnect(pg.connection$driver, dbname = pg.settings.database(), host = pg.settings.host(), port = as.integer(pg.settings.port()), user = pg.settings.user(), password = pg.settings.password())
row.count <- as.integer(dbGetQuery(pg.connection$connection, paste0("SELECT count(*) FROM ", input$type ,"datum")))
print(row.count) # make sure return value is changing when it should
# refreshes data
refresh.data <- function() {
print("check") # check if function is executing
frame <- data.frame()
if (data.connection$source == "pg") {
pg.connection$connection <- dbConnect(pg.connection$driver, dbname = pg.settings.database(), host = pg.settings.host(), port = as.integer(pg.settings.port()), user = pg.settings.user(), password = pg.settings.password())
frame <- dbReadTable(pg.connection$connection, paste0(input$type, "datum"))
data <- reactivePoll(15000, NULL, check.data, refresh.data)
According to R Shiny's documentation, "the check function indicates change by returning a different value from the previous time it was called." I've verified that row.count is changing, but "check" is never printed, implying the value function never executes. I know row counting isn't a reliable way to check for change (tables may have the same number of rows), but row.count is changing.
I need to test package loading operations (for my multiversion package) and know that unloading namespaces and stuff is dangerous work. So I want to run every test in a fresh R session. Running my tests in parallel does not meet this demand since it will reuse slaves, and these get dirty.
So I thought callr::r would help me out. Unfortunately I am again stuck with the minimally documented reporters it seems.
The following is a minimal example. Placed in file test-mytest.R.
test_that('test 1', {
expect_equal(2+2, 5)
reporter_in <- testthat::get_reporter()
# -- 1 --
reporter_out <- callr::r(
function(reporter) {
reporter <- testthat::with_reporter(reporter, {
testthat::test_that("test inside", {
testthat::expect_equal('this', 'wont match')
args = list(reporter = reporter_in),
show = TRUE
# -- 2 --
# -- 3 --
test_that('test 2', {
expect_equal(2+2, 8)
I called this test file using:
# to be able to check the outcome, work with a specific reporter
summary <- testthat::SummaryReporter$new()
testthat::test_file('./tests/testthat/test-mytest.R', reporter = summary)
Which seems to do what I want, but when looking at the results...
> summary$end_reporter()
== Failed ===============================================================================================
-- 1. Failure (test-load_b_pick_last_true.R:5:5): test 1 ------------------------------------------------
2 + 2 (`actual`) not equal to 5 (`expected`).
`actual`: 4
`expected`: 5
== DONE =================================================================================================
...it is only the first test that is returned.
How it works:
An ordinary test is executed.
The reporter, currently in use, is obtained (-- 1 --)
callr::r is used to call a testthat block including a test.
Within the call, I tried using set_reporter, but with_reporter is practically identical.
The callr::r call returns the reporter (tried it with get_reporter(), but with_reporter also returns the reporter (invisibly))
Now the returned reporter seems fine, but when setting it as the actual reporter with set_reporter, it seems that it is not overwriting the actual reporter.
Note that at -- 2 --, the reporter_out contains both test outcomes.
I am not really sure what I expect it to do, but in the end I want the results to be added to the original reporter ((summary or) reporter_in that is, if that is not some kind of copy).
One workaround I can think of would be to move the actual test execution outside of the callr::r call, but gather the testcases inside.
I think it is neat, as long as you can place these helper functions (see the elaborate example) in your package, you can write tests with little overhead.
It doesn't answer how to work with the 'reporter' object though...
Simple example:
test_outcome <- callr::r(
function() {
# devtools::load_all()
check1 = mypackage::sum(5,5), # some imaginary exported functions sum and name.
check2 = mypackage::name()
test_that('My test case', {
expect_equal(test_outcome$check1, 10)
expect_equal(test_outcome$check2, 'Siete')
Elaborate example
Note that from .add_test to .exp_true are only function definitions which can better be included in your package so they will be available when being loaded with devtools::load_all(). load_all also loads not-exported functions by default.
test_outcome <- callr::r(
function() {
# devtools::load_all()
# Defining helper functions
tst <- list(desc = 'My first test', tests = list())
.add_test <- function(type, A, B) {
# To show at least something about what is actually tested when returning the result, we can add the actual `.exp_...` call to the test.
call <- as.character(sys.call(-1))
tst$tests[[length(tst$tests) + 1]] <<- list(
type = type, a = A, b = B,
# (I couldn't find a better way to create a nice call string)
call = paste0(call[1], '(', paste0(collapse = ', ', call[2:length(call)]), ')'))
.exp_error <- function(expr, exp_msg) {
err_msg <- ''
tryCatch({expr}, error = function(err) {
err_msg <<- err$message
.add_test('error', err_msg, exp_msg)
.exp_match <- function(expr, regex) {
.add_test('match', expr, regex)
.exp_equal <- function(expr, ref) {
.add_test('equal', expr, ref)
.exp_false <- function(expr) {
.add_test('false', expr, FALSE)
.exp_true <- function(expr) {
.add_test('true', expr, TRUE)
# Performing the tests
.exp_match('My name is Siete', 'My name is .*')
.exp_equal(mypackage::sum(5,5), 10) # some imaginary exported functions sum and name.
.exp_match(mypackage::name(), 'Siete')
.exp_false('package:testthat' %in% search())
show = TRUE)
# Performing the actual testthat tests:
.run_test_batch <- function(test_outcome) {
test_that(test_outcome$desc, {
for (test in test_outcome$tests) {
# 'test' is a list with the fields 'type', 'a', 'b' and 'call'.
# Where 'type' can contain 'match', 'error', 'true', 'false' or 'equal'.
if (test$type == 'equal') {
with(test, expect_equal(a, b, label = call))
} else if (test$type == 'true') {
expect_true( test$a, label = test$call)
} else if (test$type == 'false') {
expect_false(test$a, label = test$call)
} else if (test$type %in% c('match', 'error')) {
with(test, expect_match(a, b, label = call))
When moving the functions to your package you would need the following initialize function too.
tst <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
tst$desc = ''
tst$tests = list()
.initialize_test <- function(desc) {
tst$desc = desc
tst$tests = list()
It works as follows:
An empty list is created: tst
By calling .exp_... functions, tests are added to that list
The list with tests is returned by the function in callr::r
Then we loop over the list and execute every test
I am trying to extend websocket::Websocket with a method that sends some data and returns the message, so that I can assign it to an object. My question is pretty much identical to https://community.rstudio.com/t/capture-streaming-json-over-websocket/16986. Unfortunately, the user there never revealed how they solved it themselves. My idea was to have the onMessage method return the event$data, i.e. something like:
my_websocket <- R6::R6Class("My websocket",
inherit = websocket::WebSocket,
public = list(
foo = function(x) {
msg <- super$send(paste("x"))
} )
load_websocket <- function(){
ws <- my_websocket$new("ws://foo.local")
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
my_ws <- load_websocket()
my_ws$foo("hello") # returns NULL
but after spending a good hour on the Websocket source code, I am still completely in the dark as to where exactly the callback happens, "R environment wise".
You need to use super assignment operator <<-. <<- is most useful in conjunction with closures to maintain state. Unlike the usual single arrow assignment (<-) that always works on the current level, the double arrow operator can modify variables in parent levels.
my_websocket <- R6::R6Class("My websocket",
inherit = websocket::WebSocket,
public = list(
foo = function(x) {
msg <<- super$send(paste("x"))
} )
load_websocket <- function(){
ws <- my_websocket$new("ws://foo.local")
ws$onMessage(function(event) {
my_ws <- load_websocket()
Is it possible to write a function in R which will hold its execution, giving the users control over the console (while in interactive mode of course), meanwhile recording their inputs, and continuing execution either:
after a certain input has been made
or after a certain output has been made
or a certain duration of time has passed
Example: ask the user a question (without using readline() for the answer)
question <- function() {
message("How much is 2 + 2?")
#let users take control of the console
#continue to next statement only if they input "2+2", or "4" or a minute has passed
#meanwhile record their last input similar to ".Last.Value", e.g.:
startTime <- Sys.time()
timeout <- FALSE
lastInput <- lastInput()
while (eval(parse(text = lastInput)) != 4 & !timeout) {
if (difftime(Sys.time(), startTime, units = "mins") > 1) {
timeout <- TRUE
lastInput <- lastInput()
if (timeout) {
stop("Sorry, timeout.")
} else {
message("Correct! Let's continue with this function:")
Where lastInput() is a function which "listens" to user input when it changes.
Obviously the above structure is tentative and won't give me what I want, some way to "listen" or "observe" and only react when the user inputs something to the console.
The final user experience should be:
> question()
How much is 2+2?
> #I'm the user, I can do whatever
> head(mtcars)
> plot(1:10)
> 3
> 2 + 2
[1] 4
Correct! Let's continue with this function:
Am I too optimistic or is there some R magic for this?
Thanks to #parth I have looked at swirl's source code and got acquainted with the addTaskCallback function. From the help file:
addTaskCallback registers an R function that is to be called each time a top-level task is completed.
And so we can make R check the users input ("top-level task") with a specific function, responding accordingly.
But since the swirl code is very "heavy", I think I need to supply a minimal example:
swirllike <- function(...){
e <- new.env(globalenv())
e$prompt <- TRUE
e$startTime <- Sys.time()
cb <- function(expr, val, ok, vis, data=e){
e$expr <- expr
e$val <- val
e$ok <- ok
e$vis <- vis
# The result of f() will determine whether the callback
# remains active
return(f(e, ...))
addTaskCallback(cb, name = "swirllike")
message("How much is 2+2?")
OK, so the swirllike function evokes the 2+2 question, but it also declares a new environment e with some objects the user needs not know. It then adds the swirllike task callback to the task callback list (or rather vector). This "task callback" holds the cb function which calls the f function - the f function will run with every input.
If you run this, make sure you see the swirllike task callback with:
> getTaskCallbackNames()
[1] "swirllike"
Now the f function is similar to my sketch in the question:
f <- function(e, ...){
if (e$prompt) {
if (difftime(Sys.time(), e$startTime, units = "mins") > 1) {
timeout <- TRUE
stop("Sorry, timeout.")
if(!is.null(.Last.value) && .Last.value == 4) {
message("Correct! Let's continue with this function:")
e$prompt <- FALSE
while (!e$prompt) {
#continue asking questions or something, but for this example:
And don't forget to remove the swirllike task callback with:
I am asking to write a text or graphical progress tracker while rforcecom's batch update function loads batches of up to 10,000.
To set up and complete a batch update, a few objects must be created--there is no avoiding it. I really do not like having to re-run code in order to check the status of rforcecom.checkBatchStatus(). This needs to be automated while a progress bar gives a visual of actual progress, since checking in the global environment isn't preferred and it will be a static "status" update until it's run again.
Here's how the code is set up:
## Login to Salesforce using your username and password token
## Once ready to update records, use the following:
job<- rforcecom.createBulkJob(session, operation = 'update',
object = 'custom_object__c')
info<- rforcecom.createBulkBatch(session, jobId = job$id, data = entry,
batchSize = 10000)
### Re-run this line if status(in global environment) is "In Progress" for
### updated status
status<- lapply(info, FUN = function(x) {
rforcecom.checkBatchStatus(session, jobId = x$jobId, batchId = x$id)})
###Once complete, check details
details<- lapply(status, FUN = function(x){
rforcecom.getBatchDetails(session, jobId = x$jobId, batchId = x$id)})
close<- rforcecom.closeBulkJob(session, jobId = job$id)
To automate re-running the status code, use the repeat loop:
repeat {
if (condition) {
Then, to get a visual for a progress update, use the txtProgressBar() in base R. For this particular function, I made my own progress bar function with two simple companion functions. As a note about progressValue(), the rforcecom.checkBatchStatus() outputs as a list of 1 and a sublist. The sublist name for checking the number of records processed is "numberRecordsProcessed".
progressBar<- function(x, start = 0, finish){
# x is your object that is performing a function over a varying time length
# finish is your number of rows of data your function is processing
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = start, max = finish, style = 3)
for (i in 1:finish){
i<- progressValue(x)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if (progressValue(x)/finish == 1) {
finish<- function(x){
progressValue<- function(x){
Now, bring it all together! Repeat loops can be trained to end as long as you know your conditions: "Completed" or "Failed". Repeat "status", which will update the number of records processed, and by doing so this will update your progress bar. When the number of records processed equals the number of rows in your data, the progress bar will quit and so will your repeat loop.
repeat {
status<- lapply(info, FUN = function(x){
rforcecom.checkBatchStatus(session, jobId = x$jobId, batchId = x$id)})
progressBar(status, finish = finish(entry))
if (status[[1]][["state"]]=="Completed") {
if (status[[1]][["state"]]=="Failed") {
I'm having trouble with storing the output of a function into a variable. I think it's best that I give some context to the problem I'm trying to work out.
Suppose that players "a" and "r" play a game of tennis, the runningScoreFn sums the pointHistory vector and puts everything together in a nice data.frame
runningScoreFn = function(pointHistory){
playerUni = c("a", "r")
cols = sapply(playerUni, function(thisPlayer){
cumsum(pointHistory == thisPlayer)
names(cols) = playerUni
cbind(pointHistory, as.data.frame(cols))
The oneEpxiermentGameFn that plays out a game of "a" v.s "r".The first player to win 4 points wins the game, but he must be ahead by at least 2 points. "r" has 60% chance of winning a point.
pRogerPoint = 0.6
oneExperimentGameFn = function(pRogerPoint){
game = c(rep("r",pRogerPoint * 100), rep("a", 100-pRogerPoint*100))
i = 4
keepGoing = TRUE
whosePoint = sample(game, size=i, replace=TRUE)
success = TRUE
keepGoing = FALSE
}else if(sum(whosePoint=="a")-sum(whosePoint=="r")>=2){
success = FALSE
keepGoing = FALSE
pRogerGameFn shows the probability that Roger wins the game.
pRogerGameFn = function(pRogerPoint, NExperiments){
RogerGameFn = lapply(1:NExperiments,function(dummy){
Here I wish to store the output into the variable ok, but ok returns NULL. I think this has something to do with my oneExperimentGameFn.
I also tried ok = RogerGameFn, but ok also returns NULL.
there is nothing returning from the function oneExperimentGameFn.
If there is a specific value you want returned, insert a return(.) command at the end of the function (or wherever else appropriate).
If you simply want to catch the print statements, you can use capture.output(.):
ok <- capture.output(oneExperimentGameFn(pRogerPoint))