Running minified in Grunt cannot read property of undefined - gruntjs

I'm trying to build a Grunt task that minifys my JS files and return a single minified JS file.
This is my gruntfile.js file:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Project configuration.
minified: {
files: {
src: [
dest: 'js/min/'
options: {
allinone: true
When I run the task it does work, but it also returns an error.
> cmd.exe /c grunt -b "C:\Users\alucardu\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\JS-demo\JS-demo" --gruntfile "C:\Users\alucardu\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\JS-demo\JS-demo\Gruntfile.js" minified
Running "minified:files" (minified) task
Warning: Cannot read property 'yellow' of undefined Use --force to continue.
Process terminated with code 3.
Aborted due to warnings.
I've done a search action in my entire solution for 'yellow' but it doesn't return any results. Also when I empty both my JS files that are being minified it still returns the error.
Does anyone know why it's returning this error?

By removing the
options: {
allinone: true
The warning no longer showed up, but it also doesn't concat the files together. So I've added another task called concat. So now my gruntfile looks like this:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Project configuration.
watch: {
scripts: {
files: ['js/*.js'],
tasks: ['concat', 'minified', 'uglify'],
concat: {
dist: {
src: ['js/*.js'],
dest: 'js/min/concat.js'
minified: {
files: {
src: ['js/min/concat.js'],
dest: 'js/min/minified.js'
uglify: {
my_target: {
files: {
'js/min/uglify.js': ['js/min/minified.jsconcat.js']
And it seems to be working fine.


Grunt concat no errors but doesn't works

Hi Grunt concat doesn't shows errors, but it doesn't concentrate my styles.css file. Here is a screenshot of it:
And here is a screenshot of my css file, which still isn't being concatenated(also you can see my folder structure here below):
And here is my gruntfile.js (Maybe I should have a different separator in concat_css.):
module.exports = function(grunt) {
less: {
development: {
options: {
compress: true,
yuicompress: true,
optimization: 2,
css: ['concat']
files: {
"css/styles.css": "css/styles.less" // destination file and source file
concat_css: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
separator: '}'
all: {
src: ["css/styles.css"],
dest: "css/styles.css"
watch: {
styles: {
files: ['css/styles.less'], // which files to watch
tasks: ['less', 'concat_css'],
options: {
nospawn: true
grunt.registerTask('default', ['less', 'watch', 'concat_css']);
I'm pretty sure the task is called concat, not concat_css. You're config will need to match that name (that is, you should not be using concat_css at all). Aside from that, why would you make the separator the closing brace (})? If you ever have more than one file that will almost certainly cause a syntax error in the concatenated CSS file. I would leave out that option unless you have a specific need for it.
concat: { // <-- change this to match the name of the task: "concat"
all: {
src: ["css/styles.css"],
dest: "css/styles.css"

Grunt task run one by one

Please help me.. I am new to grunt. I have to run grunt task one by one. When i execute the Grunt file i am trying to execute one by one ['clean', 'writefile','concat','requirejs'] since write file helps to create a dynamic json for requier.
When ever i execute first time grunt gives me error and at the second time it runs without error since the json file is created in the path. I tried but i couldn't get it
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
// Before generating any new files, remove any previously-created files.
clean: {
tests: ['rjs/build.json','frontend-built']
writefile: {
json_value: {
options: {
data: 'frontend/config.json'
src: 'rjs/value.hbs',
dest: 'rjs/build.json'
requirejs: {
compile: {
concat: {
dist: {
files: {
'frontend/theme/css/theameA.css': ['frontend/theme/css/common/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/lib/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/theme_a/**/*.css'],
'frontend/theme/css/theameB.css': ['frontend/theme/css/common/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/lib/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/theme_b/**/*.css']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'writefile','concat','requirejs']);
Ok the problem is that the config code is processed before the tasks run so even if it didn't error out, it wouldn't be the correct behavior.
Try this to set the requirejs config dynamically via another custom task:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
// Before generating any new files, remove any previously-created files.
clean: {
tests: ['rjs/build.json','frontend-built']
writefile: {
json_value: {
options: {
data: 'frontend/config.json'
src: 'rjs/value.hbs',
dest: 'rjs/build.json'
concat: {
dist: {
files: {
'frontend/theme/css/theameA.css': ['frontend/theme/css/common/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/lib/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/theme_a/**/*.css'],
'frontend/theme/css/theameB.css': ['frontend/theme/css/common/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/lib/**/*.css','frontend/theme/css/theme_b/**/*.css']
grunt.registerTask('setRjsConfig', function() {
grunt.config('requirejs.options.compile', grunt.file.readJSON('rjs/build.json'));
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'writefile','concat', 'setRjsConfig', 'requirejs']);

Set up grunt to build Jekyll site, serve & livereload

I have a simple Jekyll site, and am using grunt to compile LESS files.
I want to build in the ability to continue compiling .less files, building the jekyll site & serving it locally. I also have a task to watch and copy compiled css files into the jekyll _site folder.
However the Grunftile I have at the moment isn't quite working:
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// compile set less files
less: {
development: {
options: {
paths: ["assets/less"],
yuicompress: true,
compress: true
files: {
"assets/css/site.css": ["assets/less/*.less", "!assets/less/_*.less"]
// watch changes to less files
watch: {
styles: {
files: ["less/**/*"],
tasks: ["less", "copy:css"]
options: {
livereload: true,
spawn: false,
// copy compiled css to _site
copy: {
css : {
files: {
cwd: './assets/css/',
src: 'site.css',
dest: './_site/assets/css',
expand: true
// run jekyll command
shell: {
jekyll: {
options: {
stdout: true
command: 'jekyll build'
// jekyll build
jekyll: {
files: [
'*.html', '*.yml', 'assets/js/**.js',
'_posts/**', '_includes/**'
tasks: 'shell:jekyll',
options: {
livereload: true
exec: {
server: {
command: 'jekyll serve -w'
concurrent: {
options: { logConcurrentOutput: true },
server: {
tasks: ['watch', 'exec:server']
// Load tasks so we can use them
// the default task will show the usage
grunt.registerTask("default", "Prints usage", function () {
grunt.log.writeln("Using Base");
grunt.log.writeln("* run 'grunt --help' to get an overview of all commands.");
grunt.log.writeln("* run 'grunt dev' to start watching and compiling LESS changes.");
grunt.registerTask("dev", ["less:development", "watch:styles", "copy:css", "shell:jekyll", "concurrent:server"]);
It's probably better to have Grunt also building Jekyll, using grunt-jekyll I suspect you're having issues with Jekyll cleaning the output directory after your copy task has placed your compiled LESS output there, so it's important your tasks are run in the correct sequence.
There's an excellent Yeoman generator with a complete Jekyll / Grunt workflow that's also worth checking out; and if you don't want to use Yeoman then you will at least find some helpful pointers in the Gruntfile

grunt browser sync not injecting changes

I'm trying to get grunt-browser-sync to inject any css changes into an open browser when a file is updated/changed. But for some reason, I can seem to get it to work and grunt is not giving me any errors to let me know it's not working.
I'm currently using MAMP since it's a Wordpress based project.
Here's my Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
build: {
src: '_/js/libs/*.js', //input
dest: '_/js/functions.min.js' //output
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
loadPath: require('node-bourbon').includePaths,
loadPath: require('node-neat').includePaths,
style: 'compressed'
files: {
'style.css': 'scss/style.scss'
autoprefixer: {
dist: {
files: {
'style.css': 'style.css'
browserSync: {
dev: {
bsFiles: {
src : 'style.css'
options: {
watchTask: true
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
js: {
files: ["_/js/libs/*.js"],
tasks: ["ugilify"],
sass: {
files: ["scss/*.scss"],
tasks: ["sass", "autoprefixer", "browserSync"],
php: {
files: ['*.php']
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify', 'sass', 'browserSync', 'watch', 'autoprefixer']);
and here's the output when I save/update a file:
Running "watch" task
>> File "scss/global.scss" changed.
Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
File style.css created.
Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
File style.css created.
Running "browserSync:dev" (browserSync) task
Done, without errors.
Completed in 1.478s at Wed May 07 2014 18:47:40 GMT-0500 (CDT) - Waiting...
But then I have to physically refresh the browser to see the changes.
I'm not sure if I am missing something within the grunt file or what.
The only version of grunt-browser-sync that works for me with this code is 1.9.1. So, un-install your current version and
npm install grunt-browser-sync#1.9.1 --save-dev
I encountered the same issue and have opened an issue here
Github grunt-browser-sync repo with issues 58

Grunt SCSS - Not reloading

I am trying to achieve a smooth workflow.
my problem:
My JS modifications are shown and minified and the live reload works fine. When I make changes to my SCSS files they do not run under the run command:
or the grunt plugin:
grunt watch
It only works when I invoke:
grunt sass
This was the output from the 'grunt sass' console window:
Macintosh:grunt-test Neil$ grunt sass
Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
File "css/global.css" created.
Done, without errors.
When I run 'grunt watch' on a sass file I have noticed that grunt runs the minification on the javascript for no reason. Surely this be invoked when that file or one of its dependencies is effected?
Gruntfile.js Contents:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// 1. All configuration goes here
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
watch: {
options: {
files: ['css/*.css'],
livereload: true
css: {
files: ['css/*.scss'],
tasks: ['sass'],
options: {
spawn: false,
scripts: {
files: ['js/*.js', 'scss/*.scss'],
tasks: ['concat', 'uglify'],
options: {
spawn: false,
sass: {
dist: {
options: {
style: 'compressed'
expand: true,
cwd: 'scss/',
src: ['*.scss'],
dest: 'css/',
ext: '.css'
concat: {
// 2. Configuration for concatinating files goes here.
dist: {
src: [
'js/libs/*.js', // All JS in the libs folder
'js/global.js' // This specific file
dest: 'js/build/production.js',
uglify: {
build: {
src: 'js/build/production.js',
dest: 'js/build/production.min.js'
imagemin: {
dynamic: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'images-lossy/',
src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'],
dest: 'images/'
png: {
options: {
optimizationLevel: 7
jpg: {
options: {
progressive: true
// 3. Where we tell Grunt we plan to use this plug-in.
// 4. Where we tell Grunt what to do when we type "grunt" into the terminal.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass','concat', 'uglify', 'imagemin', 'watch']);
I hope the above information helps. I have previously used Codekit, and it a really great app. I want to move to grunt but maybe my configuration file is incorrect I am close.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like both of your issues occur within the watch configuration.
First, the reason the SASS task isn't working during watch is due to the files entry pointing to the wrong location. Your current files entry points to the "css" folder, but it should point to the "scss" folder, according to what you've specified in the actual "sass" task. In other words, your entry should be: files: ['scss/*.scss'].
css: {
files: ['scss/*.scss'],
tasks: ['sass'],
options: {
spawn: false,
Second, the JavaScript minification occurs during the watch whenever a SASS file changes because you have it listed here:
scripts: {
files: ['js/*.js', 'scss/*.scss'], // <-- scss is covered here
tasks: ['concat', 'uglify'],
options: {
spawn: false,
Change it to files: ['js/*.js'], instead to have the watch task kick in for JavaScript files only.
Once you address those issues, if things are slightly working you might want to expand the patterns so that it covers all files in the subdirectories for your JavaScript, CSS, SASS, etc. For example, js/*.js includes all .js files under the js folder, while js/**/*.js covers the js folder and its subfolders. You can read more under the GruntJS "globbing patterns" documentation.
EDIT: here's how the updated watch should look like...
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
// css is really for Sass
css: {
files: ['scss/*.scss'],
tasks: ['sass'],
options: {
spawn: false,
// scripts will detect js changes
scripts: {
files: ['js/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['jshint', 'concat', 'uglify'],
options: {
spawn: false,
As mentioned, your individual tasks might need to use the ** pattern similar to what I've done with the "scripts" entry above: js/**/*.js
