Dependency Injection on API to API with AutoRest -

I been following the Swagger in Azure App Service tutorial and I notice the AutoREST code generation. In the tutorial, theres is an API and a DataAPI.
The TodoListAPI is a normal Web API.
The TodoListDataAPI is the one that is connected to a datasource, it is also a Web API and it is being consumed by TodoListAPI.
Using swagger autogerated codes are being imported to the TodoListAPI
partial interface ITodoListDataAPI: IDisposable
Uri BaseUri
get; set;
ServiceClientCredentials Credentials
get; set;
IToDoList ToDoList
/// this seems to be the interface that is needed to be injected in the Controller
public partial interface IToDoList
Task<HttpOperationResponse<object>> DeleteByOwnerAndIdWithOperationResponseAsync(string owner, int id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
Task<HttpOperationResponse<ToDoItem>> GetByIdByOwnerAndIdWithOperationResponseAsync(string owner, int id, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken));
Then in the ToDoListAPI controller it is being used like this
public class ToDoListController : ApiController
private string owner = "*";
private static ITodoListDataAPINewDataAPIClient()
var client = new TodoListDataAPI(new Uri(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ToDoListDataAPIUrl"]));
return client;
// GET: api/ToDoItemList
public async Task<IEnumerable<ToDoItem>> Get()
using (var client = NewDataAPIClient())
var results = await client.ToDoList.GetByOwnerAsync(owner);
Now the problem in this pattern is it is not testable because it directly consumes the DataAPI.
My question is, How can I make ITodoList to be used as dependency injection on the controller.
public class ToDoListController : ApiController
private readonly ITodoListDataAPI _todoListData;
private ToDoListController (IToDoList todoListData)
_todoListData = todoListData;
I also don't know what Autofoca DI library to use, there is Autofac and Autofac.WebApi in the nuget gallery and I am not sure what to use in these instance.


How sensitive is the Google OpenID Discovery Document to change?

What I am trying to do
I am trying to implement Google OpenID Connect as a means to login to an ASP.NET Core 3.1 website using Google's instructions:
Under step 2 of the server flow (Send an authentication request to Google) they recommend retrieving information from their OpenID Discovery Document:
You should retrieve the base URI from the Discovery document using the authorization_endpoint metadata value.
I am currently trying to dynamically deserialize the JSON to a Dictionary<string, string> by using Newtonsoft.Json. But it is giving me some issues (can't seem to deserialize a JSON string array) and I am considering changing my strategy to creating a model for the Discovery Document and using System.Text.Json to deserialize.
Now my question is
How sensitive is Google's Discovery Document to changes that would lead to me having to update my DiscoveryDocument.cs model?
With the Newtonsoft.Json way everything will still work, even if Google decides to remove a random key.
But using the System.Text.Json is the easy way out for me now and removes a dependency on the Newtonsoft library, though I may run into trouble later if Google's Discovery Document changes.
I think you will have a much easier time to use the Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols and
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect NuGet packages and use the included parser to do it all for you. The items in the document is pretty standardized but not every provider provides all the items.
public class OpenIDSettings : IOpenIDSettings
public string Issuer { get; }
public string jwks_uri { get; }
public string authorization_endpoint { get; }
public string token_endpoint { get; }
public string userinfo_endpoint { get; }
public string end_session_endpoint { get; }
public string check_session_iframe { get; }
public string revocation_endpoint { get; }
public string introspection_endpoint { get; }
public string device_authorization_endpoint { get; }
public ICollection<string> scopes_supported { get; }
public ICollection<string> claims_supported { get; }
public OpenIDSettings(string endpoint)
var configurationManager = new ConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(
new OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever());
//If you get an exception here, then provider is not running or reachable
var document = configurationManager.GetConfigurationAsync().Result;
//Add the necessary code to populate the properties in this class
Issuer = document.Issuer;
jwks_uri = document.JwksUri;
authorization_endpoint = document.AuthorizationEndpoint;
token_endpoint = document.TokenEndpoint;
userinfo_endpoint = document.UserInfoEndpoint;
end_session_endpoint = document.EndSessionEndpoint;
check_session_iframe = document.CheckSessionIframe;
scopes_supported = document.ScopesSupported;
claims_supported = document.ClaimsSupported;
if (document.AdditionalData.ContainsKey("revocation_endpoint"))
revocation_endpoint = (string)(document.AdditionalData["revocation_endpoint"]);
if (document.AdditionalData.ContainsKey("introspection_endpoint"))
introspection_endpoint = (string)(document.AdditionalData["introspection_endpoint"]);
if (document.AdditionalData.ContainsKey("device_authorization_endpoint"))
device_authorization_endpoint = (string)(document.AdditionalData["device_authorization_endpoint"]);

Controller cannot reach Controller in other project because of constructor ASP:NET Core

I'm new to ASP.NET Core and I'm trying to solve this problem for a week now.
I have a solution with two projects.
And when I start the porject the browser just says:
InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'TSM_Programm.Data.TSMContext' while attempting to activate 'TSM_Programm.Controllers.ResourcesController'.
The first part of the solution is my API-Layer that passes data to a user (currently via postman).
The second project is my Data Access Layer.
This Layer contains several Controllers, all of them using the same constructor, which is the following:
public TSMContext _context;
public ResourcesController(TSMContext context)
_context = context;
The TSMContext Class is the following:
namespace TSM_Programm.Data
public class TSMContext : DbContext
public TSMContext(DbContextOptions<TSMContext> options)
: base(options)
public DbSet<Resource> Resources { get; set; }
public DbSet<Parameter> Parameters { get; set; }
public DbSet<ResourceToParameter> ResourceToParameters { get; set; }
public DbSet<Reservation> Reservations { get; set; }
So far so god, but when I am trying to start the program the controllerof the API-Layer does not seem to be able to handle the constructor.
This is my API-Conrtoller:
namespace TSM_API.Controllers
public class APIController : ControllerBase //Base Class without View Support
public ResourcesController _resources;
public ParametersController _parameters;
public ReservationsController _reservations;
public APIController(ResourcesController resources, ParametersController parameters, ReservationsController reservations)
_resources = resources;
_parameters = parameters;
_reservations = reservations;
//Function to check if controller works
//GET: api/API
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
// ResourcesController controller = new ResourcesController();
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
The API-Controller was not able to use its own constructors, that's why I changed the Startup.cs.
namespace TSM_API
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
I'm simply out of ideas on how to solve the problem, since I can't add the TSMContext class a service.
Any idea how to solve it?
Thank you.
I see you have not registered your dbcontext as a dependency injection. Your issue might be due to ResourceController trying to access _context as a DI but it is not registered. To use the context as a dependency injection, register it in the startup.cs as following.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<TSMContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING")));
//If you have any services that should be used as DI, then they also must be registered as like this
services.AddScoped<Interface, Class>(); //Interface refer to the service interface while class is the actual service you will use.

An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'XXXXController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor

I have created a web api project and implemented the below HTTP GET method in AccountController and the related service method & repository method in AccountService & AccountRepository respectively.
public class AccountController : ApiController
private readonly IAccountService _accountService;
public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
_accountService = accountService;
[HttpGet, ActionName("UserProfile")]
public JsonResult<decimal> GetUserSalary(int userID)
var account = _accountService.GetUserSalary(userID);
if (account != null)
return Json(account.Salary);
return Json(0);
Service / Business Layer
public interface IAccountService
decimal GetUserSalary(int userId);
public class AccountService : IAccountService
readonly IAccountRepository _accountRepository = new AccountRepository();
public decimal GetUserSalary(int userId)
return _accountRepository.GetUserSalary(userId);
Repository / Data Access Layer
public interface IAccountRepository
decimal GetUserSalary(int userId);
public class AccountRepository : IAccountRepository
public decimal GetUserSalary(int userId)
using (var db = new AccountEntities())
var account = (from b in db.UserAccounts where b.UserID == userId select b).FirstOrDefault();
if (account != null)
return account.Salary;
return 0;
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IAccountService, AccountService>();
container.RegisterType<IAccountRepository, AccountRepository>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
But when I invoke the API method GetUserSalary() I get an error saying
An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'AccountController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.
Check that you did not forget to register Unity IoC container itself:
if you use ASP.NET Framework it could be - Global.asax or Startap.cs (Owin) via UnityConfig.RegisterComponents() method.
if you use ASP.NET Core then in the Startup.cs file (I was unable to find official guides for its configuting)
Your current constructor has parameters (or args if you prefer).
public AccountController(IAccountService accountService)
_accountService = accountService;
All you need to do is add a "Parameter-less Constructor" into the controller as well.
public AccountController()
Parameter-less constructors are usually above the ones that have params, though as far as I am aware this is only due to standards not any actual effect(s) it may cause.
There is also an already existing issue/question similar to this I will link below that may provide further details.
Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor error

SignalR on multiple application pools

I am trying to send notifications to specific clients from server about transaction changes. I'm doing well so far in local and development environment, but in LIVE we have 3 app pools (3 physical servers) with loadbalancer (all three have same machine key).
So it looks like when notification is triggered server side on same pool the client is connected - it works, but doesn't work if pools are different.
Can anyone suggest how to deal with this - or maybe the problem is in bad code (incorrect hub context handling or something). I'm new to SignalR - so used examples for message broadcasting from SignalR documentation.
Here is mu hub:
public class ExampleClassHub : Hub
private readonly ExampleClass _ExampleClassInstance;
public ExampleClassHub() : this(ExampleClass.Instance) { }
public ExampleClassHub(ExampleClass ExampleClassInstance)
_ExampleClassInstance = ExampleClassInstance;
Here is the class which serves static instance:
public class ExampleClass
private readonly static Lazy<ExampleClass> _instance = new Lazy<ExampleClass>(() =>
new ExampleClass(GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ExampleClassHub>().Clients));
private IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> Clients { get; set; }
private ExampleClass(IHubConnectionContext<dynamic> clients)
Clients = clients;
public static ExampleClass Instance
return _instance.Value;
public void NotifyTransactionChange(int userId, string tid, bool isTransactionSuccessfull)
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Notification { UserId = userId, Tid = tid, IsTransactionSuccessful = isTransactionSuccessfull });
class Notification
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string Tid { get; set; }
public bool IsTransactionSuccessful { get; set; }
So from server-side notification is triggered the following way:
Solved using SignalR scaleout:

ASP.NET : How to Manage State in Class Library?

I have an ASP.NET MVC 6 application with a few class libraries (.NET 4.6.1). Now I want to pass the values between the application and the class libraries. For example I want to access UserId (that is inside a session) from the class library. I don't want to use parameters to pass the value, because UserId is a global variable in my class library and I don't have a reference from web application in the class library. What is the best way to solve this?
Use Sessions in a class library?
Use Shared Memory ?
Use Web Service ?
Use Dtabase ?
... ?
Update : says that we can use this :
using System.Web;
var currentSession = HttpContext.Current.Session;
var myValue = currentSession["myKey"];
in .NET 4.6.1 (MVC 6) it does not work. but in .NET 4.0 it works well. this is my problem.
I don't have a reference from web application in the class library.
What is the best way to solve this?
Ideally, class library should never have access to HttpContext (unless it is related to presentation layer). Instead, you just pass UserId as a parameter to methods.
Otherwise, it will be hard to unit test the class library.
How about Presentation Layer
If you want to access userId inside controller, you want to inject it, instead of accessing it from HttpContext directly.
For example,
public interface IUserSession
int Id { get; }
string FirstName { get; }
string LastName { get; }
string UserName { get; }
bool IsInRole(string roleName);
public interface IWebUserSession : IUserSession
Uri RequestUri { get; }
string HttpRequestMethod { get; }
public class UserSession : IWebUserSession
public int Id => Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsPrincipal) HttpContext.Current.User)?.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Sid)?.Value);
public string FirstName => ((ClaimsPrincipal)HttpContext.Current.User)?.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.GivenName)?.Value;
public string LastName => ((ClaimsPrincipal) HttpContext.Current.User)?.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Surname)?.Value;
public string UserName => ((ClaimsPrincipal)HttpContext.Current.User)?.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Name)?.Value;
public bool IsInRole(string roleName) => HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(roleName);
public Uri RequestUri => HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
public string HttpRequestMethod => HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod;
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IWebUserSession _webUserSession;
public MyController(IWebUserSession webUserSession)
_webUserSession = webUserSession;
