Where is the default output folder for dotnet restore? - .net-core

I tried to create a simple .net core using commandline
dotnew new
in a certain folder called netcoreExample and I could see that there are two files created which are program.cs and project.json. Then I add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to dependencies entry in project.json
When I try to run the command
dotnet restore
it shows the package is restores successfully. However, when I inspect the folder where I run dotnet restore from, I didn't see the "packages" folder which is usually created when with the old C# projects running Nuget restore.
I wonder where the dotnet restore output all of the dependencies to.

On Windows by default its %userprofile%\.nuget\packages. I wish dotnet restore -verbosity <verbosity-level> printed out where it was restoring to.
On other OSes its like <HOME-environment-variable-location>/.nuget/packages


Nothing to do. None of the projects specified contain packages to restore dotnet restore

I am working on an ASP.NET Web API 2 project with .NET target framework 4.6.1. I am trying to setup github workflow for my repo. When the dotnet restore command is run, it throws an error like below.
I am getting the same error if I run the same command in from command prompt inside my project. Also if I run dotnet build, it shows below error.
The project builds fine from Visual Studio but not working from command line or github workflow yml. Can anyone please point me on what am I missing?
The project builds fine from Visual Studio but not working from command line
Check which sln file Visual Studio is using to build your project.
Since I don't see any sln/csproj in your GitHub repository, it is also possible that you have a .gitignore which would prevent adding those in the first place.
DOTNET Restore does not support pacakges.config https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-restore
So you have to move the nuget package references to csproj file itself
Here is a great comment on how to do that https://stackoverflow.com/a/65701746/8318698
Note: check that if multiple projectGuid is there on csproj at the end of the steps
After that you will be able to use dotnet restore without a hitch.

Dotnet restore hook script?

Is there a way to run a custom script when my NuGet package is restored by dotnet restore command (or if this happens as a part of dotnet build)?
I want to copy a file to the user's home dir if it's not yet there.
Basically, I want to replicate an NPM install hook with .NET Core's NuGet.

Restoring NuGet packages to the cache

I have a .net-core application that works on my machine but when I deploy it on another one, it complains about missing packages and points me to the TheApp.deps.json.
My theory is that on my machine the app looks for packages in some NuGet cache where they were probably installed by the IDE during development because the app's output-dir contains only a couple of internal dlls so the other nuget.org dependecies are definitely missing.
I'm building the app with
and then xcopy it to the other machine.
Is there a way to restore or install the missing packages to the cache on the target machine based on the *.deps.json file?
dotnet build (and the F5/Build function in Visual Studio) simply build the code that you have provided via your source files (i.e cs, fs, vb, etc.).
Whereas dotnet publish (and the Build > Publish function in Visual Studio) does a full package restore, builds your source code, and resolves any external dependencies before moving the output to a specific directory ready for publishing to another machine.
The description on the dotnet publish command documentation states:
dotnet publish compiles the application, reads through its dependencies specified in the project file, and publishes the resulting set of files to a directory. The output includes the following assets:
Intermediate Language (IL) code in an assembly with a dll extension.
.deps.json file that includes all of the dependencies of the project.
.runtime.config.json file that specifies the shared runtime that the application expects, as well as other configuration options for the runtime (for example, garbage collection type).
The application's dependencies, which are copied from the NuGet cache into the output folder.
dotnet build is only really useful for building on your development machine, and when used in conjunction with dotnet run against a project file.

Where is the nuget executable for dotnet core

Where does dotnet core look for a nuget executable when running restore commands?
Is there a separate executable, or are the nuget functions built directly into the cli tools?
If I already have a nuget executable on my path, can dotnet be configured to use this?
NuGet is no longer an executable that runs for a restore operation, it has become an integrated part of the build tooling and the dotnet CLI.
NuGet operations have been turned into MSBuild tasks which are run during a build. This task would then load some NuGet libraries as needed. There are other tasks that use some NuGet components as well - such as the Pack target or some tasks used to determine framework compatibility (because NuGet knows which net* / netcoreapp* / netstandard* "frameworks" are compatible with another).
The dotnet CLI also uses some library functions of NuGet to execute commands such as dotnet add package or the dotnet nuget commands.
So instead of a single nuget.exe, you will find some NuGet related DLL files inside the SDK's directory and various components used during the build or command line operations will use functionality of these.
This also means that you can't easily replace them with any nuget.exe you have on your PATH.

Resolving dependencies using restore and build

I have several questions related to project.json, dependencies and the use of dotnet restore :
Where are located the packages when doing dotnet restore according to dependencies declared in project.json?
I have seen that one can dotnet restore --packages "myPackagesPath thus specifying where to locate its packages, but how can `dotnet build' knows where to fetch the dependencies afterwards? I have not seen any part of the project.json that specifies it.
is project.json the way to go when creating new project in dotnet core?
1: depending on your OS, it is in $USERDIR/.nuget/packages/
2: sorry, no idea on this one
3: yes, try it by doing: dotnet new it'll create a project.json
