How to add glyphicon to xPage bootstrap dropdownbutton? - css

Here is my dropdownbutton:
<xp_1:dropDownButton id="dropDownButton1">
<xp_1:basicContainerNode styleClass="btn-primary" label="Tools">
<xp_1:basicLeafNode label="Edit">
<xp_1:basicLeafNode label="New">
<xp_1:basicLeafNode label="Home">
How to add glyphicon to the main dropdown button?
Adding a span somewhere inside just doesn't work like for core button:
<xp:button id="button2" styleClass="btn btn-success" value="Save" title="Save">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></span>

Once you add code in your button, i.e. an eventHandler, you can add the icon there. Here is a button I have that includes a Font Awesome icon, but Glyphicons work the same way. Once you create the button and actions, go into the source code and add the icon as below:
styleClass="btn btn-primary"
class="fa fa-check"
I did some tests, and while you can't add the icon the way we both want to, you can use CSS. I used a page with one dropdown button, and added CSS :before to add the icon within the button:
button::before {
font-family: "Glyphicons Halflings";
content: "\e172";
You may have to play with the CSS a little but hopefully, this can help.


Angular: "btn" class disappear after toggled the button

I have an issue with the class changing button. I use the [ngClass] directive to change the button style ( Bootstrap classes). But when I click the button, the "btn" class disappears from the code, so instead get 'btn-success btn', I get only 'btn-success'. The button also takes a part in showing and hiding a paragraph with random text.
This is TS code:
<button type="button"
[ngClass]="{'btn-success btn': showPass, 'btn-danger btn': !showPass }">{{status}}
<p [hidden]="showPass" >Secret password</p>```
and this is HTML:
onClick(event: Event) {
this.status = this.showPass ? "Show me!" : "Hide me!"
If the btn class is always going to be there, you can just do this instead:
<button type="button"
[ngClass]="{'btn-success': showPass, 'btn-danger': !showPass }">{{status}}

Clarity Wizard - Add a css-selector to a custom wizard button

I have a wizard with the following custom wizard buttons:
<clr-wizard-button [type]="'cancel'">Cancel</clr-wizard-button>
<clr-wizard-button [type]="'previous'">Previous</clr-wizard-button>
<clr-wizard-button [type]="'next'">Next</clr-wizard-button>
<clr-wizard-button [type]="'custom-save'">Save</clr-wizard-button>
Now I want to style the button of type custom-save with a custom color and for this, I need to apply a css-selector. attr.class won't work.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Formatted html output of the custom-save button:
<clr-wizard-button class="clr-wizard-btn-wrapper" _nghost-c5="" ng-reflect-type="custom-save" ng-reflect-disabled="false" aria-hidden="false">
<button _ngcontent-c5="" class="btn clr-wizard-btn" type="button">
Just place a custom class on your ClrWizardButton and it will be rendered for you.
<clr-wizard-button [type]="'custom'" class="my-custom-button">Cancel</clr-wizard-button>
This will render out as you see, where you can target the button using .my-custom-button button in your CSS.
<clr-wizard-button class="my-custom-button clr-wizard-btn-wrapper ng-star-inserted" _nghost-c1="" ng-reflect-type="custom-previous" aria-hidden="false">
<button _ngcontent-c1="" class="btn clr-wizard-btn btn-outline clr-wizard-btn--secondary" type="button">Custom</button>
Assuming this renders a standard button with a type, then an attribute selector would work.
button[type="custom-save"] {
background: lightgreen;
<button type="custom-save">Save</button>

Cant open file dialog with button inside label

To hide (but retain the functionality) the ugly default input type file button for file dialog I used the following mechanism:
<label for="file-input">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i> <!-- acts as file input on click-->
<input type="file" id="file-input" />
#file-input {
display: none; //hide the file input
This is working expectedly: I click on the font awesome edit icon and the file dialog pops up.
However, when I use a button it stops working. I get no file dialog on clicking the button:
<label for="file-input">
<button type="button">Upload file</button> <!-- not working-->
<input type="file" id="file-input" />
The Label represents a "caption" for an item in a user interface.
The reason why your button isn't working is because a button isn't considered a valid "caption" for a "control" element because it is a "control" element.
If you use an image or a piece of text inside the label it will work, because that will be considered a caption (this is why your first attempt worked). If you want to create a custom button you can use some text or an image tag otherwise you'll need some javascript.
Edit: maybe this page can be of help:
The javascript they use shows the user what file (s)he has selected
Just change the jQuery code and HTML tag will be as it is.
<label for="file-input">
<button class="upload_file" type="button">Upload file</button> <!-- not working-->
<input type="file" id="file-input" />
Jquery Code:
jquery("[for=file-input] .upload_file").on("click", function(){

Bootstrap dropdown: change dropdown icon when it's active?

I have the following setup:
<div data-ng-repeat="item in navigationBar.navObject.items" class="btn-group">
<button data-ng-class="{current: $last}" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" type="button" data-ng-click="navigationBar.goToState(item)"> {{}}</button>
<button data-ng-hide="item.isTerminal" data-toggle="dropdown" class="btn btn-default btn-xs dropdown-toggle" type="button">
<span class="fa fa-fw fa-caret-right"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<li data-ng-repeat="subItem in item.subItems"><a data-ng-click="subItem.item.goToState()">{{}}</a></li>
And I would like the icon in the dropdown to change from fa-caret-right to fa-caret-down when the dropdown list is visible. Is there any way to do this strictly with CSS?
You won't be able to change the attributes of HTML elements using CSS, you'll probably want to use jQuery instead.
Bootstrap has some nifty JavaScript going on, where you can execute your own scripts when boostrap elements inside your website is used.
Initialize dropdown using this inside jQuery.
When it's called you can hook different actions to it using the handles specified on the bootstrap docs.
on('', function(){}); is just a fancy word for saying "on dropdown"
$('.dropdown-toggle').on('', function () {
// All actions to fire after the dropdown is shown go here.
$('.fa .fa-fw').addClass('fa-caret-right');
$('.fa .fa-fw').removeClass('fa-caret-down');
I know this is an old post, but I was looking for this solution and have one that works for me. You can target and change the pseudo element inside that span. When you click the button, doesn't the button add an open class? So, then the css would look like: .fa-caret-right:before { content: "\e114"; }
Use the .open added to the button class.
The \e114 being the character of the down arrow.

Image on ActionLink with Twitter Bootstrap

I have a button at the moment, rendered in my MVC application as:
#Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteTransfer", "Transaction", new { transferId = (Model.Id) }, new { #class = "btn btn-danger", #onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this Transfer?')" })
I want to use the Twitter Bootstrap classes to add an icon. However, for that the code would look like this:
<button class="btn btn-danger"><i class="icon-white icon-trash"></i> Delete</button>
How can I apply this in my ActionLink? It has an Image (i) embedded in the button.
<a class="btn btn-danger"
href="#Url.Action("DeleteTransfer", "Transaction", new { transferId = (Model.Id) })"
onclick = "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this Transfer?');"
<i class="icon-white icon-trash">Delete</i>
According your routes, it's possible you need:
#Url.Action("DeleteTransfer", "Transaction", new { transferId = (Model.Id) }, null)
According to the bootstrap documentation ( glyphicons might be the way to go. Here is an example of putting an icon on a button:
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-lg">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span> Star
Since ActionLink() is an htmlHelper extension that returns an "a" element, i.e., <a>...</a>, I believe the extension needs to be overridden.
I tried the following, but it resulted in the glyphicon being above the "a" element:
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>#Html.ActionLink("Delete", "DeleteTransfer")
I also tried putting the ActionLink() inside the <span></span> with the same results. I tried using css with text-wrap: none; and white-space: nowrap; but that didn't work either.
So I believe the answer is the extension needs to be overridden to accept another parameter for the glyphicon. Unless, someone can show a trick to make it stop wrapping.
