syntaxt error on rake asset precompile for production - css

I am trying to push my app to heroku,
When I am doing $ bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets
I am getting
rake aborted!
Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS after "...overflow:hidden": expected "{", was ";width:100%;hei..."
Not able to figure out the exact issue here. Can someone help me out.

It seems like you're missing the semicolon after overflow:hidden, it would help if you pasted your actual SASS/SCSS file!


rails precompile assets see error in which file

I trying to precompile assets in production using
rake assets:precompile --trace RAILS_ENV=production
its says that there is syntax error like
Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS after "white-space": expected ";", was
": nowrap;"
but there is no info that in which file.
is there anyway that I can see that about which file its talking about.
its assets / stylesheets/ application.scss file . just find white-space and you will get to the exact line.

rake assets:precompile bug with rails and compass and "*"

I use rails 4.2.0 and compass-rails (2.0.2)
I have a css.scss file with
#import "compass/utilities/sprites";
#import "icons/*.png";
#include all-icons-sprites(true);
I have many image .png in app/assets/images/icons/XXX.png
I want deploy my app in production, it's work but with no assets, so I start
rake assets:precompile
in production environement.
An error occure:
rake aborted!
Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'icons/*.png'
I try to remove assets files in cache, nothing change.
details error:
I think there is a problem with wildcard and path.
I try in dev ENV, nothing change...
I don't know what do more, what's the solution, plz?
to fix it, I just use mster branch of git like :
gem 'compass-rails', github: 'Compass/compass-rails'

Heroku/Zurb Foundation Sass SyntaxError in Rails App

My app is throwing this error when I try to push to Heroku. It looks like the culprit is a rogue !global line in a stylesheet somewhere, but I'm not sure where the source code lives.
rake aborted!
Sass::SyntaxError: Invalid CSS after "...odules, $name) ": expected "}", was "!global;"
(in /tmp/build_6cf14c02-e49b-44e7-819c-871d5da3cf73/app/assets/stylesheets/framework_and_overrides.css.scss:13)
Would greatly appreciate any help.
Change your foundation-rails gem from to in your gem file
gem 'foundation-rails', ''
then run
bundle update
This should do it for now tell they fix it :)
As for finding the file "bundle show foundation-rails" use the finder "Go to folder" to the path and find "_function.scss" it is under vendor assets stylesheets foundation _function.scss
Both of my answers could be found in the link by gustavo-beathyate
As for heroku error
make sure if your adding any thing to the assets to use
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
and then
also when you push use -f
git push -f heroku master
if not only use
git push -f heroku master
Here's a solution:
You basically have to open the gem and modify line 13 in _functions.scss, removing the call to !global.
This issue has now been fixed with v5.4.5 of Foundation. See also here for some more background on the issue.
I was getting your exact error after I upgraded to foundation-rails I updated the sass-rails gem per this post: and the error went away.

CSS not showing as same as local on Heroku

Here's what I did already before thinking this is a duplicate.
I let heroku do the rake assets:precompile
I did it locally, added it to git and pushed
None of these worked? I am thinking maybe Heroku somehow cached the assets which doesn't make sense to me but I have no other ideas at this point. Is this cache idea really possible on Heroku?
As far as I know Heroku doesn't cache any assets.
Try to run the following:
rm -rf public/cache
git commit -am "Removing cache files"
git push heroku master
If it doesn't work try this:
rm -rf public/cache
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
git add public/cache
git commit -am "Updated Compiled assets"
git push heroku master
You've probably already read Rails Asset Pipeline on Heroku Cedar, if not check it out.
Hope it helps.

Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline Fingerprinting

Simple question:
I've got a Rails 3.1 app running in staging, which is RAILS_ENV=production. My problem is this: stylesheet_link_tag produces a different fingerprint for my css files than the fingerprint that was produced by rake assets:precompile.
So when I request a page, the link to the stylesheet is looking for a file like:
but in reality the file sitting in public/assets is
and the browser returns a 404 Not Found.
Here is my linlk stylesheet_link_tag :front. Can anybody explain to me why this happens?
I've been having the same exact issue. Best I can tell, this occurs when the precompile task runs during a capistrano deploy. I've had to remove the precompile from deployment and run the
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production from the release directory after the app has been deployed. It's a pain if you're pushing code frequently.
