HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation. When with special url - spring-mvc

#RequestMapping(value = "/servers/{domain}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Server getMailServer(#PathVariable("domain") String domain)
Server server = null;
try {
server = getServerByDomain(domain);
catch(Exception e){
return server;
When I call "http://localhost:8080/server/" with HttpClient Get method,the value of variable domain is "hotmail", not "".And I got the error:
HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation.
But if I call "http://localhost:8080/server/hotmail", it works well.
I hope someone can see what is causing this issue.

This might be the same issue I had (and also this guy:
My service offers operations on files, i.e., /files/check/foo.txt
I always got a HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException and my rest handler was never actually called.
The problem is, that Spring has a feature where it tries to detect the requested content type by the path extension. So .com could mean a COM File. (See and
My minimal #Config fix:
public class PathDispatchConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void configurePathMatch(PathMatchConfigurer configurer) {
public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {

Change your #RequestMapping to following:)
#RequestMapping(value = "/servers/{domain:.+}", method = RequestMethod.GET)

I had the same problem because I had usernames (=mail adresses) in my request url. Thanks to the post of Benjamin Maurer I found the problem. However, I fixed it in a different way because I was unsure of the consequences regarding security of his answer.
I added the usernames as request parameters in the request. In your case, this would look something like:
#RequestMapping(value = "/servers", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Server getMailServer(#RequestParam("domain") String domain) {
// do stuff
The request url would then look something like:


Serve static content in Spring Boot despite using #RequestMapping("**")

The context
I am currently working on an educational project. This implies two Spring Boot REST servers. One is an actual server, which does some processing.
The one I'm interested in is the other. It is a proxy which will redirect all calls to the first one. So that when I call http://localhost:8080/foo, my proxy server will in turn call http://localhost:8090/foo. And if the first server returns A, the proxy will return {"proxied": A, "someInformationAboutThisCall": B}.
I managed to get to this point with some probably inelegant but functioning code of which I give an excerpt below. The key here is that I use #RequestMapping("**") to achieve this. The next step is to design an interface that will make my additional information immediately legible, which is basically the point of this project. If I remove all #RequestMapping("**"), it works just fine.
The question
Now my problem is the following: having used #RequestMapping("**"), I cannot serve static content (the calls get redirect to the other REST server, which does not serve static content). How could I configure Spring Boot/Spring MVC to ignore resources available as static content when mapping the requests, or make the PathResourceResolver prioritary over my controller?` Or should I serve my static content from yet another JVM/server?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit of interest: while doing some tests, I discovered that the static content is served, with some restrictions, if I use #RequestMapping("*").
/index.html generates an error page (as does more generally any static content directly in public)
/itf/index.html works (as does more generally any file in public/itf or any other subdirectory of public)
/itf does not work: Spring Boot seems unaware of an index file in it. I must specify a full URI, down to the specific file I want to display.
This however does not work at all with #RequestMapping("**"), which I need.
The tentatives
I tried using a WebMvcConfigurerAdapter with an HandlerInterceptorAdapter (found on SO, SO again and many other places on the Internet), but could not start my project anymore because Spring boot then does not find the InterceptorRegistry bean (has there been recent changes in Spring Boot? I'm using the version 1.5.3.RELEASE).
I also tried some anti-matching but not only does it not work, it also feels very very dirty (and this whole project is probably not optimal, so that's saying a lot).
The code samples for the curious
My "proxy" controller
Note: you can suggest better ways to realize this in comments. Please keep in mind that, though I'm always open to enhancement suggestions, this was not my question.
public class ProxyController {
#Value("${monitored.url.base}") // "http://localhost:8090"
private String redirectBase;
#RequestMapping(value = "**", method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT})
public ProxiedResponse proxifyRequestsWithBody(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, #RequestBody Object body) throws URISyntaxException {
return proxifyRequest(request, headers, body);
#RequestMapping(value = "**")
public ProxiedResponse proxifyRequestsWithoutBody(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers) throws URISyntaxException {
return proxifyRequest(request, headers, null);
private ProxiedResponse proxifyRequest(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestHeader HttpHeaders headers, #RequestBody Object body) throws URISyntaxException {
final RequestEntity<Object> requestEntity = convertToRequestEntity(request, headers, body);
// call remote service
final ResponseEntity<Object> proxied =, Object.class);
// Return service result + monitoring information
final ProxiedResponse response = new ProxiedResponse();
// set additional information
return response;
// Won't work properly for POST yet
private <T> RequestEntity<T> convertToRequestEntity(HttpServletRequest request, HttpHeaders headers, T body) throws URISyntaxException {
// Build proxied URL
final StringBuilder redirectUrl = new StringBuilder(redirectBase).append(request.getRequestURI());
final String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if (queryString != null) {
// TODO enhancement: transmit headers and request body to make this a real proxy
final HttpMethod httpMethod = HttpMethod.valueOf(request.getMethod());
return new RequestEntity<>(body, headers, httpMethod, new URI(redirectUrl.toString()));
My dirty attempt at excluding static resources URLs
#Configuration // adding #EnableWebMvc did not solve the problem
public class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private static class StaticResourcesHandlerInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
final String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();
if (requestURI == null || "/".equals(requestURI) || "/index.html".equals(requestURI) || requestURI.startsWith("/assets")) {
return super.preHandle(request, response, null);
return super.preHandle(request, response, handler);
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
registry.addInterceptor(new StaticResourcesHandlerInterceptor()).addPathPatterns("/**");
You can split the path into a wild-card, and a named path variable which must match a negative lookahead regular expression.
You can then use #PathVariable String variable as an argument of your controller method to obtain the value of variable if you need to pass it.
(Would rather have written a comment but I have insufficient reputation)
Try to add the #EnableWebMvc annotation to your configuration:
public class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

How can I get the baseurl of my site in ASP.NET Core?

Say my website is hosted in the mywebsite folder of and I visit
How do I get the base url part in an MVC controller? The part that I am looking for is
The example listed here doesn't work as we don't have access to Request.Url in ASP.NET Core
You should still be able to piece together what you need. You have access to the request object if your controller inherits from Controller.
If you are using VS2017, fire up a new ASPNet Core MVC app and replace the homecontroller with:
public class HomeController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
public IActionResult About()
ViewData["Message"] = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host}{this.Request.PathBase}";
return View();
public IActionResult Contact()
ViewData["Message"] = "Your contact page.";
return View();
public IActionResult Error()
return View();
I just put in some of the stuff that might interest you in the "About" method, but you should explore the rest of the request class so you know what else is available.
As #Tseng pointed out, you might have a problem when running Kestrel behind IIS or Azure App Service, but if you use the IISIntegration package or AzureAppServices package (by installing the Nuget package and adding it in Program.cs to your WebHostBuilder), it should forward those headers to you. It works great for me in Azure, because I sometimes have to make decisions based on which hostname they hit. The IIS/Azure packages also forward the original remote IP address, which I log.
If you need this anywhere in your app than you should create a class and add it as a service.
Define your static class and your extension method for adding it to the service pipeline like this.
public class MyHttpContext
private static IHttpContextAccessor m_httpContextAccessor;
public static HttpContext Current => m_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
public static string AppBaseUrl => $"{Current.Request.Scheme}://{Current.Request.Host}{Current.Request.PathBase}";
internal static void Configure(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
m_httpContextAccessor = contextAccessor;
public static class HttpContextExtensions
public static void AddHttpContextAccessor(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
public static IApplicationBuilder UseHttpContext(this IApplicationBuilder app)
return app;
It might be a little redundant to expose the HttpContext in this case but I find it very helpful.
You would than add it to the pipeline in your Configfure method which is located in Startup.cs
From there it is simple to use it anywhere in your code.
var appBaseUrl = MyHttpContext.AppBaseUrl;
All of these existing answers depend on an HttpContext object, which is only available during an incoming request. However, I needed to get the URLs in a background service where HttpContext was not available.
This information is also available in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.IServer service, as long as the actual host service provides this information. If you're using the default Kestrel server, I've found that it is indeed provided. I have not tested this when hosting IIS in-process or with other hosting models.
You need to get an instance of IServer and then look for the .Features entry of type IServerAddressesFeature.
Here's an extension method to get the URL(s) directly from an IServiceProvider:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Features;
public static ICollection<string> GetApplicationUrls(this IServiceProvider services)
var server = services.GetService<IServer>();
var addresses = server?.Features.Get<IServerAddressesFeature>();
return addresses?.Addresses ?? Array.Empty<string>();
You could however accomplish the same thing by injecting IServer if DI services are available.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
public AccountController(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
var request = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;
var domain = $"{request.Scheme}://{request.Host}";
//domain =>
NPNelson answer works if with .Value.ToString()
var baseUrl = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host.Value.ToString()}{this.Request.PathBase.Value.ToString()}";
var baseUrl = Request.GetTypedHeaders().Referer.ToString();
This way you can capture the base url information.
This is how I could get it in Asp .Net Core 3.1 version.
You can access the resource from the link below.
string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"));
you can check for more information here:
How can I get my webapp's base URL in ASP.NET MVC?

Capture ALL WebAPI requests

I would like to capture and save in a log file all the requests that my WebAPI should handle.
Just tried to save the Request.Content from the controller constructor but unfortunately,
the request object is null from the controller constructor scope.
Hope to learn an efficient way to do it.
I would just hook into web api tracing...
From the above article, you can implement ITraceWriter like so. This example uses System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine, but you could plug in writing to a file here as well.
public class SimpleTracer : ITraceWriter
public void Trace(HttpRequestMessage request, string category, TraceLevel level,
Action<TraceRecord> traceAction)
TraceRecord rec = new TraceRecord(request, category, level);
protected void WriteTrace(TraceRecord rec)
var message = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}",
rec.Operator, rec.Operation, rec.Message);
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(message, rec.Category);
As you can see from the Trace method, you get access to the HttpRequestMessage here.
I ended up implementing middleware to deal with it.
public class GlobalRequestLogger : OwinMiddleware
public override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
// Implement logging code here
Then in your Startup.cs:

How can I MapHttpRoute a POST to a custom action using the WebApi?

I'm trying to figure out the madness behind the Web API routing.
When I try to post data like this:
curl -v -d "test" http://localhost:8088/services/SendData
I get a 404, and the following error message:
{"Message":"No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:8088/services/SendData'.","MessageDetail":"No action was found on the controller 'Test' that matches the request."}
Here is the code for my test server.
public class TestController : ApiController
public void SendData(string data)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:8088");
name: "API Default",
defaults: new { controller = "Test", action = "SendData"},
constraints: null);
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config))
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit.");
More generally, why has the ASP.NET team decided to make the MapHttpRoute method so confusing. Why does it take two anonymous is anyone supposed to know what properties these objects actually need?
MSDN gives no help:
All the pain of a dynamically typed language without any of the benefit if you ask me...
Agree with you, it's a hell of a madness, you need to specify that the data parameter should be bound from the POST payload, since the Web API automatically assumes that it should be part of the query string (because it is a simple type):
public void SendData([FromBody] string data)
And to make the madness even worse you need to prepend the POST payload with = (yeah, that's not a typo, it's the equal sign):
curl -v -d "=test" http://localhost:8088/services/SendData
You could read more about the madness in this article.
Or stop the madness and try ServiceStack.
Use this signature and it will work every time.
public class TestController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage SendData(HttpRequestMessage request)
var data = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Try with the following change,
public class TestController : ApiController
public void SendData(string data)
The ActionName attribute might fix the issue. Otherwise, you can also the name convention "Post"
public void Post(string data)
And send an Http Post directly to "services" without SendData.

ContentObserver with URI doesnt work for Contacts in API Level 16

I am trying following code:
private class NativeContentObserver extends ContentObserver {
public NativeContentObserver() {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {
super.onChange(selfChange, uri);
Log.i(TAG, "uri is "+uri);
NativeContentObserver contentObserver = new NativeContentObserver();
ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, true, contentObserver);
When I run this code and edit a contact, I see
uri is content://
WHY I am not getting the ID of individual contact in URI? If I try SMS observer, I do get correct URI which contains ID there.
Anything I am missing here? This is on Samsung S3 handset.
most probably because provideres update method calls notifyChange(uri) with complete URI, instead of filtered one. if this is the case, that means ContactsContract.Contacts has been deprecated. search for alternatives
