sql query for extracting one column from many tables - sqlite

I need your support for a query in SQLite Studio.
I am dealing with a database made by 1,000 different tables.
Half of them (all named "news" + an identification number, like 04AD86) contain the column "category" which I am interested in. This column can have from 100 to 200 records for each table.
Could you suggest me a query that extracts "category" from every table and returns a list of all possible categories (without duplicates records)?
Thanks a lot

You will probably need dynamic SQL to handle this in a single query. If you don't mind doing this over several queries, then here is one option. First do a query to obtain all the tables which contain the category column:
FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type = 'table' AND name LIKE 'news%'
Next, for the actual queries to obtain the unique categories, you can perform a series of unions to get your list. Here is what it would look like:
FROM news04AD86
FROM news 05BG34
The DISTINCT keyword will remove duplicates within any given name table, and UNION will remove duplicates which might occur between one table and another.


Indexes for more than one column in DB

I am new to idexes and DB optimization. I know there is simple index for one
CREATE index ON table(col)
possibly B-Tree will be created and search capabilities will be improved.
But what is happen for 2 columns index ? And why is the order of defnition important?
CREATE index ON table(col1, col2)
Yes, B-Tree index will be created in most of the database if you didn't specify other type of index. Composite index is useful when the combined selectivity of the composite columns happed on the queries.
The order of the columns on the composite index is important as searching by giving exact values for all the fields included in the index leads to minimal search time but search uses only the first field to retrieve all matched recaords if we provide the values partially with first field.
I found following example for your understanding:
In the phone book example with an composite index created on the columns (city, last_name, first_name), if we search by giving exact values for all the three fields, search time is minimal—but if we provide the values for city and first_name only, the search uses only the city field to retrieve all matched records. Then a sequential lookup checks the matching with first_name. So, to improve the performance, one must ensure that the index is created on the order of search columns.

SQL Server Stored Procedure, selecting rows from multiple tables

I have a stored procedure that is pulling data from one table, now I have got the same data collected in a different table, as the IDs are different I cannot put all data from the second table into the first one.
So now I have to have two select statements in one stored procedure.
Although the corresponding data is same but the column names in both table are different.
For instance BRIEF_TITLE would be briefTitle in the second table.
How can I merge the data from two different tables into one?
The result is bonded to ASP.net grid view control.
As the comments above state, you need something like this:
select BRIEF_TITLE from t1
union all
select briefTitle from t2
This will give you a column name of BRIEF_TITLE, but if you want something else, then add an alias to the first select
select BRIEF_TITLE as ShortTitle from t1
union all
select briefTitle from t2

SQLite - Selecting not indexed column in GROUP BY

I have similar situation like question below.
Mysql speed up max() group by
SELECT MAX(id) id, cid FROM table GROUP BY cid
To optimize above query (shown in the question), creating index(cid, id) does the trick.
However, when I add a column that is not indexed to SELECT, query speed drastically slows down.
For example,
SELECT MAX(id) id, cid, newcolumn FROM table GROUP BY cid
If I create index(cid, id, newcolumn), query time comes back to minimal. It seems I should index all the columns I select while using GROUP BY.
Is there any way other than indexing all the columns to be select?
When all the columns used in the query are part of the index (which is then called a covering index), SQLite can get all values from the index and does not need to access the table itself.
When adding a column that is not indexed, each record must be looked up in both the index and the table.
Furthermore, the order of the records in the table is unlikely to be the same as the order in the index, so the table's pages are not read in order, and are read multiple times, which means that caching will not work as well.
The newcolumn values must be read from either the table or an index; there is no other mechanism to store data.
tl;dr: no

How do I query whether any column in a table contains a certain value without knowing which table I'm querying?

I have a bunch of different tables each of which have an ID column and I want to provide a search feature which will search all columns of all tables and return the ID column of a row that contains a matching string. Since I want to do this for all columns of all tables I cant do a WHERE col1 CONTAINS TEXT_STRING OR col2 .... Any ideas?
Well, if you need to do this, you have a problem with the design. but of course there are many times you have to use what other people put on you!
I would create a view, in the view I would create a union of all possible tables. Later you can just search the view. But you have to build index on that column on all the tables otherwise you will get very bad performance.

sqlite, slow joined query throught 4 tables

I have query through 4 tables: times, tags, users and categories.
Each table has no more than 400 records, but this query takes 70ms.
I need it many times (400x), so all procedure takes a total of about 30 seconds.
INNER JOIN tags ON times.user_id = tags.tag_id
INNER JOIN users ON tags.user_nr = users.nr
INNER JOIN categories ON users.category_id = categories.id
WHERE (times.time_raw < "000560")
AND (times.time_raw != 0 )
AND (times.cell != 1 )
AND (categories.name="kategory_A")
AND (times.run_id="08")
How can I make it faster?
Indexes is the solution!!
The following list gives guidelines in choosing columns to index:
•You should create indexes on columns that are used frequently in
WHERE clauses.
•You should create indexes on columns that are used
frequently to join tables.
•You should create indexes on columns
that are used frequently in ORDER BY clauses.
•You should create
indexes on columns that have few of the same values or unique values
in the table.
•You should not create indexes on small tables (tables
that use only a few blocks) because a full table scan may be faster
than an indexed query.
•If possible, choose a primary key that
orders the rows in the most appropriate order.
•If only one column
of the concatenated index is used frequently in WHERE clauses, place
that column first in the CREATE INDEX statement.
•If more than one
column in a concatenated index is used frequently in WHERE clauses,
place the most selective column first in the CREATE INDEX statement.
