The remote name could not be resolved: '' -

I have an web application that uses Google Maps. Everything has been running fine for quite some time. All of a sudden yesterday, no calls to Google API would process. I assume we reached a query limit but upon checking, all quota totals were 0. I then realized we were not including our API Key in the requests. I added the appropriate API key and the maps came back online. However, I still cannot GeoCode a address using the following:
The remote name could not be resolved: ''
We get the same error when trying to use:
However all calls to:
work fine.
This code has worked fine for a long time, with no modifications.
We are on a dedicated server, using the same IP, However the site does run through Incapsula (Not sure if that makes a difference)
I already added:
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
but this did not help.
The error: The remote name could not be resolved makes it seem like a DNS issue, but the server is online and can resolve without any problem.


How can I switch an existing Azure web-role from http over to https

I have a working Azure web role which I've been using over an http endpoint. I'm now trying to switch it over to https but struggling mightily with what I thought would be a simple operation. (I'll include a few tips here for future readers to address issues I've already come across).
I have created (for now) a self-signed certificate using the powershell commands documented by Microsoft here and uploaded it to the azure portal. I'm aware that 3rd parties won't be able to consume the API while it has a self-signed certificate but my plan is to use the following for local client testing before purchasing a 'proper' certificate.
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, c, ch, er) => true;
Tip: you need upload the .pfx file and then supply the password you used in the powershell script. Don't be confused by suggestion to create a .cer file which is for completely different purposes.
I then followed the flow documented for configuring azure cloud services here although many of these operations are now done directly through visual studio rather than by hand-editing files.
In the main 'cloud service' project under the role I wanted to modify:
I imported the newly created certificate. Tip: the design of the dialog used to add the thumbprint makes it very easy to incorrectly select the developer certificate that is already installed on your machine (by visual studio?). Click 'more options' to get to _your_ certificate and then check the displayed thumbprint matches that shown in the Azure portal in the certificates section.
Under 'endpoints' I added a new https endpoint. Tip: use the standard https port 443, NOT the 'default' port of 8080 otherwise you will get no response from your service at all
In the web.config of the service itself, I changed the endpoint binding for the service so that the name element matched the new endpoint.
I then published the cloud project to Azure (using Visual Studio).
At this point, I'm not seeing the results I expected. The service is still available on http but is not available on https. When I try to browse for it on https (includeExceptionDetailInFaults is set to true) I get:
HTTP error 404 "The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable"
I interpret this as meaning that the https endpoint is available but the service itself is bound to http rather than https despite my changes to web.config.
I have verified that the publish step really is uploading the new configuration by modifying some of the returned content. (Remember this is still available on http.)
I have tried removing the 'obsolete' http endpoint but this just results in a different error:
"Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint with binding WebHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [https]"
I'm sure I must be missing something simple here. Can anyone suggest what it is or tips for further trouble-shooting? There are a number of stack-overflow answers that relate to websites and suggest that IIS settings need to be tweaked but I don't see how this applies to a web-role where I don't have direct control of the server.
Edit Following Gaurav's suggestion I repeated the process using a (self-signed) certificate for our own domain rather than then tried to access the service via this domain. I still see the same results; i.e. the service is available via http but not https.
Edit2 Information from csdef file... is the double reference to "Endpoint1" suspicious?
<Site name="Web">
<Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="HttpsEndpoint" />
<Binding name="Endpoint1" endpointName="HttpEndpoint" />
<InputEndpoint name="HttpsEndpoint" protocol="https" port="443" certificate="backend" />
<InputEndpoint name="HttpEndpoint" protocol="http" port="80" />
<Certificate name="backend" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />

client constantly reconnecting

My .net application which connects to signalr hub is constantly reconnecting.
This problem only occurs on certain other corporate networks which makes me believe something is being blocked.
I've tried to use the website from the same network and this doesn't work either (in chrome).
How can i trace/fix this issue?
I think you're experiencing this issue We're working on a fix for it. The issue happens when the server sent events request times out but the actual http requests is still going. What then happens is that the longpolling transport and server sent events http requests fight for the connection.
To workaround this you can specify the LongPollingTransport specifically. We'll look at fixing this for the next release.
For your server, in your web.config's system.diagnostics section add:
<add name="SignalR"
initializeData="signalr.log.txt" />
For your client (I'm assuming .net C#), its logging is via Debug.Writes. Also, I'd recommend hooking into the Error handler for your connection.
If your using a JS client you can turn logging on via
// Non dynamically made connection
connection.logging = true;
// Dynamically made connection
$.connection.hub.logging = true
Hope this helps!

In, Web Service endpoint is incorrect when client connects to production server

I've been scouring the net for almost two days and must be missing something (possibly basic).
On the test (local) web server I have set up a simple service, and using a client, I discover the service and run it without problems.
Using the same client, I discover the same service, but on the production server using (the real internet address of the service) without problems, but when I try to run it it fails with an EndPointNotFound exception. Upon investigating I find that the client's app.config is incorrect as follows;
<endpoint address=""
binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="MyServiceSoap"
contract="MOX24.MyServiceSoap" name="MyServiceSoap" />
i.e., not set up correctly as it reflects ... and not, indicating that the service (discovery) is sending the wrong information to the clients (it is sending the server's name and domain and not the 'web' name).
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!!
If your client is a web application, put in the Web.Release.config.

Error when call google map static api in web application:The remote name could not be resolved:''

I used google map static api to get map image, but I got an error "The remote name could not be resolved:''" when executing using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse).
But I can got image of google map in windows application(same code with web application), I don't know what happened
This thing is happen due to proxy setting in your system.Please add this code in your web.config file and it will work.
<defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">
The problem can go from invalid url (hostname) to your firewall or proxy blocking the request or even misconfigured host file or DNS.
I also faced same issue.
If you are connected with local area network and protected by Proxy server then Go in google chrome settings.
Our system takes default settings from google chrome.
In settings of chrome, go in proxy settings.Click on Lan setting.Click on proxy setting checkbox and click as well on by pass proxy server for local addresses.Also fill details of your proxy server in textbox.
Go in advance and in exceptions field type localhost.Run project again.It will work.

ASP PasswordRecovery Email Failure, DateTime precision

I have an 4.0 website and I'm using the PasswordRecovery control for a forgot password form. When I run the site locally it works fine, emails are sent. However, when I run the site from my vps, I get an error message when trying to send the email. There's nothing in the server's event log.
My PasswordRecovery aspx code is as follows:
<asp:PasswordRecovery ID="PasswordRecovery1" runat="server"
<MailDefinition From="" BodyFileName="~/EmailTemplates/PasswordRecovery.txt" />
My web.config mail settings are as follows:
<smtp from="">
<network host="" password="x" userName="x" />
I've now run SQL Profiler against the SQL Server Express Instance, and it turns out that an exception is being thrown from the SQL Server on the call to dbo.aspnet_Membership_GetUserByName. There's a type conversion issue because PasswordRecovery is passing a DateTime parameter with 7 decimal places for the seconds. If I manually execute the stored procedure with 3 decimal place,s then it works. Does anyone know why the precision of the DateTime parameter is different on my server than on my laptop?
As you will see from reading this issue and the subsequent responses, the DateTime precision issue you are seeing is just a result of SQL Profiler displaying the date with the wrong format. That issue is unrelated to what is preventing your email from being sent.
What is the error message you receive when you try to send the email? The issue is more than likely related to something preventing your email from making it to the SMTP server. Are you sending to the same SMTP using the same credentials from your machine?
I think it is some connectivity issue from your VPS to SMTP server.
You can test this outside of your code by trying to connect to SMTP server using telnet.
Follow the steps mentioned in the link below to
The datetime conversion error is a red herring. That is only occuring when you copy it from the profiler and execute it in management studio. This is a known issue.
You might want to read this:
Sounds like it might simply be that the membership provider settings are different with regards to the passwords.
There are two possibilities that I see.
You don't have a machineKey defined in your web.config AND your local and VPS instance are both pointing to the same database. If this is true, put a machineKey in your config and regen your passwords.
Your membership provider config on the VPS used to be configured for hashed passwords and somewhere along the way was changed to encrypted passwords. (or vice versa). This would also cause issues.
