Access Databases and ASP.NET? -

I apologize if this question is not appropriate; however, I personally do not have Microsoft Access installed on my machine, so I am not able to test it first hand.
To my understanding, an Access database is a local database that is stored on a personal machine rather than a remote server. I am in the planning phase of a project will involve two basic interfaces - one for a regular user and another for the admin who will be running reports and the like. Personally, I would rather just use either an SQL Server or MySQL database all the way and just write some stored procedures or whatever is necessary to do the reporting.
However, the end administrative user may want to use Access. With this is mind, I am curious how I should approach the problem. As I stated earlier, I am not familiar with Access databases; however, I do not believe it is realistic to host one on a server and allow many users to access this database through a web interface. Is this correct or not? If it is possible, what is the general procedure for setting such an application up?
If not, what are my alternatives? Is there an easy way to sync a remote SQL server or MySQL database with Access database hosted on one's PC?
Thanks much.

I do not believe it is realistic to host one on a server and allow
many users to access this database through a web interface. Is this
correct or not?
You have a number of options including hosting the access database in a network folder.
See also "Using Access Data on an ASP.NET Web Page"


Securing a database using web service

I have a SharePoint application that needs to integrate with very sensitive databases. The data required is from multiple databases; almost 40 different databases on different servers.
The suggested design was to have a web service to integrate with, which will then connect to the required database based on the required business logic. However the concern is, if someone somehow got access to the server hosting this web service, all the database connections will be there.
Another suggestion was to have a dedicated web service for each database. This way even if someone got access to this web service, only one database connection will be there.
The question is, is there any known design that can work for this situation to add more security to the database connections?
The answer really depending on your specific requirements. an easy way of doing so is to use "Open Data Protocol" OData. and then secure it with windows directory login, or perhaps ASP.NET login.
take a look at and

Securing SQL Server 2008 R2 on Customers Network

We have a ASP.NET web application with SQL Server 2008 R2 as the backend.
Our client wants the application hosted on their servers to which they will have full administrative access.
I have 2 questions:
1 - Is there any good way of restricting their access to the back-end database.
2 - Are there any tools (free or cheap preferably) to monitor if anyone has logged into the database from outside the application ?
Many Thanks.
In answer to your first question:
If they have full admin access to the server, they're going to be able to do whatever they want with the databases on it. However you can still add auditing to the server, if you can trust them not to tamper with that. I'd suggest making it a condition of the support you provide them, to not make changes to the database directly.
In answer to your second question:
SQL Server Auditing - can be used for instance and database level auditing.
For more information, this is a pretty good guide with examples of how to set it up:
This also gives even more information on how it works and examples:

how to sync data between company's internal database and externally hosted application's database

My organisation (a small non-profit) currently has an internal production .NET system with SQL Server database. The customers (all local to our area) submit requests manually that our office staff then input into the system.
We are now gearing up towards online public access, so that the customers will be able to see the status of their existing requests online, and in future also be able to create new requests online. A new application will be developed for the same.
We are trying to decide whether to host this application on-site on our servers(with direct access to the existing database) or use an external hosting service provider.
Hosting externally would mean keeping a copy of Requests database on the hosting provider's server. What would be the recommended way to then keep the requests data synced real-time between the hosted database and our existing production database?
Trying to sync back and forth between two in-use databases will be a constant headache. The question that I would have to ask you is if you have the means to host the application on-site, why wouldn't you go that route?
If you have a good reason not to host on site but you do have some web infrastructure available to you, you may want to consider creating a web service which provides access to your database via a set of well-defined methods. Or, on the flip side, you could make the database hosted remotely with your website your production database and use a webservice to access it from your office system.
In either case, providing access to a single database will be much easier than trying to keep two different ones constantly and flawlessly in sync.
If a webservice is not practical (or you have concerns about availability) you may want to consider a queuing system for synchronization. Any change to the db (local or hosted) is also added to a messaging queue. Each side monitors the queue for changes that need to be made and then apply the changes. This would account for one of the databases not being available at any given time.
That being said, I agree with #LeviBotelho, syncing two db's is a nightmare and should probably be avoided if you can. If you must, you can also look into SQL Server replication.
Ultimately the data is the same, customer submitted data. Currently it is being entered by them through you, ultimately it will be entered directly by them, I see no need in having two different databases with the same data. The replication errors alone when they will pop-up (and they will), will be a headache for your team for nothing.

Designing a SQL Server database to be used in a shared hosting environment

I've always personally used dedicated servers and VPS so I have full control over my SQL Server (using 2008 R2). Now I'm working on a project that could be deployed in a shared hosting environment which I have little experience with. My question is are there limitations on the features of SQL Server I can use in a shared environment?
For example, if I design my database to use views, stored procedures, user defined functions and triggers, will my end user be able to use them in shared hosting? Do hosts typically provide access to these and are they difficult to use?
If so, I assume the host will give a user his login, and he can use tools like management studios to operate within his own DB as if it were his own server? If I provide scripts to install these, will they run on the user's credential within his database?
All database objects are available. It includes tables, views, sp, functions, keys, certificates...
Usually CLR and FTS are disabled.
At last, you will not be able to access most of the server objects (logins, server trigger, backup devices, linked servers etc...)
SQL Mail, Reporting Services are often turned off too.
Depends on how the other users are authenticated to the database, if it is one shared database for all users.
If every user on the host will recieve it's own db:
If your scripts are written in a generic way (are not bound to fixed usernames in that case for example), other users will be able to execute them on their database and will have the same functionality. (Secondary click on the db and choose task->backup for example)
You could also provide simple pure backup dumps of a freshly setup database so for other users, the setup is only one click away. Also from the beginning, you should think about how to roll out changes that need to affect every user.
One possible approach is to always supply delta scripts, no matter if you are patching errors away or adding new things.

Access SSAS cube from across domains without direct database connection

I'm working with SQL Server Analysis Services for the first time and have the dilemma of working on a project in which users must be able to access SSAS Cubes (via a custom web dashboard) that live across different servers and domains, but without having access to the other server's SSAS database connection strings. So Organization A and Organization B will have their own cubes on their own servers, but Organization A users must be able to view Organization B's cubes, and Organization B users must be able to view Organization A's cubes, but neither organization should have access to the connection string.
I've read about allowing HTTP access to the SSAS server and cube from the link below, but that requires setting up users for authentication or allowing anonymous access to one organization's server for users of another organization, and I'm not sure this would be acceptable for this situation, or if this is the preferred way to do this. Is performance acceptable here?
I also wonder if perhaps it makes sense to run a nightly/weekly process that accesses the other organization's SSAS database via a web service or something, and pull that data into a database on the organization's server, and then rebuild the cube. Then that cube would be queried without having to go and connect to the other organization server when viewing the cube.
Has anyone else attempted to accomplish something similar? Is HTTP access the standard way to go for this? Or any other possible options? Thanks, and please let me know if you need more info, still unclear on how some of this works.
HTTP is probably the best option for what you sound like you are trying to do. if they are two machines on same network but not same domain, using ipaddress\username on each (same user/pass) will work, like old school windows networking in workgroups.
You could also just backup , ftp and download/restore the cube on the other machine, might work for what you are doing.
as suggested by ScaleOvenStove HTTP is the best solution for your case, but users should be synced on both the servers to get access via HTTP. Users across both the organization's network can to be synced with a AD Sync tool. User has to be created in the other organization's network with bare minimum rights, and you can define role based security for what they can access in the cube
