Here sdk navigation direction arrows are below Z-Index 0 - here-api

I'm drawing some MapPolyline on the map and then using the map for navigation. Sadly, the arrows showing the direction to take at the next turn is bellow the MapPolyline. I have set the ZIndex of the polyline to 0 but it does not solve the issue.
How to have the direction arrow above the MapPolyline?
Snapshot of the issue:

You can try using MapObject#setOverlayType(MapOverlayType). Note that this must be called on the MapPolyline before it is added to a Map. More info here: Map Rendering Order


How to adjust overlay on polygon to left and right in openlayers

I have openlayers map with a polygon feature.
When we hover over the polygon, it displays the description in overlay.
However the overlay is always displayed on the polygon and not to left and right which is what I am trying to do. In doing so I juggled with css of overlay but couldn't come to the solution. There is leaflet bindPopup() method to display tooltip on objects added to map which I tried to understand but couldn't gain anything there.
My goal is to keep the overlay within the viewport of the map so that it would always be visible.
Just to illustrate what I am expecting here is the fiddle : leaflet popup
Current status : Openlayers overlay positioning
Just set the overlay to appear on the left of the extent of the polygon, such as:
if (feature && feature.get('type') == 'Polygon') {
var ext = feature.getGeometry().getExtent();
let coordinate = [ext[0], (ext[3]-ext[1])/2];
content.innerHTML = feature.get('desc');
Then you can play with the CSS to display the overlay the way you want.

Tiled Map Editor: Make isometric tiles connect seamlessly/remove staircase effect

I am using the TiledMap editor, with a set of Tiles I got from opengameart,
I am using an isometric map, yet I just can't get these tiles to connect without this "stair-stepped" effect.
Any help is appreciated.
The editor "blindly" renders rows of tile-images, These rows are too far apart, leading to this staircase effect. Reduce the map tile height (65 in your screenshot) so that it fits.

Change position of a circle?

I want a circle object to change position, I would imagine that I do the same as I do with markers -
So -
But this doesn't work. The marker changes position, but the circle doesn't. All I can find is this link -
Would that seem like the best way to go about this? I've not had a proper ready through it, so I'm going to try implement the above.
You need to change the center property of the circle to move it (it doesn't have a position property)
Just an extension for above answer
MyLocationCircle.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude));

How to set the extent of an OpenLayers Map?

I want to pan and zoom an OpenLayers.Map to a given OpenLayer.Bounds.
What is a quick way to do this action?
I want to see everything that is in the bounds on the map.
Please try OpenLayers.Map.zoomToExtent(OpenLayers.Bounds) which will zoom to the passed in bounds and recenter the map.

Title attribute on circle overlays

I understand that google.maps.Marker can have a title set to them in their options, can the same be done for google.maps.Circle?
I've tried just setting title on the google.maps.CircleOptions object, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
Is there a way I can give the circle overlays a title? I imagine there is, as when you hover over a circle, the cursor is changed to pointer so there must be some kind of detection there. I don't want to make my own custom tooltip and attach it to the hover event on the circle, I want to use the browser's built in title hover.
CircleOptions object:
It is not currently possible to add a title to a circle. As you can see from the CircleOptions, it doesn't list 'title' as a option that you can use.
A work around could be to listen to the mousemove event on the circle then to show your own title as a custom OverlayView
