CSS responding slowly - css

i am having a very weird problem, my CSS is responding very slowly. When i click on a button, it switches the z-index to 500 instead of -999; i can see in console (chrome) that the value has been changed. However it takes 2-3 seconds for it to show up.
When i resize the window i see a white space showing up (the additional space) and it takes a few seconds again until it adapts to the new size.
What can be creating this issue? I am especially confused as simple things as adapting the size to the current screen width (in CSS i used width: 100%) doesnt work quickly.
is there any way which i can do to check what is going on in the browser?
It might help to notice that this error is happening randomly, sometimes it all works flawlessly, sometimes it takes forever.
Im really helpless :(

The problem was a sprite sheet that was too big - apparently resizing and displaying the single elements was taking the additional time.
Using a smaller sprite sheet makes everything work again flawlessly


WP Revolution slider not displaying properly 1 out of 5 times randomly

I am having an issue with a website for our student-organized congress at http://ebspreneurship.de that randomly bugs roughly 1 ever 5 times - sometimes more, sometimes less.
I have three revolution sliders - one is the above-the-fold content (full screen), just under it is the Elements section with another full width revolution slider(RS) and then on the bottom I have this map.
From time to time randomly one of the 2 upper sliders (the last one never bugs) disappears and shows only the background image. I can't trace what's the problem, i spend a few days on that. I notice that if I start many browsers with the website and find one that's bugged, there is an error on Inspect:
Issue at YouTube Video Pause:
(unknown) TypeError: d.getPlayerState is not a function
Still, tried without youtube video and it bugs the same way with only BG image, so that error is for now irrelevant.
I just don't get what's the problem and I tried disabling all plugins, i tried playing with caching methods or disabling it... Nothing changes it...
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
OK, for some reason on random intervals the page loads with my main layer div being with "visibility: hidden;", while the div of the image has "opacity: 0.0001."
So,i went for brute force solution of overriding all div's ids one by one on both sliders.
It worked, since, as seen in the image, the browser loaded with hidden divs and opacity 0.0001, but my override worked and still displayed correctly. Image of how the bug was overridden and displayed correctly
Thank you for the ones that tried to help (I noticed quite a few good souls that as always are found around here)!!

Slow performance of Kendo Grid in IE11

I've been using latest Kendo grid for ASP.NET MVC.
Data table specs are like this,
columns --> 25 to 35.
rows --> anywhere between 1500 to 5000.
client side paging --> 20 rows
Issue is, when I'm doing the scrolling, IE 11 takes upto 1s to display data depending on screen resolution and grid content height. Which causes the UI glitch.
When I ran IE UI Responsiveness from Dev Tools, I got the below results.
I get that whenever user does scrolling, browsers have to render the rows and it takes a bit time. But IE 11 takes it to a whole new level. The moment it has to process 3-4 more rows, it starts acting jumpy and glitchy.
I did the testing in Chrome (& opera), Firefox. In which performace was very decent.
I tried to refractor CSS to reduce styling, but there's very little bit change I could afford.
Please let me know what is the next step? Should I keep calm and blame IE?
The grid works fine on its own in IE11, my team uses it.
It could be you've added some code that's being executed excessively.
The UI responsiveness tool isn't very useful. Try using the profiler in IE's Dev tools. Open the page with the problematic grid in it, hit the green arrow of the profiler to start recording, scroll the grid a bit and then hit stop in the profiler.
Sort the results by Count, Inclusive time and Exclusive time and see what stands out. After each sort look at the top ~50 entries for code you wrote.
When sorting by Count, you might find a piece of code that while is pretty short, it runs hundreds of thousands of times in a loop for no reason because of a simple mistake.
Sorting by time can show you pieces of code that are very demanding and perhaps could be moved to other places.
For instance, it could be you're running some logic on the view like formatting a date. If you see such a function in the profiler, it would be better to move this logic to the data fetching phase before the view is rendered.
There's an issue with a file named angular-material.css which causes a slow scroll like you describe. I've seen several places, like this one, that state removing the file or several lines in it solved the problem.
Are you using angular in your project? If you do, see if you have this file and try to remove it.
Because this question crossed 1000 views, I'm obliged to answer on how I fixed my issue.
Turns out, rendering of IE is slow when it comes to bigger screen of HD/FHD resolutions. So, the solution I followed was to promote the grid to new layer by adding the following to grid's CSS class.
transform: rotate(0deg);
will-change: transform;
will-change might not work in all the browsers. Hence the fallback would be to use transform:rotate(0deg).
Please ensure while doing so, you are not promoting unnecessary nodes.

CSS issues on site when browser window is a specific size

I'm working on a new website design and I'm having an issue with it. The site is http://www.paulietheboss.com/ - I'm only really focused on the homepage right now till I get this problem sorted out.
I'm trying to make the theme fully responsive, however if you resize the browser window and it gets between ~1027px and ~1065px wide a scrollbar appears at the bottom and part of the right hand side of the site gets cut off - try it and you'll see what I mean - any ideas?
(The width values I listed are in chrome, but the same seems to happen in other browsers at slightly different sizes)
A similar issue happens viewing on an ipad3 in landscape, but I believe it is related somehow.

Weird Google chrome image bug

I can't seem to find an answer to this rather interesting problem. In google chrome, images that have a set width and/or height, either using attributes, inline styling or css styling, refuse to show up on the page on initial load. They only seem to appear after there has been some page activity. Yet, if you let the images load to their natural size they display on page load perfectly fine. The images can be seen as it works in other browsers and when inspecting elements in chrome the image is display in the popup window.
Any know how to fix this?
define what you mean by: 'after some page activity'.
You also mentioned that the it happens when you have set width AND/OR height which leads me to believe in some of your testing your ommiting width OR height so it can be calculated by the browser. if that is the case then yes the image will never look proper and the elements will have no size on initial page load UNTIL the image is downloaded, the browser inspects the image and determines the dimensions missing to create the bounding box.
After looking at your online site, my previous comment explains the gist of it but I can see that you're setting a width of 'auto' which requires the browser to load the image first and detect the sizes. Which will cause a delayed 'reflow' in the browser rendering. Set your widths and heights otherwise they will need to calculated by the client browser. And if you have not so good pc it looks sluggish. On my system if i hard refresh with no cache sometimes i get all the thumbs and other times I don't and the delay is very noticeable.
So in short make your images always have a width AND height.
You also have some 404 errors that can cause some latency. http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120725_0C_3N6/1/details/
I think your only option is to load the bg image first by getting it higher up in the order of resources downloaded so it loads in as fast as possible to be rendered.
One trick might be to load the bg image in a hidden div to preload it right away so the browser downloads it first. And even if you do that you should expect to see some flash of black background while you wait for the high res shot to download and get loaded. Can't set widths and heights on background images anyways. Going further you can speed up the response time maybe by loading all the thumbnails with an AJAX call AFTER page loads so they don't even compete with the big photo shot and start downloading until the dom is fully loaded. You can even put a nice effect in there to maybe fade in the thumbnails loading or something to that effect.

Loading high res background image

I have a colourful background image that is 2000px x 1500px and because of the details I am saving it as a jpeg that renders at 1.1 MB. I am using the CSS background property to render the image. So being relatively new to web dev and working with a client/designer that's not open to a change of design at this point in the process, what should I do to help this image load blazingly fast. I don't know if it makes a difference but the site is using Joomla 1.5.9. This is something I've always wanted to understand but have had trouble uncovering solutions for... I hope someone can help!!
Thanks everyone!
There's no way to make images magically load faster. Sometimes, though, splitting an image in smaller images allows for surprising size gains; so if it's not out of question for your CSS layout (it typically is, though), you could try this.
Another possibility for you would be to use progressive JPEG images. They are encoded in such a way that enables browsers to display a progressively more precise image as it loads. This means that at first, the image appears blurry (or incomplete) but with full-dimensions, then it progressively gets sharper and better. It's well-suited for images meant to load slowly (or at least, images acknowledged to load slowly).
The best thing that you can do is try to shrink the file size to as small as possible. Let this be using some type of optimizer, smush.it for example. If you created the background image try saving it as progressive first, it loads a lower res version first then finishes loading. But the best thing is to try to shrink the size of the image width and height by finding a repeating pattern and cropping just that portion out and using it. Most about.me images are no larger than 100kb in size that are above 1200px wide.
you could immediatley call the image in the head by using
(new Image()).src = "IMAGE PATH";
and make sure you compress the image as much as you can with different programs, or if you have photoshop cs5 you can save it for a web device to strip out all of the extra junk, you can try yahoo's smush.it
or you could delay the loading of the site entirely for a few seconds, until you can be sure that the image is loading, you could try something like hiding all of the elements and fading them in upon a setTimeout something like
although that may not be all that practical.
Would loading the background image after the rest of the page has loaded work for you? At least this way visitors will be able to use the rest of your site until the 1.1MB has loaded.
Something along the lines of setting the style attribute of the <body> to be background: url(image.jpg) within an onload function?
Delivering the image over a CDN will likely speed things up; the better ones are usually optimized to deliver the proper TCP packet size/MTU to the wide variety of clients out there and have generally done a lot of work in the details of delivering things quickly. Slow connections like cellphones will still hate you for it, but getting things like packet size right can make the most of the bandwidth that is available.
