Unexpected Closing Bracket in R? - r

eCHFao<- -0.141081
eCHFb1<- 0.985833
eCHFg1<- 0.199665
meanCHF<- mean(XtCHF)
eVarCHF<- (array,3421)
eVarCHF[1]<- var(XtCHF)
abco<- c(meanCHF, XtCHF1)
for (i in 2:3421) {eVarCHF[i]<- exp(eCHFao + (eCHFb1*log(sqrt(eVarCHF[i-1]))}
this code can't run because of an unexpected closing bracket, I am not sure why the bracket is unexpected or what I am missing?

May be a language problem since the thing that is unexpected is a curly-brace and what is missing are two closing parens (aka "brackets" in some parts of the English-speaking world):
exp(eCHFao + (eCHFb1*log(sqrt(eVarCHF[i-1]))
1 2 3 4 43 # need more parens
The language terms referring to ('s, and {'s is a bit scattered around the world. You should have posted the full error message that started out:
Error: unexpected '}'
... so it didn't actually say "bracket".


Why am I getting this error: unexpected '$' in "$"

I have found similar questions to this on StackOverflow but none actually give a proper fix
The TA in my course was using this exact code and it was working. This is just the snippet but I keep getting the same problem. Anyone know why?
#Hint for Q1
Then the Error is
Error: unexpected '$' in "$"
Maybe its because I'm running on Ubuntu?

Unexpected Coding Error on Arduino Uno R3

When I run this code it gives me an error, I am still a beginner so I don't know how to fix it.
This is what I have written so far
Giving a look in your code, you missed to place some semicolons (;) at the end of some instructions, to be more specific you miss them in lines:
In line 9, you have to type "Serial.begin(9600);" instead "serial.begin(9600);"
On the last else, you forgot to enclose the instructions between "{}" and placing the '}' to close the void loop.
You are making reference to a routine named getVoltage, but I don't see it
Another issue that I can see is that you have to write with uppercase words like: OUTPUT, INPUT, HIGH and LOW
Please share more details once you be able to fix this observations

Unexpected input error when doing subtraction in R

i try to run:
x = (1 / 1 – 2)
And here is the message:
Error: unexpected input in "x=(1 / 1 �"
I have the same issue with these sign : <- and * and minus, none of them are recognised.
You might be confronted to the so-called "zero-width space" which is not interpreted as a space. Check this wiki page:
If the blanks you have in your code example are this kind of character, it will make an error like this:
Error: unexpected input in "x=(1 / 1"
as some comments point out, one must be careful when pasting code from websites.

Error in source() unexpected numeric constant

when I write an R script in a test.R file
nb <- 22
paste("Etudions le nombre: ",nb)
paste("Le logarithme népérien de ce nombre est: ", log(nb))
paste("La racine carrée de ce nombre est: ", sqrt(nb))
paste("Le cosinus de ce nombre est: ", cos(nb))
paste("Si on ajoute 3 au nombre ", nb, " on obtient: ", nb + 3)
I executed using :
error message :
Error in source("/Users/shous/Desktop/Master2.0/LanguageR/test.R") :
/Users/shous/Desktop/Master2.0/LanguageR/test.R:1:9: unexpected numeric constant
1: nb <- 22
It can be encoding problem: unexpected numeric constant 1: nb <- 22
I guess you don't want to have this character Â.Try to change file encoding or rewrite problematic line (not copy paste).
unexpected numeric constant 1: nb <- 22
This is R telling you that it found the line
nb <- 22
and that isn't valid syntax. You can duplicate this simply on the command line with something like a = a 22, which also isn't valid syntax. You need to correct that line of code - I don't know what you want it to be, perhaps there is a missing line break, or perhaps it should be  + 22 or Â[22], etc...
The line that produces the error does not occur in the code you show, perhaps you should make sure you are running the right file.

flex builder new projects with syntax errors

I'm a junior developer and I'm having some problems with my Flex Builder 3. Every time I make a new project, Flex Builder detects syntax errors like:
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbracket before leftbrace. FotoBeheer line 23
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbracket before public. FotoBeheer line 22
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before s. DomoticaSystem line 16
1093: Syntax error. DomoticaSystem line 16
Nevertheless, Fotobeheer will run, but any other program won't even start. Does anybody have any ideas how to solve this problem?
This is indicitive of syntax problems at or before the first line of error. Extra brackets or parenthesis are the typical culprit.
