bad argument #2 to ?(expecting number or torch.DoubleTensor or torch.DoubleStorage at Tensor.c:1125) - torch

The code i used is:
local word2vec=nn.LookupTable(sent_len,300)
then got the error:bad argument2 # to ?(expecting number or torch.DoubleTensor or torch.DoubleStorage at Tensor.c:1125)

after many times trial, I finally find is the reason of type of sent_len, It should be a number type but it is not in my codes.


Making a histogram

this sounds pretty basic but every time I try to make a histogram, my code is saying x needs to be numeric. I've been looking everywhere but can't find one relating to my problem. I have data with 240 obs with 5 variables.
Nipper length
Number of Whiskers
Crab Carapace
Estuary location
There is 3 locations and i'm trying to make a histogram with nipper length
I've tried making new factors and levels, with the 80 obs in each location but its not working <-read.table(pipe("pbpaste"),header = FALSE)##Mac
names(<-c("Crab Identification","Estuary Location","Sex","Crab Carapace","Length of Nipper","Number of Whiskers")<[,-1]
hist(`Length of Nipper`~`Estuary Location`)
Error in hist.default(Length of Nipper ~ Estuary Location) :
'x' must be numeric
Instead of correct result
hist() doesn't seem to like taking more than one variable.
I think you'd have the best luck subsetting the data, that is, making a vector of nipper lengths for all crabs in a given estuary.<-read.table("whatever you're calling it")
names<-(as you have it)
Estuary1<-as.vector(unlist(subset(, `Estuary Loc`=="Location", select = `Length of Nipper`)))
Repeat the last two lines for your other two estuaries. You may not need the unlist() command, depending on your table. I've tended to need it for Excel files, but I don't know what format your table is in (that would've been helpful).

Generating 3.000.000 strings of length 11 in R

Apparently if I try this:
# first grab the package
# and then try to generate some serious dummy data
my_try <- as.vector(sample(1111111111:99999999999,3000000,replace=T))
R will say NOPE, sorry:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 736.8 Gb
Should I buy more RAM*?
*this is a joke, but I seriously appreciate any help!
The desired output is a dataframe of 20 variables, and 3x10^6 rows. Some columns/variables should be strings, some integers. All in lengths ranging from 2 to 12.
The error isn't coming from sampling 3 million values, it's from trying to create a population of about 90 billion values 1111111111:99999999999 from which to sample. If you want to sample from that range, sample from the range 1:88888888889 and add 11111111110 using
sample(88888888889, 3000000,replace=TRUE) + 11111111110
There's no need for as.vector at the end, it's already a vector.
P.S. I believe in R-devel the range 1111111111:99999999999 will be stored much more efficiently (basically just the limits), but I don't know if sample() will be modified to work with it that way.

Using Loops to find the Difference between two Rows in the same Column

So I have a 252 rows of data in column 4, and I would like to find the difference between two consecutive rows throughout the entire column
My current code is:
for (i in 1:Apple[1]){
appleClose[i] <- AA[i,4]
I tried, and failed, with:
for (i in 1:Apple[1]){
appleClose[i] <- AA[i,4] - AA[i+1,4]
I am trying to optimize a stock market portfolio in retrospect.
AA is the ticker symbol for Apple. I downloaded that information through some R code written earlier in the program.
I have not yet checked out the diff function yet. I will do that now.
The error I am receiving is
Error in [.xts(AA, i + 1, 4) : subscript out of bounds
Is this what you mean?
> Apple=runif(5,1,10)
#5 numbers
> Apple
[1] 3.362267 2.489085 3.899513 5.591127 9.315716
#4 differences
> diff(Apple)
[1] -0.8731816 1.4104271 1.6916143 3.7245894
or depending on your data either
or maybe
Another option (if you are referring to this, your question is not much clear)
AA[-1,4]- AA[-dim(A)[1],4]

Attributing row name of irregular number of rows (populations)

I've been given this to do by the GENELAND tutorial to give population names to a dataset of populations of 60 individuals :
pop.mbrship1<-rep(c(1,2,3), each=60)
Nevertheless, my dataset comprises 10 populations of irregular sizes to which i would give the names of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and the distribution of my individuals (represented by one row each) would be :
I'd be tempted to use each population number as number of repeats which would make it
pop.mbrship1<-rep[c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), each=c(24,15,19,21,24,23,21,24,20,23)]
Or try their distribution...
In both case, R gives me Error: unexpected '>' in ">"
I'm sure i'm really close to having it work but i've spent a shameful amount of time on this and i'd defenetly need a hand. Thanks a lot!
I'm looking at the geneland tutorial and I see that they have > at the beginning of the lines that you're copying/editing.
You are copying everything including the console pointer > all you need to copy/paste is :
# replicates each element 60 times
pop.mbrship1 <- rep(c(1,2,3),each=60)
# replicates each element, respectively
pop.mbrship2 <- rep(c(1,2,3),times=c(60,40,30))
Your answer is what Henrik said above, without a preceding>.
pop.mbrship1 <- rep(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), c(24,15,19,21,24,23,21,24,20,23))
# same as
pop.mbrship1 <- rep(c(...),times=c(...))

Create warnings in R

I wanna write a script whicht makes R usable for "everybody" at this special topic of analysis. Is there a possibility to create warnings?
For example if the value is at least 3 times 0 (afterwards - better within a settet period of time - 3 days) give warnings - and naming the date. Maybe create something like a report, if I am combining conditions.
In general: Masurement data are read via read.csv and then set Date by as.POSIXct - xts/zoo. I want the "user" to get a clear message if the values are changing etc.; if they are 0 for a long time etc.
The second step would be sending emails - maybe running on a server later.
Additional Questions:
I do have a df in xts now - is it possible to check if the value is greater a threshold value? It's not working because it's not an atomic vector.
Try this.
x <- read.table(text = "time,value
2012-01-05,3", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
if(any(rle(x$value)$lengths >= 3)) warning("I noticed some dates have value 0 at least three times.")
Warning message:
I noticed some dates have value 0 at least three times.
I'll leave it to you as a training exercise to paste a warning message that would also give you the date(s).
