R iGraph: degree in the case of bidirectional edges - r

I have noticed that the function degree in iGraph doesn't straighforwardly allow to calculate the degree of the undirected skeleton graph of a directed graph, whenever bidirectional edges are involved.
For example,
g <-graph_from_literal( a-+b,a++c,d-+a,a-+e,a-+f )
d1 <- degree(g,v='a',mode="all")
# 6
nn <- unique(neighbors(g,'a',mode='all'))
d2 <- length(nn)
# 5
As I wanted d2, instead of d1, I have used a different route based on finding the neighbors of the considered vertex.
My question is: is there a better/faster way to do this, maybe using some other iGraph function that I'm not aware of?

Create an undirected copy of the graph, collapse the multiple edges in the undirected graph into a single edge, and then calculate the degree on that:
> g2 <- as.undirected(g, mode="collapse")
> degree(g2)


Remove maximal cliques in igraph

I have a disconnected undirected network.
I want to identify and remove all the components that are cliques.
I do not want to remove all the cliques, just those that are themselves a component of the network.
How should I proceed?
g <- graph_from_literal(a-b-c-d-b,e-f-g-e,h-i-l)
result <- graph_from_literal(a-b-c-d-b,h-i-l)
One solution is the following, but I do not know to what extent this is efficient in large networks.
d <- graph_from_literal(a-b-c-d-b,e-f-g-e,h-i-l)
d0 <- decompose.graph(d)
d1 <- disjoint_union(d0[unlist(lapply(d0, function(x) count_max_cliques(x)!=1))])

how to create a complete list of diads form a vertex list

how can I create a complete list of dyads from a vertex list?
I have a list (1, 2, 3...) and I need to generate a list containing all possible dyads from that list (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2,...).
I've tried with get.edgelist, but it doesn't work, because the graph is not fully connected (all nodes are connected among them).
Using igraph, you can grab all edges of a graph using E(g). If you'd want all possible edges, you can apply it on a complete graph (a graph that is fully connected). If the vertices in your graph are indeed in sequence from 1 to n, you can use make_full_graph() to make a Kn - that is to say a fully connected graph. In this example, the graph has 14 vertices.
g <- make_full_graph(14, directed=F)
el <- as_edgelist(g)
edges <- E(g)
edges_list <- split(el, rep(1:nrow(el), each = ncol(el)))
edges_vert <- unlist(list(t(el)))
edges will be the igraph-object, but I think what you're after is a list in R, like edges_list.
As you see, length(edges_list) is 91 since it is an undirected graph, and the number of edges in complete graphs is a function of the number of vertices.
A complete graph with n vertices is commonly written Kn and has these many edges:
Note that in igraph dyads are called edges and nodes are called vertices.

How to study the interaction between a set of nodes when the network is quite dense, using igraph?

I have 4 undirected graph with 1000 vertices and 176672, 150994, 193477, 236060 edges. I am trying to see interaction between a specific set of nodes (16 in number) for each graph. This visualization in tkplot is not feasible as 1000 vertices is already way too much for it. I was thinking of if there is some way to extract the interaction of these 16 nodes from the parent graph and view separately, which will be then more easy to handle and work with in tkplot. I don't want the loss of information as in what is the node(s) in he path of interaction if it comes from other than 16 pre-specified nodes. Is there a way to achieve it?
In such a dense graph, if you only take the shortest paths connecting each pair of these 16 vertices, you will still get a graph too large for tkplot, or even to see any meaningful on a cairo pdf plot.
However, if you aim to do it, this is one possible way:
g <- erdos.renyi.game(n = 1000, p = 0.1)
set <- sample(1:vcount(g), 16)
in.shortest.paths <- NULL
for(v in set){
in.shortest.paths <- c(in.shortest.paths,
unlist(get.all.shortest.paths(g, from = v, to = set)$res))
subgraph <- induced.subgraph(g, unique(in.shortest.paths))
In this example, subgraph will include approx. half of all the vertices.
After this, I think you should consider to find some other way than visualization to investigate the relationships between your vertices of interest. It can be some topological metric, but it really depends on the aims of your analysis.

How to spread out community graph made by using igraph package in R

Trying to find communities in tweet data. The cosine similarity between different words forms the adjacency matrix. Then, I created graph out of that adjacency matrix. Visualization of the graph is the task here:
# Document Term Matrix
dtm = DocumentTermMatrix(tweets)
### adjust threshold here
dtms = removeSparseTerms(dtm, 0.998)
# cosine similarity matrix
t = as.matrix(dtms)
# comparing two word feature vectors
#cosine(t[,"yesterday"], t[,"yet"])
numWords = dim(t)[2]
# cosine measure between all column vectors of a matrix.
adjMat = cosine(t)
r = 3
for(i in 1:numWords)
highElement = sort(adjMat[i,], partial=numWords-r)[numWords-r]
adjMat[i,][adjMat[i,] < highElement] = 0
# build graph from the adjacency matrix
g = graph.adjacency(adjMat, weighted=TRUE, mode="undirected", diag=FALSE)
# remove loop and multiple edges
g = simplify(g)
wt = walktrap.community(g, steps=5) # default steps=2
# set vertex color & size
nodecolor = rainbow(length(table(membership(wt))))[as.vector(membership(wt))]
nodesize = as.matrix(round((log2(10*membership(wt)))))
nodelayout = layout.fruchterman.reingold(g,niter=1000,area=vcount(g)^1.1,repulserad=vcount(g)^10.0, weights=NULL)
vertex.size = nodesize,
vertex.color = nodecolor,
I just want to have some more gap between separate clusters/communities.
To the best of my knowledge, you can't layout vertices of the same community close to each other, using igraph only. I have implemented this function in my package NetPathMiner. It seems it is a bit hard to install the package just for the visualization function. I will write the a simple version of it here and explain what it does.
layout.by.attr <- function(graph, wc, cluster.strength=1,layout=layout.auto) {
g <- graph.edgelist(get.edgelist(graph)) # create a lightweight copy of graph w/o the attributes.
E(g)$weight <- 1
attr <- cbind(id=1:vcount(g), val=wc)
g <- g + vertices(unique(attr[,2])) + igraph::edges(unlist(t(attr)), weight=cluster.strength)
l <- layout(g, weights=E(g)$weight)[1:vcount(graph),]
Basically, the function adds an extra vertex that is connected to all vertices belonging to the same community. The layout is calculated based on the new graph. Since each community is now connected by a common vertex, they tend to cluster together.
As Gabor said in the comment, increasing edge weights will also have similar effect. The function leverages this information, by increasing a cluster.strength, edges between created vertices and their communities are given higher weights.
If this is still not enough, you extend this principle (calculating the layout on a more connected graph) by adding edges between all vertices of the same communities (forming a clique). From my experience, this is a bit of an overkill.

extract a connected subgraph from a subset of vertices with igraph

I have a graph G(V,E) unweighted, undirected and connected graph with 12744 nodes and 166262 edges. I have a set of nodes (sub_set) that is a subset of V. I am interested in extracting the smallest connected subgraph where sub_set is a part of this new graph. I have managed to get a subgraph where my subset of nodes is included but I would like to know if there is a way to minimise the graph.
Here is my code (adapted from http://sidderb.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/irefr-ppi-data-access-from-r/)
g <- erdos.renyi.game(10000, 0.003) #graph for illustrating my propose
sub_set <- sample(V(g), 80)
order <- 1
edges <- get.edges(g, 1:(ecount(g)))
neighbours.vid <- unique(unlist(neighborhood(g, order, which(V(g) %in% sub_set))))
rel.vid <- edges[intersect(which(edges[,1] %in% neighbours.vid), which(edges[,2] %in% neighbours.vid)),]
rel <- as.data.frame(cbind(V(g)[rel.vid[,1]], V(g)[rel.vid[,2]]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names(rel) <- c("from", "to")
subgraph <- graph.data.frame(rel, directed=F)
subgraph <- simplify(subgraph)
I have read this post
minimum connected subgraph containing a given set of nodes, so I guess that my problem could be "The Steiner Tree problem", is there any way to try to find a suboptimal solution using igraph?
Not sure if that's what you meant but
produces a graph with the minimum number of edges in which all nodes stay connected in one component.
