I'm using rjags to calculate a species abundance using an N-mixture model and count data. To capture over dispersion of my data, I used hyperpriors. But I get an
"Error in node S[1,1,2] Invalid parent values"
My guess is that I have a problem in the dimension of my prior OR one of the prior is negative, null or NA which stops the calculation of node S.
Any idea how to stop this problem ? Is it possible to initialize S?
model {
## PRIORS ##
lambda[1] ~ dunif(0, 500)
lambda[2] ~ dunif(0, 500)
p[1] ~ dunif(0, 1)
p[2] ~ dunif(0, 1)
# surdispersion
muepsomega1 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001)
sigepsomega1 ~ dunif(0,100)
iomega1 ~ dnorm(0,0.0001)
tauepsomega1 <- 1/(sigepsomega1*sigepsomega1)
omega2 ~ dunif(0, 1)
# Create a loop across all j sites
for(j in 1:nSites) {
# surdispersion sur omega 1
omega1[j] <- iomega1 + epsomega1[j]
epsomega1[j] ~ dnorm(muepsomega1,tauepsomega1)
N[1,j,1] ~ dpois(lambda[1])
N[2,j,1] ~ dpois(lambda[2])
for (i in 1:3) {
S[i,j,1] ~ dnegbin(2, 1)
} # end loop i
for(t in 2:nYears) {
# Estimate survivorship (between year survival)
S[1,j,t] ~ dnegbin(omega1[j], N[1,j,t-1])
S[2,j,t] ~ dnegbin(omega2, N[2,j,t-1])
N[1,j,t] <- S[1,j,t]
N[2,j,t] <- S[2,j,t]
} # end loop t in 2:years
# Loop across sampling replicates to estimate detection
for (t in 1:nYears){
for(k in 1:nReps){
n[1,j,k,t] ~ dnegbin(p[1], N[1,j,t])
n[2,j,k,t] ~ dnegbin(p[2], N[2,j,t])
} # end loop k nreps
} # end loop j sites
This is how I call the model:
#Model file
modFile = "model/2016-07-12/model_Nmix.R"
inits <- function(){
list('lambda' =c(1,1), 'p'= c(1,1),'omega2' = 1,'iomega1'=1, 'muepsomega1'= 1, 'sigepsomega1'= 1, 'epsomega1'=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)) } # size epsomega1 is length(nSites)=7
# Compile the model
abundance.out <- jags.model(file=modFile, data=data,n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 3000)
Let epsomega1 and iomega1 come from distributions that don't have any probability density over negative values. Gamma, uniform, log-normal, or truncated normal distributions are candidates, and your choice should depend on what you think the most correct model specification actually is.
I want to perform a mixed effect regression in rjags, with a random slope and intercept. I define the following toy dataset:
global_slope <- 1
global_int <- 1
Npoints_per_group <- 50
N_groups <- 10
pentes <- rnorm(N_groups,-1,.5)
centers_x <- seq(0,10,length = N_groups)
center_y <- global_slope*centers_x + global_int
group_spread <- 2
group_names <- sample(LETTERS,N_groups)
df <- lapply(1:N_groups,function(i){
x <- seq(centers_x[i]-group_spread/2,centers_x[i]+group_spread/2,length = Npoints_per_group)
y <- pentes[i]*(x- centers_x[i])+center_y[i]+rnorm(Npoints_per_group)
data.table(x = x,y = y,ID = group_names[i])
}) %>% rbindlist()
ggplot(df,aes(x,y,color = as.factor(ID)))+
This is a typical situation of Simpson paradox: an overall increasing trend when you have a decreasing trend within each group (given by the ID variable).
I define the following model:
model_code_simpson <-
" model
# first level
for (i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(alpha[i] + beta[i] * x[i], tau)
alpha[i] = alpha[group[i]] # random intercept
beta[i] = beta[group[i]] # random slope
# second level
for(j in 1:J){
alpha[j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha, tau.alpha)
beta[j] ~ dnorm(mu.beta, tau.beta)
# Priors
mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
mu.beta ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
sigma.alpha ~ dunif(0,10)
sigma.beta ~ dunif(0,10)
# Derived quantities
tau <- pow(sigma,-2)
tau.alpha <- pow(sigma.alpha,-2)
tau.beta <- pow(sigma.beta,-2)
# Choose the parameters to watch
model_parameters <- c("mu.alpha","tau.alpha","tau.beta","tau")
# define numeric grouping variable
df[,ID2 := .GRP,by = ID]
model_data <- list(n = nrow(df),
y = df$y,
x = df$x,
group = df$ID2,
J = df[,uniqueN(ID)])
model <- jags.model(textConnection(model_code_simpson),
data = model_data,
n.chains = 2)
I get the following error:
Compiling model graph
Resolving undeclared variables
Allocating nodes
Deleting model
Error in jags.model(textConnection(model_code_simpson), data = model_data, :
Compilation error on line 8.
Attempt to redefine node beta[1]
I do not understand what is happening, and related questions did not help me much.
You defined beta twice. First, beta is a vector of length n when you are looping through the data. Second, beta is a vector of length J when you are creating the random effects. This "redefining" is causing this issue, but it is an easy fix. You just need to remove that first instance of beta in your model and it will compile (i.e., just move your nested indexing inside of dnorm() and you are good to go).
model_code_simpson <-
" model
# first level
for (i in 1:n) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(
alpha[group[i]] + beta[group[i]] * x[i],
# second level
for(j in 1:J){
alpha[j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha, tau.alpha)
beta[j] ~ dnorm(mu.beta, tau.beta)
# Priors
mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
mu.beta ~ dnorm(0,0.001)
sigma ~ dunif(0,10)
sigma.alpha ~ dunif(0,10)
sigma.beta ~ dunif(0,10)
# Derived quantities
tau <- pow(sigma,-2)
tau.alpha <- pow(sigma.alpha,-2)
tau.beta <- pow(sigma.beta,-2)
I'm a beginner with OpenBUGS which I use through the R2OpenBUGS R package. I try to set state space model for identifying a lognormal signal in very noisy data. After many trials and errors, I managed to get this code but I still get the following error message: "empty slot not allowed in variable name error pos 664" which I don't understand. Can anyone knows what is wrong with the code ?
alt = measured altitude
true_alt = what I try to assess
nbird = number of individuals
nobs = number of observations (this number is not the same for every bird)
nstate = 'flight state', which is the way the birds behave (nstate = 3 because there are 3 different behaviours)
I try to determine the lognormal distribution of true_alt for each state.
model <- function(){
for(j in 1:nbird){
for(i in 1:nobs[j]){
alt[i,j] ~ dnorm(true_alt[i,j], tau.obs)
log(true_alt[i,j]) <- log_true_alt[i,j]
log_true_alt[i,j] ~ dnorm(mean.alt[i,j], tau[state[i,j]])
mean.alt[i,j] <- alt1[state[i,j]] + ind.re[j]
for(i in 1:nstate){ tau[i] <- 1/(sig[i]) }
# Random Effects:
tau.re <- 1/sig.re
for(j in 1:nbird) { ind.re[j] ~ dnorm(0, tau.re) }
for(i in 1:nstate) {
alt1[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)
sig[i] ~ dunif(0, 200)
sig.re ~ dunif(0, 200)
state ~ dunif(1,3)
for(s in 1:nstate){
log_alt_pred[s] ~ dnorm(alt1[s], tau[s])
log(alt_pred[s]) <- log_alt_pred[s]
Thank you!!!
It could be because in your priors you're trying to set a distribution for "alt1[i]" but in your model you've used "alt[i,j]".
I am trying to fit a logistic regression model in JAGS, but I have data in the form of (# success y, # attempts n), rather than a binary variable. In R, one can fit a model to data such as these by using glm(y/n ~ ) with the "weights" argument, but I am not sure how to fit this in JAGS.
Here is a simple example that I hope addresses what I am trying to ask. Note that I am using the rjags package. Thanks for any help!
y <- rbinom(10, 500, 0.2)
n <- sample(500:600, 10)
p <- y/n
x <- sample(0:100, 10) # some covariate
data <- data.frame(y, n, p, x)
model <- "model{
# Specify likelihood
for(i in 1:10){
y[i] ~ dbin(p[i], n[i])
logit(p[i]) <- b0 + b1*x
# Specify priors
b0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
You don't need to compute p in your data set at all. Just let it be a logical node in your model. I prefer the R2jags interface, which allows you to specify a BUGS model in the form of an R function ...
jagsdata <- data.frame(y=rbinom(10, 500, 0.2),
n=sample(500:600, 10),
x=sample(0:100, 10))
model <- function() {
## Specify likelihood
for(i in 1:10){
y[i] ~ dbin(p[i], n[i])
logit(p[i]) <- b0 + b1*x[i]
## Specify priors
b0 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)
Now run it:
I have a beta-binomial model like this
where $B$ is the beta function.
I want to estimate the parameters $\theta_1,\theta_2,\ldots,\theta_5$.
I used a Maximum likelihood method:
BBlikelihood = function(theta){
k = theta[1]/(1+exp(theta[2]*x+theta[3]))+theta[4]
mu = exp(k)/(1+exp(k))
if(theta[5]<0) theta[5]=0
lbeta(y+mu*theta[5],n-y+(1-mu)*theta[5]) -
theta.init = c(8,100,-3,-6,1)
BBtheta = optim(theta.init,BBlikelihood,control=list(maxit=1000))
Then, I used MCMC as below:
HastingsBBlikelihood = function(theta,theta.prime){
k = theta[1]/(1+exp(theta[2]*x+theta[3]))+theta[4]
mu = exp(k)/(1+exp(k))
k.prime = theta.prime[1]/(1+exp(theta.prime[2]*x+theta.prime[3]))+theta.prime[4]
mu.prime = exp(k.prime)/(1+exp(k.prime))
sum( ( lbeta(y+mu.prime*theta.prime[5],n-y+(1-mu.prime)*theta.prime[5])
- lbeta(mu.prime*theta.prime[5],(1-mu.prime)*theta.prime[5]))
- ( lbeta(y+mu*theta[5],n-y+(1-mu)*theta[5])
SigmaBB = list(0.1*diag(5))
Sigma.i = 1
thetaBB.mcmc = matrix(c(8,100,-3,-6,1),1,5)
for(i in 2:25000){
if((i %% 1000)==0){
Sigma.i <- Sigma.i + 1;
SigmaBB[[Sigma.i]] <- 2.38^2*var(thetaBB.mcmc)/5
thetaBB.mcmc = rbind(thetaBB.mcmc,
thetaBB.mcmc[i,] <- thetaBB.mcmc[i-1,]
the MCMC estimations agree with maximum likelihood estimations.
Finally, I used jags to estimate the parameters as the following:
cat("model {
# Parameters
theta[1] ~ dunif(-1.e10, 1.e10)
theta[2] ~ dunif(-1.e10, 1.e10)
theta[3] ~ dunif(-1.e10, 1.e10)
theta[4] ~ dunif(-1.e10, 1.e10)
theta[5] ~ dunif(0, 1.e10)
# Observations
for (i in 1:TT){
k[i] <- theta[1]/(1+exp(theta[2]*x[i]+theta[3]))+theta[4]
mu[i] <- exp(k[i])/(1+exp(k[i]))
p[i] ~ dbeta(mu[i]*theta[5],(1-mu[i])*theta[5])
y[i] ~ dbin(p[i],n[i])
jags <- jags.model('BetaBinom.bug', data = list('x'=x, 'y'=y, 'n'=n , TT=TT ))
res <- coda.samples(jags,c('theta'),1000)
res.median = apply(res[[1]],2,median)
res.mean = apply(res[[1]],2,mean)
res.sd = apply(res[[1]],2,sd)
The estimations in this way are very strange and not as the previous values.
I wonder what is wrong in the jags function!?
Thanks for any comment or suggestion in advance.
Using JAGS I am trying to estimate a model including a unit-specific time trend.
However, the problem is that I don't know how to model this and so far I have been unable to find a solution.
As an example, consider we have the following data:
rain<-rnorm(200) # Explanatory variable
n1<-rnorm(200) # Some noise
gdp<-rain+n1 # Outcome variable
ccode<-rep(1:10,20) # Unit codes
year<-rep(1:20,10) # Years
Using normal linear regression, we would estimate the model as:
Where factor(ccode)*year is the unit-specific time trend. Now I want to estimate the model using JAGS. So I create parameters for the indexing:
And estimate the model,
set.seed(42); runif(1)
model.file <- "~/model.txt"
with the following model file, and this is where the error is at the moment:
# Simple model
model {
# For N observations
for(i in 1:N) {
gdp[i] ~ dnorm(yhat[i], tau)
yhat[i] <- b1*rain[i] + b0[ccode[i]*year[i]]
for(t in 1:T) {
for(j in 1:J) {
b0[t,j] ~ dnorm(0, .01)
# Priors
b1 ~ dnorm(0, .01)
# Hyperpriors
tau <- pow(sd, -2)
sd ~ dunif(0,20)
I am fairly sure that the way in which I define b0 and the indexing is incorrect given the error I get when using the code: Compilation error on line 7. Dimension mismatch taking subset of b0.
However, I don't know how to solve this so I wondered whether someone here has suggestions about this?
Your lm example can also be written:
m1 <- lm(gdp ~ -1 + rain + factor(ccode) + factor(ccode):year)
The equivalent JAGS model would be:
M <- function() {
for(i in 1:N) {
gdp[i] ~ dnorm(yhat[i], sd^-2)
yhat[i] <- b0[ccode[i]] + b1*rain[i] + b2[ccode[i]]*year[i]
b1 ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
for (j in 1:J) {
b0[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
b2[j] ~ dnorm(0, 0.001)
sd ~ dunif(0, 100)
parameters<-c('b0', 'b1', 'b2')
mj <- jags(dat, NULL, parameters, M, 3)
Comparing coefficients:
par(mfrow=c(1, 2), mar=c(5, 5, 1, 1))
plot(mj$BUGSoutput$summary[grep('^b0', row.names(mj$BUGSoutput$summary)), '50%'],
coef(m1)[grep('^factor\\(ccode\\)\\d+$', names(coef(m1)))],
xlab='JAGS estimate', ylab='lm estimate', pch=20, las=1,
abline(0, 1)
plot(mj$BUGSoutput$summary[grep('^b2', row.names(mj$BUGSoutput$summary)), '50%'],
coef(m1)[grep('^factor\\(ccode\\)\\d+:', names(coef(m1)))],
xlab='JAGS estimate', ylab='lm estimate', pch=20, las=1,
abline(0, 1)