I want to plot in R several panels with data measured along a sediment core (see image below). Next to the plots, I want to add a photo of that sediment core, aligned to the exact y coordinates as the plots (to be able to identify if a certain layer in the photo corresponds to a peak in some element in the plot).
The piece of code below produces de multipanel plot plus the photo (see below as well). As you can see using the tape measure in the photo, the y coordinates of the plots do not match the coordinates of the photo.
op <- par(mfrow = c(1,4), oma = c(5,4,2,0) + 0.1, mar = c(0,0,4,1) + 0.1, pch = 20)
plot(y = -curian3_scores$Sample, x = curian3_scores$RC1, xaxt = "n", type = "o", pch =16, ylab = "", xlab = "", lwd = 1.5, col = "blue", ylim = c(-1197.744, -40), cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(3, cex.axis = 1.2)
mtext(side = 3, text = var.PC1, line = 2.2, cex = 0.9)
mtext(side = 2, text = "Depth (mm)", line = 3, cex = 0.9)
plot(y = -curian3_scores$Sample, x = curian3_scores$RC2, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "o", ylab = "", xlab = "", lwd = 1.5, col = "red", ylim = c(-1197.744, -40), cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(3, cex.axis = 1.2)
mtext(side = 3, text = var.PC2, line = 2.2, cex = 0.9)
plot(y = -curian3_scores$Sample, x = curian3_scores$RC3, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "o", ylab = "", xlab = "", lwd = 1.5, col = "darkgreen", ylim = c(-1197.744, -40), cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(3, cex.axis = 1.2)
mtext(side = 3, text = var.PC3, line = 2.2, cex = 0.9)
# Charge the image as an R object with the "JPEG" package
# Set up a plot area with no plot
plot(y = -curian3_scores$Sample, x = curian3_scores$RC3, type = "n", axes = F, ylab = "", xlab = "")
# Get the plot information so the image will fill the plot box, and draw it
lim <- par()
rasterImage(my_image, xleft = lim$usr[1], ybottom = lim$usr[3], xright = lim$usr[2], ytop = lim$usr[4])
Any ideas to make the photo's and plots' coordinates to match? If the ylim in each plot worked, I think this would be it... however, I think they're overruled for some reason...
Hi can anyone see what is the problem with the code below?
output$zscore_chart <- renderPlot({
xvals <- 2:186
idx_country = which(input$countrySelectZScore == esiCountries)
max_comp_z <- max(esiData_DF[idx_country, 2:186], na.rm = TRUE)
overall_max_z <- max(max_comp_z, na.rm = TRUE)
foo = ts(esiData_DF[idx_country, 2:186], frequency = 12, start = 2001)
dates = seq(as.Date("2001-01-01"), by = "month", along = foo)
plot(x = 2:186, y = esiData_DF[idx_country, 2:186], type = "l",
xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "grey20", ylim = c(-2, overall_max_z),
mtext("Quarterly percentage changes", side = 3, adj = 0, line = 0.1,
cex = 1, font = 0.5)
axis(1, at = xvals, label = dates, cex.axis = 1, las = 2)
mtext("Economic Sentiment Indicators", side = 3, adj = 0,
line = 1.2, cex = 2, font = 2)
lty = c(1,1),
lwd = c(3,3),
col = c("grey20", "green2"),
legend = c("Economic Sentiment Indicator", "GDP growth"),
bty = "n",
xjust = 0.5,
yjust = 0.5,
horiz = TRUE
}, height = 525)
esiData_DF is the DF used to index and plot the correct data. The dataframe has the country names down the left hand side with the dates, monthly across the top. I need the plot to render but it wont when I run the app. Any ideas?
The data continues to the right, up to May 2017 monthly.
In the last line of the example below, I had to manually try a couple of different values for pos before I found the 'correct' value that was just outside of the labels that had already been plotted in the previous line. Is there a way to find out that proper value of pos automatically?
windows(width = 8, height = 6)
par(mai = c(0.3, 2.5, 0.3, 0.3)) #bottom, left, top and right
plot(rnorm(15,10,1),rnorm(15,10,1), type = "p",
ylim = c(5,15), xlim = c(5,15), xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs="i", xaxs="i")
axis(2, at = c(5,10,15), labels = c("This one", "Particularly long one", "two"), las = 2)
axis(2, at = 10, pos = 2, labels = "Y Axis Label", font = 2, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 1.5)
You can grab par(usr)[1] and subtract the strwidth of your long label to get the position:
windows(width = 8, height = 6)
par(mai = c(0.3, 2.5, 0.3, 0.3)) #bottom, left, top and right
plot(rnorm(15, 10, 1),rnorm(15, 10, 1), type = "p",
ylim = c(5, 15), xlim = c(5, 15), xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", yaxs= "i", xaxs= "i")
axis(2, at = c(5, 10, 15),
labels = c("This one", "Particularly long one", "two"), las = 2)
# get the position based on the long string width and par('usr')[1]
pos <- par('usr')[1] - strwidth("Particularly long one")
axis(2, at = 10, pos = pos,
labels = "Y Axis Label", font = 2, tick = FALSE, cex.axis = 1.5)
Of course, if you resize the image interactively after this, all bets are off.
In R, is there a way to add means to a plot at specific x-axis. For example, I want to do something like:
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0, 6.5), ylim = c(0,300), type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n') #xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
boxplot(dataset,at = 0.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
points(mean(dataset), at = 0.5, add = T)
I get a message saying "at" and "add" are 'not a graphical parameter'. Is there a workaround?
So I am using RStudio. There are six different values (data_a, data_b, data_c, data_d, data_e, and data_f) each with 11 numbers. My current code looks like follows:
par(xpd = FALSE)
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0, 6.5), ylim = c(0,300), type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n') #xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
boxplot(data_a,at = 0.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_b,at = 1.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_c,at = 2.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_d,at = 4, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_e,at = 5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_f,at = 6, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
axis(2, at = 150, pos = -0.65, tck = 0, labels = 'X axis label',cex.axis=1.1)
axis(1, at = c(0.5,1.5,2.5,4,5,6),labels=c('','','','','',''))
axis(1, at = c(1.5,5),pos= -25,labels=c('label 1','labe 2'),tick=FALSE)
axis(1, at = c(3.25),labels=c(''),tck=-0.15)
axis(1, at = c(3.25),pos = -50,labels=c('Y axis label'),tick=FALSE)
par(xpd = NA)
text(0.5,-30, expression("a))
text(1.5,-30, expression("b"))
text(4,-30, expression(d))
text(5,-30, expression("e"))
Now I want to be able to add mean.
You can try this to get the desired plot (with randomly generated data_a, data_b etc.):
par(xpd = FALSE)
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0, 6.5), ylim = c(0,300), type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', xaxt = 'n') #xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
data_a <- runif(11, 0, 300)
data_b <- runif(11, 0, 300)
data_c <- runif(11, 0, 300)
data_d <- runif(11, 0, 300)
data_e <- runif(11, 0, 300)
data_f <- runif(11, 0, 300)
boxplot(data_a,at = 0.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_b,at = 1.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_c,at = 2.5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_d,at = 4, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_e,at = 5, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
boxplot(data_f,at = 6, add = T, range = 6,yaxt = 'n')
axis(2, at = 150, pos = -0.65, tck = 0, labels = 'X axis label',cex.axis=1.1)
axis(1, at = c(0.5,1.5,2.5,4,5,6),labels=c('','','','','',''))
axis(1, at = c(1.5,5),pos= -25,labels=c('label 1','label 2'),tick=FALSE)
axis(1, at = c(3.25),labels=c(''),tck=-0.15)
axis(1, at = c(3.25),pos = -50,labels=c('Y axis label'),tick=FALSE)
par(xpd = NA)
text(0.5,-30, expression("a"))
text(1.5,-30, expression("b"))
text(4,-30, expression("d"))
text(5,-30, expression("e"))
points(c(0.5,1.5,2.5,4,5,6), c(mean(data_a), mean(data_b), mean(data_c), mean(data_d), mean(data_e), mean(data_f)), pch = 22, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 7)
With boxplots, the location of the plots on the x axis are at the units (1, 2, 3, etc.). You can check this using the function locator().
Here is an example to add means as a red circle to a boxplot using the iris dataset:
boxplot(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris)
points(seq_along(levels(iris$Species)), with(iris, tapply(Sepal.Length, Species, mean)), col = "red")
Consider the following vector:
q1 <- c(1000000.0, 908364.8, 876009.1, 847892.8, 824808.3, 805416.2, 785266.2, 770997.1, 753908.6, 744599.9, 706777.6, 674659.9, 634654.4, 601440.4, 568259.7, 535361.3, 493679.9, 465526.5, 429766.6, 395244.7, 361483.2, 332136.6, 308574.5, 285500.6, 262166.2 ,237989.0 , 210766.1, 188578.1, 166762.3 , 140399.8 ,114865.5)
Here is the plot:, height=5)
plot(q1, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "green", xaxt = 'n', xlim = c(0,30), bty = "l")
x.ticks = seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 5)
axis(1, at = x.ticks+1, labels=paste("Year", x.ticks, sep=" "))
For some reason, my x-axis and y-axis are not meeting at (0,0)! I tried fixing this by using par(xaxs='i',yaxs='i'), but it doesn't do the trick in this case?
Any ideas? Thanks!
If you do not specify ylim, R will fit the plot area to the data, not extend the plot to the origin. This will fix it:
plot(q1, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "green", xaxt = 'n',
xlim = c(0,30), ylim = c(0, max(q1, na.rm = TRUE)), bty = "l")
I wrote the ylim to look for the maximum in q1. You can change it to a fixed value.
Here is the full code I ran to make it work:
q1 <- c(1000000.0, 908364.8, 876009.1, 847892.8, 824808.3, 805416.2,
785266.2, 770997.1, 753908.6, 744599.9, 706777.6, 674659.9,
634654.4, 601440.4, 568259.7, 535361.3, 493679.9, 465526.5,
429766.6, 395244.7, 361483.2, 332136.6, 308574.5, 285500.6,
262166.2 ,237989.0 , 210766.1, 188578.1, 166762.3 , 140399.8 ,114865.5), height=5)
plot(q1, type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = "green",
xaxt = 'n', xlim = c(1,30), ylim = c(0, max(q1)), bty = "l")
x.ticks = seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 5)
axis(1, at = x.ticks + 1, labels=paste("Year", x.ticks, sep=" "))