Use dplyr to compute lagging difference - r

My data frame consists of three columns: state name, year, and the tax receipt for each year and each state. Below is an example for just one state.
year RealTaxRevs
1 1971 8335046
2 1972 9624026
3 1973 10498935
4 1974 10052305
5 1975 8708381
6 1976 8911262
7 1977 10759032
I'd like to compute the change in tax receipt from one year to the next, for each state. I used the following code:
data %>% group_by(state) %>% summarise(diff(RealTaxRevs, lag = 1, differences = 1))
but it gives me "Error: expecting a single value".
Could anyone explain this error message, and help me do this correctly using dplyr? Thank you.

If you want to use diff like function, then consider using the zoo library as well. Then you can have code which looks like the following:
diff(as.zoo(1:4), na.pad=T)
In a data frame setting it would be like:
dat <- data.frame(a=c(8335046, 9624026, 10498935, 10052305, 8708381, 8911262, 10759032))
dat %>% mutate(b=diff(as.zoo(a), na.pad=T))
# a b
# 1 8335046 NA
# 2 9624026 1288980
# 3 10498935 874909
# 4 10052305 -446630
# 5 8708381 -1343924
# 6 8911262 202881
# 7 10759032 1847770
This way you can easily increase the number of lags, without continually adding NA
dat %>% mutate(b2=diff(as.zoo(a), lag=2, na.pad=T))
# a b2
# 1 8335046 NA
# 2 9624026 NA
# 3 10498935 2163889
# 4 NA NA
# 5 8708381 -1790554
# 6 8911262 NA
# 7 10759032 2050651

We can use data.table
setDT(data)[, Diffs := RealTaxRevs - shift(RealTaxRevs)[[1]], state]


How to add rows to dataframe R with rbind

I know this is a classic question and there are also similar ones in the archive, but I feel like the answers did not really apply to this case. Basically I want to take one dataframe (covid cases in Berlin per district), calculate the sum of the columns and create a new dataframe with a column representing the name of the district and another one representing the total number. So I wrote
covid_bln <- read.csv('', sep=';')
c_tot<-data.frame('district'=c(), 'number'=c())
for (n in colnames(covid_bln[3:14])){
x<-data.frame('district'=c(n), 'number'=c(sum(covid_bln$n)))
c_tot<-rbind(c_tot, x)
Which works properly with the names but returns only the number of cases for the 8th district, but for all the districts. If you have any suggestion, even involving the use of other functions, it would be great. Thank you
Here's a base R solution:
number <- colSums(covid_bln[3:14])
district <- names(covid_bln[3:14])
c_tot <-, number)
rownames(c_tot) <- NULL
# If you don't want rownames:
rownames(c_tot) <- NULL
This gives us:
district number
1 mitte 16030
2 friedrichshain_kreuzberg 10679
3 pankow 10849
4 charlottenburg_wilmersdorf 10664
5 spandau 9450
6 steglitz_zehlendorf 9218
7 tempelhof_schoeneberg 12624
8 neukoelln 14922
9 treptow_koepenick 6760
10 marzahn_hellersdorf 6960
11 lichtenberg 7601
12 reinickendorf 9752
I want to provide a solution using tidyverse.
The final result is ordered alphabetically by districts
c_tot <- covid_bln %>%
select( mitte:reinickendorf) %>%
gather(district, number, mitte:reinickendorf) %>%
group_by(district) %>%
summarise(number = sum(number))
The rusult is
# A tibble: 12 x 2
district number
* <chr> <int>
1 charlottenburg_wilmersdorf 10736
2 friedrichshain_kreuzberg 10698
3 lichtenberg 7644
4 marzahn_hellersdorf 7000
5 mitte 16064
6 neukoelln 14982
7 pankow 10885
8 reinickendorf 9784
9 spandau 9486
10 steglitz_zehlendorf 9236
11 tempelhof_schoeneberg 12656
12 treptow_koepenick 6788

Using custom order to arrange rows after previous sorting with arrange

I know this has already been asked, but I think my issue is a bit different (nevermind if it is in Portuguese).
I have this dataset:
df <- cbind(c(rep(2012,6),rep(2016,6)),
colnames(df) <- c('Year,'Variable','Value)
I want to order the rows to group first everything that has the same year. Afterwards, I want the Variable column to be ordered like this:
I know I could usearrange() from dplyr to sort by the year. However, I do not know how to combine this with any routine using factor and order without messing up the previous ordering by year.
Any help? Thank you
We create a custom order by converting the 'Variable' into factor with levels specified in the custom order
df %>%
arrange(Year, factor(Variable, levels = c('',
'', '', '',
'', '')))
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Year Variable Value
# <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 2012 0.6626196
# 2 2012 0.2248911
# 3 2012 0.2925740
# 4 2012 0.5188971
# 5 2012 0.9204438
# 6 2012 Outros,total 0.7042230
# 7 2016 0.6048889
# 8 2016 0.7638205
# 9 2016 0.2797356
#10 2016 0.2547251
#11 2016 0.3707349
#12 2016 Outros,total 0.8016306
df <- data_frame(Year =c(rep(2012,6),rep(2016,6)),
Variable = rep(c('',
Value = runif(12,0,1))

How to diagonally subtract different columns in R

I have a dataset of a hypothetical exam.
id <- c(1,1,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,9)
test_date <- c("2012-06-27","2012-07-10","2013-07-04","2012-03-24","2012-07-22", "2013-09-16","2012-06-21","2013-10-18", "2013-04-21", "2012-02-16", "2012-03-15")
result_date <- c("2012-07-29","2012-09-02","2013-08-01","2012-04-25","2012-09-01","2013-10-20","2012-07-01","2013-10-31", "2013-05-17", "2012-03-17", "2012-04-20")
data1 <- as_data_frame(id)
data1$test_date <- test_date
data1$result_date <- result_date
colnames(data1)[1] <- "id"
"id" indicates the ID of the students who have taken a particular exam. "test_date" is the date the students took the test and "result_date" is the date when the students' results are posted. I'm interested in finding out which students retook the exam BEFORE the result of that exam session was released, e.g. students who knew that they have underperformed and retook the exam without bothering to find out their scores. For example, student with "id" 1 took the exam for the second time on "2012-07-10" which was before the result date for his first exam - "2012-07-29".
I tried to:
group_by(id) %>%
arrange(id, test_date) %>%
filter(n() >= 2) %>% #To only get info on students who have taken the exam more than once and then merge it back in with the original data set using a join function
So essentially, I want to create a new column called "re_test" where it would equal 1 if a student retook the exam BEFORE receiving the result of a previous exam and 0 otherwise (those who retook after seeing their marks or those who did not retake).
I have tried to mutate in order to find cases where dates are either positive or negative by subtracting the 2nd test_date from the 1st result_date:
mutate(data1, re_test = result_date - lead(test_date, default = first(test_date)))
However, this leads to mixing up students with different id's. I tried to split but mutate won't work on a list of dataframes so now I'm stuck:
split(data1, data1$id)
Just to add on, this is a part of the desired result:
data2 <- as_data_frame(id <- c(1,1,3,4))
data2$test_date_result <- c("2012-06-27","2012-07-10", "2013-07-04","2012-03-24")
data2$result_date_result <- c("2012-07-29","2012-09-02","2013-08-01","2012-04-25")
data2$re_test <- c(1, 0, 0, 0)
Apologies for the verbosity and hope I was clear enough.
Thanks a lot in advance!
# first melt so that we can sequence by date
data1m <- data1 %>%
melt(id.vars = "id", measure.vars = c("test_date", "result_date"), = "event_date")
# any two tests in a row is a flag - use dplyr::lag to comapre the previous
data1mc <- data1m %>%
arrange(id, event_date) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate (multi_test = (variable == "test_date" & lag(variable == "test_date"))) %>%
# id variable event_date multi_test
# 1 1 test_date 2012-07-10 TRUE
# 2 9 test_date 2012-03-15 TRUE
## join back to the original
data1 %>%
left_join (data1mc %>% select(id, event_date, multi_test),
by=c("id" = "id", "test_date" = "event_date"))
I have a piecewise answer that may work for you. I first create a data.frame called student that contains the re-test information, and then join it with the data1 object. If students re-took the test multiple times, it will compare the last test to the first, which is a flaw, but I'm unsure if students have the ability to re-test multiple times?
student <- data1 %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(retest=(test_date[length(test_date)] < result_date[1]) == TRUE)
Some re-test values were NA. These were individuals that only took the test once. I set these to FALSE here, but you can retain the NA, as they do contain information.
student$retest[$retest)] <- FALSE
Join the two data.frames to a single object called data2.
data2 <- left_join(data1, student, by='id')
I am sure there are more elegant ways to approach this. I did this by taking advantage of the structure of your data (sorted by id) and the lag function that can refer to the previous records while dealing with a current record.
### Ensure Data are sorted by ID ###
data1 <- arrange(data1,id)
### Create Flag for those that repeated ###
data1$repeater <- ifelse(lag(data1$id) == data1$id,1,0)
### I chose to do this on all data, you could filter on repeater flag first ###
data1$timegap <- as.Date(data1$result_date) - as.Date(data1$test_date)
data1$lagdate <- as.Date(data1$test_date) - lag(as.Date(data1$result_date))
### Display results where your repeater flag is 1 and there is negative time lag ###
data1[data1$repeater==1 & !$repeater) & as.numeric(data1$lagdate) < 0,]
# A tibble: 2 × 6
id test_date result_date repeater timegap lagdate
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <time> <time>
1 1 2012-07-10 2012-09-02 1 54 days -19 days
2 9 2012-03-15 2012-04-20 1 36 days -2 days
I went with a simple shift comparison. 1 line of code.
data1 <- data.frame(id = c(1,1,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9,9), test_date = c("2012-06-27","2012-07-10","2013-07-04","2012-03-24","2012-07-22", "2013-09-16","2012-06-21","2013-10-18", "2013-04-21", "2012-02-16", "2012-03-15"), result_date = c("2012-07-29","2012-09-02","2013-08-01","2012-04-25","2012-09-01","2013-10-20","2012-07-01","2013-10-31", "2013-05-17", "2012-03-17", "2012-04-20"))
data1$re_test <- unlist(lapply(split(data1,data1$id), function(x)
ifelse(as.Date(x$test_date) > c(NA, as.Date(x$result_date[-nrow(x)])), 0, 1)))
id test_date result_date re_test
1 1 2012-06-27 2012-07-29 NA
2 1 2012-07-10 2012-09-02 1
3 3 2013-07-04 2013-08-01 NA
4 4 2012-03-24 2012-04-25 NA
5 5 2012-07-22 2012-09-01 NA
6 6 2013-09-16 2013-10-20 NA
7 7 2012-06-21 2012-07-01 NA
8 7 2013-10-18 2013-10-31 0
9 8 2013-04-21 2013-05-17 NA
10 9 2012-02-16 2012-03-17 NA
11 9 2012-03-15 2012-04-20 1
I think there is benefit in leaving NAs but if you really want all others as zero, simply:
data1$re_test <- ifelse($re_test), 0, data1$re_test)
id test_date result_date re_test
1 1 2012-06-27 2012-07-29 0
2 1 2012-07-10 2012-09-02 1
3 3 2013-07-04 2013-08-01 0
4 4 2012-03-24 2012-04-25 0
5 5 2012-07-22 2012-09-01 0
6 6 2013-09-16 2013-10-20 0
7 7 2012-06-21 2012-07-01 0
8 7 2013-10-18 2013-10-31 0
9 8 2013-04-21 2013-05-17 0
10 9 2012-02-16 2012-03-17 0
11 9 2012-03-15 2012-04-20 1
Let me know if you have any questions, cheers.

How to make all the months to have an equal number of days (for example 22 days) for a MIDAS regression in R

This is a follow up question for these two posts.
How to deal with impossible dates for midasr package
I need to use mls function in MIDAS package in R to transform the high frequency (daily) financial data to low frequency (quarterly) macroeconomic data.
The author #mpiktas mentioned
You must make all the months to have an equal number of days. And then
set frequency to that number. You can achieve that by discarding data,
padding NAs or extrapolating.
You could use zoo objects to make the padding easier, but in the end
simple numeric vector should be passed.
I tried different ways to search and did not find an easy way to implement.
I use dplyr to get each month to have 31 days with 7-11 NA.
# generate the date vector
tsxdate <- as.Date( paste(1979, rep(1:12, each=31), 1:31, sep="-") )
for (year in 1980:2015){
tsxdate <- c(tsxdate,as.Date( paste(year, rep(1:12, each=31), 1:31, sep="-") ))
# transform to dataframe
tsxdate.df <-
# get the stock market index from yahoo
tsxindex <- getSymbols("^GSPTSE",src="yahoo", from = '1977-01-01', auto.assign = FALSE)
# merge two data frame to get each month with 31 days
tsx.df <- left_join(tsxdate.df, tsxindex)
I doubt this caused a problem due to too many NAs.
I put the new daily data into MIDAS regression in R. It did not work. None of the weight functions work.
# since each month has 31 days. one quarter yy correspond to 93 days data.
midas_r(midas_r(yy~trend+fmls(zz,30,93,nealmon) ,start=list(zz=rep(0,4))), Ofunction="nls")
Could you tell me how to make all the months to have an equal number of days?
Finally, I got a way in zoo package with aggregate and first function. It is not perfect, but it works and fast. first will add NAs according to the parameter.
I still need to figure out how to fit it into a MIDAS regression.
# get data
tsx <- getSymbols("^GSPTSE",src="yahoo", from = '1977-01-01', auto.assign = FALSE)
# subset
# generate a zoo object
tsx.zoo <- zoo(tsx$GSPTSE.Adjusted)
# group by yearmonth and take first 22 days data.
days <-aggregate(tsx.zoo, as.yearmon, first, 22)
It looks like this: each row is one month with 22 days data.
Jun 1979 1614.29 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Jul 1979 1614.29 1598.73 1579.88 1582.57 1582.27 1576.19 1559.23 1529.81 1533.50 1547.66
Aug 1979 1554.14 1556.94 1553.84 1553.84 1551.95 1561.23 1562.52 1571.00 1578.08 1580.28
Sep 1979 1685.11 1657.58 1690.10 1720.92 1716.53 1711.34 1722.71 1714.63 1727.50 1724.51
Oct 1979 1749.05 1767.40 1775.98 1786.35 1800.12 1800.12 1735.88 1685.21 1681.52 1670.65
Nov 1979 1599.33 1606.81 1596.54 1592.94 1574.49 1569.20 1583.97 1608.70 1611.00 1619.78
Jul 1979 1556.94 1546.86 1548.46 1553.54 1542.07 1543.17 1552.85 1566.01 1573.99 1564.12
Aug 1979 1596.64 1602.82 1615.09 1636.53 1653.09 1660.97 1657.78 1665.46 1674.44 1674.64
Sep 1979 1714.73 1717.53 1732.59 1736.48 1731.19 1732.49 1746.75 1754.33 1747.45 NA
Oct 1979 1639.03 1613.19 1616.29 1635.34 1593.44 1533.40 1522.12 1534.49 1517.24 1523.92
Nov 1979 1628.55 1621.57 1624.36 1627.56 1620.27 1647.51 1677.93 1683.81 1690.70 1698.97
Jun 1979 NA NA
Jul 1979 1554.14 NA
Aug 1979 1674.24 1675.43
Sep 1979 NA NA
Oct 1979 1538.68 1552.25
update again:
#mpiktas gives a better and right way to do it.
1 NAs should be padded at beginning of each period.
2 Data should be gather in the frequency of response variable. In my case, it is quarterly.
His function can be used in aggregate function in zoo. I guess it do the same job as group_by plus do in dplyr: split, operate, and give back a list of results. I try this
tsxdaily <- aggregate(tsx.zoo, yearqtr, padd_nas, 66)
yearqtr is the frequency of response variable.
Here is one possible way of how to add NAs.
First, note that MIDAS regression puts the emphasis on the last values of the period, so you need to put NAs in front, not in the back.
Suppose that we have the following dummy data:
> dt <- data.frame(Day=1:10,Quarter=c(rep(1,6),rep(2,4)),value=1:10)
> dt
Day Quarter value
1 1 1 1
2 2 1 2
3 3 1 3
4 4 1 4
5 5 1 5
6 6 1 6
7 7 2 7
8 8 2 8
9 9 2 9
10 10 2 10
In this example there are two quarters, the first one has 6 days, the second one 4. Suppose we want to harmonize the data, so that the quarter has 7 days (for example).
Define simple function which adds NAs at the beginning of the data:
padd_nas <- function(x, desired_length) {
n <- length(x)
if(n < desired_length) {
} else {
Here is an example illustrating how this function works:
> padd_nas(1:4,7)
[1] NA NA NA 1 2 3 4
Now add NAs for each quarter and make sure that the data is ordered by day:
pdt <- dt %>% arrange(Day) %>% group_by(Quarter) %>% do(pv = padd_nas(.$value, 7))
> pdt
Source: local data frame [2 x 2]
Groups: <by row>
Quarter pv
1 1 <int[7]>
2 2 <int[7]>
To get the padded result simply use unlist on column pv:
> pv <- pdt$pv %>% unlist
> pv
[1] NA 1 2 3 4 5 6 NA NA NA 7 8 9 10
Now we can prepared this for MIDAS regression with mls. Suppose that only last 3 days are relevant for each quarter:
> library(midasr)
> mls(pv, 0:2, 7)
X.0/m X.1/m X.2/m
[1,] 6 5 4
[2,] 10 9 8
Compare this with original data dt.
This approach can be generalized for any low and high frequency data configuration.

(In)correct use of a linear time trend variable, and most efficient fix?

I have 3133 rows representing payments made on some of the 5296 days between 7/1/2000 and 12/31/2014; that is, the "Date" feature is non-continuous:
> head(d_exp_0014)
Year Month Day Amount Count myDate
1 2000 7 6 792078.6 9 2000-07-06
2 2000 7 7 140065.5 9 2000-07-07
3 2000 7 11 190553.2 9 2000-07-11
4 2000 7 12 119208.6 9 2000-07-12
5 2000 7 16 1068156.3 9 2000-07-16
6 2000 7 17 0.0 9 2000-07-17
I would like to fit a linear time trend variable,
t <- 1:3133
to a linear model explaining the variation in the Amount of the expenditure.
fit_t <- lm(Amount ~ t + Count, d_exp_0014)
However, this is obviously wrong, as t increments in different amounts between the dates:
> head(exp)
Year Month Day Amount Count Date t
1 2000 7 6 792078.6 9 2000-07-06 1
2 2000 7 7 140065.5 9 2000-07-07 2
3 2000 7 11 190553.2 9 2000-07-11 3
4 2000 7 12 119208.6 9 2000-07-12 4
5 2000 7 16 1068156.3 9 2000-07-16 5
6 2000 7 17 0.0 9 2000-07-17 6
Which to me is the exact opposite of a linear trend.
What is the most efficient way to get this data.frame merged to a continuous date-index? Will a date vector like
CTS_date_V <-"2000/07/01"), as.Date("2014/12/31"), "days"), colnames = "Date")
yield different results?
I'm open to any packages (using fpp, forecast, timeSeries, xts, ts, as of right now); just looking for a good answer to deploy in functional form, since these payments are going to be updated every week and I'd like to automate the append to this data.frame.
I think some kind of transformation to regular (continuous) time series is a good idea.
You can use xts to transform time series data (it is handy, because it can be used in other packages as regular ts)
Filling the gaps
# convert myDate to POSIXct if necessary
# create xts from data frame x
ts1 <- xts(data.frame(a = x$Amount, c = x$Count), x$myDate )
# create empty time series
ts_empty <- seq( from = start(ts1), to = end(ts1), by = "DSTday")
# merge the empty ts to the data and fill the gap with 0
ts2 <- merge( ts1, ts_empty, fill = 0)
# or interpolate, for example:
ts2 <- merge( ts1, ts_empty, fill = NA)
ts2 <- na.locf(ts2)
# zoo-xts ready functions are:
# na.locf - constant previous value
# na.approx - linear approximation
# na.spline - cubic spline interpolation
Deduplicate dates
In your sample there is now sign of duplicated values. But based on a new question it is very likely. I think you want to aggregate values with sum function:
ts1 <- period.apply( ts1, endpoints(ts1,'days'), sum)
