Error when launching RespondCMS - respondcms

I recently made a fresh install of Debian 8 + Apache + MySql on a VPS to host RespondCMS.
The installation went well but when I launch the application in a browser, a part of the layout is broken and the themes are not listed.
Layout is broken
When I open the debug console in Chrome, I can see that's it's linked to an error loading a resource (api/theme).
api/theme error
Did I forget something or is it a bug in the app ?

I came across a post mentioning a page at test/index.php which lists all the requirements of the app that are not matched.
Fixing them one by one, I finally fixed my original issue when enabling mod_rewrite module of Apache and adding a "Directory" tag in the .conf file of the website (AllowOverride None).
Hope it will help ;)


How to get liveserver to render django templates?

I've been messing around with a tutorial site, and I found that my VS Code LiveServer plugin doesn't work properly when I try to open Django templates. The CSS I applied is missing (although everything renders correctly in my local development sever), and the template language code is actually printed to the screen rather than executed (see image below). My liveserver plugin appears to be working with html files outside of Django.
(1) Right now I'm right clicking and selecting "Open with Liveserver." Is this wrong for Django? The liveserver docs recommend trying to "visit the Actual Server Address: http://localhost/[workspace], not the VS Code extension's Live Server Address:". I tried including the file path in place of [workspace], but no luck. What do I do here?
(2) I saw in another thread where someone recommended their own solution, here. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to run the './ livereload' command, but it's not working in command prompt. What is the difference between './' and 'py'? And will this solution be any better than the VS Code plugin?
I have had the same problem as you and managed to get it working with the link you included in point (2) of your post. You may have gotten sorted by now, but I thought I'd post it here in case.
First I went to my console and ran:
pip install livereload
which was installed successfully. Then I added 'livereload' to my installed apps in my file. E.g...
Then I went to the directory containing my file on the terminal and ran
./ livereload
and this provided me with a link to a live update server. Previously I had been running a server with "python runserver", so this is to replace that command.
Now when I save any changes I make in my IDE, they update live on the browser.
Sorry that I haven't included any screenshot images for clarity, I wasn't able to for some reason.
I am working through Scrimba/VSchool tutorial, so I am wondering if you may have run into this problem through a similar path.
I believe Live Server and Django are incompatible - but if you find a fix, let me know.
Live server is acting as your web server (port 5500 by default), serving up files as your make changes.
Django is also acting as a web server (port 8000 by default), interpreting Python code, and rendering the Django Template Language.
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, live server cannot execute all this Python code, so all the Django Template Language will not render. This includes the {% load static %} method that Django uses to read the CSS & JS links in the html.
For those of you who tried the top answer, but still got stuck: you have to install dj-static, or whitenoise (as recommended by the dj-static github page) to serve the static files. I noticed that it's really slow though. Maybe it's just me, but I found it to be quite unworkable. I ended up writing an autohotkey script to activate my browser and then refresh. At least for me, that´s a lot quicker.
in your command line you have to run the server by the following command:
python runserver
but be sure that you are in the directory that has file. you don't need to type the port. because you will get the default port which is:8000

How do I fix mime type errors for Xampp?

I've recently installed Xampp on a localhost and installed a Drupal installation on it. Now after moving (fresh install of Xampp) it to my server I'm receiving MIME type errors (See image)
This problem occurs on every browser I've tried so I am assuming the issue resides within my Xampp installation, but all info I can find about this matter or people who have/had the same seems unfinished.
Here a screenshot of my console log in Google Chrome:
Might be some issue with the aggregation. At least that's what the guys over here try:
So try disabling aggregation for javascript and css and see if that works. If so, we can investigate further, why it matters. (I wouldn't leave aggregation turned off on a production site...)

PhpStorm + WordPress Project + "502 Bad Gateway error"

I have used WordPress on Cloud9 successfully previously, but I can't even get a new one to start via JetBrains IDE.
I have two machines: one Windows (XAMPP) and one Mac (MAMP) and getting the same "502 Bad Gateway" error when the browser tries to login to the WordPress dashboard page.
I downloaded a fresh WordPress copy, set up my database and ran index.php in the WordPress root folder. That does take me through the database questionary and up to the WordPress login page, and then the browser hangs there. It tries to load something and nothing happens. If I halt the browser and refresh, I'll get the 502 error and I'll keep getting this error on ANY OTHER files that I try to run from now on (it feels like something server-related breaks from within the IDE and I have to restart it).
The PHP 7 interpreter seems to be working fine, because I don't have an issue running any other of my non-WordPress projects.
The project address is http://localhost:63342/wordpress/, but I noticed this below link is shown in the PHP-CGI server window:
/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.0.0/bin/php-cgi -e -b
Does this PHP CGI pointing to a different port number mean anything? I am new to WordPress and it was a breeze starting one in Cloud9, but I just don't understand why it doesn't work in PhpStorm 10.
As I said, there is the same problem on two machines (Windows, Mac, MAMP, XAMMP, and PhpStorm), so I know it is me who's missing something here.
I recommend you use Varying Vagrant Vagrants WordPress (VVV).
It's a better solution and will help you achieve better results without too much hassle.
I would recommend you to use a simple editor like Sublime Text or Atom and install packages. I have personally lost many hours trying to get PhpStorm, MAMP, LAMP, and XAMPP work the way they should.
I managed to solve my problem. It was the port number causing it to crash. My MAMP port number is 8888 (XAMPP is 80) and when I set up PhpStorm a year ago on both machines somehow I entered 63342 as server port number!
This never created any problem for me whatsoever running dozens of PHP projects since then, but obviously, it mattered to WordPress (dashboard). I went to PhpStorm settings and corrected the port number so it matches MAMP/XAMPP and all is working fine now.
It was a pretty basic (and silly) mistake to make on my part, but that wasted two full days in which I could have been teaching myself WordPress and developing themes/plugins.
Yes, it worked for me after configuring the built-in server port to 80 (I have used XAMPP)
Setting steps in phpstrom: Configure the built-in web server

Troubling with wordbress nginx on ubuntu

I installed nginx, php5, and wordpress on ubuntu 12.04 (as well as other services).
I followed step by step digitalocean's tutorial, somewhere in the middle of the process i realised i want to switch from root user to 'foo' user and i chown-ed all relevant files and directories.
I finished the tutorials and straggling for many hours trying to figure why i get 403 forbidden error.
i launch the service with foo user using sudo.
all the workers are running under foo apart from the master which is running from root.
It seems i have a problem with the landing page which doesn't recognise it should look for index.php, when i type (as full path to the php file) i get this error:
The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
Please try again later.
This error pops only on php files, on regular html / txt it works fine.
any suggestions why:
default landing is not directed to index.php
can not open php files
So apparently the tutorial in digitalocean had a minor misleading line, i solved the 2nd problem with this nice article:
for some reason a few lines in the vhost file were commented out. rest of issues were solved as described above updates

Dreamweaver CS6 Site Setup for Test Site with MAMP and WordPress NIGHTMARE

I have been trying to set-up a test site server on Dreamweaver CS6 IDE (which I hate) to try out the Dynamically-related files theming feature. I have been attempting to do this for hours and looked at more tutorials and blogs than I can remember attempting to set-up a test site so that I can simply try out this feature but nothing seems to work.
On the Site box I have:
Site Name: test site
Local Site Folder: users/myname/Sites/wordpress/
On the Servers I have:
Server Name: Apache
Connect using: Local/Network
Server Folder: users/myname/Sites/wordpress/
Web URL: http://localhost:80/wordpress/
Server Model: PHP MySQL
Yet I am receiving the an Error message:
Dynamically-related files could not be resolved because the site
definition is not correct for this server
Which makes no sense to me. Can anyone explain what am I doing wrong?
"i was under the impression that this feature would somehow convert PHP syntax into HTML so that it can be easily edited..."
What in God's name gave you that impression? PHP is server-side scripting; a way for the browser to communicate with the server and database and HTML is a way for the browser to communicate with the client (you) and render things in a form which is usable by humans. There is no "conversion", as they are two universally different languages, each serving unique functions.
In order to "easily edit" PHP, the only solution is to learn PHP scripting and syntax.
MAMP's sole purpose is to install an Apache server, PHP, and mySQL on your local computer for a server-side/database framework, such as WordPress, to store information and communicate with. Essentially like creating a mini web-host on your local machine, allowing you to check the functionality of PHP based applications.
These setting are working for me:
Open the Dreamweaver Site Setup window
Select "Servers"
Server Name: localhost
Connect Using: Local/Network
Server Folder: MAMP/ /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/your_directory_name/
Web URL: http://localhost:8888/your_directory_folder/
For a full explanation:
I have come across the same issue and found this thread.
The post that explains a bit what we want to hear is post #6 by David_Powers on 01-May-2010 at 05:31.
So to make the problem go away you can go to 'Edit -> Preferences' and disable 'Discover Dynamically-Related Files' while leaving 'Enable Related Files' activated.
Although this fixes the error display I don't quite understand what David_Powers says this function will do and if I actually want it turned on. If someone could help me realize what this option does I would appreciate it.
I don't know if this is relevant, but after many tries to figure out the Server not found error, I stumbled across MAMP Preferences on the start up page.
After clicking on Preferences, I noticed that the Document Root was pointing to username/Sites instead of MAMP/htdocs.
MAMP Preferences > Document Root > browse to select
After I set the Document Root folder to htdocs, I finally got Dreamweaver CS6 to display my php file when I clicked the Live button in split screen mode.
None of the other answers I searched mentioned setting MAMP preferences to the Document Root folder. I hope this helps.
