Generating CPU utilization levels - cpu-usage

First I would like to let you know that I have recently asked this question already, however it was considered to be unclear, see Linux: CPU benchmark requiring longer time and different CPU utilization levels. This is now a new attempt to formulate the question using a different approach.
What I need: In my research, I look at the CPU utilization of a computer and analyze the CPU utilization pattern within a period of time. For example, a CPU utilization pattern within time period 0 to 10 has the following form:
time, % CPU used
0 , 21.1
1 , 17
2 , 18
3 , 41
4 , 42
5 , 60
6 , 62
7 , 62
8 , 61
9 , 50
10 , 49
I am interested in finding a simple representation for a given CPU utilization pattern. For the evaluation part, I need to create some CPU utilization patterns on my laptop which I will then record and analyse. These CPU utilization patterns that I need to create on my laptop should
be over a time period of more than 5 minutes, ideally of about 20 minutes.
the CPU utilization pattern should have "some kind of dynamic behavior" or in other words, the % CPU used should not be (almost) constant over time, but should vary over time.
My Question: How can I create such a utilization pattern? Of course, I could just run an arbitrary program on my laptop and I will obtain a desired CPU pattern. However, this solution is not ideal since a reader of my work has no means to repeat this experiment if wanted since he has not access to the program I used. Therefore it would be much more beneficial to use something instead of an arbitrary program on my laptop (in my previous post I was thinking about open source CPU benchmarks for example). Can anyone recommend me something?
Many thanks!

I suggest a moving average. Select a window size and use it to average over. You'll need to decide what type of patterns you want to identify since the wider the window, the more smoothing you get and the fewer "features" you'll see. And CPU activity is very bursty. For example, if you are trying to identify cache bottlenecks, you'll want a small window, probably in the 10ms to 100ms range. If instead you want to correlate to longer term features, such as energy or load, you'll want a larger window, perhaps 10sec to minutes.
It looks like you are using OS provided CPU usage and not hardware registers. This means that the OS is already doing some smoothing. It may also be doing estimation for some performance values. Try to find documentation on this if you are integrating over a smaller window. A word of warning: this level of information can be hard to find. You may have to do a lot of digging. Depending upon your familiarity with kernel code, it may be easier to look at the code.


Foreach in R: optimise RAM & CPU use by sorting tasks (objects)?

I have ~200 .Rds datasets that I perform various operations on (different scripts) in a pipeline (of multiple scripts). In most of these scripts I've begun with a for loop and upgraded to a foreach. My problem is that the dataset objects are different sizes (x axis is size in mb):
so if I optimise core number usage (I have a 12core 16gbRAM machine at the office and a 16core 32gbRAM machine at home), it'll whip through the first 90 without incident, but then larger files bunch up and max out the total RAM allocation (remember Rds files are compressed so these are larger in RAM than on disk, but the variability in file size at least gives an indication of the problem). This causes workers to crash and typically leaves me with 1 to 3 cores running through the remainder of the big files (using .errorhandling = "pass"). I'm thinking it would be great to optimise the core number based on number and RAM size of workers, and total available RAM, and figured others might have been in a similar dilemma and developed strategies to address this. Some approaches I've thought of but not tried:
Approach 1: first loop or list through the files on disk, potentially by opening & closing them, use object.size() to get their sizes in RAM, sort largest to smallest, cut halfway, reverse the order of the second half, and intersperse them: smallest, biggest, 2nd smallest, 2nd biggest, etc. 2 workers (or any even numbered multiple) should therefore be working on the 'mean' RAM usage. However: worker 1 will finish its job faster than any other job in the stack and then go onto job 3, the 2nd smallest, likely finish that really quickly also then do job 4, the second largest, while worker 2 is still on the largest, meaning that by job 4, this approach has the machine processing the 2 largest RAM objects concurrently, the opposite of what we want.
Approach 2: sort objects by size-in-RAM for each object, small to large. Starting from object 1, iteratively add subsequent objects' RAM usage until total RAM core number is exceeded. Foreach on that batch. Repeat. This would work but requires some convoluted coding (probably a for loop wrapper around the foreach which passes the foreach its task list each time?). Also if there are a lot of tasks which won't exceed the RAM (per my example), the cores limit batching process will mean all 12 or 16 have to complete before the next 12 or 16 are started, introducing inefficiency.
Approach 3: sort small-large per 2. Run foreach with all cores. This will churn through the small ones maximally efficiently until the tasks get bigger, at which point workers will start to crash, reducing the number of workers sharing the RAM and thus increasing the chance the remaining workers can continue. Conceptually this will mean cores-1 tasks fail and need to be re-run, but the code is easy and should work fast. I already have code that checks the output directory and removes tasks from the jobs list if they've already been completed, which means I could just re-run this approach, however I should anticipate further losses and therefore reruns required unless I lower the cores number.
Approach 4: as 3 but somehow close the worker (reduce core number) BEFORE the task is assigned, meaning the task doesn't have to trigger a RAM overrun and fail in order to reduce worker count. This would also mean no having to restart RStudio.
Approach 5: ideally there would be some intelligent queueing system in foreach that would do this all for me but beggars can't be choosers! Conceptually this would be similar to 4, above: for each worker, don't start the next task until there's sufficient RAM available.
Any thoughts appreciated from folks who've run into similar issues. Cheers!
I've thought a bit about this too.
My problem is a bit different, I don't have any crash but more some slowdowns due to swapping when not enough RAM.
Things that may work:
randomize the iterations so that it is approximately evenly distributed (without needing to know the timings in advance)
similar to approach 5, have some barriers (waiting of some workers with a while loop and Sys.sleep()) while not enough memory (e.g. determined via package {memuse}).
Things I do in practice:
always store the results of iterations in foreach loops and test if already computed (RDS file already exists)
skip some iterations if needed
rerun the "intensive" iterations using less cores

Display used CPU hours with slurm

I have a user account on a super computer where jobs are handled with slurm.
I would like to know the total amount of CPU hours that I have consumed on this super computer. I think that's an understandable question, because there is only a limited number of CPU hours available per project. I'm surprised that an answer is not easy to find.
I know that there are all these commands like sacct, sreport, sshare, etc... but it seems that there is no simple command that displays the used CPU hours.
Can someone help me out?
As others have commented, sacct should give you that information. You will need to look at the man page to get information for past jobs. You can specify a --starttime and --endtime to restrict your query to match your allocation as it ends/renews. The -l options should get you more information than you need so you can get a smaller set of options by specifying what you need with --format.
In your instance, the correct answer is to ask the administrators. You have been given an allocation of time to draw from. They likely have a system that will show you your balance and you can reconcile your balance against the output of sacct. Also, if the system you are using has different node types such as high memory, GPU, MIC, or old, they will likely charge you differently for those resources.
You can get an overview of the used CPU hours with the following:
sacct -SYYYY-mm-dd -u username -ojobid,start,end,alloccpu,cputime | column -t
You will could calculate the total accounting units (SBU in our system) multiplying CPUTime by AllocCPU which means multiplying the total (sysem+user) CPU time by the amount of CPU used.
An example:
JobID NodeList State Start End AllocCPUS CPUTime
------------ --------------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
6328552 tcn[595-604] CANCELLED+ 2019-05-21T14:07:57 2019-05-23T16:48:15 240 506-17:12:00
6328552.bat+ tcn595 CANCELLED 2019-05-21T14:07:57 2019-05-23T16:48:16 24 50-16:07:36
6328552.0 tcn[595-604] FAILED 2019-05-21T14:10:37 2019-05-23T16:48:18 240 506-06:44:00
6332520 tcn[384,386,45+ COMPLETED 2019-05-23T16:06:04 2019-05-24T00:26:36 72 25-00:38:24
6332520.bat+ tcn384 COMPLETED 2019-05-23T16:06:04 2019-05-24T00:26:36 24 8-08:12:48
6332520.0 tcn[384,386,45+ COMPLETED 2019-05-23T16:06:09 2019-05-24T00:26:33 60 20-20:24:00
6332530 tcn[37,41,44,4+ FAILED 2019-05-23T17:11:31 2019-05-25T09:13:34 240 400-08:12:00
6332530.bat+ tcn37 FAILED 2019-05-23T17:11:31 2019-05-25T09:13:34 24 40-00:49:12
6332530.0 tcn[37,41,44,4+ CANCELLED+ 2019-05-23T17:11:35 2019-05-25T09:13:34 240 400-07:56:00
The fields are shown in the the manpage. They can be shown as -oOPTION (in lower case or in proper POSIX notation --format='Option,AnotherOption...' (a list is in the man).
So far so good. But there is a big caveat here:
What you see here is perfect to get an idea of what you have run or what to expect in terms of CPU / hours. But this will not necessarily reflect your real budget status, as in many cases each node / partition may have an extra parameter, the weight, which is a parameter set for accounting purposes and not part of SLURM. For instance,the GPU nodes may have a weight value of x3, which means that each GPU/hour is measured as 3 SBU instead of 1 for budgetary purposes. What I mean to say is that you can use sacct to gain insight on the CPU times but this will not necessarily reflect how much SBU credits you still have.


I'm confused by this CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS. For instance my Intel GPU on Mac, this number is 48. Does this mean the max number of parallel tasks run at the same time is 48 or the multiple of 48, maybe 96, 144...? (I know each compute unit is composed of 1 or more processing elements and each processing element is actually in charge of a "thread". What if these each of the 48 compute units is composed of more than 1 processing elements ). In other words, for my Mac, the "ideal" speedup, although impossible in reality, is 48 times faster than a CPU core (we assume the single "core" computation speed of CPU and GPU is the same), or the multiple of 48, maybe 96, 144...?
Summary: Your speedup is a little complicated, but your machine's (Intel GPU, probably GEN8 or GEN9) fp32 throughput 768 FLOPs per (GPU) clock and 1536 for fp16. Let's assume fp32, so something less than 768x (maybe a third of this depending on CPU speed). See below for the reasoning and some very important caveats.
Intel does something wonky when with CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS with its GPU driver.
From the clGetDeviceInfo (OpenCL 2.0). CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS says
The number of parallel compute units on the OpenCL device. A
work-group executes on a single compute unit. The minimum value is 1.
However, the Intel Graphics driver does not actually follow this definition and instead returns the number of EUs (Execution Units) --- An EU a grouping of the SIMD ALUs and slots for 7 different SIMD threads (registers and what not). Each SIMD thread represents 8, 16, or 32 workitems depending on what the compiler picks (we want higher, but register pressure can force us lower).
A workgroup is actually limited to a "Slice" (see the figure in section 5.5 "Slice Architecture"), which happens to be 24 EUs (in recent HW). Pick the GEN8 or GEN9 documents. Each slice has it's own SLM, barriers, and L3. Given that your apple book is reporting 48 EUs, I'd say that you have two slices.
Maximum Speedup:
Let's ignore this major annoyance and work with the EU number (and from those arch docs above). For "speedup" I'm comparing a single threaded FP32 calculation on the CPU. With good parallelization etc on the CPU, the speedup would be less, of course.
Each of the 48 EUs can issue two SIMD4 operations per clock in ideal circumstances. Assuming those are fused multiply-add's (so really two ops), that gives us:
48 EUs * 2 SIMD4 ops per EU * 2 (if the op is a fused multiply add)
= 192 SIMD4 ops per clock
= 768 FLOPs per clock for single precision floating point
So your ideal speedup is actually ~768. But there's a bunch of things that chip into this ideal number.
Setup and teardown time. Let's ignore this (assume the WL time dominates the runtime).
The GPU clock maxes out around a gigahertz while the CPU runs faster. Factor that ratio in. (crudely 1/3 maybe? 3Ghz on the CPU vs 1Ghz on the GPU).
If the computation is not heavily multiply-adds "mads", divide by 2 since I doubled above. Many important workloads are "mad"-dominated though.
The execution is mostly non-divergent. If a SIMD thread branches into an if-then-else, the entire SIMD thread (8,16,or 32 workitems) has to execute that code.
Register banking collisions delays can reduce EU ALU throughput. Typically the compiler does a great job avoiding this, but it can theoretically chew into your performance a bit (usually a few percent depending on register pressure).
Buffer address calculation can chew off a few percent too (EU must spend time doing integer compute to read and write addresses).
If one uses too much SLM or barriers, the GPU must leave some of the EU's idle so that there's enough SLM for each work item on the machine. (You can tweak your algorithm to fix this.)
We must keep the WL compute bound. If we blow out any cache in the data access hierarchy, we run into scenarios where no thread is ready to run on an EU and must stall. Assume we avoid this.
?. I'm probably forgetting other things that can go wrong.
We call the efficiency the percentage of theoretical perfect. So if our workload runs at ~530 FLOPs per clock, then we are 60% efficient of the theoretical 768. I've seen very carefully tuned workloads exceed 90% efficiency, but it definitely can take some work.
The ideal speedup you can get is the total number of processing elements which in your case corresponds to 48 * number of processing elements per compute unit. I do not know of a way to get the number of processing elements from OpenCL (that does not mean that it is not possible), however you can just google it for your GPU.
Up to my knowledge, a compute unit consists of one or multiple processing elements (for GPUs usually a lot), a register file, and some local memory. The threads of a compute unit are executed in a SIMD (single instruction multiple data) fashion. This means that the threads of a compute unit all execute the same operation but on different data.
Also, the speedup you get depends on how you execute a kernel function. Since a single work-group can not run on multiple compute units you need a sufficient number of work-groups in order to fully utilize all of the compute units. In addition, the work-group size should be a multiple of CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE.

gpgpu: how to estimate speed gains based on gpu and cpu specifications

I am a complete beginner to gpgpu and opencl. I am unable to answer the following two questions about GPGPU in general,
a) Suppose I have a piece of code suitable to be run on a gpu (executes the exact same set of instructions on multiple data). Assume I already have my data on the gpu. Is there any way to look at the specifications of the cpu and gpu, and estimate the potential speed gains? For example, how can I estimate the speed gains (excluding time taken to transfer data to the gpu) if I ran the piece of code (running exact same set of instructions on multiple data) on AMDs R9 295X2 gpu ( instead of intel i7-4770K processor (
b) Is there any way to estimate the amount of time it would take to transfer data to the gpu?
Thank you!
Thank you for the responses! Given the large number of factors influencing speed gains, trying and testing is certainly a good idea. However, I do have a question on the GFLOPS approach mentioned some responses; GFLOPS metric was what I was looking at before posting the question.
I would think that GFLOPS would be a good way to estimate potential performance gains for SIMD type operations, given that it takes into account difference in clock speeds, cores, and floating point operations per cycle. However, when I crunch numbers using GFLOPS specifications something does not seem correct.
The Good:
GFLOPS based estimate seems to match the observed speed gains for the toy kernel below. The kernel for input integer "n" computes the sum (1+2+3+...+n) in a brute force way. I feel, the kernel below for large integers has a lot of computation operations. I ran the kernel for all ints from 1000 to 60000 on gpu and cpu (sequentially on cpu, without threading), and measured the timings.
__kernel void calculate(__global int* input,__global int* output){
size_t id=get_global_id(0);
int inp_num=input[id];
int si;
int sum;
for(int i=0;i<=inp_num;++i)
GPU on my laptop:
NVS 5400M (
GFLOPS, single precision: 253.44 (
CPU on my Laptop:
intel i7-3720QM, 2.6 GHz
GFLOPS (assuming single precision): 83.2 ( Intel document does not specify if it is single or double
CPU Time: 3.295 sec
GPU Time: 0.184 sec
Speed gains per core: 3.295/0.184 ~18
Theoretical Estimate of Speed gains with Using all 4 cores: 18/4 ~ 4.5
Speed Gains based on FLOPS: (GPU FLOPS)/(CPU FLOPS) = (253.44/83.2) = 3.0
For the above example GLOPS based estimate seems to be consistent with those obtained from experimentation, if the intel documentation indeed specifies FLOPS for single and not double precision. I did try to search for more links for flops specification for the intel processor on my laptop. The observed speed gain also seems good, given that I have a modest GPU
The Problem:
The FLOPS based approach seems to give a much lower than expected speed gains, after factoring gpu price, when comparing AMDs R9 295X2 gpu ( with intels i7-4770K (
AMDs FLOPS, single precision: 11.5 TFLOPS (from above mentioned link)
Intels FLOPS, single precision: (num. of cores) x (FLOPS per cycle per core) x (clock speed) = (4) x (32 (peak) (,2817,2419798,00.asp)) x (3.5) = 448 GFLOPS
Speed Gains Based on FLOPS = (11.5 TFLOPS)/(448) ~ 26
AMD GPUs price: $1500
Intel CPUs price: $300
For every AMD R9 295X2 gpu, I can buy 5 intel i7-4770K cpus, which reduces the effective speed gains to (26/5) ~ 5. However, this estimate is not at all consistent with the 100-200x, increase in speed one would expect. The low estimate in speed gains by the GFLOPS approach makes my think that something is incorrect with my analysis, but I am not sure what?
You need to examine the kernel(s). I myself am learning CUDA, so I couldn't tell you exactly what you'd do with OpenCL.
But I would figure out roughly how many floating point operations one single instance of the kernel will perform. Then find the number of floating point operations per second each device can handle.
number of kernels to be launched * (n floating-point operations of kernel / throughput of device (FLOPS)) = time to execute
The number of kernels launched will depend on your data.
A) Normally this question is never answered. Since we are not speaking at 1.05x speed gains. When the problem is suitable, the problem is BIG enough to hide any overheads (100k WI), and the data is already in the GPU, then we are speaking of speeds of 100-300x. Normally nobody cares if it is 250x or 251x.
The estimation is difficult to make, since the platforms are completely different. Not only on clock speeds, but memory latency and caches, as well as bus speeds and processing elements.
I cannot give you a clear answer on this, other than try it and measure.
B) The time to copy the memory is completely dependent on the GPU-CPU bus speed (PCI bus). And that is the HW limit, in practice you will always have less speed than that on copying. Generally you can apply the rule of three to solve the time needed, but there is always a small driver overhead that depends on the platform and device. So, copying 100 bytes is usually very slow, but copying some MB is as fast as the bus speed.
The memory copying speed is usually not a design constrain when creating a GPGPU app. Since it can be hided in many ways (pinned memory, etc..), that nodoby will notice any speed decrease due to memory operations.
You should not make any decisions on whether the problem is suitable or not for GPU, just by looking at the time lost at memory copy. Better measures are, if the problem is suitable, and if you have enough data to make the GPU busy (otherwise it is faster to do it in CPU directly).
Potential speed gain highly depends on algorithm implementation. It's difficult to forecast performance level unless you're developing come very simple applications (like simplest image filter). In some cases, estimations can be done, using memory system performance as basis, as many algorithms are bandwidth-bound.
You can calculate transmission time by dividing data amount on GPU memory bandwidth for Device-internal operations. Look at hardware characteristics to get it, or calculate if you know memory frequency & bus width. For Host-Device operations, PCI-E bus speed is the limit usually.
If code is easy(is what lightweight- cores of gpu need) and is not memory dependent then you can approximate to :
Sample kernel:
Read two 32-bit floats from memory and
do calcs on them for 20-30 times at least.
Then write to memory once.
New: GPU
Old: CPU
Gain ratio = ((New/Old) - 1 ) *100 (%)
New= 5000 cores * 2 ALU-FPU per core * 1.0 GHz frequency = 10000 gflops
Old = 10 cores * 8 ALU-FPU per core * 4.0GHz frequency = 320 gflops
((New/Old) - 1 ) *100 ===> 3000% speed gain.
This is when code uses registers and local memory mostly. Rarely hitting global mem.
If code is hard( heavy branching + fake recursivity + non-uniformity ) only 3-5 times speed gain. it can be equal or less than CPU performance for linear code ofcourse.
When code is memory dependant, it will be 1TB/s(GPU) divided by 40GB/s(CPU).
If each iteration needs to upload data to gpu, there will be pci-e bandwidth bottlenect too.
loads are usually classified into 2 categories
bandwidth bound - more time is spent on fetches from global-memory. Even increasing cpu clock freq doesn't help. problems like sorting. bandwidth capacity is measured using GBPS
compute bound - directly proportional to cpu horse-power. problems like matrix multiplication. compute capacity is measured using GFLOPS
there is a tool clpeak which tries to programmatically measure these
its very important to classify your problem to measure its performance & choose the right device(knowing their limits)
say if you compare intel-HD-4000 & i7-3630(both on same chip) in
i7 is comparatively better at bandwidth(plus no transfer overheads)
in terms of compute, gpu is 4-5 times faster than i7

Give CPU more power to plot in Octave

I made this function in Octave which plots fractals. Now, it takes a long time to plot all the points I've calculated. I've made my function as efficient as possible, the only way I think I can make it plot faster is by having my CPU completely focus itself on the function or telling it somehow it should focus on my plot.
Is there a way I can do this or is this really the limit?
To determine how much CPU is being consumed for your plot, run your plot, and in a separate window (assuming your on Linux/Unix), run the top command. (for windows, launch the task master and switch to the 'Processes' tab, click on CPU header to sort by CPU).
(The rollover description for Octave on the tag on your question says that Octave is a scripting language. I would expect it's calling gnuplot to create the plots. Look for this as the highest CPU consumer).
You should see that your Octave/gnuplot cmd is near the top of the list, and for top there is a column labeled %CPU (or similar). This will show you how much CPU that process is consuming.
I would expect to see that process is consuming 95% or more CPU. If you see that is a significantly lower number, then you need to check the processes below that, are they consuming the remaining CPU (some sort of Virus scan (on a PC), or DB or Server?)? If a competing program is the problem, then you'll have to decide if you can wait til it/they are finished, OR that you can kill them and restart later. (For lunix, use kill -15 pid or kill -11 pid. Only use kill -9 pid as a last resort. Search here for articles on correct order for trying to kill -$n)
If there are no competing processes AND it octave/gnuplot is using less than 95%, then you'll have to find alternate tools to see what is holding up the process. (This is unlikely, it's possible some part of your overall plotting process is either Disk I/O or Network I/O bound).
So, it depends on the timescale you're currently experiencing versus the time you "want" to experience.
Does your system have multiple CPUs? Then you'll need to study the octave/gnuplot documentation to see if it supports a switch to indicate "use $n available CPUs for processing". (Or find a plotting program that does support using $n multiple CPUs).
Realistically, if your process now takes 10 mins, and you can, by eliminating competing processes, go from 60% to 90%, that is a %50 increase in CPU, but will only reduce it to 5 mins (not certain, maybe less, math is not my strong point ;-)). Being able to divide the task over 5-10-?? CPUs will be the most certain path to faster turn-around times.
So, to go further with this, you'll need to edit your question with some data points. How long is your plot taking? How big is the file it's processing. Is there something especially math intensive for the plotting you're doing? Could a pre-processed data file speed up the calcs? Also, if the results of top don't show gnuplot running at 99% CPU, then edit your posting to show the top output that will help us understand your problem. (Paste in your top output, select it with your mouse, and then use the formatting tool {} at the top of the input box to keep the formatting and avoid having the output wrap in your posting).
P.S. Note the # of followers for each of the tags you've assigned to your question by rolling over. You might get more useful "eyes" on your question by including a tag for the OS you're using, and a tag related to performance measurement/testing (Go to the tags tab and type in various terms to see how many followers you're getting. One bit of S.O. etiquette is to only specify 1 programming language (if appropriate) and that may apply to OS's too.)

