How to style gravity form that is embedded inside email? - css

We are using Gravity form to send out notification email when a user signs up and registers for friend/family for an event, and it's embedded with following code:
[gravityforms action="conditional" merge_tag="{Do you want to register any family members or friends?:30}" condition="is" value="Yes"]
You have also registered:
Since email styling only accept inline styling, how can I style the table that is embedded inside email when I don't have direct access to it?

You can format the email notification in the gravity form edit screen. Open your registration from for editing, go to 'Form Settings' -> 'Notifications' and at the bottom of the page check the 'Disable Auto-formating' box. Now you can write custom html into the 'Message' pane and format any way you like.

My colleague found where the table inside gravity form is coming from: wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/includes/fields/class-gf-field-list.php - get_field_input
So one needs to go to (line 393 in my file):
$list = "


How to add pre-made text to a form with a button click from another page? Wordpress Elementor

I have a home accomodation website and it has a page with all the rooms and another one with contact info and email form. The page with rooms has a "Book" button under every room. My idea was that when the "Book" button is pushed than the wepage automatically goes to the Contact page and room info is submitted to the email form. For example when i press the Book button under 3-people bedroom than the text "The client likes to book 3-people bedroom" is added to the email form. I am using Wordpress and Elementor builder for my page and Formidable for form.
I think you could even do this simpler then the suggestion of Umair by indeed adding a parameter to the url. But then istead of using the echo, you can easily retrieve the values by adding the following code as default value in the form [get param=parameter]
So in your example you would create three buttons with following url
On your contact form choose the field in which you want to show the text and add as default value
[get param=room].
Obviously you can change the text after the parameter 'room=' in whatever you want.
Hi Yes you need to add a get request url ( of this button so when the user click on the button it will redirect with the get request url like this
then you can add this variable echo where ever you want to display this text also in the fomidable form also have this variable option to place in form.
so your form will be display with the selected text by default.
if( $_GET["formtext"]){
echo $_GET["formtext"];

Gravity Form query string appends '|:||:||:||:|2372' to the end of the data

Right now I'm trying to create a custom confirmation page to be displayed to the user after they finish filling out one of my forms. This custom confirmation page will use some of the data that they entered into the form. Right now I only have 3 fields: name, phone number, and a logo image.
So I went into the Settings->Confirmations section of my form and set Confirmation Type to Page, chose the page, and checked off 'Pass Field Data Via Query String'. Then I entered in the string 'gym_name={Gym/Program Name:2}&gym_phone={Gym/Program website and/or phone number:3}&logo={Logo:4}'. The logo parameter is passed as the image src url.
I ran through a quick test of my form and after filling it out, all of the data was successfully sent to the confirmation page, with one problem. For some reason, Gravity Form appends '|:||:||:||:|2372' (it's not always 2372, it's different every time) to the end of the logo section of the url. This happens no matter where in the query string I put logo, and it does not get appended if I don't include the logo.
Does anyone know what the cause of this is, and how to stop it? Thank you in advance.
I'm assuming the Logo field is a Post Image field. If so, you'll need to use the :url modifier to retrieve only the URL.
More details here:

WP Conctact from 7 hook - add additional mail is chekbox in form is checked (wpc7)

I have Contact Form 7 in my WordPress. The form has two text boxes and one checkbox. How can I send a copy of the letter, if chekbok selected? Perhaps there is a hook, which allows you to do this?
I believe you can accomplish this by editing the form tag, of course in your case you would edit the checkbox form tag and not the select form tag shown below :
[select your-recipient "CEO|"
and then editing your mail tag like so:
[_raw_{field name}] ([_raw_your-recipient]
For a more in depth explanation check out this link:

How do I change the reset password text in Drupal 7 (one-time login)

How do I change the text on the one-time login page for Drupal 7.
"This is a one-time login for user and will expire on date.
Click on this button to log in to the site and change your password.
This login can be used only once."
If you need to change the text on the password reset page, not just in the e-mail, that has to be done via a theme function. There's a page on how to do it (for both D6 and D7) in the Theming Guide on
It also covers the user login and registration pages. Note that in sample code provided for D7 in Steps 2 & 3, they've left out the function for the password reset page, but you can create a function for that following the same pattern they use for the other two.
In template.php in your custom theme, create this function:
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
* Set custom text on the user password reset form.
function YOUR_THEME_form_user_pass_reset_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$form['message']['#markup'] = "<p>Your custom text goes here.</p>";
$form['help']['#markup'] = "<p>This is another line of custom text.</p>";
// If you prefer, you can just delete the second line of markup with:
// unset($form['help']);
This can be found at the Interface Translation in your settings.
This way you can replace the strings with your own text without having to hook anything.
This page is a Drupal form, just make use of hook_form_alter. The form id is "user_pass_reset".

Changing facebook tab icon using php sdk

I have created a facebook application for addding page tab in any facebook page.
Everything is working fine but i am not able to change the icon the tab i am adding.
I am using following code of php sdk
if($facebook->api($tabid, 'POST', array(
'custom_name' => $tabtitle,
Please tell me where i am wrong in this ?
There is no such field as image_url in page tabs.
Actually tab icon is the application icon which is icon_url field of application object, and while some of fields may be edited by issuing POST request to this field isn't marked as editable:
Not all app properties can be edited via the API, please refer to the properties in the table above for an indication of whether a property can be edited or not.
