Angular 2 Router issue, seeing errors in Developer tools console in platform-browser.umd.js - angular2-routing

I am trying to implement angular 2.0 Routing and I am seeing errors in console window:
I have tried in Visual studio project but it doesn't work.
Below are example plunkers : I got solution to solve issue with EXCEPTION: Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes: '' by putting empty routes: --> this one has issue with routes which we can see on developer tools console
After replacing routes with empty route: --> this fixed issue with routes only on plunker but the same code in Visual studio project the error is not going away :(
so the routing error and Error with routes " in in platform-browser.umd.js in console window is still there in visual studio project 2015.
This is not fixing in my Visual Studio project any one got soluting for this ?
Also even after replacing with
<base href="/">
<script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>


Problems with .Net Core SignalR's HubConnectionBuilder in Tizen

I am developping a Xamarin.Forms app that should be compatible with Windows(UWP), Android and TizenTV. I am using .Net Core SignalR Client. The App works fine on Windows & Android but I can't get it to Work on Tizen (main Code is the same). Especially one line of code from signalR is not Working.
hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder().WithUrl(apiUrl+ "registration-hub").Build();
If it is excecuted in an Emulator with the Visual Studio Debugger the code just leaves the thread and doesn't continue after this line.
It doesn't log errors or anything else. If try to change the Exception Settings in Visual Studio i get this notification:
This debug engine does not support exception conditions. The condition(s) will be ignored.
I tried updating & downgrading packages but nothing worked. I can reproduce this in new empty .Net Tizen Projects.
I've just had exactly the same problem on my Xamarin forms project. For me, the fix was:
Start debugging
"Exception Settings" window
Click 5th icon: "Restore the list fo the default settings"

Azure Dev Ops - Building an Xamarin Project fails

I have created a Xamarin Forms solution that contains both an iOS and an Andoid project that uses F#. I created a Azure Dev Ops pipeline (classic template, no YAML) and I am getting the following error when it attempts to build:
error FS3053 : The type provider
'Xamarin.Android.FSharp.ResourceProvider' reported an error : The type
provider constructor has thrown an exception: [error CS0009: Metadata
does not contain valid metadata]
Can anyone add some insight from here? It works fine building/running on my local macbook.
I found the answer. Instead of using the OOB Xamarin.iOS Build Solution task, use the MSBuild task and only point to the iOS project (iOS.fsproj)

Unable to debug WebForm program on Visual Studio 2017: Unable to attach. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x92330046

I tried to run and debug an ASP.NET Web Form project using VS 2017 and when trying to run it on IE/Chrome I am getting this error:
Unable to attach. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x92330046
The IIS express works fine when I run without debugging. But as soon as I try to start in debug mode, it shows the error.
Try this:
Launch Run command box and then paste in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WebsiteCache. Here delete your website folder and then try again.
Hope it helps!

VS2015 Error while trying to add Push Notification to my Windows 8.1 Universal App project C#

I am using Visual Studio 2015, blank Universal windows 8.1 App template.
Language use C#.
When I run (any project) everything is working just fine, except for one thing, I cannot open the Push Notification Wizard.
When I do the following:
right click on myProject --> Add --> Push Notification... I got the following error:
Error Vs Push Notification Wizard Message
Anybody has an idea what's happening?
Thank you for your time.

Pages won't load - only on my computer

Created a 5 project with another team member and works on everyone's computer but mine. I get "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error and the web page is blank.
I thought maybe I was missing a .net version but when downloading .NET Framework 4.6 it says ".NET Framework 4.6 or a later update is already installed on this computer."
If someone could point me in the right direction it would be a lot of help! Thanks!
The error code is very general in that some error happened in your code that stopped the execution of the webpage.
If you are running the webpage in debug mode from Visual Studio on your computer, VS should have stopped on the line of code containing the error.
If, for some reason, Visual Studio does not stop on the error, you can also look in Windows Logs -> Application. It should appear as an Asp.Net Warning with details regarding the error.
See Log #3:
I figured out my problem! I had a dependency issue in my project.json file.
"Oracle.ManagedDataAccess": "12.1.2400"
"FluentNHibernate": "2.0.3"
"NHibernate.Caches.SysCache": ""
These packages didn't support dnx 5.0 so they couldn't be in the default dependencies section. They needed to go under dnx451 -> dependencies.
