Adding secure attribute to Woocommerce cookies - wordpress

I am trying to get our server PCI compliant and down to the last issue of setting the Woocommerce cookies to secure. I am running all current versions of Wordpress/Woocommerce and the server is running 100% SSL/HTTPS across the entire site.
The cookies I am trying to secure: woocommerce_recently_viewed
I have tried the following with no luck:
Added to my functions file:
add_filter( 'wc_session_use_secure_cookie', '__return_true' );
Added to index.php:
#ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 'On');
#ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 'On');
#ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 'On');
Added to php.ini:
session.cookie_httponly = 1
session.cookie_secure = 1
session.use_only_cookies = 1
My last resort is to adjust the server config (I'm running Nginx) BUT would rather handle this issue on the application level. Any help on this issue would be most appreciated.

First things first: woocommerce_recently_viewed isn't a "session cookie" in the PHP sense. It is a normal cookie created with the setcookie PHP function.
This means that neither ini_set nor wc_session_use_secure_cookie will change that behaviour.
I've downloaded the WooCommerce source code and found woocommerce\includes\wc-product-functions.php:
* Track product views.
function wc_track_product_view() {
if ( ! is_singular( 'product' ) || ! is_active_widget( false, false, 'woocommerce_recently_viewed_products', true ) ) {
global $post;
if ( empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) )
$viewed_products = array();
$viewed_products = (array) explode( '|', $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] );
if ( ! in_array( $post->ID, $viewed_products ) ) {
$viewed_products[] = $post->ID;
if ( sizeof( $viewed_products ) > 15 ) {
array_shift( $viewed_products );
// Store for session only
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', implode( '|', $viewed_products ) );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wc_track_product_view', 20 );
The wc_setcookie is defined as follows (woocommerce\includes\wc-core-functions.php):
* Set a cookie - wrapper for setcookie using WP constants.
* #param string $name Name of the cookie being set.
* #param string $value Value of the cookie.
* #param integer $expire Expiry of the cookie.
* #param string $secure Whether the cookie should be served only over https.
function wc_setcookie( $name, $value, $expire = 0, $secure = false ) {
if ( ! headers_sent() ) {
setcookie( $name, $value, $expire, COOKIEPATH ? COOKIEPATH : '/', COOKIE_DOMAIN, $secure );
} elseif ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ) {
headers_sent( $file, $line );
trigger_error( "{$name} cookie cannot be set - headers already sent by {$file} on line {$line}", E_USER_NOTICE );
As you can see, there isn't any wordpress filter to hook into (should really be a setting, ask a feature request!), so you need to add the $secure parameter to the woocommerce sources...
...but there is another way (kinda monkey-patch, but hey, at least we don't break things across updates):
function custom_wc_track_product_view() {
if ( ! is_singular( 'product' ) || ! is_active_widget( false, false, 'woocommerce_recently_viewed_products', true ) ) {
global $post;
if ( empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) )
$viewed_products = array();
$viewed_products = (array) explode( '|', $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] );
if ( ! in_array( $post->ID, $viewed_products ) ) {
$viewed_products[] = $post->ID;
if ( sizeof( $viewed_products ) > 15 ) {
array_shift( $viewed_products );
// Store for session only
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', implode( '|', $viewed_products ), 0, true );
remove_action( 'template_redirect', 'wc_track_product_view', 20 );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'custom_wc_track_product_view', 20 );
I've copied the function with another name, did the changes I needed, then I've substituted original hook with mine. Put this code in a new plugin or in theme functions.php.
Sadly, there isn't a better way without WooCommerce collaboration.


WPML Save choosed language by cookie

I have this code:
add_filter( 'icl_ls_languages', function( $languages ){
global $sitepress;
foreach( $languages as $lang_code => $language ){
$languages[$lang_code]['url'] = add_query_arg( array( 'switch_language' => $lang_code ), $languages[$lang_code]['url'] );
return $languages;
add_action( 'init', function (){
$switch_language = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'switch_language', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
if( $switch_language ) {
$languages = icl_get_languages();
if( array_key_exists( $switch_language, $languages ) ) {
setcookie( 'wp-wpml_user_selected_language', $switch_language, time() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60), '/' );
wp_redirect( strtok( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' ) );
}, 1);
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function ( $query ) {
$switch_language = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'switch_language', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );
$user_selected_language = filter_input( INPUT_COOKIE, 'wp-wpml_user_selected_language', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING );
if ( $user_selected_language && !$switch_language ) {
do_action( 'wpml_switch_language', $user_selected_language );
}, 1);
It works great. But there is one problem. The site has WP Rocket + connected cloudflaer.
When the user selects a language for the first time, this code writes a cookie and then always redirects to the selected language for each page.
But if the cookie is still there and the user selects a different language, the error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS appears. And after 4 seconds, the site loads in a new language with a new cookie value.
As I understand it, WP Rocket caches cookies.
I put the cookie ID in the restriction of this plugin. I even deleted it before choosing the language, but there is still an error.
I need help with this.

Woocommerce: Override login required for existing email. Add order to user account

Woocommerce Settings:
Guest checkout disabled.
Create account during checkout enabled (user and passowrd auto generated)
If user is REGISTERED. But NOT logged in.
Checkout errors with
"An account is already registered with your email address. Please log in."
How do I override this to
COMPLETE order, and tie order to existing account.
Give a prompt to user to login next time for a faster checkout
Can't find any snippet or module that can do it
none yet. Happy to reward.
There is no hook for this. You may need to modify process_customer function in WC core (plugins/woocommerce/includes/class-wc-checkout.php) Line#935 - Keep in mind, it's not encouraged to edit core ( when updated, your changes will loose)
protected function process_customer( $data ) {
$customer_id = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_checkout_customer_id', get_current_user_id() );
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() && ( $this->is_registration_required() || ! empty( $data['createaccount'] ) ) ) {
$username = ! empty( $data['account_username'] ) ? $data['account_username'] : '';
$password = ! empty( $data['account_password'] ) ? $data['account_password'] : '';
$creds = array();
$creds['user_login'] = $user_login;
$creds['user_password'] = $user_password;
$creds['remember'] = true;
$user = wp_signon($creds, false);
$customer_id = $user->ID;
wp_set_current_user($customer_id, $user_login);
wp_set_auth_cookie($customer_id, true, false);
do_action('wp_login', $user_login);
$customer_id = wc_create_new_customer( $data['billing_email'], $username, $password );
if ( is_wp_error( $customer_id ) ) {
throw new Exception( $customer_id->get_error_message() );
wp_set_current_user( $customer_id );
wc_set_customer_auth_cookie( $customer_id );
// As we are now logged in, checkout will need to refresh to show logged in data.
WC()->session->set( 'reload_checkout', true );
// Also, recalculate cart totals to reveal any role-based discounts that were unavailable before registering.
// On multisite, ensure user exists on current site, if not add them before allowing login.
if ( $customer_id && is_multisite() && is_user_logged_in() && ! is_user_member_of_blog() ) {
add_user_to_blog( get_current_blog_id(), $customer_id, 'customer' );
// Add customer info from other fields.
if ( $customer_id && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_customer_data', true, $this ) ) {
$customer = new WC_Customer( $customer_id );
if ( ! empty( $data['billing_first_name'] ) ) {
$customer->set_first_name( $data['billing_first_name'] );
if ( ! empty( $data['billing_last_name'] ) ) {
$customer->set_last_name( $data['billing_last_name'] );
// If the display name is an email, update to the user's full name.
if ( is_email( $customer->get_display_name() ) ) {
$customer->set_display_name( $data['billing_first_name'] . ' ' . $data['billing_last_name'] );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
// Use setters where available.
if ( is_callable( array( $customer, "set_{$key}" ) ) ) {
$customer->{"set_{$key}"}( $value );
// Store custom fields prefixed with wither shipping_ or billing_.
} elseif ( 0 === stripos( $key, 'billing_' ) || 0 === stripos( $key, 'shipping_' ) ) {
$customer->update_meta_data( $key, $value );
* Action hook to adjust customer before save.
* #since 3.0.0
do_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_customer', $customer, $data );
do_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_update_user_meta', $customer_id, $data );
If you have enabled allow customers to login on checkout, the option login from checkout page will be coming.

Woocommerce recently viewed Products

I have created a recently viewed script which generated a shortcode which I then inserted into my home page.
The script is designed so that people who may have visited my website and left, once they come back can see instantly what products they had been viewing on their last visit.
I have placed the shortcode [woocommerce_recently_viewed_products]
and have generated the shortcode using the following script:
function rc_woocommerce_recently_viewed_products( $atts, $content = null ) {
// Get shortcode parameters
"per_page" => '5'
), $atts));
// Get WooCommerce Global
global $woocommerce;
// Get recently viewed product cookies data
$viewed_products = ! empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ? (array) explode( '|', $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) : array();
$viewed_products = array_filter( array_map( 'absint', $viewed_products ) );
// If no data, quit
if ( empty( $viewed_products ) )
return __( 'You have not viewed any product yet!', 'rc_wc_rvp' );
// Create the object
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', implode( '|', $viewed_products ) );
// Get products per page
if( !isset( $per_page ) ? $number = 4 : $number = $per_page )
// Create query arguments array
$query_args = array(
'posts_per_page' => $number,
'no_found_rows' => 1,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'product',
'post__in' => $viewed_products,
'orderby' => 'rand'
// Add meta_query to query args
$query_args['meta_query'] = array();
// Check products stock status
$query_args['meta_query'][] = $woocommerce->query->stock_status_meta_query();
// Create a new query
$r = new WP_Query($query_args);
// If query return results
if ( $r->have_posts() ) {
$content = '<ul class="rc_wc_rvp_product_list_widget">';
// Start the loop
while ( $r->have_posts()) {
global $product;
$content .= '<li>
<a href="' . get_permalink() . '">
' . ( has_post_thumbnail() ? get_the_post_thumbnail( $r->post->ID, 'shop_thumbnail' ) : woocommerce_placeholder_img( 'shop_thumbnail' ) ) . ' ' . get_the_title() . '
</a> ' . $product->get_price_html() . '
$content .= '</ul>';
// Get clean object
$content .= ob_get_clean();
// Return whole content
return $content;
// Register the shortcode
Everything seems to have registered. However,when I test this myself. I view a few products, go back to the homepage where the shortcode is registered and I see the text
You have not viewed any product yet!
I can not figure out what might be missing in order to register and show the products which I or a potential customer may have viewed.
Woocommerce only save the recently viewed cookie IF woocommerce_recently_viewed_products WIDGET is ACTIVE! See code in wc-product-functions.php wc_track_product_view() function.
Code to save the cookie always in functions.php:
* Track product views. Always.
function wc_track_product_view_always() {
if ( ! is_singular( 'product' ) /* xnagyg: remove this condition to run: || ! is_active_widget( false, false, 'woocommerce_recently_viewed_products', true )*/ ) {
global $post;
if ( empty( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) { // #codingStandardsIgnoreLine.
$viewed_products = array();
} else {
$viewed_products = wp_parse_id_list( (array) explode( '|', wp_unslash( $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'] ) ) ); // #codingStandardsIgnoreLine.
// Unset if already in viewed products list.
$keys = array_flip( $viewed_products );
if ( isset( $keys[ $post->ID ] ) ) {
unset( $viewed_products[ $keys[ $post->ID ] ] );
$viewed_products[] = $post->ID;
if ( count( $viewed_products ) > 15 ) {
array_shift( $viewed_products );
// Store for session only.
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', implode( '|', $viewed_products ) );
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wc_track_product_view', 20);
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wc_track_product_view_always', 20 );
You need to set the cookie when you are viewing a single product page so use something like this where I set the cookie to equal the product ID I just viewed. In your case you'll need to get the cookie value if it exists then append the new product to the list of products.
function set_user_visited_product_cookie() {
global $post;
if ( is_product() ){
// manipulate your cookie string here, explode, implode functions
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', $post->ID );
add_action( 'wp', 'set_user_visited_product_cookie' );
Below code to set cookie 'woocommerce_recently_viewed' worked for me. Hope it helps other
$Existing_product_id = $_COOKIE['woocommerce_recently_viewed'];
if ( is_product() )
$updated_product_id = $Existing_product_id.'|'.$post->ID;
wc_setcookie( 'woocommerce_recently_viewed', $updated_product_id );

WooCommerce: how to add multiple products to cart at once?

I need a "get products A, B and C for $xxx" special offer, products A, B and C must be available on their own, and the bundle is a special offer accessible through a coupon code.
On a marketing page hosting outside my site, I would like a button leading to my site that carries a query string like ?add-to-cart=244,249,200 so that once on my site, all bundle products are already added to the cart (instead of adding them one by one which sounds unacceptably tedious).
If not possible, then at least I'd like a landing page on my site with a single button adding all bundle products to cart at once.
I couldn't find working solutions googling around (here's one example). Any suggestion?
After some research I found that DsgnWrks wrote a hook that does exactly this. For your convenience, and in case the blog goes offline, I bluntly copied his code to this answer:
function woocommerce_maybe_add_multiple_products_to_cart( $url = false ) {
// Make sure WC is installed, and add-to-cart qauery arg exists, and contains at least one comma.
if ( ! class_exists( 'WC_Form_Handler' ) || empty( $_REQUEST['add-to-cart'] ) || false === strpos( $_REQUEST['add-to-cart'], ',' ) ) {
// Remove WooCommerce's hook, as it's useless (doesn't handle multiple products).
remove_action( 'wp_loaded', array( 'WC_Form_Handler', 'add_to_cart_action' ), 20 );
$product_ids = explode( ',', $_REQUEST['add-to-cart'] );
$count = count( $product_ids );
$number = 0;
foreach ( $product_ids as $id_and_quantity ) {
// Check for quantities defined in curie notation (<product_id>:<product_quantity>)
$id_and_quantity = explode( ':', $id_and_quantity );
$product_id = $id_and_quantity[0];
$_REQUEST['quantity'] = ! empty( $id_and_quantity[1] ) ? absint( $id_and_quantity[1] ) : 1;
if ( ++$number === $count ) {
// Ok, final item, let's send it back to woocommerce's add_to_cart_action method for handling.
$_REQUEST['add-to-cart'] = $product_id;
return WC_Form_Handler::add_to_cart_action( $url );
$product_id = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_product_id', absint( $product_id ) );
$was_added_to_cart = false;
$adding_to_cart = wc_get_product( $product_id );
if ( ! $adding_to_cart ) {
$add_to_cart_handler = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_handler', $adding_to_cart->get_type(), $adding_to_cart );
// Variable product handling
if ( 'variable' === $add_to_cart_handler ) {
woo_hack_invoke_private_method( 'WC_Form_Handler', 'add_to_cart_handler_variable', $product_id );
// Grouped Products
} elseif ( 'grouped' === $add_to_cart_handler ) {
woo_hack_invoke_private_method( 'WC_Form_Handler', 'add_to_cart_handler_grouped', $product_id );
// Custom Handler
} elseif ( has_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_handler_' . $add_to_cart_handler ) ){
do_action( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_handler_' . $add_to_cart_handler, $url );
// Simple Products
} else {
woo_hack_invoke_private_method( 'WC_Form_Handler', 'add_to_cart_handler_simple', $product_id );
// Fire before the WC_Form_Handler::add_to_cart_action callback.
add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'woocommerce_maybe_add_multiple_products_to_cart', 15 );
* Invoke class private method
* #since 0.1.0
* #param string $class_name
* #param string $methodName
* #return mixed
function woo_hack_invoke_private_method( $class_name, $methodName ) {
if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3', '<' ) ) {
throw new Exception( 'PHP version does not support ReflectionClass::setAccessible()', __LINE__ );
$args = func_get_args();
unset( $args[0], $args[1] );
$reflection = new ReflectionClass( $class_name );
$method = $reflection->getMethod( $methodName );
$method->setAccessible( true );
$args = array_merge( array( $class_name ), $args );
return call_user_func_array( array( $method, 'invoke' ), $args );
It works just like you'd expect, by providing a comma separated list of products. It even works with quantities using ?add-to-cart=63833:2,221916:4
I was, and am still looking for a 'pure' solution that allows to add multiple products to the cart without having to install a plugin or add custom actions. But for many, the above might be an appropriate solution

code to activate plugin in wordpress

This client wants to automatically activate a wordpress plugin every Tuesday between some hours. This is because the plugin has conflicts with another plugin. I did not find anything on the net about that, how to do it... anyone knows what happens behind wordpress when the button activate plugin is clicked? I can't find that specific page in my wordpress folder...
Something that I tried and not working:
function toggle_plugin() {
// Full path to WordPress from the root
$wordpress_path = '/web/htdocs/';
// Absolute path to plugins dir
$plugin_path = $wordpress_path.'wp-content/plugins/';
// Absolute path to your specific plugin
$my_plugin = $plugin_path.'quick-chat/quick-chat.php';
$start = strtotime('1:30');
$end = strtotime('22:30');
$timenow = date('U');
if((date('w') == 3) && ($timenow >= $start && $timenow <= $end)) { // day 2 = Tuesday
else {
I put this code in functions.php
Activate Plugin by Code in wordpress
function run_activate_plugin( $plugin ) {
$current = get_option( 'active_plugins' );
$plugin = plugin_basename( trim( $plugin ) );
if ( !in_array( $plugin, $current ) ) {
$current[] = $plugin;
sort( $current );
do_action( 'activate_plugin', trim( $plugin ) );
update_option( 'active_plugins', $current );
do_action( 'activate_' . trim( $plugin ) );
do_action( 'activated_plugin', trim( $plugin) );
return null;
run_activate_plugin( 'plugin-folder-name/plugin-main-file.php' );
