angular2 router 3.0.0 multiple levels - angular2-routing

Based on the latest Angular 2 Router (3.0.0-alpha.7) with the recent published documentation here:
I tried to add more levels of routing navigation without any success like this:
export const CustomerRoutes: RouterConfig = [
path: 'customer/:id',
component: CustomerComponent,
children: [
path: 'account',
component: CustomerAccountComponent,
{ path: 'info', component: CustomerInfoComponent },
{ path: 'billing', component: CustomerBillingComponent }
path: 'idocs',
component: CustomerIDocsComponent,
{ path: 'ic', component: CustomerICComponent },
{ path: 'iprop', component: CustomerIPropComponent }
But I get the error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes: 'customer/123'
I want to have a customer detail page with two independent areas, which one has their router-outlet to load respective components without changing the content of the other router-outlet on same level and visible on page.
/ \
/ \
(...) customer
/ \
/ \
account (both visible) idocs
/ \ / \
info billing iprop ic
So I can navigate to levels like this:
But when I am at customer page, I want to see the account and idocs section at both time.
Anyone knows how to achieve this? I have the plunker example here:


Vue3 router: How to make an active menu item when on a sub route?

So, it looks I am doing something wrong.
From the docs, if I have a <router-link to="/articles">Articles</router-link> if the current routes are either /articles, /articles/1, /articles/2, articles/2/foo should always get at least router-link-active class... and when it is "root" like /articles it should also get a router-link-exact-active
but mine doesn't... I only get both (router-link-active and router-link-exact-active) when on /articles... but when on /articles/1 (or any other sub route) I get nothing.
this is my router main
const routes = [
path: "/",
name: "Landing",
component: LandingPage,
path: "/articles",
name: "ArticlesList",
component: ArticlesListPage,
path: "/articles/:id",
name: "ArticleDetails",
component: ArticleDetailsPage,
}, ...
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(),
I would get it right, if the path "/articles/:id" would be a part of "/articles" children, but then I would need a nested router-view, which I don't want

Bootstrap i18n Translation of column headings - TypeError: this.$i18n.t is not a function

Trying to add column headings to a bootstrap table in a Vue 3 project using i18n dependency:
"vue-i18n": "^9.3.0-beta.10",
computed: {
fields() {
return [
{ key: "formID", label: this.transColHeading("status.form_id"), sortable: true }
methods: {
transColHeading(colHeading) {
return this.$i18n.t(colHeading);
But I am getting the error
TypeError: this.$i18n.t is not a function
Any idea how to make this work?
For info if I console log this.$i18n.locale I get the correct language.

Error on importing images from Wordpress to GatsbyJS V2

I am new to Gatsby and React in general and I can't seem to figure out how to display images using Gatsby Sharp with the Wordpress source plugin.
Using the setup on tutorials and example code I have this on my setup.
on my gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'Gatsby Default Starter',
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `images`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
options: {
* The base URL of the WordPress site without the trailingslash and the protocol. This is required.
* Example : '' or ''
// The protocol. This can be http or https.
protocol: `http`,
// Indicates whether the site is hosted on
// If false, then the asumption is made that the site is self hosted.
// If true, then the plugin will source its content on using the JSON REST API V2.
// If your site is hosted on, then set this to false.
hostingWPCOM: false,
// If useACF is true, then the source plugin will try to import the WordPress ACF Plugin contents.
// This feature is untested for sites hosted on
useACF: true,
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: 'gatsby-starter-default',
short_name: 'starter',
start_url: '/',
background_color: '#663399',
theme_color: '#663399',
display: 'minimal-ui',
icon: 'src/images/gatsby-icon.png', // This path is relative to the root of the site.
// this (optional) plugin enables Progressive Web App + Offline functionality
// To learn more, visit:
// 'gatsby-plugin-offline',
This is my query:
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query {
edges {
node {
featured_media {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxHeight: 300) {
and add the image on my index using this:
const IndexPage = ({data}) => (
{{ node }) => (
<Img fluid={node.featured_image.localFile.childImageSharp.fluid} />
<h2 className="mt0">{node.title}</h2>
<p className="measure blogpost" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: node.content }}></p>
When on dev mode I receive a blank page and when I try to build it, I get an error.
WebpackError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'localFile' of undefined
I am not sure what I am missing at this point as I can see localFile on my graphql but I am hoping someone can point me to the right direction.
In the GraphQL query it has node.featured_media and in your React code you're doing node.featured_image
Maybe its that??
Wordpress has issues with featured images in REST API for permissions. I made a Github issue about this.
Install the Better Featured Image Plugin and then use this....
allWordpressPost {
edges {
node {
better_featured_image {

Angular 2 - How to add permalink?

I try to add permalinks to my angular 2 app, but I didn't find a way yet.
My app-routing.module.ts:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', component: TagelerComponent },
{ path: 'tageler', component: TagelerListComponent },
{ path: 'tageler-details/:id', component: TagelerDetailsComponent },
{ path: 'group/:id', component: GroupDetailsComponent },
{ path: 'tageler/admin', component: AdminComponent },
imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],
exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class AppRoutingModule {}
And my code looks like this:
<div *ngFor="let group of groups | groupTypeFilter: 'Trupp' ">
<a routerLink="/group/{{group._id}}">
<li class="list-group-item">
In this example the URL is something like: http://localhost:4200/group/5910c2282249261cc61d0a7e
Instead of the group id, I would like to display the name of the group (e.g. dogs) without changing the routing, so the URL changes to: 'http://localhost:4200/group/dogs'.
I'm new to Angular 2, so I don't really know whether this is actually possible.
I would be glad if someone could help me!
The answer is you can not replace the id with the name in the routerLink, and then query the group by id, assume a user opened a new tab and entered the URL
The app will load and the only reference you have is dogs, where will the id come from? unless you have already defined a dictionary that returns the id of the given group name, or by using some black magic
However in case you only let the user to access the detail page through its parent, then you can pass the group instance by using a shared service and set the router link to
<div *ngFor="let group of groups | groupTypeFilter: 'Trupp' ">
<a [routerLink]="shared.setGroupLink(group)">
<li class="list-group-item">
constructor(public shared: SharedService) { }
in SharedService
export class SharedService{
currGroupId: number;
constructor() { }
setGroupLink(group) {
// you can pass the object as a whole but I'll use `` in this example
// this.currGroup = group;
this.currGroupId =;
return '/group/' +;
In GroupDetailsComponent
groupId: number;
constructor(public shared: SharedService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.groupId = this.shared.currGroupId;
NOTE: this approach will not work if the user entered http://localhost:4200/group/dogs because groupId is undefined
by the way, avoid prefixing your variables' names with the underscore _, check Angular Style Guide

Aurelia How do I use a Child Router and dynamics child routes

Trying to use a child route in Aurelia. Can't seem to get my head around the workings of nested routes. Are all routes derived from the root of the app or relative to location of the current router?
Why wont my route-href work in this example? I have a route in this router named screen and it does have an :id parameter
export class ScreensList {
screens: any[];
this.heading = 'Child Router';
this.router = router;
this.screens = [
id: 1,
name: 'my screen'
id: 2,
name: 'my other screen'
router.configure(config => {[
// dynamic routes need a href, such as href: screen
{ route: 'screen/:id', moduleId: 'screens/screen/display', name: 'screen', title: 'Screen #1' }
List View
<li repeat.for="screen of screens">
<a route-href="route: 'screen', params: { id: }"/>Screen #${}</a>
I then have a dummy VM/V at screens/screen/display.
Do I really have to specify the full filepath for a module in a nested child router. I thought it would be routes relative to the location of the parent router or at least the name (root) of the parent?
vendor-bundle.js:11582 ERROR [route-href] Error: A route with name ''screen', params: { id: }' could not be found.
Check that `name: ''screen', params: { id: }'` was specified in the route's config.
In your example, you are injecting the router, which is the router configured in app.js, and then calling its configure method. Aurelia is Convention-Over-Configuration. So, use the convention and you will be fine. The configureRouter method will do the tricks for you. For instance:
export class ScreensList {
configureRouter(config, router) {[
{ route: 'screen/:id', moduleId: 'screens/screen/display', name: 'screen', title: 'Screen #1' }
this.router = router;
Remember that ScreensList must be a screen of your router. It will not work if it is a custom element.
Take a look at the skeleton-navigation examples There are good examples, including child routing.
