What Configuration Values are available for Google Cloud VPN using IKE v1? - vpn

My client is asking me to fill out a form in order to setup the VPN and make sure that our configuration values are compatible. They've sent me a list of configuration values for the VPN using IKE v1 that they use, such as
Encryption Algorithm for Phase 1
Hashing Algorithm
Diffie-Hellman Group
I've setup these variables in a previous VPN using ipsec on CentOS, but on Google Cloud VPN I haven't found anything related to this. The documentation doesn't mention that you could configure these values, nor it says which values does it use on its own. So, how could I know which values are supported on Google Cloud VPN in order to make sure they are compatible to what my client is requesting from us?

You can find the desire configuration here:


Floating IPs usage on Digital Ocean

I am looking for a basic thing yet I have not found not even a single good documentation on getting it done.
I want to allocate a floating IP, then associate it to a network interface of a droplet other than eth0.
The reason is I want to have the ability to very easily switch from one IP to the other with a programming language.
In a few words, I want to be able to do these two commands and both should provide a different response.
curl --interface eth0 https://icanhazip.com
curl --interface eth1 https://icanhazip.com
Also, I want to know what to do once I release the Floating IP, how do I roll back to the starting point.
All documentation I read, rely heavily on "ip route" and "route", most did not even work, some worked but replaced completely the old IP by the floating and that's not what I want, and also they did not show how to rollback the introduced configuration changes.
Please help, I spent 1 whole day now trying to get this to work for a project, and no results so far.
I guess there is no need to know DigitalOcean, how to make this work on other Cloud Providers would apply here too I think.
After asking this on DigitalOcean community forum (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/clear-guide-on-outbound-network-through-floating-ip), they claim that is not supported, although there may be some solutions to this if somebody can provide such a "hacky" solution I would take it too. Thanks
In the cloud (AWS. GCP etc.) ARP is emulated by the virtual network layer, meaning that only IPs assigned to VMs by the cloud platform can be resolved. Most of the L2 failover protocols do break for that reason. Even if ARP worked,the IP allocation process for these IPs (often called “floating IPs”) would not integrate with the virtual network in a standard way, so your OS can't just "grab" the IP using ARP and route the packets to itself.
I have not personally done this on Digital Ocean, but I assume that you can call the cloud's proprietary API to do this functionality if you would like to go this route.
See this link on GCP about floating IPs and their implementation. Hope this is helpful.
Here's an idea that needs to be tested:
Let's say you have Node1( and Node2(
Create a loopback interface on both VMs and set the same IP address for both like (
Start a heartbeat send/receive between them
When NodeA starts it automatically makes an API call to create a route for and points to itself with preference 2
When NodeB starts it automatically makes an API call to create a route for and points to itself with preference 1
The nodes could monitor each other to withdraw the static routes if the other fails. Ideally you would need a 3rd node to reach quorum and prevent split brain scenarios, but you get the idea right?

IBM Sterling Connect:Direct and encryption

Does anyone know if the base Connect:Direct protocol ( used between two IBM Sterling secure proxy instances) supports encryption ? Or do you need to enable the Secure+ extension to obtain this feature ?
Connect Direct itself is secure, as no node without having the right information (IP AND NODE NAME) can access.
However the security for data streamed enroute should be done using Secure plus which involves certificate - implementing it would be a viable solution so long as traffic passes over internet and different datacenters.

Which options are there for ip phone provisioning servers?

I want to know which options exist to provision (configure) multiple VoIP phones from multiple vendors for use with an Asterisk server. I'd like some kind of interface to manage extensions, configuration templates and so on.
Here's what I found so far:
FreePBX has a commercial module called Endpoint Manager which seems to do what I want. However, I don't like the idea of having to run a web server on the same machine (or container) that runs Asterisk. It seems like a bad idea which increases the attack surface of the Asterisk server. I would much rather have an endpoint manager on a separate server (or container) but I can't find any information about running or buying the Endpoint Manager outside of FreePBX.
Phonism advertises a "Cloud based IP phone provisioning and management system. Their service looks promising, but the number of supported phones is lower and I'm not completely sold on requiring the internet connection to configure the phone extensions in an office.
All the other solutions I found are tied to their complete proprietary VoIP solution (3CX, Kerio, etc.) or to a particular VoIP phone vendor.
Is anything else available? Or do people usually use a single VoIP phone vendor and use their own specific configuration method?
Since I can't find any phone provisioning solution which fits my needs, I'm questioning my understanding of Asterisk deployment best practices. Is using a plain Asterisk deployment a good idea or is it too bare in terms of related tooling?
You are thinking about this in a way that is too abstract and generic.
A voip equipment vendor will provide documentation which describes what provisioning protocols are used and how to use them. Then you can find a tool to use which meets that requirement and also suits your environment and skills.
Vendors usually provide proprietary tools to generate provisioning files too.
That said you should be advised that TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol) is a common provisioning method.
If you are using a bare bones asterisk install on linux then setting up your own TFTP server on linux is, well, trivial in comparison.
Running a provisioning server and asterisk server on different boxes is of course possible but you'll need to find or build some integration tools to keep provisioning config and asterisk config in sync (if that's important to you). I can't think of a reason why using two boxes makes this work significantly more difficult though.

Securing information from a retail POS system

I have created a back-end/processing/statistics for POS transactions for a retail store chain. The thing is, now it is time to move from alpha to beta, and we need some sort of safety for the incoming data. And this is where I am lost. How do I implement some resemblance of security in this kind of system?
What I have come up with is a simple asymetric key/value pair, that is unique for each POS system, where the server has all of the private keys, and each pos has the public part of this exchange. In addition to this, all of the data exchange is sent via HTTPS.
Does this kind of thing make sense? Or is there a better way to keep the data safe?
P.S. Since there is a need to reconfigure each POS seperately, that is in no way connected to this system, having to do manual work at each POS is not a problem.
You'd like to accomplish 2 things:
1) Encrypt the traffic so that it is hidden from outsiders (confidentiality). You can accomplish this quite easily simply by enforcing that SSL is used for traffic between the client(s) and the server. The server will require an x509 certificate to accomplish this.
2) Ensure that all traffic coming to the server originates from a trusted client/POS (integrity). You can accomplish this using a couple of different techniques, both of which require an x509 certificate installed on each client (POS) system:
a) Require that all requests to the server be accompanied by client certificates. In this scenario, the client (POS) has a x509 certificate installed, for which it is able to access its own private key (the server does not, and should not have this private key, it belongs to the client). The server is configured to require client certificates with each request, it also is configured to validate that the client certificate presented does indeed match one of the POS systems. So if you add a new POS later, you need to make a change to the server ensuring that it will consider the new POS cert valid. Here is a description of the protocol for your own enrichment, you shouldn't need to know exactly how it works (because most tools IIS, Apache, etc. will abstract much of this for you) but it does demystify things a bit. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v5r1/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.itim.infocenter.doc%2Fcpt%2Fcpt_ic_security_ssl_authent2way.html
b) Require that all requests to the server are digitally signed by trusted clients. Public key (asymmetric) encryption allows you to sign a message. Basically it is signed with the client's (POS) private key, and then anyone (including the server) can verify its integrity by validating the signature using the client's public key. Many tools will actually encrypt and sign the message, which is OK, but if you're already using SSL and performance is a concern, you don't need to encrypt twice. If security is more important than performance, encrypting twice can't hurt. Here is some more info on digital signatures: http://www.cgi.com/files/white-papers/cgi_whpr_35_pki_e.pdf
So you should have a pretty good plan of how to proceed. Feel free to ask around here when you set out to implement these solutions, as there are a lot of things that usually don't work the first time around and debugging it is often difficult. I do recommend a tool called Fiddler or WireShark, which can help debug web services to some extent. Be sure that your client(s) can access their own private keys, and that the certificates of the clients are trusted by the server. Good luck.

Browser based (free to use) SSH

I have a commercial product that allows users to connect to various SSH end-points. Currently these users are forced to download and use Putty... Seems pretty straightforward, except that my SSH end-points require RSA/Private Key authentication. So now connectivity to these end-points is becoming a pain, because I need to explain to my users how to: 1) Download and configure Putty. 2) Manage, configure and use their PEM private keys. I would like to make everything transparent by 'just working' through the browser. I own all information (both IP addresses and PEM connectivity keys), so is there such a thing as a browser based SSH that is both capable and can access RSA keys for connectivity?
MindTerm, from http://www.appgate.com/index/products/mindterm/mindterm_features.html , has a limited-use free license and supports the features you want.
JCTerm is completely free.
Have you tried SSHtools? I think GSI-SSHTerm is derived from it. GSI-SSHTerm is still actively supported as far as I'm aware. I supports the Grid Security Interface (GSI), so may have more features than you need.
FireSSH is the best tool provided by Google chrome browser,install the firessh from the url,
