Master Data Services Web Application Issue -

I am trying to create a Master Data Service Web Application. So far, I have not succeeded with this activity.
I have check on internet for possible solutions but:
The .NET 3.5 and 4.5 features are checked, the svc file is present, but everytime I run the Master Data Configuration Manager I see the the warning about Internet Information Services.
I do not what else do I need to install or configure. When I try to access the URI of the web application, this does not show anything.
I am using Windows 8 and Sql Server 2014

When this happened to me I discovered I needed to execute the MDS Configuration Manager on the virtual machine's operating system rather than my local machine.
These IIS settings exist on that Windows Server, not your local machine.


WCF Service Migrated to IIS 10 - Consistent 503

A computer hosting a WCF service at my work was swapped out from a Windows 7 instance running IIS 7 to a Windows 10 instance running IIS 10.
The WCF service is a third party service that allows remote control of the robotic system the computer is connected to, so I have no access to the source code.
I've tried using MS Deploy to migrate, I've tried perfectly replicating every single setting in IIS and installing all the necessary .Net Framework versions, and I've completely re installed .Net Framework twice.
No matter what I do it always results in a 503 - Service Unavailable. The logs in HTTPERR simply state "N/A" for each failed request to the svc file.
Yes, I've added the svc Mime type and handler.
Also Server Manager has been no help, as it's Windows 10 and not actually a server.
Here are the settings I've copied over:
Application pool for default site uses .Net CLR 4.0, with Application Identity and 32-bit applications disabled.
Application pool for the WCF service uses .Net CLR 4.0, with Network Application as its identity and with 32-bit applications enabled.
It works perfectly fine on the old server, so I'm still at a loss as to why it doesn't work on the new one.
Thanks to Travis Acton for the suggestion to check netsh http show urlacl!
I decided to run the delete command for the port despite it not being shown, and it indicated that the port reservation was successfully deleted. For some reason it was unlisted by netsh.
So now it's all working fine! Thanks so much for the help!

Web Service error - Status 404 not found

I have created a web service in Visual Studio 2015 (web api) that listens out for requests via a barcode scanner. The barcode scanner links to a database that provides information such as stock quantities etc, but this is just for background information. The web service is currently installed on my local machine and works perfectly, returning the correct values and posts data to a database.
I attempted to install the web service onto a server, copying over similar settings in IIS (only have basic knowledge using this), such as the bindings and ensuring the permissions were set up correctly. However when running the web service I recieved a "404 not found error and 401 unauthorized". After that, I installed Visual Studio 2015 onto the server to ensure it wasn't a build or publish error...same problem.
Below are some of the 'fixes' I have tried to help narrow down the potential problem.
Ensured the correct version of .Net, 4.0, is installed on the server.
IIS Manager - Authentication: Annoymous Authentication set to enabled.
IIS Manager - Directly browsing: set to enabled.
Set the correct permissions using 'Edit Permissions', granted full control to 'Everyone'
This is my first time creating a web service so up until now I have been using tutorials and making it up as I go along. I think it could be to do with the application pools set up? But because the solution works on my local machine and not the server has me extremely confused. Thanks in advance.

ASP.NET error log

Every time the ASP.NET application in question throws an error the Global.asax writes to an error file: logs\error.log. The ASP.NET applications works using Windows authentication.
I am able to write to the log file when debugging using Visual Studio, however it does not work when the application is deployed in the live environment. How do I find out what user account I need to give access to: logs/error.log?
The application is deployed on a Windows 2003 Server with IIS6. Microsoft.NET 3.5.
You would have to give the required permissions to the network service account. This link might be able to help you out.
Windows Server 2003 defaults to the "Network Service" account.
This can be verified by opening IIS (expand the computer if needed), expand the "Application Pools" folder, right click on the pool used by your web app, and go to the Identity tab.
FYI: Windows Server 2008 uses the IIS_IUSER instead of Network Services.
I hope that logs folder is a virtual directory setup outside the web site directory.
Otherwise every time you deploy the entire solution you will overwrite the logs folder and its content.
Microsoft has a tool for monitoring file access that can be useful for troubleshooting permission issues.
Process Monitor -
You will also want to check if your application is using windows authentication & identity impersonation since that can change the identity the application is executing with when enabled.

ASP.NET MVC intranet site deployment

Howcome I deploy my intranet ASP.NET MVC project?
What I've got so far:
project itself;
several client machines connected in a workgroup and server;
IIS Express 7.5, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installed on a server.
It should be mentioned that though it's odd and unusual but server is just a machine without (even) server OS installed. Please note that it's not mine idea and is the environment I've got at the moment
I've read the instruction but it describes situation when you have Web Developer installed on the same machine.
Please help!
And Thanks!
This is the 100% manual approach, you might be able to access the remote web server via VS if authorization/permissions is lined up properly (much simpler, basically you just hit deploy):
Install IIS
Install .NET Framework 4
Install MVC
Register ASP.NET with IIS (just to be safe run it again)
Create Website via IIS Management Console (use a new directory for the website)
Put your files inside the new directory
Make sure permissions are setup properly
That's it

Publish ASP.NET MVC 3 (Razor) app onto remote server running Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6

I have built an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application (with exlusively Razor/cshtml pages) that runs fine on my local machine with IIS Express. Now I'm trying to publish it to a remote server that is running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6 and has just been upgraded to .NET Framework 4.0.
I was able to successfully publish all the files to the proper directory on the remote server using Visual Studio 2010's Publish dialog (Publish method: FTP), and I've followed the instructions for including all the DLLs needed to run ASP.NET MVC on a machine that doesn't have it installed, but now I'm pretty much stuck.
The first issue is that I don't have access to the remote server's IIS. I may be able to get the hosting company to add a virtual directory or change a setting, but I'm not sure they know what they're doing, and at the moment, I wouldn't know what to tell them anyway.
The second issue is that I need my web app to live inside an existing site (the web app is basically a protected members area of the main website). So, pretend the main site is I'd like my web app to be accessed by entering the URL
Is it possible to publish my web app without access to the remote server's IIS?
If not, what exactly do I need to tell the hosting company to add or change in IIS?
Do the settings under the Web tab of project properties affect publishing or just local debugging? At the moment, I have it set to use IIS Express, and the Project URL is "http://localhost:7373/". Do I need to change these?
Given that the remote server is running Windows Server 2003 and IIS 6.0, is it possible to use Web Deploy or am I limited to FTP?
If I can use Web Deploy, what do I put for the Service URL? All I have right now is a URL in the format of and a username and password.
If I need to use FTP, what steps do I need to take to get the app working once the necessary files have been uploaded to I'm not worried about database, security certificates, registry, GAC, etc., I just want to know the steps necessary to get the home page of my web app to come up when I put
Have you had a look at this article by Scott Hanselman?
In addition to that article, please read the following thread on StackOverflow on pretty much the same environment as yourself.
Your first step should be to get the hosting company to set up the virtual directory with the following parameters (IIS 6):
ASP.NET Version: 4.0.30319 (or later)
Local Path: [root ftp path for main website]\Members
[ ] Script source access (unchecked)
[x] Read (checked)
[ ] Write (unchecked)
[ ] Directory browsing (unchecked)
[x] Log Visits (checked)
[x] Index this resource (checked)
Application Name: Members
Execute Permissions: Scripts only
Application Pool: ASP.NET 2.0
