Please advise how to track clicks on a twitter widget iframe through gtm for google analytics.
A Step by step process would be fine.
I know that i need to set events for the tag but my first need is to populate html elements to dataLayer.
But so far, as an iframe, the link click listener doesn't record anything.
Here is the widget:
#DalmTO: nothing i 'm afraid just auditing the fact that under tag manager debug mode, with gtm.linkclick listener the dataLayer record any variable from this widget
#Eike Pierstorff : it was just to display what i'm talking about :) . As this kind of widget seems to be popular so maybe it could help ..sorry. Otherwise, find enclosed another screenshot but regarding the iframe syntax. as the code is very long i just send over an excerpt through a screenshot.iframe code
Thanks a lot for you help.
I have a Gravity Form with a text confirmation page, not a redirect confirmation. I would like to track this form through Google Tag Manager to display a goal conversion in Google Analytics (Universal Analytics).
I've followed the steps here:
No conversions are being recorded. However when using GTM-debug mode, all the triggers are firing, even the gform.submit.success tag is being fired after clicking the submit button.
Could someone please help?
We've had the same issue. The only way we've been able to get GTM to record conversions is to remove validation. We'd rather it validate, but we haven't found any other workarounds.
I have implement that code in multiple site and it is working fine, Since you are not getting conversion then there might be issue with form Goal Creation in google analytics. or some time i have noticed this things happening when google analytics have been implement directly on the site and event tracking setup through tag manager..
if you still need some more help leave comment in comment box of same blog
I saw the excellent and elegant solution by Dinesh but was not able to implement it on the site I was working with. I put a hack together that work correctly. For detailed instructions, please see here.
I have a website that has been using GA for some time. Now someone wants me to add it to theirs GTM and replace my snippet with that GTM tag.
I don't know how to use GTM and don't really want to dig into that :/
My website was working just fine... Is there some easy way to make GTM just a simple middle man that looks at my domain and just throw everything directly to GA?
I manage to make it so GA gets info on the website traffic like active users etc. however that website has scripts that fires events to GA.
After googling a while i think this is because GTM adds some random names to the trackers and my code calls ga('send', ... ) directly :/
I know i can make a custom tag in GTM but they want it to be UA tag -_-.
Is there any way to set a default name for my trigger in GTM settings? Or some other solution?
atm. i have a code with gtm tag only and I'd rather avoid changing my web code if possible.
Ok, could someone explain to me how to achieve this:
I have this code:
var a = $('meta[property="a"]').attr('content');
var b = $('meta[property="b"]').attr('content');
where event is one of several possible strings of for example 'event_1','event_2' or'event_3'
and my GA has 3 goals that have action = 'event_1' etc.
How do i replace this with GTM and dataLayer?
This thread has 2 questions :
1.- Migrate a hardcode implementation of Google Universal into Tag Manager is not so simple as copy and replace the Universal Main Snipper for the GTM Code.
Look for this google guide to migrate. Has more or less the steps needed and the one to take in consideration during the migration.
If you goes for GTM, it's higly recomended to remove your ga() function on the page, this will stop working and you javascript too. Basically this mean, remove all your Google Analytics of the domains and install GTM and configure the corrects tags. Try to avoid things like paste the Google Analytics code inside a custom HTML tag, it's a very bad practice, but is see that a lot. Plan your migration
2.- Regarding the event you have to do :
Create a tag of universal analytics events and activate when you pushes a GTM event, them manage this values via the dataLayer
Let this link for more information:
var a = $('meta[property="a"]').attr('content');
var b = $('meta[property="b"]').attr('content');
dataLayer.push({'event': 'ga_event' , 'cat' : a , 'act' : b})
Try to involve more yourself in the GTM and Universal's World before ask, i'm not trying to be an asshole, but this question involves so many things that can be solved just looking the documentation, and somany thing to examplain in a single post.
I think the title already described the problem. But the purpose of doing is putting a back button to the previous site and I think putting it in an iframe and without leaving the current domain is the only way to do it.
Hope someone can help.
If it is a first party iFrame (which I understand is the case) Google analytics should be able to send the data back as long as you use
window.parent._gaq.push(['_trackEvent', eventCategory, eventAtion, eventLabel]);
You also may want to override the onclick event preventDefaultBehavior(); so that your script is able to be sent before actually the click goes to the previous link
I want to display with a widget in Google Analytics after which amount of seconds users are clicking a link.
How many users and click on external links is already tracked with the google tag manager.
I know it is possible, but I don't know how. I saw it in a video ( but can't finde a solution.
Maybe someone has an idea how to do it?
Thank you very much!
You can create in Google Tag Manager a javascript custom variable to measure time and use that value when sending the clic on external link or event you already have.
Take a look to this article with the javascript example
I am fairly new to GTM and trying to figure out something here.
This is the url where i have set up gtm:
If you see at console, dataLayer is correctly set. So there is no problem with dataLayer, however i don't see the collect.js url firing. I am very sure that the configuration is correct but not able to figure out why the dataLayer is not being pushed to the server.
Any help will with greatly appreciated.
Move your dataLayer.push code to come before the GTM container tag. You are pushing to the dataLayer afterwards, so the GTM container is not able to use it.
From this:
Variables pushed to the data layer (i.e. using dataLayer.push()) after the container snippet will not be able to fire tags on page loads with a matching condition.
#nyuen, was for responding late. Was AFK. Unfortunately, that didn't help. I made a small application running on localhost and tried to create the same scenario.
Variables pushed to the data layer (i.e. using dataLayer.push()) after the container snippet will not be able to fire tags on page loads with a matching condition.
The above is correct, but however i realized that it still fires no matter where you place the dataLayer, but its better to follow the documentation.
What I realized is that, gtm.js is responsible to fire analytics.js and analytics.js is responsible to fire the events. In my case, due to some unknown reason, analytics.js was not loading at all. So I had to inject this script and then the events started firing.