Editing/Typing in the post/page editor is very slow in text mode - wordpress

I am having default theme (twenty sixteen) running over wp version 4.5.2. I've no plugins in active state (all deactivated). Having many pages created with long contents (about 500+ pages).
One of the page is having 18,997 words (http://surgemedia.staging.wpengine.com/6-mo-after-gastric-sleeve-warnings-successes). Please do not mind about the formatting since it is copied from live site to this staging site. When I try to edit content in this page in text mode, it is very very slow. I am not able to figure out what's the reason since the content does not have any images or external content.
Please help!
Thank you, Naresh

One thing that will drastically slow down the WP Editor on my computer is to have the Chrome inspector open at the same time. The inspector can be open on ANY Chrome window or tab and it will affect the WP editor in any of the others. Hopefully the word will get out and either the WP or Google team will fix it.

It might be a little late, but have you tried:
Checking your website speed (for example with: https://tools.pingdom.com/)
Checking your own network speed
Disabling browser add-ons / extentions
Disabling the browsers spelling checker in the text editor
Using multiple browsers to see if the problem persists
(In case all of the above doesn't work and you haven't encountered a problem like this before):
Prepare a clean installation of WordPress with a standard theme and copy paste your text into it, in case the current installation is corrupted. Try this on localhost before setting it live, in case the hosting-provider is the cause of the problem.


Product list randomly disappearing in Woocommerce shop page with W3TC

I manage a Wordpress page that had this issue before, but after doing some caching configuration (W3TC) the product list in shop page started disappearing more frequently. The only thing that brings it back is opening the page in page editor and pressing "update", no changes should be made. Purging all cache also does not help (pages are built using DIVI page builder).
So far I have reverted all of the changes that were made before, but that has not decreased the frequency of the issue.
Because of the store being live, I am not inclined to do plugin uninstalls as it can damage the page even more (Issues of page CSS not loading properly were seen before, purging cache helped in that case)
One thing that I thought about is making some kind of script that updates the page automatically as a temporary solution (a new site is going to be made eventually)
What could be done to either troubleshoot this issue in safe way or at least create an automatic page update script?
-WordPress 5.1.1 running Divi theme, Woocommerce version 3.5.7-
You say page "started disappearing more frequently", do you mean page is loaded but content disappears or it whole page does not load?
Try turning off Minifying in W3TC. I had this problem few times and always a problem was typo in CSS.
In W3TC in General Setting there is possibility to enable Preview mode, turn this on always before deploying. Turn on preview mode, check if everything is Ok, test, search for bugs. And only when you are sure that everything works fine then deploy it.
Thank you Vladimir for the tip about preview mode. The bug unfortunately is not in the CSS though because minifying is not enabled in W3TC.
By "disappearing more frequently" I mean Header and Footer being fine and Body being only partly loaded - Broken page screenshot
However, I have tracked down the issue to woocommerce itself. It seems like the default set shop page is the one crashing regularly. I did not find solution to the initial problem, but I found a trick that works, at least for now.
I created a new Shop page, but instead of linking it in Woocommerce settings, I just included a [products] shortcode. The previous page is still active, but not visible to user. Even if the shop page itself crashes, products are still visible and purchases are possible.

Missing/white text in both both visual and html text editors, Wordpress

I make frequent updates to the website for a small, regional food and wine festival (duxburyfoodandwinefestival.com, built using Wordpress). When I recently went to edit/update the site on Wordpress with information on this year's events, I was (and still am) unable to view existing content in the text editor fields (both visual and text). The text is there when I highlight, but it's all white.
So far, I have tired updating my theme, clearing my browser cache, trying a different browser (two, actually), adding a Google Libraries plugin that online research suggested could help-- nothing has worked. I suspect that there must be something I need to do to the config file via ftp, but I have no experience with this and am feeling pretty stymied. Any ideas from those more knowledgeable than I?
Thanks in advance; I didn't encounter this issue last year, and I'm not sure how to proceed.
One page of content as it appears online
The same page of content in text editor view, content invisible/white
Highlighting show that the text is present, but white on white field-- not useful for editing/composing text
I solved my own issue. My particular problem had to do with the most recent update to WordPress and a conflict with an existing plugin on our site ("WP Memory Load and db size Usage"). I opened a second browser window and systematically tried deactivating one plugin at a time until I reached the problem child (it was last, of course). By refreshing my content editor view in a separate window after each plugin deactivation, I was able to isolate the problem plugin. When I deactivated the plugin in question and refreshed my content editor view, the text returned to black/visible in both visual and html text views. I am now operating as-normal with that single plugin deactivated.

Wordpress youtube embed not clickable bootstrap

After I moved a Wordpress website to production server I noticed youtube embeds were no longer clickable. The image and play button show up but nothing more.
Tried to renew the embed code, using the build in embed function, embed via media browser,... Nothing is working and it's making me crazy.
After some trial and error things I noticed that the video does work when the main bootstrap.css file is removed. Can't seem to find a clue to the solution though.
Yes, I tried to disable all the plugins, with no result.
Changing back to the default twenty fifteen theme results in a working video embed. But since that one isn't build on bootstrap it's just a logic fact.
Anyone seen this before?
Web page with video embedded: click here
The website is sending lots of error messages in he consolu use F12 in Chrome, apparently your www-embed-player-new.js is causing the problem. Not even Edge is running the site correctly. I think you need a Chrome extension to make it work.
I would recommend you changing the plugin that imports the videos. Check this enter link description here
The chrome plugin Google Cast stops the error messages but still doesn't work.
The problem was with the wordpress loop on the single.php page.
A wrong code snippet caused the issue.

Revolution slider black after transferring wordpress

Like usual I transferred a wordpress site from dev to public environment (both on the same online server).
Everything was fine except the revolution slider on the homepage. This one is turned black. Text although is correctly displayed.
Like usual I updated all the url's and scanned the database to be sure all was done.
However something strange happend to the slider. When I use the chrome dev tools is can see a link to the image: http://domain.com/uploads/.... that is correct. But when I open this link in a new tab i get: http://domain.com/**http:/**domain.com/uploads/....
I did a search on the database but no text whit http:/domain.com (notice the missing slash!).
However on the path displayed via dev tools the image is found.
Already tried to export the slider on dev version and import to live but nothing changed.
Also in the revolution slider table the path is set correct.
Any idea on how the path is created? Or how I Can solve this?
The one slider on this site isn't really an issue but I got one ready to launch tomorrow with 30+ sliders and I don't want to recreate them all.
Thanks in advance!
Rather strang but here is the solution:
change the permalink structure to something else
turn back to what it must be
Never seen something like this before but it helped me to solve the issue.
Transfered 2 similar sites from the same dev server to the same live server with the same theme, wordpress version and slider and had no issues.

The famous Wordpress white screen of death

Like mentioned in the title, i think this is by far one problem Automattic or Wordpress team cannot solve until no matter what version Wordpress will go in future. In this question, i am focusing to the white screen of death that i get whenever i want to activate certain plugins. I am developing a site that requires me to use 30 plugins. Yeah, some will say thats too many plugins for a site, no wonder i will get the white screen. But hey, this is Wordpress, one of the reason that makes Wordpress the most popular blogging platform is because the availability of the plugins that can make you achieve your goal in less time. For those who expert in php+wp development, you guys can say hack the wp is better than using a lot of plugins like what i am doing but hey, majority of wp users are not php guru. Most of them are normal user like me or even just know how to install and use what are available to them.
So far, here the common steps we do when get the white screen of death (WSOD).
Rename the wp-content/plugins folder name such as wp-content/plugins-temp, this will deactivate all plugins
Like me, i prefer rename the individual plugin folder name, such as wp-content/plugins/akismet to wp-content/plugins/akismet-temp
After that, reactivate all the plugins one by one, so we can know which plugin is the culprit
Check for extra empty space at the end of the plugin file, especially after the php closing tag ?> make sure there is no extra space after the tag. Make sure check at the theme functions.php file (if any) or the plugin file.
Increase the memory allocation for wordpress
Usually, your site will be back to normal after that. BUT this will still not solve this problem.
For me, this is very annoying to me, especially the step number 3. How can we know which plugin is the culprit?? At the first place, i thought the step number 3 is really a fact but now i think its a lie. WHY?
Like right now, suddenly after i activate 25 plugins, one of plugin that i cannot reactivate is Akismet. What? Akismet? Yes, the plugin dev by the WP team itself. I know the step number 3 above is a lie because if i activate Akismet first, the Akismet is activated successfully. No problem at all.
So right now the problem is plugins compatibility among the plugins. How can me as a normal user can identify which plugin that is not friendly to what plugin??? If i am using 30 plugins, how many probabilities from one plugin is not compatible to each plugin???? how can i know which plugins should be activated first so the WSOD will not appear?
If there is error, then maybe i can have a clue, but its a plain white screen. I am clueless. This clash of plugins in wordpress is really an unsolved problem that makes me really stress.
Anyone know how to fix this? At least know how to activate the plugins via mysql?
Hello :) this my first answer I hope it benefits so many people because I suffered from this stupid problem and the solution was really awkward and I can not get it but it works.
I'm here to talk about the solution for the white screen of death that comes after logging in and you get this white thing instead of the admin panel what ever the user role was.
There is the common solutions as mentioned above. In my case I had only one plugin and I did a lot of changes on it. Also I edited the footer.php in wordpress. I found out the WSOD ( White Screen Of Death ) comes out after the first changes in one of the php files of the plugin. The way I used to do the changes is by editing the php file in my computer through text editor then I would upload the changed php through ftp to replace the old one and then the problem starts. Abd when I revert the step and return the original file every thing goes back to normal.
If you having this problem the solution would be very simple and I really don't know why no one have ever post it before.
The solution would be by simply putting your changes through the editor you have in the admin panel. There is two editors, one for the theme and the other one for the plugins.
Open the editor in the admin panel for the plugin you want to modify insert the changes that you want in the text editor you have in the admin panel web page and when you are done click on the update file button.
And happily you will end up with your modification and NO White Screen Of Death.
I hope you all a bright future with no more WSOD.
UPDATE: through researching and trying more , I found out that editing the files and Encoding it with UTF-8 will lead to the problem to avoide that edit the file and make sure the encoding is either ANSI or UTF-8 without BOM
You should try to run a version of PHP with xdebug installed. A WSOD, that's most likely a PHP parse error. So this isn't really a WordPress problem, it's a PHP problem.
Using xdebug helps, because you'll get a fancy stacktrace in some significant % of the cases where you otherwise would have gotten a WSOD.
